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Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Plague Aims Weren`t Jesus`

Plague Aims Weren`t Jesus`

Christianity is a belief system but Jesus had aims, which means faith isn`t enough. Jesus` aims have to be considered. Most Christians accept the concept of Salvation because they want Jesus` promise of heaven for the redeemed to be fulfilled so they can have eternal life in God without perdition, which is the eternal unendurable pain of God`s punishment for the evil. The nature of evil has puzzled generations since the biblical story of Eve`s accepting the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` from the serpent, `Ye shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) Giving Adam the fruit she and the first man were expelled from God`s heaven on Earth, which was paradise, with the exhortation from God that Eve`s `seed` will `crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15) After Eden Eve experienced pain in childbirth while Adam had to work. Whereas in paradise the pair had the `fruit of the tree of life`, which was immortality from God, afterwards the fruit of her womb was the raw material of the future she bore in pain. Although Christianity believes in man and woman, humans born from the womb of Eve, and her daughters after Eden, were `futanarian`, that is, men and women with their own penis` semen and host wombs. Consequently, the `foot` God is prophesying Eve will use to `crush` the `serpent`  that will have `perpetual enmity` with her `seed` is the `futanarian` human species, which was born from her and her daughters host wombs after expulsion from paradise.  Because there are so few `futanarian` men and women publically on the planet Earth their rarity is indicative of a pogrom and an enslavement of the human race early in its development which began with Adam and Eve`s sons, who perceived that they could have power like gods if they enslaved the host wombs of humanity.

 If `futanarian` humans were culled, male braining would occur and humanity`s brains would be enslaved by the `serpent`s seed` of men`s acceptance of evil rather than good. The subsequent  ephemerality of the human species, which according to the Bible of Judaeo-Christianity is less long-lived than before, is traceable by the 21st century of the Christian era to men`s refusal to fight the plague aims impulse of their parasitism upon the host womb of the human species. The HIV/AIDS virus, which is described in the Bible as the `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6), remained incurable by the second decade of the 21st century after it was first discovered in the late 20th century as a `killer disease` spread mainly amongst homosexual men engaging in mockeries of sexual reproduction with each other and mixing blood, shit and semen during what was erroneously described as `anal sex`. Failure to find a cure for HIV/AIDS, rather than fight global wars and devote huge sums of money and resources to death, was symptomatic of men`s unspoken aim of keeping the human race ephemeral and enslaved in brainlessness. The model for Western civilization was Greece where homosexuality was institutionalized in order to spread the viral contagion of war in pederasty while the host wombs of women were enslaved for that purpose. The Trojan war, documented by Homer in his poetical work Iliad (c. 429 B.C.), describes the way In which men`s viral paradigm works and spreads. Leaving a huge hollow wooden horse, as a `friendship gift` before the walls of Troy, the Greeks emerged from within to enslave the host wombs of the Trojan women to further spread their contagion of pederasty and war. The HIV/AIDS virus works in the same way because it indicates to the white cells of the body`s defensive immune system that it`s friendly before killing the brain. The pattern is familiar from Jesus` `Last Supper` at which he was the host. Born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, Jesus` offer of `bread and wine` to his disciples at the `Last Supper`, as symbols of his `body and blood`, represented his `futanarian` birth and the hope of Resurrection for `woman`s seed` from the host womb of the human race. Judas` betrayal of Jesus for `thirty pieces of silver` to the Roman authorities as a `dissident` constituted his betraying of the human species` host womb. Jesus was nailed upon a wooden cross and tortured to death by the Romans before he experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, which prefigures the Resurrection of `futanarian` humans born uncontaminated by male semen.

