Universal Life Church

The Universal Life Church Monastery

Sunday 30 March 2014

Mommy`s Little Girl Still Waiting In The Car Park

Mommy`s Little Girl Still Waiting In The Car Park

Egyptian mythology contains three basic concepts with regard to humanity. The spirit and soul depart from the body as the Ka and the Ba, which makes it difficult for Christianity to understand, because Christians are taught to think of the spirit and soul as belonging to a single individual, whereas in ancient Egypt the Ka was the spirit of humans and the Ba was the aspect of humanity desired by the spirit, while the Akh was the `magical personality` created when the Ba and Ka departed the body for the afterlife. Even in the religion of Islam, founded after Jesus Christ, the Ka Ba of Abraham, founder of both Judaism through the line of his son, Isaac, and Israel through his son, Ishmael, the temple of Abraham in Mecca is Ka Ba, because of the influence of ancient Egyptian thought:

`The Akh is the result of the Ka and Ba being reunited in the after life; once reunited the Akh is unchanged for all eternity.`1

 In the Old Testament Eve is told by God, her `seed` will `crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15) Her `seed` is `futanarian` woman`s, that is, she has penis` semen and host wombs of her own, which is why Jesus is the Messiah born uncontaminated by male `seed`. The Ka of humanity is the woman`s, who is desirous of her own Ba, which means she`s trapped within the body of the man she`s taught to presuppose is her husbander. The Ka of the man is the spirit of the woman without her own penis` `seed` which desires her Ba. Consequently, the human race is analogous to a girl waiting to be picked up by her mother in the car park, that is, the Ka Ba Akh, which is what the two together represent; the `magical personality` of Egyptian religion.

 Most young women are taught not to get into cars with strange men, because he`s the serpent and girls are latent `futanarian` women with their own penis` `seed` waiting for mother at the Ka Ba Akh, that is, the car park, so they can leave together and the serpent is `crushed`, as it were, in their divorcing themselves from that aspect of evil which they no longer have to accept. The incest metaphor is primarily a motif strengthening the relationship between women, but essentially humanity is a young girl waiting for the woman who`ll mother her species. In Hungarian `futanar` derives from `fut` and `tanar`, that is, `race` and `teacher`, which means Jesus Christ`s birth was the Advent of a species` educator, whose basic precept for the saving of humanity was `love your neighbour` (Mk: 12. 30-1), because Jesus was planning the Resurrection of the human species of `futanarian` women who`d been killed before by men:

`How does it feel to be taken from behind like an animal?`2

 In Japan `futanari` is the word used for the pictorial depiction of women`s enslavement and torture in bondage cartoons, which in Christian iconography has its equivalent in the pictures of Jesus crucified. In Islam Jesus doesn`t have Resurrection after death, as he does in Christianity, but he has immediate Ascension to heaven after his role as a teacher reaches its tragic apotheosis. Although Moslem marriages contain four women, and it is traditional that their black one-piece coverall, the burkha, conceal women from public view, close family would know if they were `futanarian` women with their own penis` `seed` as well as host wombs. Born uncontaminated by male semen Jesus` betrayal by his disciple Judas as a dissident within the Roman Empire`s occupation of Palestine results in his being nailed upon a cross and tortured to death, before Resurrection and Ascension, to illustrate woman`s `futanarian` future as the semen of humanity`s Resurrection:

`When the dead rise, they will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Mk: 12. 25)

 Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen suggests the `serpent`s seed` of men, that is, those who accepted the death of the human species of `futanarian` woman, so they could enslave her body after the original couple, Adam and Eve, were expelled from their antediluvial home of Eden for rejecting the `tree of life`, that is, immortality, for the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, are the parasites that inveigled themselves into her host womb to kill her race as the `serpent`s seed` of men after the serpent`s tempting Adam and Eve to accept enslavement for humanity, which is why the `forbidden fruit` of the Earthly paradise is associated with death. History is the record of men`s wars upon the human species emergence as civilization, culture and art from woman`s host womb, because men aren`t her race and she`s experiencing a genocidal pogrom mounted against her. God warned Eve her `seed` would have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`, which explains men`s wars:

`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)

 The host womb of `a woman`, Babylon, is an allegorical depiction of the fate of the `futanarian` human species of woman with her own penis` semen and host womb killed and enslaved by the `serpent`s seed` to wage its wars against her. In ancient Greece homosexuality was institutionalized in order to maintain pederasty and the enslavement of women`s host wombs for war because that`s how the `serpent`s seed` of parasitism spreads its contagion. By the 21st century men had rejected women`s host wombs to wage biological warfare against her after mixing blood, shit and semen in their anuses to produce the incurable `killer disease`, HIV/AIDS, which the Bible calls the `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6):

`Men cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)

 By the late 20th century the Greek model had been replaced with the geek model of the software programer creating `bad machine code` in emulation of the virus to contaminate computer brains and prevent human technological progress. The paradigm was the `Trojan horse` which the ancient Greeks used before the walls of the city of Troy. The huge hollow wooden structure was taken into the Trojan city as a `friendship gift` by the Trojans and the Greeks emerged from within the horse to enslave the host wombs of the Trojan women for pederasty and war and so spread the virus` contagion further. The viruses of the `geeks` killed the brains of the 20th century `Computer Age` as quickly as the HIV/AIDS virus killed the human brain after it gained access to the body through the sterile anal masturbations of homosexuals. The virus even behaved as Greek and `geek` homosexuality does. Feigning friendship for the white defender cells of the human body, it killed the brain after fooling the body into accepting the paradigm of homosexuality. The paradigm was deployed by the Al Qaeda terrorist group on 11 September, 2001, when the terrorists feigned friendship as visitors to Boston, Massachusetts and hijacked `civil` aircraft to crash them into the Twin Towers of New York`s World Trade Centre to precipitate global warfare, that is, `rough trade`, which is that `brutality and violence` in which homosexual men pay boys to entertain. The subsequent Gulf war to depose Saddam Hussein, the Iraqi dictator, who`d offered bases to Al Qaeda, `the base`, reestablished pederasty as the enslaving paradigm of the `serpent`s seed` and, in the Middle Eastern home of the fourfold marriage of the `futanarian` burkha women of Islam, began the battle for women`s liberation.

 The eagle upon the Great Seal of the United States of America represented the defence of the species` hymen throughout the war that began in March 2003 and Navy Seal Team Six`s killing of Al Qaeda leader, Osama Ben Laden, on 2 May, 2011, effectively represented the birth of the possibility of `woman`s seed` and her continuance as a race. The terrorist bombing of the Boston Marathon footrace on 15 April, 2013, re-echoed the movie paradigm of Logan`s Run (1976), which had obviously influenced the Al Qaeda hijackers at Boston, Logan airport, on 9/11, 2001. In Logan`s Run noone lives beyond 21 years of age and are killed by sandmen. Although the `runners` in the Marathon wore sandshoes, the `sandmen` analogy is clear. Al Qaeda`s terror was designed to prevent the Arabian `futanarian` race of `woman`s seed` from running by diverting technology and resources away from the `futanarian` footrace of human women and into war worship. It was Logan`s Run and the `serpent`s seed` of men didn`t want the race to go beyond the 21st century and win:

`I've never heard of a Sandman running, ever.`3

 The temple of Abraham`s Ka Ba remained at the heart of Islam`s Moslems in support of the United States during the first Gulf war (1990-1) to oust Saddam Hussein`s invading army from Kuwait, because it represents the Ka Ba Akh, that is, the car park, where the daughters of the `futanarian` women wait for mom to take them to heaven after Resurrection. In science fiction the `mother ship` is a familiar concept, but the idea that the Earth`s woman is the daughter`s Ka, that is, the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` and host womb, who desires her own species` Ba, explains a TV movie like Taken (2002) in which Dakota Fanning is the young girl taken to heaven after waiting in the car park for her mom. She`s the Ka and her mom is the Ba but the `magical personality`, the Akh, is missing from the movie because Hollywood`s production code (1934-67) forbade women from raising their foot from the floor in bedroom scenes, that is, the `futanarian` penis` `seed` of the human race of woman wasn`t to be raised so that she`d be with her daughters in the car park waiting for the ship to take them all to heaven. The role of the man is an obfuscation. He has the spirit or Ka of the woman within, which means he represents the `serpent`s seed` of men as the enslavers of women`s host wombs for devouring war, and so Jesus` teachings of Redemption stress acceptance of `woman`s seed`, while `acceptance` is what Islam means.  Jesus` mother is the Virgin Mary, but a Ka who is also desirous of the Ba, that is, of her sexual counterpart who isn`t male, which means she`s also waiting for the Resurrection of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` while unredeemed men have impounded her Ka so she can`t leave by means of the Ka Ba Akh, that is, the car park, because the `magical personality` of the mother who is the `futanarian` race of woman isn`t there to rescue her:

`I didn't ask for any of this. I want to be a little girl. I just want to be a little girl.`4

 In Christianity Eve emerges from the side of Adam who was created by God as the first man. Jesus emerged from the Virgin Mary uncontaminated by male semen as the perfect man. Christ promised the Holy Spirit would come after him as the teacher of humanity and, when Jesus` side was pierced by the spear of the Roman centurion, Longinus, upon the death of the `Second Adam` upon the cross of his crucifixion, the logic of Christ`s promise was that the Holy Spirit would emerge from his side as the `Second Eve`. Because `futanarian` woman has her own penis` semen and host womb, the Holy Spirit was the `futanar`, which in Hungarian is `fut`, or `race` in English, and `tanar` or `teacher`. Consequently, `futanar` means species` educator. The spirit or Ka of the woman`s desire for her own soul`s body or Ba, produced Jesus Christ, the Messiah, from the womb of the Virgin Mary, because `woman`s seed` is a repressed species seeking Resurrection as `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen.