 At the outset of the 21st century guests of the host nation of the United States of America hijacked planes at Boston, Logan airport and crashed them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001, in an act of `rough trade`, which is a euphemism for homosexuality in slavery, and so the World Trade Centre was chosen as the target for the attack, because the terrorist group based in Afghanistan, Al Qaeda, `the base`, were offered a base in Iraq by dictator, Saddam Hussein, which resulted in the United States` invasion of March 2003 to depose him as ruler and reestablish  that `brutality and violence`between nations associated with `rough trade` and attributable to homosexuality`s contagiousness. Effectively the plague aims of Al Qaeda were how men play games, that is, just as computer `geeks` write bad machine code to crash computer systems and their Greek predecessors used a `Trojan horse` to trick the citadel of Troy into accepting their virus, so Al Qaeda crashed the US` defence system by means of trickery and betrayal to reestablish war through the paradigm of `gay plague`. Because men`s paradigm is the virus of homosexuality their preference for death and war indicates that the host womb of the human species is where their parasite gestates, while the `futanarian` human race of woman with her own penis` semen and host womb for the sexual reproduction of her own independent brains` powers for socio-economic liberation from maled brain slavery remains in abeyance:

`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)

 The Bible story of Adam and Eve reveals that the parasite somehow inveigled itself into the host womb of the human race at the beginning of human development and eradicated the `futanarian` human species born after Eden in order to enslave the race for pederasty and war because that`s what parasitism is. Jesus` birth from `the woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` to `rule the nations with an iron scepter` offers some hope while the `red dragon` grown in size since paradise waits in vain to devour Jesus Christ, the `New Redeemer` in his `Second Coming` to the Earth after remaining in God`s heaven since his Resurrection and Ascension after crucifixion by the Romans. According to the Bible the woman will be given the `wings` of an `eagle` which will take her to the desert to wait out the `war in heaven` against her `seed` while upon the Earth what remains of her `seed` will be persecuted.  The symbolism suggests the Great Seal of the United States of America with its eagle emblem protecting the hymen or seal of the woman during the war to depose Saddam Hussein, which reached its apotheosis on 2 May, 2011, when US Navy Seal Team Six killed AL Qaeda`s leader, Osama Ben Laden at his hideout in Pakistan. The victory of the United States over the moon of Al Qaeda, `the base`, following upon its defeat of the red sun of Japan after a similarly unannounced attack at Pearl harbor, Hawaii, to disable the Pacific fleet on 7 December, 1941, represented the success of the woman, symbolized by the statue of `Liberty` in New York harbor, after the death of the terrorist leader who`d attacked New York on 9/11, 2001. With the moon reflected in her birth waters as `the pearl of great price`, that is, heaven above, `Liberty` was `clothed` in the red sun of the flag of Japan, and the moon of the flag of Al Qaeda, which heralds he who will `rule the nations with an iron scepter` to ensure the Resurrection of `woman`s seed`, that is, Jesus Christ, the Messiah of Christianity, whose aims aren`t men`s plague aims which have degenerated into a play games system of homosexuality in pederasty and war transmitted in forms as viral and diverse as Hollywood Babylon movies and personal computer games in which humans are depicted as viruses.

 Saddam Hussein`s name meant `small handsome man` and `crusher`, in the style of the serpent, `he will crush your head and you will bruise his heel` (Gen: 3. 5) God tells Eve, which made Saddam Hussein a Hollywood Babylon actor. The Hays code of Hollywood (1934-67) insisted that one foot of the woman remained on the floor at all times in bedroom scenes, which effectively prevented `futanarian` women from ever being seen in Hollywood movies, lest she raise her `foot` from the floor to crush the serpent`s  head, that is, sexually reproduce her own brains` powers for human freedom and escape from drudgery through labor saving devices, for example, as a prelude to woman`s diaspora from the world of men to the stars and planets by means of colonizing space technologies which men don`t seem to want. Having placed a man on the moon in 1969 at the tip of a rocket, by 1982 US President Ronald Reagan had initiated the `Strategic Defence Initiative` (SDI) to ring the Earth with a `ground and missile based system` to keep woman a prisoner and threaten her with extinction if she didn`t accept male braining and devouring in the wars of the parasite upon the Earth against her. Because Babylon was the ancient seat of Iraq, Saddam Hussein was the `small handsome man` and `crusher` perfect for the Hollywood Babylon leading role in the `TV war` (2003-11) of the Gulf. Beginning with the crashing of hijacked planes into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre on 9/11, 2001, `live on CNN` and other television news networks, the `serpent`s seed` of men`s male braining of the human species had devolved into transvestism, that is, `TV` in which women wore men`s clothes to kill themselves, which is what the Earth`s parasite had male brained her for.

 Because of Hollywood Babylon`s preference for `snuff` movies, `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb couldn`t get her `foot` off the Earth`s floor. Male braining`s enslavement of her for the `TV war` of the Gulf and, 9/11, 2001, which took place on Manhattan Island, were intended to depict `futility`, that is, the `futile` attempts of the `futanarian` human species` to develop and escape from their isle of imprisonment. On April 15, 2013, a `footrace` in Boston, Massachusetts, was disrupted by terrorist bombs in a further warning to the `futanarian` human race not to try to `run` its development program. The sandshoes of the `runners` reminded the spectators of the `sandmen` of Boston, Logan airport, that is, the Al Qaeda terrorists, whose crashing of hijacked planes into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre on 9/11, 2001, prevented the 21st century from being born, as the `sandmen` of William F. Nolan`s novel, Logan`s Run (1967) made into a Hollywood Babylon science fiction movie in 1976, killed all those above the age of 21, who were labelled` runners`  for attempting to escape the socio-historical `snuff` movie written for the `futanarian` footrace by the `serpent`s seed` of men.

 What now puzzles students of Hollywood Babylon is the absence of real aliens and the continual depiction of men with weapons attempting to penetrate shields with the false hypothesis that men need to constantly develop stronger shields to defend against aliens when there are none. As women are a potentially independent species with their own penis` semen and host womb, shields are for `futanarian` womankind, because men are the virus seeking to fertilize her eggs by penetrating the shield of her hymen with their `serpent`s seed`  in order to wage war against her. The science fiction movies made by Hollywood Babylon in which men discover ways of penetrating the shields of aliens because they`re threatening the Earth is an analogy for their devising of weaponry to penetrate the shields of women`s hymens to spread their incurable homosexual `killer disease` of war through pederasty and enslavement of women`s brains by means of their `serpent`s seed`. Men would have to construct aliens in order to develop more powerful methods of penetration lest the woman cover herself, which in fact is what Arabian Moslem women do when wearing the one piece coverall, the burkha, in public, so that they are `cloaked`, which is the Hollywood Babylon `scifi` term for `hidden starship, so that penetrating weapons, that is, males, aren`t attracted.

In the Bible the woman, given the `wings of an eagle`, `hidden` in the desert, corresponds to the human `futanarian` race beneath her burkha. 9/11, 2001, was devised to give men an opportunity to attack the hymen of the human race, because women produce war if health isn`t a priority for men, but it wouldn`t be if men`s plague aim was to infect and kill the brain of human women so she couldn`t live long enough to remember her own penis` semen and escape through technologies invented by her own sexually reproduced brainpower from her own host wombs. Men play games because they`re plague aims, that is, the aim is to penetrate the woman`s shield, so weakening the shields of the human species is a part of the plague aims system of men who`re aliens that play games. In 1978 the Space Invader computer game, which was introduced into many public places of entertainment, inspired a lot more games where the objective was to `zap` the alien. Whereas Hollywood Babylon scifi movies depict `zapping the alien` as the aim, the real aim is to zap men who want to penetrate the shields of the Earth, which are women`s. In the movie War Of The Worlds (1953) from the 1897 novel  by H.G. Wells the aliens die because they contract a virus, which is what HIV/AIDS is. Because AIDS is a homosexually transmitted plague, the aliens in Wells` War Of The Worlds are extrapolations of what women represent to men, that is, humans living inside a carapace which excludes men and so must be penetrated or men will, to use the time honored phrase from television`s scifi series, Star Trek (1965-), `cease to exist`, because they constitute a parasite that needs women to sexually reproduce itself as her destroyer, which is what parasites use host wombs for. The traditional slice of Americana in Hollywood Babylon movies is a boy who has a car meets a girl who needs transport, which is essentially the reverse of what a woman needs, that is, a carapace of her own. The era of the crab began circa 8600 BC and ended c. 6450 BC, while the enslaving of the woman Babylon, which was a city built in what is modern day Iraq c. 4000 BC, is described as having occurred in the Bible, which suggests that woman`s male braining and host womb enslavement was being described in the period after her carapace was lost, that is, she was a woman without a shield, or car in Hollywood Babylon terms.