 The Virgin Mary is a species` heroine, because she gave birth to the perfect man uncontaminated by men, which is what Jesus` teaching is. At the `Last Supper` before his crucifixion, Jesus gave his disciples `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood`. Judas Iscariot betrayed the host for `thirty pieces of silver` and he was crucified by the Roman occupation. Judas was a species` betrayer, because Jesus represented the host of humanity, which can`t emerge from the `body and blood` of humans, save through the Resurrection of woman`s seed`, and men`s acceptance of her having her own `futanarian` penis` semen and own host womb, which was Jesus` offer of Redemption spurned by Judas as the traitor of the race at the `Last Supper`. As the Greek `Logos` or `Word`, Jesus represents God`s plan for technological advancement needed for species` progress, but `futanarian` woman can`t produce her own human brains without her own penis` semen and so she is imprisoned upon Earth with the minds of her enslavers and devourers to coerce her to make war against her own self`s humanity:

`It is a law of nature we overlook, that intellectual versatility is the compensation for change, danger, and trouble. An animal perfectly in harmony with its environment is a perfect mechanism. Nature never appeals to intelligence until habit and instinct are useless. There is no intelligence where there is no change and no need of change.`5

 The Ka Ba Akh theme exists in science fiction since The Time Machine (1895) by seminal scifi writer, H. G. Wells, and The Number Of The Beast (1980) by Robert A. Heinlein, which details the adventures of a `continua car` that can access any number of alternative universes real or imaginary. The Wells` story is prototypical time-travel in which the Time Traveller journeys through time backwards and forwards as Marty McFly would do later in the Hollywood movie Back To The Future (1985). Events are permanent in Wells` `The Time Machine` because animals lives are unchanging. McFly`s life is made a nightmare as he discovers the future can be changed by what happens in the past. The most notable scene is McFly watching in horror as he disappears from a photograph and realizes his existence in the past has ceased somehow:

`Now, remember. According to my theory, you interfered with your parents' first meeting. If they don't meet, they won't fall in love, they won't get married and they won't have kids. That's why your older brother's disappearing from that photograph. Your sister will follow, and unless you repair the damage, you'll be next.`6

 United States` science fiction writer Heinlein`s Gay Deciever car contains four passengers as many four wived Moslem families do, but `Gay` is the sentient on board `driver`, while the passengers are Deety and Zeb, and Jake and Hilda who, married and variously related, quarrel incessantly, as if they weren`t the same species, which of course they aren`t. The figure of the `black beast` appears ubiquitously throughout The Number Of The Beast as a hermaphroditic reminder of the problem that faces humanity, that is, the `futanarian` race of humans with her own penis` semen and host wombs. Because `Gay` is a common euphemism for homosexuality, Heinlein`s Gay Deciever is meant to figure deception, that is, the skill in evasiveness `woman`s seed` employs to avoid the alien who has invaded her space and time and doesn`t want it to change so she can`t escape from her imprisonment. The Number Of The Beast takes place in several fictional alternative universes; for example, Frank L. Baum`s (1856-1919) `little girl` stories of Oz, Lewis Carroll`s `little girl` stories of Alice In Wonderland (1865) and the alternative Mars where Edgar Rice Burroughs` Barsoom stories of Martian Princesses happen. Heinlein`s Deety (DT) is actually named for Dejah Thoris who is the heroine of A Princess Of Mars (1917) in Burroughs` alternative universe, because she`s Jake`s `little girl` in the story:

`He`s a Mad Scientist and I`m his Beautiful Daughter.`7

 Robert A. Heinlein`s premise is the Ka Ba Akh, that is, DT is the `little girl` waiting in the car park for her mom who isn`t going to come, because she`s the `bugbear` for men and women who don`t want the woman to grow up and leave. As the spirit of the `futanarian` human with her own penis` semen and host womb, women are the Ka of their own desirable Ba and men are the Ba`s Ka also. Only if the woman can leave with her `futanarian` self are the Ka Ba pairing of spirit and soul conjoined by the `magical personality` of the Akh represented by Gay Deceiver as the `continua vehicle` waiting to collect the `little girl` and her mom in the car park:

`… arguing over who drives the car.`8

 The `black beast` is the semi-comic character that represents the collective shadow of men and women who can`t accept `woman`s seed` because `futanarian` humanity is for the future of their `little girl` and isn`t theirs. The `black hats` attempt to kill Jake early in The Number Of The Beast and another is discovered posing as a `forest ranger` before being killed and proclaimed `nonhuman` by Jake`s wife Hilda. The `forest ranger` relates to the four wives of Islam, who`re four strangers, and cross references Heinlein`s novel Stranger In A Strange Land (1961) where Michael Valentine Smith is the `stranger` born on an alternative Mars who founds a love church on Earth, which is what `acceptance` in Islam means for the four strangers who`re wived in a `futanarian` women`s heaven on Earth:

`Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.`9

 Be nice to us, or we`ll hurt you, is a mafia enforcer`s reinterpretation of the Christian Messiah Jesus` maxim, `love your neighbor`, which Heinlein adapts for church leader Valentine Michael Smith`s exhortative rather than coercive remark in Stranger In A Strange Land in which love is generally presented as idealistically unconditional. As Moslem women traditionally wear the one piece coverall of the burkha, they correspond to the `black hat` of Heinlein`s The Number Of The Beast because of the suicide bombs strapped beneath their clothing to kill during Iraq`s fight for freedom against Saddam Hussein`s forces in the Gulf war. If men as the `serpent`s seed` have `perpetual enmity` for the `futanarian` seed of woman with her own penis and host womb, she`s also the hated `black beast` of their imagination and the black burkha women of the rest of the Middle East are what men`s projected collective shadow of hate grows upon while the women absorb it like a bomber`s race hatred being consistently detected and defused by herselves as experts in love who are coercive if their exhortations aren`t heeded:

`Baghdad is determined to force the Mongols of our age to commit suicide at our gates.`10

 Saddam Hussein`s name means `small, handsome man` and `crusher`, which accords with his interperetation of Hollywood, Babylon, as representing Mongols. The word Mogul was adopted by Hollywood, Babylon, to describe its movie studio heads, but the term derived from the first ruler of the Mongol Empire (1206-1638), Genghis Khan, while Mogul is the Arabic for Mongul and the Mogul Empire of the Indian Subcontinent (1526-1857) famous for its storied riches; as was the Persian Empire founded in the 6th century by Cyrus the Great. Saddam Hussein`s perception was that the modern Moguls of the Empire of Babylon, Hollywood, were looking for leading men to suicide the human race of `futanarian`  with her own penis` semen and host womb hidden beneath the burkhas of Islam. Babylon was the ancient seat of the Persian Empire in Iraq, while Hollywood was called the Babylon of the West, because it was the seat of woman`s enslaving:

`The complete emancipation of women from the ties which held them back in the past, during the ages of despotism and ignorance, is a basic aim of the Party and the Revolution. Women make up one half of society. Our society will remain backward and in chains unless its women are liberated, enlightened and educated.`11

 God`s biblical exhortation to Eve was that she shouldn`t despair, because her `seed` would `crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves,` (Gen: 3. 15) that is, the `little girl` of the Earth would instead crush the `handsome man` who wants to make of her a Babylonian whore. The man keeps trying to get her into his car and leave with her mom, who she`s been waiting for in the car park, because the girl`s Ka is the woman that wants her mom`s Ba Akh, which in Egyptian mythology is the omnipresent desire of the spirit of the woman of the Earth in everyone for her `futanarian` self with her own penis` semen and host womb for her species` growth and development.

 The barque of the Pharaoh in Egypt was the ship to take the spirit to the afterworld and so was the Ba Akh of the Ka, that is, the car and the ship in modern technological terms, which is translatable into the Gay Deciever and the starship Enterprise of the science fiction TV series and movie franchise, Star Trek (1965-), that is, the Earth`s car (Ka) and the starship Ba Akh (barque), which accords with the concept of the antediluvial Ark built by Noah, because God had decided to drown the Earth and a ship was needed that contained the remaining humans and their husbanded animals. Women aren`t husbanded animals, but they have husbands, which is their equivalent of husbanding the human species as its animal. Jesus` teachings have been perceived as humanism, because his precepts represent humanity towards the husbanded. His mother has a husband, but he is born uncontaminated by male semen, which means he was killed by the Roman Empire as an animal, because he represented escape from their husbandry.

 Because `futanarian` women have their own penis` `seed` they wouldn`t be husbanded by anything other than what wanted their human species as its livestock. It`s unfortunate from the point of view of the enslaver that the woman has brains, so the parasite dilutes the possibility of independent thought in the woman by killing her so she no longer has her own penis` semen and host womb for her own brains` reproduction through sexual intercourse. Diverting her humanity for species` survival into war and the creation of weapons of mass destruction the `serpent`s seed` of men kill the humans by explaining that they`re animals, which is why humanism and animal husbandry are closely related. Scenes of aliens helping humanity aboard starships in TV series like Star Trek depict the problem attending portrayals of women as husbanded animals. If alien intelligence isn`t perceived as human, it`s because women are viewed as aliens by the men who husband. Alien women are portrayed in Star Trek as sexually human, because they`re portrayed by husbanded actresses, who are perceived by men as husbanded aliens. From the perspective of the `serpent`s seed`, Jesus was an animal trying to escape from the jealous husbanders. Being born uncontaminated by male semen was the first step in liberation for the `futanarian` human species of woman with her own penis` semen and host womb for the production of brainpower to develop starships.

 Alien intelligence is whatever would help women to escape from men`s point of view. For men it`s all about alien sex, because the `serpent`s seed` wouldn`t want the woman to escape from womb enslavement to its war against her. Miscegenation is sex between men and different forms of human women, which is the basis of racism and xenophobia, that is, hatred of other intelligences. Jolene Blalock who portrays an alien woman in the TV series, Star Trek: Enterprise (2001-5), is intelligent but `other` as T`Pol, the Vulcan. The argument on behalf of xenophobic racist miscegenation is that Jolene is a human actress and not an alien. Men don`t want intelligence, but they do want host wombs, because they`re the human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen`s parasites as the alien virus aiming to destroy her Earth`s humanity. Consequently, although Jolene is an attractive alien intelligence, from the point of view of the `serpent`s seed` she`s just another slave host womb; as all other intelligences are from men`s perspective. The concept of woman as alien is applied throughout the film industry, but she always has a husband or husbander; though her own species doesn`t:

`In many ways, the film seemed quite prophetic. The reaction of the villagers, for example; it was similar to the reception Vulcans received after landing on Earth.`12

 T`Pol`s assessing Frankenstein (1931), the movie, from the novel by feminist science fiction writer, Mary Wolstencraft, which T`Pol has watched aboard the starship Enterprise. T`Pol`s analysis is that the man constructed by Dr Frankenstein out of body parts is treated as an alien to be exterminated because it`s perceived as non-human, which is how `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb has been lost to view, because men perceive her as a `Frankenstein monster` to be exterminated:

`...once I falsely hoped to meet the beings who, pardoning my outward form, would love me for the excellent qualities which I was capable of unfolding.`13

 The closest analogy to the dilemma of Dr Frankenstein`s creature is found in Australian history where an alternative mammalian evolution developed. `Australians` had pouches in which their infants grew until ready to leave the host female. Although marsupial evolution isn`t any longer perceived as human, neither is `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb, because men perceive women as alien and have culled or killed her.

 The European settlers arrived in Australia after it was discovered by Dutch explorers in 1606 and began to hunt and kill the aboriginal population as animals, because the Australian women might breed and were perceived as aliens by the Europeans. Whether the aboriginal women of Australia were marsupial is irrelevant, men`s socio-history is of extinguishing women`s independent capacity for sexual reproduction if they don`t perceive it`s a feasible host for their parasitism. Racism and xenophobia is a metaphor for the enslavement of the human host womb by her parasites, which means the picture of men with women, or any intelligent life form that looks like women, is of a parasite with its host. Genuine alien intelligence that doesn`t look like women is what men are preparing for, because God isn`t human and might assist the `futanarian` human women with their own penis` semen and host womb to escape if the `little girl` can get her Ka into position to be picked up by her mom in the car park, that is, where the car is waiting for the barque or `mother ship` to take her to heaven.

 In Egyptian mythology the Ka Ba Akh is described as what happens in the afterlife, that is, the Ka or spirit, and the Ba or soul, become the Akh or `magical personality`, which journeys to heaven, but the Ka is physical. The desire of the woman for herself is what`s depicted, that is, the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb is the `magical personality` (Akh) represented by the Ka, or desiring spirit of the Earth`s women for her own Ba body, which is a physical relation and not ethereal. Religions teach spiritualism, which is death for the human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` and host womb, because Ka, Ba and `magical personality` or Akh is physically real, that is, the woman physically waiting with her car (Ka) at the park (Ba Akh), desirous of the `little girl` who is trying to avoid the man with an evil car (Ka) not hers, so the pair of human women (Ka Ba) can leave from the car park (Ka Ba Akh) physically in the `mother ship` (Ba Akh or barque) of their own `futanarian` species.

 In Islam Jesus has Ascension to heaven without death while Christianity`s depiction of Jesus` death and Ascension after crucifixion is illustrative, that is, `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` is dead and must have Resurrection if humanity`s `little girl` is going to escape from the men and their evil cars who don`t want her to develop and grow beyond being picked up and raped by the parasites. If Christianity teaches only spiritualism, it becomes an evil system slave driving the human host womb to produce humanity as a `little girl`, who`ll accept rape and brain enslavement by her attacker, rather than enable herself physically through `futanarian` sexual reproduction with her own penis` semen and host womb to produce her own brains` power for technological liberation, because modern women, whether Moslem or Christian, are as physical as ancient Egypt`s and want to escape from slavery.

 Perhaps the simplest science fiction Ka is the Gerry and Sylvia Anderson TV 21 Supermarionation British Independent Television puppet series` car, Supercar. The show featured an all male cast of characters; the inventors, Professor Popkiss and Doctor Beaker, and square jawed hero type, Mike Mercury, who rescue Jimmy Gibson and his pet monkey, Mitch, in the first episode. Jimmy and Mitch become part of the Supercar team, but the absence of a female Ba from Supercar reveals the problem. If the spirit of the Earth is the Ka of the woman`s desire for her own `Ba`, that is, `futanarian` woman`s own penis` `seed` for her own host wombs to produce her own brains` powers for the development of real supercars, her absence from Supercar (1961-62) means she can`t escape from low tech men in their cars.

`Don't ask me why, Mike, but every new piece of equipment I ever make, always seems to come in useful, and, umm, I have a feeling that this one will be no exception.`14

 Doctor Beaker, co-inventor with Professor Popkiss of Supercar, represents the inventive genius who achieves in despite of slavery. Jimmy Gibson and Mitch, the monkey, represent the actual relationship between men, which is degeneracy, because their evil Ka or spirit doesn`t want to reach a level of technology that will allow the `seed` of woman to reach independence and escape men who`re apeing each other rather than developing. The boys are her apes, while the women are their rapes. Jimmy Gibson, who`s ten years old, apes Mike Mercury, the hero of Supercar, while Mitch, the ape, apes Jimmy. All the supposedly human characters are figuratively born from the host wombs of women, which means they owe their brainpower to her. But they`re raping and apeing the intelligent aspect of the species as she endeavours to grow and progress. Jimmy Gibson believes that he`s apeing a hero and will be like Mike Mercury, but his future is Mitch, who can only ape. If a woman doesn`t have penis` semen of her own as `futanarian` women, `acceptance` of male semen is female brain damning, which is brain rape. Jimmy Gibson is the boy who apes Mike Mercury to be a hero, but men`s brain damning of women will result in the breeding of apes alone, which is what raping a woman means; if `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` and host womb isn`t able to breed her own brains to liberate the human from low tech enslavement to pederasty and the parasite`s devouring war against humanity`s invaded mother.

 Although Supercar is described as a car that`s a rocket ship, that isn`t possible without a desirable Ba as a member of the crew, that is, the Ka of the human species of woman can`t develop to the ship or Egyptian barque (Ba Akh) stage, because the boy`s desire is to be like the hero, who represents an injunction that the boy ape man, because the hero doesn`t want a level of technological progress that would allow a rocket to become a starship. The boy is encouraged to ape the man, rather than assist the woman to develop a means of escape, which is why Jesus told Joseph, Mary`s husband:

`Why did you seek me? Did you not know that I must be about my father’s business?` (Luke: 2. 49)

 Jesus` father is God, because he`s working for the liberation of the human species of `futanarian` woman. As the first man born uncontaminated by male semen, Mary is Jesus` mother, but Joseph represents husbandry, that is, the Messiah was expected to ape the man, Joseph, in his trade of carpentry as the husbander of mother and child, rather than that Jesus should accept God`s desire that `woman`s seed` should have Resurrection for her own brains` powers through Christ`s teachings of birth uncontaminated by male semen from `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` for her own host womb. If woman`s Resurrection doesn`t occur, men will continue to ape each other and brain damn the woman until the human race is extinct and the `serpent`s seed` will have won its wars against her species.

3 Agutter, Jenny as Jessica 6 Logan`s Run, Metro Goldwyn Mayer, 1976.
4 Fanning, Dakota as Allie Keys Taken, Dreamworks Television, 2-13 December, 2002.
5 Wells, H. G. The Time Machine, William Heinemann, 1895.
6 Lloyd, Christopher as Dr. Emmett Brown Back To The Future, 1985.
7 Heinlein, Robert A. Heinlein The Number Of The Beast, Putnam, 1980.
8 Heinlein The Number Of The Beast, Putnam, 1980.
9 Heinlein Stranger In A Strange Land, Putnam, June 1, 1961.
10 Hussein, Saddam in Joel Brinkley `White House Intensifies Criticism of Iraq Over Warheads`, New York Times, 17 January, 2003, http://www.nytimes.com/2003/01/17/international/17CND_PREX.html .
11 Hussein, Saddam `Women: One Half of Our Society`, 1981.
12 Blalock, Jolene Sub-Commander T'Pol Star Trek: Enterprise, Series #2, 20, `Horizon`, 2003.
13 Wolstencraft, Mary Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus, 1818.
14 Doctor Beaker Supercar, ITC Entertainment, 1961-2.

Friday 21 March 2014

Qerash Rather Than Kerrang!

Qerash Rather Than Kerrang!

As any peruser of the British heavy metal magazine Kerrang! (1981-) would tell you, seminal `HM` band Led Zeppelin`s (1969-) symbol was the zeppelin airship, LZ 129, which crashed on 6 May, 1937, at the Naval Air Station at Lakehurst, New Jersey, in the United States of America, and appears in flames on the cover of the Led Zeppelin I (1969) album. The Zeppelin airship was used extensively by the Germans in World War I (1914-18) and one raid on London actually managed to drop bombs as far away as Hull in East Yorkshire. The picture accords with the bizarre modern practice of the lead guitarist smashing their guitar on stage after a performance. The practice was most notably applied by black lead guitarist, Jimi Hendrix of The Jimi Hendrix Experience (1966-70), who even set fire to his guitar while playing it, and Richie Blackmore of Deep Purple (1968-), who would break a guitar by banging it on the stage until the neck broke while stressing in interviews that his instruments were very valuable and it was always a `dummy` that he smashed as a concert stunt. The self-styled `heavy metallers` and their bike gang fans saw themselves as victors of the first Gulf war (1990-1) and the second, or any other conflict that required armour, because they`re `heavy metal`.

 Led Zeppelin were banned from touring the United States in 1977 after one of their concerts on 23 July at the Coliseum in Oakland, California. The reporting of the fracas involving drummer, John Bonham, was exacerbated by the hiring of London gangster, John Bindon, as Led Zeppelin's `security coordinator`. A member of promoter Bill Graham's staff was badly beaten during the performance, because he`d struck band manager Peter Grant's 11 year old son. Bonham kicked the man and, when Grant heard about this, he went into the trailer, along with Bindon, and savagely assaulted the man with tour manager, Richard Cole, guarding the door. It seemed Led Zeppelin had crashed in flames like the LZ 129 and John Bonham mysteriously choked to death in 1980 during a Scandinavian tour to publicize the band`s last album, In Through The Out Door (1979), so the British rockers in fact didn`t ever tour the United States again.

 The equation between the military and fans of Led Zeppelin, who saw the band as their `heavy metal warlords`, didn`t seem to be tenable either, but the Falklands War (1982) between Argentina and Margaret Thatcher`s British government, over sovereignty of the Falkland Islands, continued to foster the illusion that `HM`, as it was then known, and war were connected. Led Zeppelin`s How The West Was Won (2003) was released as a `live` album from concerts recorded at the L.A. Forum on 25 June, and Long Beach Arena on 27 June, 1972, and maintained the delusion of their being `heavy metal warriors`, because it suggested Led Zeppelin had won the West for the European settlers of the United States of America during their `extermination period` when genocide was being perpetrated on the North American Plains Indians.

 The war in collapsing Yugoslavia, after the withdrawal of Russia from Eastern Europe, where they`d been in control since World War II (1939-45), continued to foster the illusion that English `HM` was instrumental in dividing Christians from Moslems (1990-), and the illusion of `heavy metal` representing Christian superiority was maintained during the Gulf war (1990-1) to liberate Kuwait from the invading army of Saddam Hussein of Iraq, because the predominantly Christian British heavy armour freed the Moslem Kuwaitis from the Moslem Iraqis, which was perceived by rock groups and their fans as a triumph for Christian `HM` even though Led Zeppelin were avowed Satanists.

 The contradiction between Christian British heavy armour and rock musicians` practicing `HM` and Satanism is obvious when it comes to the necessity for dividing Christians from Moslems impartially and liberating Moslem Kuwaitis from Iraqi occupation with equanimity. The identification of `HM` with British heavy armour is false and a liability, because Satanism is what Al Qaeda represented. Though the British army had realigned its thinking in terms of support for the genocide of indigenous populations during the Balkans campaign, English `HM` had seemingly allied itself with older perceptions of troublesome tribes with the release of How The West Was Won by Led Zeppelin on 27 May, 2003, when the second Gulf war had begun with the invasion of Iraq by 200, 000 British and United States` soldiers during March and early April. The tribes of Arabia had assisted the allies to kick Saddam Hussein`s invading army out of Kuwait in the first Gulf war (1990-1), while the colonization of North America was a movement from East coast to West, which was a movement characterized by settlers attempting to perpetrate genocide against the Plains Indians` tribes, and was `how the west was won`: Satanism. Although Saddam Hussein was Satan to the Kuwaitis, the Kuwaitis were Moslems to the rest of Islam, which mean that the Arabian tribes weren`t Satanist and neither were the tribes of the Plains Indians, because Satanism is a Christian concept meaning `traitor to the mother`s womb`.

 Jesus Christ, who founded Christianity and was its first `teacher`, was betrayed by Judas Iscariot, one of his disciples, because Jesus was man born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, and Judas didn`t want that aspect of the human species to breed. Sold for `thirty pieces of silver` to the Roman occupiers of Jewish Palestine as a `dissident`, Jesus was nailed to a cross and tortured to death before experiencing the Resurrection and Ascension to heaven he preached would be the reward of those who followed the path of God. When Jesus was offered the Earth by Satan, he said `Avaunt!` Christ was `woman`s seed`, because born of woman and not man. God had told Eve in the Bible, her `seed` will:

`… crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves` (Gen: 3. 1)

 The `seed` of woman is `futanarian` and so it`s her `foot`. She has penis` semen of her own and her own host womb, which Judas Iscariot didn`t want to have Resurrection and breed her own brains` power for liberation and so was her species` traitor when betraying the host at the `Last Supper`, Jesus Christ, who offered `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood`, because his thoughts weren`t contaminated by species` treachery. Jesus refused Satan`s offer of the Earth, because he wanted `woman`s seed` to rule, which is why he`s described as born to `the woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` in his `Second Coming` to `rule the nations with an iron scepter` to ensure the Resurrection of `woman`s seed`:

`At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30)

 Because they`ll be the new `futanarian` host of `woman`s seed`, who has raised her `foot` from the Earth as a new angelic host and has crushed the serpent when she left. Although Saddam Hussein`s name means `crusher` and `small handsome man`, in the style of the typical Hollywood Babylon actor, he was crushed as a false Prophet of Islam, and so corresponds to the serpent, Satan. The subsequent Hollywood, Babylon movie, World Trade Centre (2005), put Saddam Hussein and Osama Ben Laden, the Saudi Arabian terrorist leader of Al Qaeda at the centre stage as actors because, although Babylon was the original seat of the Persian Empire in Iraq, she is described in the Bible as `a woman`:

`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)

 Enslaved to produce boys for pederasty and war, the mother`s host womb isn`t responsible for the `serpent`s seed` of men, who prefer homosexuality, and the `rough trade` Satanism chose to reestablish through the Al Qaeda attack upon the World Trade Centre in New York on September 11, 2001. Jesus` mother, in his `Second Coming`, is `clothed with the sun`, that is, victory over the red sun of the flag of Japan, which was the USA`s in World War II, and `with the moon at her feet`, that is, the moon of the flag of Al Qaeda, after the USA`s defeat of Iraq by 12 April, 2003, because she`s `woman`s seed` and so represents a new socio-economic future unreliant upon Hollywood Babylon`s `snuff` movie industry of recorded highlights of species` exterminations released for cinema and television audience entertainment, which is Satanism as a betrayal of the mother`s host womb:

`The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent's reach.` (Rev: 12. 1)

 Although the eagle`s wings could be those of the United States of America protecting the mother of Jesus for his `Second Coming`, the Al Uqab is the black flag of the Prophet Mohammed with the eagle of the Qerash tribe upon it is also protective of the `hidden woman` of the desert in her black one piece coverall, the burkha, beneath which it isn`t possible to see anything of her body but her eagle`s eyes and so her `futanarian` human nature as a woman with penis` semen and host womb of her own is concealed from the `serpent`s seed`. The `eagle` upon the `Great Seal` of the United States of America is for the protection of the hymen of the woman of the human species, so the base treachery of Al Qaeda, `the base`, posing as visitors to the United States on 9/11, 2001, was a betrayal of the host in the same way as Judas` treachery against Jesus` birth uncontaminated by the `serpent`s seed` made of him a species` traitor.

 The fate of the North America Plains Indians` tribes was `biblical` insofar as their fate is representative of the `cities of the plains`, Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen: 16, 19), in the Bible which were destroyed by the angels of God to warn against `rough trade`, that is, sado-masochism and homosexuality in pederasty, which is terrorism against young boys. The European settlers seeing the Indian braves almost naked on horseback, hunting buffalo with bows and arrows while they had guns, were men looking at boys, and so they killed the Plains Indians, because that`s what homosexual pederasty is.

 In ancient Greece the host wombs of the women were institutionally enslaved for the spreading of pederasty and war. The most famous example being the Greeks` treacherous deployment of a huge hollow wooden horse as a `friendship gift` outside the walls of the city of Troy. When the horse was taken into the city by the Trojans, the Greeks emerged to enslave the host wombs of the women to spread their contagion further. The concept of the `friendship gift` was employed by Al Qaeda, `the base`, when the terrorist group hijacked `civil` aircraft at Boston, Logan, Massachusetts airport and, `hidden` as Greeks inside a `Trojan horse`, flew the planes to New York and crashed them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre and the Defense Department of the Pentagon at Arlington, Virginia, on September 11, 2001. New York and Arlington were the `cities of the planes` at the beginning of the 21st century, because it was Logan`s Run (1976), the movie made into a television series about men who kill `runners`, which explained the later 15 April bomb attack on the Boston Marathon. In Logan`s Run everyone above the age of 21 is a `runner`, if they don`t accept being killed by `sandmen`, for the socio-economic well being of the community, who have to carefully husband scarce resources and so the population is kept artificially innocent by means of culling. Because `futanarian` women have their own penis` semen and host womb, they`re innocent if they don`t know the `devil`s shoe`, which is that men have killed her so her human species isn`t visible:

`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)

 The `shell` game of what the woman is concealing beneath her black one piece coverall, the burkha, in Moslem Arabia is the remnant of the `big game` of hunting the human woman who can sexually reproduce through her own penis` semen and host womb so she has her own brains` power for technological escape from her killers, `the devil men`. The `Trojan virus` created by `geeks` as `bad machine code` to destroy computer brains is directly analogous to the HIV/AIDS virus spread in Greek homosexual pederasty by the devil men`s mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in mockery of human sexual reproduction, which isn`t even heterosexual, because `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb is the species on the planet Earth.

 The Bible warns of the `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6) of HIV/AIDS, which actually `feigns friendship` as a traitor to its host, the human body. The white defensive cells of the human immune system are fooled into accepting the virus and the brain is killed. The `end game` for women is when they`re concealed beneath their burkhas in Moslem Arabia where tradition says women can live as a quintet in a `futanarian` Moslem marriage capable of sexually reproducing her own species. Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, was `woman`s seed`, and he was killed because he wouldn`t hide. The Koran of Islam contains the teachings of Jesus, without his death and Resurrection, but with his Ascension to heaven, because Moslem women are resurrected `woman`s seed` and so are `acceptance` (`Islam`) of Jesus` teaching.

 The crucifixion of `woman`s seed` isn`t perceived as a necessary educational symbol for Moslems, whereas for Christians, who don`t visibly accept the preparation for the sexual reproduction of the human species of woman with her own penis` semen and host womb as Moslem`s marriage quintet does, Jesus` preachings of the Resurrection of `woman`s seed` and his Ascension to heaven, as the first of `woman`s seed` after death and Resurrection, requires proof, so Jesus dies before Resurrection of `woman`s seed`. The injunction upon women in the Koran is not to display themselves, lest the `devil men` recommence extinguishing her species. In the paradise of Eden the `first woman`, Eve, was `hidden` until she emerged from the side of Adam and Jesus Christ said the `Holy Spirit` would emerge as the teacher of humanity after his death. Longinus, the Roman soldier at Jesus` crucifixion, pierced Christ`s side with his spear, saying:

`Surely this was the son of God!` (Matt: 27. 54)

 The Holy Spirit would be the Second Eve emergent from the side of the Second Adam, Jesus, after his death. Because Jesus was `woman`s seed`, the `shell game` of the `devil men` is to `shoe` her, that is, shoot her so that, when she has been killed by the bullets from the shells of the `devil men`, she has only the `shell` of the `futanarian` human spirit that once was flesh, which is `Sheol` in Judaism, `the place of broken shards` (Rev: 2. 27). Women without a penis of their own are humanity`s `broken pots`, and so she`s closer to hell, because the new `shoot` of the fruit of the body of her soul made by the `devil men` is but the skin of the `wine of her adulteries` (Rev: 17. 2), which is to prefer the `serpent`s seed` to her own human species. God`s punishment is eternal unendurable pain for the `devil men` who worship humanity`s death in woman`s host womb enslavement to Hollywood, Babylon, so she`ll produce civilization, culture and art as a refillable pot to be broken in the devil`s endless film of human extinction, which God calls the `perpetual enmity` of the `serpent`s seed` for hers.

 The second Gulf war (2003-11) began after Saddam Hussein had offered the terrorist group, Al Qaeda, bases in Iraq, which precipitated the war to depose the dictator. Although the Gulf war didn`t begin proper until March 2003, the English pop group, The Aeroplanes, from Liverpool, were formed that year symptomatic of the problems associated with British heavy metal. Drummer with The Who, Keith Moon, had observed, when Led Zeppelin were formed, that `the idea would go down like a lead balloon`, because he associated zeppelins with evil; like the Germans bombing London in World War I. The naming of the Liverpool band, The Aeroplanes, during the period of the second Gulf war, demonstrated `cultural insensitivity` to the United States` experience of terrorism on 9/11, 2001, which precipitated hostilities involving the British army. Just as Led Zeppelin`s choice of a zeppelin crashing at a mooring tower in the United States as their symbol was Satanic, so the Liverpool group, The Aeroplanes, choice of their name was Satanical, because it represented an `HM` spirit antithetical to the specified aims of the actual British Heavy Armoured Brigade in the war.

 Led Zeppelin`s title, How The West Was Won, spread the English `HM` contagion killed by God`s angels when they destroyed the `cities of the plains`, Sodom and Gomorrah, that is, the belief that the West was won by exterminating the citizens of the plains, the North American Indians, and that killing the `meek` is Christian. The fate of the Plains Indians in Hollywood, Babylon movies, like the semi-pornographic Soldier Blue (1970), is typical BDSM contagion, that is, bondage, dominance and sado-masochism. Encouraging men`s killing of the vulnerable semi-naked Indian `boys` employing their bows and arrows to obtain the meat of the buffalo, the `Wild West` gunmen could enslave the host wombs of the Indian women to spread their contagion of war further in homosexual pederasty`s `rough trade`. Bands like Led Zeppelin with How The West Was Won by English `HM` and their LZ 129 zeppelin symbol crashing at New Jersey`s Naval Air Station in 1937 was a harbinger of disaster at an American tower, while the name of the band, The Aeroplanes, from the heart of the English slave trade (1699-1807), Liverpool, was the wrong choice at the outset of the second Gulf war, which was to be fought by those who`d been duped by Al Qaeda`s crashing of the hijacked planes into the Twin Towers of New York to wage pederasty`s battles to maintain its `rough trade` economics of enslavement and  uphold the English `HM` tradition of Satanism rather than the modern British government`s avowed support for freedom symbolized by the statue of `Liberty` in New York harbor.

 The `cities of the planes` of New York`s World Trade Centre and Arlington`s Pentagon were a `biblical` depiction of men`s reestablishing their homosexual wars of `brutality and violence` against `woman`s seed`. The name of the band, The Aeroplanes, reflected upon the two hijacked planes crashed by the Al Qaeda terrorists like flying `V` guitars thrust into speaker stacks at an `HM` guitar hero`s end of concert finale. The plane crashes were a disaster equivalent to the LZ 129 airship bursting into flames at its tower at the US Naval Air Station in New Jersey in 1937 which, although it provided Led Zeppelin with material for a first album sleeve design and a name for the first of the `heavy metal` bands whose `fans` were reputedly very much in evidence during the global conflict to defend Islam against the false Prophet, Saddam Hussein, the symbol of the exploding zeppelin was a bad augury, and the poor choice of the name, The Aeroplanes, by the Liverpool group, appeared similarly Satanic in view of the planes crashing into the World Trade Centre precipitating the outbreak of the second Gulf war to effectively reestablish the socio-economic enslavement of the human species of `woman`s seed`.

 Although during war the `eagle` of the Qerash tribe is upon the flag of the Prophet Mohammed, to whom the holy book of Islam`s Moslems, the Koran (610-30 C. E.), was dictated by the angels of God, there was no profit in the crash at the World Trade Centre other than `rough trade`, which is the streetwise term for `brutality and violence` associated with men who pay for boys to perform sado-masochistic acts of homosexuality in pederasty. God destroyed the `cities of the plains`, Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen: 16, 19), to deter `rough trade`, while the pogrom against the North American Plains Indians, also depicted in the Hollywood, Babylon movie,  How The West Was Won (1962), was a similar description of men who pay for boys. Crashes on Wall Street are quite common and the term means financial collapse ruining many. Although the flag of Al Qaeda is the Al Uqab or black flag of the Prophet Mohammed with the moon upon it, the Qerash is the flag with the war bird of the eagle, which would identify the planes as the hijacked Qerash at the World Trade Centre, that is, Al Qaeda represented the false Prophet endeavouring to plunge the planet into pederasty and ruin by diverting money into `rough trade` rather than genuine socio-economics represented by the independent woman, `Liberty`, in New York harbor bearing the torch of freedom and symbolizing the sexual reproduction of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb beneath her skirts and brains above in heaven after she`s raised her `foot` from the Earth and crushed the serpent as she leaves.

 Because Boston, Logan airport, was the scene of the hijacking of the planes crashed into the World Trade Centre by the Al Qaeda terrorists, the paradigm was the movie, Logan`s Run, in which `sandmen` killed those who were over the age of 21, which would be everyone at the commencement of the 21st century. The bombing of the Boston Marathon was an indication that the human race of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` power for technological advancement and escape from imprisonment by her enslavers, wasn`t going to `run`. In Japan the term `futanarian` is used of characters who are `woman`s seed` in `Hentai` torture magazines that feature women killed for the entertainment of the reader in the same way that `snuff` movies are made of people being killed for the entertainment of the viewer. In Hungarian `fut` means `race` while `tanar` is `teacher`, so the first of `woman`s seed`, Jesus Christ, was a species` educator:

`Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31)

 The `runners` in the Boston Marathon were representative of the human `race` being killed by `sandmen`, because `woman`s seed` are the `sandshoes` in the sense that they are her `Sheol`, that is, the `shoe leather` of the skin of the race that is trying to walk so it can run. Although the `runners` of the `race` are repeatedly trying to break the tape, which hypnotically tells them they`re `race` competitors, only those who aren`t species` traitors are human. The `sandshoes` worn by the Boston Marathon `runners` were Logan`s Run from a Hollywood Babylon `snuff` film perspective. The `runners` seeking to escape from the `sandmen` were `sandshoes`, because the devils had shoed them before. As broken pots the `futanarian` race of woman formerly with her own penis` semen and host womb is now devoid of her original home, but she still tries to run her `futanarian race seeking to protect her `foot` from the broken shards of the pots that were her shoes that the devil had thrown there before and rise upon her her feet to heaven:

`There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold and she's buying a stairway to heaven. When she gets there she knows, if the stores are all closed, with a word she can get what she came for.`1

 In England nakedness is associated with puerility, and especially the form of woman, whose penis is so occluded as to be an extreme form of censorship closer to what`s construable as the blinding of the human species rather than its education. Led Zeppelin are avowed Satanists and a woman who`s sure she going to heaven because she has money isn`t able without the brains of her own species` body from her own penis` semen and `futanarian` host womb. Even if she could buy a penis of her own as a `sex change patient` through surgery, she isn`t bred to have a human woman`s brainpower and so isn`t `woman`s seed`. Jesus` teaching is of acceptance of `woman`s seed`, which is Redemption, and birth from the resurrected host wombs of `futanarian` woman, that is, heaven born rather than bent. The representation of woman in all media that ignores her `futanarian` nature is Satanism.

 In Hollywood, Babylon, the production code (1934-67) ruled women couldn`t be seen in the bedroom with their `foot off the floor`, because the `devil men` didn`t want anyone to know about woman`s `futanarian` species with its own penis` semen and host womb, or she`d leave Earth and pederasty would no longer be able to wage war on her `foot` race. By the time the `foot on the floor` rule was relaxed, Hollywood Babylon had programed the Earth with puerility regarding human nakedness and woman`s own penis` semen and host womb was suppressed in favour of pederasty and the films of its wars against her human `seed`. Led Zeppelin`s `lady we all know`, in their only minor singles` chart success, `Stairway To Heaven` (1971), is important, because the band are avowed Satanists, which means the form of woman they espouse is Hollywood Babylon`s, that is, puerile English `HM` babes, who are bodiless `pots` ignorant even of the fact that they were broken and in shards in Sheol before the `devil men` reincarnated their `futanarian` spirits and threw them again.

 In Islam woman`s `futanarian` seed with her own penis` semen and host womb is `hidden` beneath her black burkha as a member of a family quintet, in accordance with the Moslem tradition of four wives, so the English `HM` babe concept is spiritually anathema if the British army in the Gulf is to function with the eagle of the Great Seal of the authority of the United States` Presidency to protect the hymen of `woman`s seed`, because it`s Satanism to think of women as `babes`, unless you want their `futanarian` species of woman with her own penis` semen and host womb to die in infancy or perpetrate infanticide upon her. Because English `HM` is Satanist and not the British heavy armour brigade, the assumption must be that the British army is Christian if the Arabian Moslems are allies, which means that the fans of English `HM` bands, especially those part-time soldiers of the Territorial Army (T.A.) reserve, are Satanically employed in the Gulf if they believe the `HM` babe propaganda perpetrated by the practitioners of species` infanticide in Satanism.

1 Page, Jimmy and Robert Plant `Stairway To Heaven` from Led Zepplein IV, Atlantic Records, 1971.

Monday 17 March 2014

Sin City: The Al Uqab

Sin City: The Al Uqab

A boy was shot dead in Houston, Texas, on 13th March, 2014, by a father of a girl who found the boy in bed with her. The boy was shot by the father because what fathers do is prevent the child from escaping. Born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, Jesus had a mother and called God his father, while Joseph, the husband of the Virgin Mary, wasn`t Christ`s father, because Jesus Christ was trying to escape. In the Bible God tells Eve her `seed` will have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed` while she will `crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15) Because `futanarian` woman has her own penis` semen and host womb for sexual reproduction she`s Eve`s `foot`. If women have their own capacity for sexual reproduction, they`d have their own brains` powers for technological innovation and advancement that could prolong her life and assist her to leave for the planets and stars above by means of her own socio-economy and independently of men who`re the `serpent`s seed` of God`s Bible because they won`t let her escape:

`The 16 year old girl later admitted to investigators that she did know the boy and had let him into the home.`1

The father of `psychoanalysis`, Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), developed the theory of the vengeful father and cited the Greek myth of Oedipus, who albeit accidentally killed his father, before marrying his mother, Jocasta, unbeknownst.  As dramatized by the Greek playwright, Sophocles, in Oedipus Rex (c. 429 B. C.), Oedipus and his father, Laius, epitomizes the relations between father and son in the 20th century, because Oedipus wants a mother to be born from and he doesn`t want a father, as Jesus Christ hadn`t. To escape from the father-daughter relationship, a woman needs a man, but the 20th century perception of the man-woman relationship is of ownership in partnership, that is, a father-son concern, which corresponds to what the German economic theorist, Karl Marx, described as `ownership of the means of production`. Marx`s genius in Das Kapital (1867) was to perceive that the woman was the basic economic unit of society. State `ownership` of the products of woman`s wombs was the social system as Communism and `private ownership` of the product of woman`s wombs was Capitalism.

 Because there`s no escape for a woman in either Communist or Capitalist ideology, a woman needs a woman to liberate her, that is, her own `futanarian` species` `seed` with her own penis and host womb for the sexual reproduction of her own mind and spirit. After Freud`s school of psychology, his disciple, Carl Gustav Jung`s (1875-1961) school of developmental psychology was founded on the ancient Egyptian principle of the spirit and the soul, that is, the `ka` and the `ba`. The `ka` corresponds to the Holy Spirit of Christianity, which was released from the body of Jesus after his death when the Roman Centurion, Longinus, pierced his side with his spear. Christ had foretold the spirit that would teach after him. When Judas Iscariot betrayed the host Jesus for `dissidency` at what Christianity calls Christ`s `Last Supper`, crucifixion ensued, that is, Jesus was nailed to a wooden cross on a hill outside Jerusalem and tortured to death. Because Eve had emerged from the side of Adam, the first man created by God in Eden, Jesus was the `Second Adam` uncontaminated by male semen after the expulsion of Adam and Eve from paradise by God for preferring the serpent, `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5). Longinus` perception was that the `Second Eve` would be born from Jesus` side, if he pierced it with his spear:

 `Surely this was the son of God!` (Matt: 27. 54)

 The Holy Spirit corresponds to the Egyptian `ka` but humans are taught that the shell of the body is God`s image, whereas the `futanarian` woman, who`s the `seed` of Eve, isn`t a man. The `ba` or soul is what the human yearns for, as the image of woman, which Jung termed the anima or soul as the individual`s desire for knowledge and wisdom projected onto the woman as a desirable sex object. In Egyptian mythology the soul is the `ba`, and the spirit is the `ka`, because the spirit projects the desire of the soul as the anima onto the woman as the desirable `ba` image. Humans are conditioned to believe that the spirit emerging from the shell of the body after death will be in the image of a man, whereas it`s `futanarian`, that is, a female `ka` desirous of her own `ba`.

 Christianity teaches that man was created by God in the image of the creator, but Eve`s emergence from the rib of Adam suggests that was what Adam was for. If woman has her own penis` semen and host womb as `futanarian`, God`s telling Eve her `foot` will leave Earth is a reemphasis upon the role of man as her means of sexual reproduction if her own penis` `seed` has been thwarted, which is why Adam and Eve`s expulsion from Eden occurs. Accepting the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, rather than the `fruit of the tree of life`, which is immortality, is Adam`s acceptance of the role of enslaver of the human host wombs, produced from Eve, and the culling, or extinction through murder by Adam and his descendants, of the species of woman`s own penis` semen and host womb. The concept of the `devil` arose from the role of men as the enslavers of the human species of woman, because she`s a thwarted species.

 The Bible explains that woman has two modes of reproduction; spiritual and sexual. Eve emerged from the side of Adam in Eden, while after paradise sexual reproduction meant that children would be born from her host womb. God tells Adam and Eve that Redemption will occur but Eve will experience pain in childbirth and Adam must work to provide for her. The injunction upon Adam is because `futanarian` woman will be born from the host womb of Eve as her own penis` semen and host womb, which means that her spiritual self is the `ba` of Egyptian mythology that her sexual self or `ka` desires. Jung`s psychological genius was to understand that the man`s anima or soul that sexually desired the woman was her `ka` and that the man was her vehicle.

 The motor car is the expression of the desire of the woman to travel to her `ba`. Because men can`t travel by `ka` unless they`re spirit, the car is a metaphor. Going to bars to be with women is an expression of the spiritual desire of her `ka` for her `ba`, rather than men`s desire for sexual reproduction, which is why `spirits` are drunk at the bar. The desire of the `ka` for the `ba` is quenched, without consummation, because the desire of the `ka` of the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb  can`t be satisfied if only her man`s `shell` is present. Because the man is the shell of the woman, men are her vehicle, which is why Jesus` teachings are against possession. If a man is possessed, he`s the `shell` of the woman`s vehicle equivalent to a 20th century motor vehicle fuelled by the `demon drink` and `driven` as a car, because the `ka` is inside the shell as the spirit of the human that we call `woman`, who is desirous of her `ba`, which is why she`s in a prison without `bas`.

 In Britney Spears` video for her CD pop single, Gimme More (2007), she sits at a bar as a blonde, while her brunette `ba` dances. Britney`s blonde represents the `ka` of the man from a psychologist`s perspective. The title of the album from which the song is taken is Blackout, because the `demon drink` of alcohol causes blackouts, which is a metaphor for the unconsciousness the human species perforce has to accept from men who don`t want her to become conscious. The man in Houston, Texas, who killed the boy in bed with his daughter mightn`t have know that the `ka` of the woman in the boy was sexually desirous of the `ba` that his child represented, but Christianity doesn`t educate people in that way. In Islam it`s made explicit. The holiest place on Earth to the Moslems, who believe in the Koran (610-30 C. E.), dictated by God`s angels to the Prophet Mohammed, is the shrine of Abraham in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, the `Kaba`, which means `ka` and `ba`:

`I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore.` (Gen: 22. 17)

 God`s words to Abraham are of his `ka` and `ba`, that is, the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb, who is the `ka` in the `shell` of the man that`s desirous of her own `ba`, represented by the `Kaba` of Abraham in Mecca. In the Koran Jesus doesn`t die before Ascension to heaven, because Christ`s role is to teach the Resurrection of `woman`s seed`, that is, `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen, and so Jesus Christ, the Messiah, has death before Resurrection and Ascension to heaven. Judas Iscariot`s role at the `Last Supper`, where Jesus offered `bread and wine` to the disciples as symbols of his `body and blood`, was to betray the host, that is, the human species` host, because Jesus represents man as the host of the woman`s `ka` and her `futanarian` desire for her own `ba` in heaven:

`At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30)

 Because they`re the new host of humans born from the wombs of `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen after being the `ka` of her shell, that is, men, desirous of her `ba`. The girl in bed with the boy in Houston, Texas, couldn`t tell her father that the `ka` of her mother was sexually desirous of her `ba`, and so they were consummating that desire, because Christianity has made her `schizophrenic`, that is, she doesn`t understand that men are women`s `lesbian` feelings, because she misses her own sexual counterpart, who resembles her mirror image, but with penis` `seed` and host womb of her own. Jesus` refusal to condemn the `woman take in adultery` is often misunderstood:

`Go now and leave your life of sin.` (John: 8. 11)

 The woman`s `ka` was seeking consummation with her `ba` and so Christ wasn`t condemnatory, because his mother`s `ka` had achieved consummation with her `ba`, when he was born uncontaminated by male semen. Or, as God told Eve, `crush the head of the serpent with … [your] foot` (Gen: 3. 15) as you leave, that is, the fate of the girl in Houston, Texas, whose boyfriend was shot dead by her father, occurred because men perceive sinfulness where they don`t understand the `ka` of the mother`s love for her `ba`, that is, her daughter, from within their `shell`, which is what men have inside; the `ka` of women who desire their `ba`. What men perceive as `adultery` is a result of the spirit`s adulteration, that is, the `ka` isn`t able to perceive itself as the `woman`s seed`, which seeks consummation with the `ba` to sexually reproduce her own `futanarian` species with her own penis` semen and host womb.

 In Saudi Arabia women are `forbidden` to drive a car, that is, her `ka` isn`t driven by her, because it`s imprisoned within her men, so she corresponds to the Holy Spirit of Christianity which endeavours to teach. In Islam the flag of the Prophet Mohammed is the Al Uqab, which translates homonymously in America as `the yellow cab`, because the Holy Spirit corresponds to `the knowledge` gleaned by taxi drivers from the `ka`. In the United Kingdom the cab of the taxi driver is black, because the flag of the Prophet Mohammed is black, although it`s called the Al Uqab. With the eagle of the Prophet Mohammed`s war tribe, the Qerash, upon it, the black flag is the Al Uqab with the big yellow bird, which is why `Big Bird` on the kindergartners` television learning show, Sesame Street (1969-), is yellow, and the taxis in New York, which feature in the opening credits to the continuing series, are homonymously the yellow cabs, that is, the Al Uqab`s. When the Al Qaeda terrorists crashed `civil` planes into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre on Manhattan island, they represented the hijacked `war birds` of the Qerash tribe of the Prophet Mohammed, because the `big bird` of the Al Uqab of Islam wouldn`t have attacked the `big bird` of the yellow cab of America, which might not be as close to Islam as the United Kingdom where the cabs are as black as the flag of the Prophet Mohammed, the Al Uqab, so the `big bird` only appears on Sesame Street in New York with the yellow cab`s other fares:

`Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street? It's a magic carpet ride. Every door will open wide to happy people like you …`2

 In Arabia `fares` means `knight` and the foremost was Saladin during the period of the Christian crusades to recapture Jerusalem from the Moslems, because Christianity didn`t understand that Jesus` Ascension in the Koran without death was because Christ`s Resurrection after death in the New Testament prefigured the Resurrection of woman, whereas in Islam the marriage structure of four wives is in accordance with the expected ratio of 80% to 20% women to men if `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host wombs sexually reproduced within the sexual structure constructed by Islam and the Prophet Mohammed with the help of Jesus` teachings of `woman`s seed` by means of his birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, that is, from her `ka` and her `ba`, which is depicted in Mecca as the `Kaba` of the shrine of Abraham, founder of Judaism through his son, Isaac, and Islam through his son, Ishmael. In Islam, Mary is Miriam and Lebanese pop star, Miriam Fares, is the pop singer whose name means `the knight, Mary`, because the Virgin Mary was the `ka` of the `ba` of Jesus Christ:

`I'm yours. My soul is in you. All my desire runs to you.`3

 In Egyptian mythology Isis is the sister who restores the penis of her brother, Osiris, who then becomes Horus, `the sky god`, represented by a hawk, because Isis is the woman that watches over him. He`s the `ka` of her `ba`, who becomes `futanarian` when Isis gives him her penis, that is, he`s resurrected as `woman`s seed`, which is how Jesus was born. Because `Fares` means `knight`, Miriam Fares` name is `horsed knight`, which suggests the Virgin Mary is the knight that watched like a hawk over her sky god, Jesus, from the Moslem point of view. As Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen to `rule the nations with an iron scepter`, he`s for women`s liberation. Born to `the woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, Jesus `Second Coming` as the `New Redeemer` is color coded. The red sun of the flag of Japan, that is, the people called `yellow`, clothes `Liberty`, the statue of woman in New York harbor celebrating her defence of the `pearl of great price`, which is heaven on Earth, after the sneak attack upon her Pacific fleet at Pearl harbor on 7 December, 1941, that brought the United States into World War II (1939-45) as the eventual victor. The yellow moon of Al Qaeda`s terrorism was reflected upon by `Liberty` in her birth waters of New York harbor where the silver moon was `the pearl of great price` as the reflection of heaven amongst the planets and stars after the death of Al Qaeda`s leader, Osama Ben Laden, killed by US Navy Seal Team Six on 2 May, 2011, in the shade of the Pakistan Military Academy.

 Because the eagle is the symbol of the `Great Seal` of the authority of the President of the United States, it`s the equivalent of the `big bird` on the Al Uqab of the flag of the Prophet Mohammed, which is a homonym of `the yellow cab` of New York`s taxi drivers. It`s the perception that men are `yellow`, in the sense of cowardly, that was at issue on 9/11, 2001. The citizens of upstate New York`s city of Troy must have been aware of the parallels between the towers of Ilium and those of the World Trade Centre`s Twin Towers on 9/11. In the Greek poet Homer`s Iliad, the city of Troy is called Ilium and its towers withstand the ancient Greeks until a huge hollow wooden horse is placed before the walls as a `friendship gift`. When the Trojans take the horse into the city the Greeks emerge to enslave the host wombs of the Trojan women to spread their contagion of institutionalized homosexuality and war further. The planes hijacked by the terrorists posing as guests of the United States represented `Trojan horses` on 9/11, 2001, which is the computer `geek` term for the `bad machine code` they concoct based on the biblical `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6) sent by God to convert men from their `sin` of enslaving women`s host wombs for war and pederasty, that is, the incurable HIV/AIDS `killer disease` of the 20th century spread by homosexuals` mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses during mockeries of sexual reproduction:

`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)

 To `work like a Trojan` is proverbial although the `geeks` use the term `Trojan horse` to describe their creation of `bad machine code` to destroy the computer brains humans use to save their labour. The correct term should be `Greek horse` but it wouldn`t be `politically correct` to label Greece as homosexual, although the citizens of upstate New York in Troy are expected to overlook being described as viral for being industrious. The Al Uqab of the Prophet Mohammed is a homonym of the yellow cab of the New York taxi drivers because there are many Moslems in New York who`re not Al Qaeda terrorists and so the fact that `the yellow cab` is homonymous with `the Al Uqab` is `politically correct` or `PC` while describing Trojans from upstate Troy as viral isn`t. Neither are Japanese cowardly because they`re yellow, as the New Yorkers of the yellow cab and the Al Uqab of the Prophet Mohammed`s Moslems aren`t yellow either. Labelling upstate New Yorkers from Troy as `Trojans` is a `geek` horse, that is, by ignoring the fact that the virus is `Greek` the `geek` is undermining the security of the United States. Moreover, concealing the homonymous relation between the yellow cab and the Al Uqab, rather than emphasizing it, isn`t `politically correct` or `PC`, because it isn`t helpful to conceal the equivalence. Because the Qerash tribe`s eagle is traditionally on the Al Uqab flag of the Prophet Mohammed during war, the crash of the hijacked planes into the Towers of New York on 9/11, 2001, was anathema to Islam, but the failure to `politically correct` people`s perceptions of Moslems by concealing the yellow cab`s significance as a homonym for the Al Uqab in New York meant that the `geeks` were able to crash the US` defence system by effectively labelling New York`s upstate `Trojan` workers in the city of Troy as `viral` instead of defining viruses as `Greek` and `homosexual`, which would be more in accordance with the 20th century paradigm of the `killer disease`, HIV/AIDS.

 The Japanese were `yellow` to the United States in WWII, although Japanese workers, the Moslems of the Al Uqab, and the homonymous yellow cab taxi drivers of New York are as industrious as those of upstate New York`s city of Troy, that is, they `work like Trojans` and aren`t viral, whereas the `geeks` who develop viruses in imitation of the Greeks to crash human defence systems are. The HIV/AIDS` cell `feigns friendship` for the white defence cell of the body`s immune system before killing the brain, which is what computer `geek` viruses do. Labelling people cowards or viruses, because they`re workers associated with `yellow` is `geek`.

 Originally the term `geek` was used of children`s circus sideshow freaks who ate the heads of chickens as entertainment before the main events featuring clowns and trapeze artists in the marquis or `big top`. The term `circus` derives from ancient Rome where humans were killed in large stadia or amphitheatres for entertainment, while `circus` in the 20th century was a euphemism for spies, government or otherwise, whose role was to blind people to the truth, and included killing as a remit. Because 9/11, 2001, precipitated global war after Iraq`s dictator, Saddam Hussein, offered bases to Al Qaeda, the `rough trade`4 of homosexual pederasty and war was reestablished at the World Trade Centre deliberately by `geek` programers who were killing the brains of the humans so that they `ran around like headless chickens`, which meant the `geeks` were eating as a part of the `circus` event `live on CNN` and other news networks.

 Because `top` is underworld slang for `beheading`, the `circus` and `geek` metaphor isn`t inappropriate for a `sideshow` preceding the second Gulf war (2001-11) to depose Saddam Hussein after his invading army was kicked out of Kuwait in the initial Gulf war (1990-1) conflict. Several nations of Islam fought beneath the flag of the Al Uqab alongside the Western allies in the Gulf wars from New York`s state`s city of Troy and yellow cab reservists from New York city itself; Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Egypt, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Bangladesh and Kurdistan. But war is homosexual pederasty, so cowardly is what men are who prefer each other to women, because the human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb is `yellow` insofar as the term is applied to the `Hentai` cartoons of Japan, where the `yellow race` of women live, while the term derives from Hungarian, `fut` meaning `race` and `tanar`, `teacher`, that is, species` education. Men are `yellow` if they fight like the Japanese during WWII against the United States and `yellow` if they stop fighting, because they`re the `yellow race`, where `yellow men` are associated with cowardice. But the women of the `futanarian` yellow race of Japanese and Hungarian aren`t cowards, because they`re the human species with its own penis` semen and host womb, who`re `meek`:

`Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.` (Matt: 5. 5)

 In the movie Sin City (2005) the role of Nancy Callahan emerges in `That Yellow Bastard, Part One` in which she`s attacked as an eleven year old girl rescued by Bruce Willis in his role as a police officer, John Hartigan, who loses his genitals because the attacker, Roark Junior, severs them during the ensuing struggle. Hartigan, framed for  Roark`s crimes, is imprisoned. Nancy writes a letter to John each week for eight years. In `That Yellow Bastard, Part Two` Hartigan confesses to the crimes after a yellow man` gets into his cell and leaves a severed finger,which John fears is Nancy`s and confesses to Roark`s crimes to get parole and see her. Roark is the `yellow man` and his yellowness is due to the reconstructive surgery he`s undergone since his struggle with John. Willis` character is tricked into leading Junior to Jessica Alba, in the role of Nancy, and a second attack in which John thwarts and kills Junior but Hartigan then commits suicide to prevent Nancy`s life being blighted by her being used as a tool against him.

 As it`s virtually inconceivable that plastic surgery could make an individual entirely yellow, the yellowness of the `yellow man` revealed as `that yellow bastard` is almost entirely gratuitously racist. Directed usually at cowards, who`re invariably confused with `meek`, and the `yellow` Japanese, who`re most well known in the 20th century, after Hiroshima and Nagasaki,  for non-aggression, the epithet is deployed as a repetition designed to repeat the mistakes of history; as Towering Inferno (1974), starring Steve McQueen as a fireman, and King Kong (1933), in which the giant ape climbs the Empire State building in New York, to where he`s attacked by planes, preprogramed the terrorist attack of 9/11, 2001, which was made into the feature film, World Trade Centre (2005), to celebrate a successful goading of what the United States` perceived as the indubitably `gay` and overly compensatory macho aggressivity of Arabian men publically divorcing themselves from being able to see women concealed beneath the black one-piece coverall of their burkhas that make them appear as weed wearing widows in the midst of so much obvious maleness.

 Yellow is a color code for cowardice amongst Westerners, and the `rough trade` of sado-masochistic `brutality and violence` in homosexual pederasty and war is baited with the accusation of cowardice, because boys don`t want to be called `yellow`. As `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb for the sexual reproduction of her own children as the `ka` desirous of her `ba` doesn`t want war in homosexual pederasty, she`s the brave Japanese and Hungarian women, who want to live as the `yellow race`, and who`re `meek` in Japan`s `Hentai` pornography in which the cartoon `futanarian` are subjected to rape, torture and death; although they represent the `fut` in Hungarian, that is, the `race`, and the `tanar`, `teacher`, who is the `futanar` species` educator seeking to help her daughters give birth to the humans` and not the cowards` race:

`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)

 Because the `ka` or `spirit` of the `futanarian` species of woman is trapped within the man, he`s the vehicular car of her race, while she`s the `ba` of her `ka`. As the race of the `futanarian` humans, God says will `crush the head of the serpent with her foot` (Gen: 3. 15), she`s the `footrace` without a car if she`s forbidden to drive, as she is in Saudi Arabia. Because men are her vehicular car, they correspond to the bodywork of an automobile, that is, the external form of her `ka` that desires her `ba`, while the form of her that`s visible corresponds to the `ba` desired by her `ka`, which is desirous as her `futanarian` with her own penis` semen and host womb if she were visible. If she isn`t tangible, her `ka` trapped within isn`t able to sexually desire her own `ba` with her own woman`s body, because she`s been culled into virtual extinction, while being the exponentially sexually reproductive aspect of human nature. As men can`t reproduce with each other, they must implement slavery of the human species of `futanarian` woman, with her own penis` semen and host womb, to remain viable in terms of existence. Men without women constitute a sterile life form that`s parasitically inveigled itself into the species of woman`s womb at some point in her past to steal her `seed` for its viral establishment of pederasty and war, which God calls its `perpetual enmity` against her `seed`. Effectively, war is men`s explaining to the human species they`re extinguishing that it`s not brave without telling her it`s been declared war upon by the `serpent`s seed` of men.

 In Rudyard Kipling`s The Jungle Book (1894), which was made into a Walt Disney cartoon film, The Jungle Book (1967), the serpent Kaa is the friend of the boy, Mowgli, and the theme song of their relationship within the musical is, `Trust In Me`, because the external aspect of men appears strong and protective, like a car, while the coils of the python are preparing to strangle the child and the woman as its species` prey. Moslem women know if they get into `the yellow cab`, it’s `the Al Uqab`, because they have to rely on the `Will of Allah`, which is Moslem for `God`, that they escape from the labyrinthine machinations of the serpent`s `ka`:

`Trust in me and I'll be worthy of you. Oh yeah, why don't you trust in me in all you do?`5

 In the United Kingdom the taxi cabs are black, while the flag of the Prophet Mohammed is black too, without the yellow eagle of the Qerash, so the Al Uqab is well represented in Moslem London for the women to feel safer; even though the cabs are black and aren`t the yellow cabs of New York, that is, the Al Uqab in Manhattan. The taxi is the most important form of public transport for Moslem women anywhere, because it`s often `haram` to drive a car. Consequently, the husband or male family member drives, and a taxi is the obvious solution if the family car is unavailable. But the principle of the man as the container of the woman`s `ka` desirous of her own `ba` and estranged from her `futanarian` woman`s nature, which has its own penis` semen and host womb, is that of the vehicle, as the car is the vehicle of the woman that, in Jungian psychological terms, is an archetypal description of how the `shell` of the woman is constructed and functions.

 In Jung`s psychology the unconscious contains images and figures that represent the impulse engines of human creativity, which emerge into consciousness during waking hours. An automobile`s bodywork is the archetypal `shell` around men as they are the `shell` of the woman`s collective `kas`, which can`t sexually fulfil her desire for her own `bas`, because her `kas` are trapped within the bodies of the men in their cars. The delusion is that the women are being protected, whereas it`s a prison for her spirit and soul, that is, her `ka` which is desirous of her `ba` is trapped inside her parasite and its heavily protective camouflage that grows more protective and heavy as war looms clownlike towards her wearing a red nose and carrying a bazooka to cover its embarrassment at standing having to stand on the woman`s foot in such big shoes just because it`d forgotten the recipe for bread and jam.

1 `Houston dad shoots, kills boy found inside daughter’s bedroom`  http://www.foxnews.com/us/2014/03/13/houston-dad-fatally-shoots-teen-inside-daughters-room-report-says/ .

2 Raposo, Joe with lyrics by Jon Stone and Bruce Hart, `Can You Tell Me How to Get to Sesame Street?` 1969.

3 Fares, Miriam `Nadini` (Call Me) from Nadini, EMI, Arabia, September 15, 2005.

4 `Violent, often brutal sex acts, or a person, usually a male prostitute, who looks like they participate in such acts.` http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=rough%20trade .

5 Holloway, Sterling `Trust In Me` by Robert and Richard Sherman, The Jungle Book, 1967.