 According to developmental psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), the crab is the archetype of the mother, because she has a carapace, that is, the shell of the crab describes what a woman needs in order to live, whereas descriptions of Greek institutionalized pederasty and war before the walls of Troy needing a plague tool, that is, the huge hollow structure of the `Trojan horse`, to inveigle itself inside the city so that the Greek men could emerge from within to enslave the host wombs of the women to spread their contagion further, describes how the mother archetype is penetrated by the virus of the `serpent`s seed` to destroy her. In Jungian psychology archetypes exist in the dreams, art and imagination of humans and emerge to impel progress, so the mother archetype represents the city and the starship, that is, men are for imprisoning her upon the Earth to fight the wars of `perpetual enmity` against `woman`s seed` God warned Eve would occur in the Bible, whereas the `futanarian` human race of women with their own penis` semen and host womb are for the stars, because men are the `serpent`s seed` who don`t want the `foot` of the woman to rise from the Earth. Hollywood Babylon`s scifi scenarios of aliens being penetrated in the way that cities are captured reveals that the aliens are extrapolations of women, because strong shields are important for humans and penetration is an irrelevancy relating only to men`s desire to perpetuate their parasitism as the virus that kills womankind.

 At the beginning of the 21st century `geeks` had replaced Greeks as the virus paradigm. Computer programers, known as `geeks`, devised `bad machine code` to infect computers and kill what amounted to the peripheral brains of humanity. The term `geek` was used to describe modern circus sideshow freaks who ate the heads of chickens, which is what humans are for men. The term `circus` was used in the 20th century to describe `spying` as the means employed by governments and quasi-government organizations to describe how humans are prevented from developing. Common perceptions are that industrial espionage is for obtaining secrets that will assist manufacturing, for example, whereas such spy networks exist to protect existing manufacturing and quash development. The term `circus` derived from Greece where huge amphitheatres  were used to train invasion forces, which degenerated into the Roman circuses in which spectators watched people fight and die,  whereas `circus` actually denotes a woman training for the stars and the new carapace of her starship while men attempt to stop her.

 In the Hindu religion of India, the mother archetype is Kali, who is a many armed figure representing what men fear, which is a woman with many arms. Kali`s appearance is spider-like because `futanarian` woman doesn`t need men to sexually reproduce from her own host womb with her own penis` semen. The concept of a many armed demon is familiar from the military of the Earth, which are demons with many arms. In archetypal terms women are spiders, which is why Kali is often depicted as having more than a single pair, and even six or more arms, because she represents the `futanarian` human species of woman that can sexually reproduce herself with many more arms than men, whereas men`s nature is that they`re unable to sexually reproduce at all. Because `futanarian` women are the human race, men are demons with their military presence of many arms preventing her from being her own natural producer, because she has all of the host wombs and `woman`s seed`.

 The genius of Jesus Christ was to indicate that he was the host and that men killed him because woman is the host womb of the human species and the `serpent`s seed` of men don`t want her to leave as killing her is what they`re for. Born uncontaminated by male semen from the host womb of his mother, the Virgin Mary, Jesus` birth wasn`t that of a parasite seeking to kill. Consequently, Jesus was the host at the `Last Supper` before his death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, killed by men, because he was their supper in the sense that the `serpent`s seed` devour what women produce from their womb. Although Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus to the Roman authorities as a `dissident`, killing the host is what men are for, and so Judas was being a man. On September 11, 2001, the terrorist group Al Qaeda`s crashing of planes into the World Trade Centre, despite being regarded as visitors and so guests of their host, that is, the unsuspecting United States , were attacking and killing the host because that`s what men are for:

`We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.`1

 The people of the `Borg mother` from Star Trek:The Next Generation (1987-94) TV series live by constructing bodies from parts that become available in the course of her progress. Hers represents the plight of the `futanarian` mother who can`t sexually reproduce from her own host womb and penis` semen because men kill her. The phrase can be adapted to apply to the Hollywood Babylon `blockbuster` movie World Trade Centre (2005), which was made as a film about the terrorist attack on New York`s Twin Towers. The events of 9/11, 2001, resembled a 1950s Hollywood Babylon `alien invasion` scenario, because it was. The target was `futanarian` woman`s growing possibility of sexual reproduction from her own penis` semen and host womb, which threatened the socio-economic hegemony of men as her parasitical enslavers and devourers in war. Provoking global conflict would reestablish the `rough trade` of homosexual `brutality and violence` as the paradigm of Western behavior since Greek womb slavery and the spread of war through institutionalized pederasty, which by the outset of the 21st century had developed its biological weapon of HIV/AIDS to keep women in fearful faithfulness to her owners in monogamous slavery to male braining. For `futanarian` womankind men are alien invaders and 9/11, 2001, reestablished their paradigmatic role as her killers, because the diversion of resources from health and the strengthening of her shields to death and war was the parasites` way of reiterating:

`Resistance is futile!` 2

 The futility of the human `futanarian` race is what the terrorist attack upon the isle of Manhattan was designed to emphasize. Plunged into a war consuming the resources of humanity proved the assumption of Al Qaeda, `the base`,  that provoking the United States of America would be the death of humanity because, although humans are for eating food, parasites are for eating their own `foot`, that is, the `futanarian` human species of the woman who carries them.  21st century technology is the aeroplane which is cruciform and passengers are restrained from moving while the aircraft is in transit between the airports of the different nations it flies from and towards. Archetypally the plane corresponds to Jesus` cross upon which he was nailed so he couldn`t move in a `mysterious way, His wonders to perform`,3 whereas the crew of the starship Enterprise in Star Trek travel by teleporter to planetary surfaces before returning to the starship, `beaming up` into the Enterprise `transporter room` instantaneously after relaying their coordinates by means of their `communicator devices`. The terrorist action of Al Qaeda, `the base`, in demolishing the World Trade Centre by crashing hijacked planes into the Twin Towers, could be interpreted as a comment upon Christianity`s limiting of humans to low level technology, because Christians want people to `move in a mysterious way, His wonders to perform`, as 18th century poet William Cowper wrote of God, while Satanists want to nail people`s movements down to aeroplane transports that are heavily monitored by security guards; as if the Earth were a `concentration camp` constructed by the `serpent`s seed` of men while the human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb waits in hopeless futility for its `death camp` end.

 Unless women as the `futanarian` human species with her own penis` semen and host womb for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers can develop technology to carry her away from the Earth she`ll be imprisoned by the `serpent`s seed` of men`s desire to keep her in parasitism and death. The `Great Mother` is an archetype of Jungian psychology whose attributes are various, but the Kore relationship of mother and daughter is represented by the goddesses, Demeter and Persephone, who are fertility and sleep respectively, that is, the growing season and the season of winter following harvest in anticipation of the next year`s growth.  Demeter is fertility because women have penis` seed of their own as well as host wombs represented by their daughters. The cancer or crab archetype of the mother in the period of history before male homosexuality in war and pederasty was recorded as enslaving women`s host wombs to spread their contagion further represented the archetype of the city and the starship where the shield of the goddess of the city of Troy, that is, Pallas Athene, is analogous to the shields a starship needs to prevent the hull`s integrity from being ruptured by meteors or attack. Because men are the only creatures produced from the host wombs of the `futanarian` human species of woman with her own penis` semen that seek to kill and enslave their host in parasitism, shields are what the archetype of cancer the crab, that is, the `Great Mother`, represents. Woman`s carapace is the starship she needs to develop in order to escape from the death men have planned for her on Earth. In countries where Moslem women wear the burkha,  they`re forbidden to drive a car, because it`s the first step for the `futanarian` woman`s `foot` as she endeavours to construct a carapace, that is, a starship, behind which to shield herself from men`s viral penetrations.

 Hindus and Moslems are perceived as antithetical to one another; particularly because of the border disputes between Moslem Pakistan and India, which is predominantly Hindu. But there are four wives in Moslem marriages, which is an optimum number for `futanarian` women`s secret sexual reproduction through her own penis` semen and host womb, while the Hindu goddess, Kali, with her many arms, represents women`s capacity for sexually reproducing more arms than men, who need women`s host wombs and can`t reproduce without her. Moslem marriage and Hinduism`s Kali represent women`s potential socio-economic independence and natural superiority in terms of the human race`s capacity for productive growth.  Unlike the spider, which is a soft bodied arthropod, the carapaced crab is a decapod with eight legs for locomotion and a pair of what constitute arms; although they`re actually tool-like claws. The archetypal configuration of a many armed female with a shell represents the defensive capacity of a `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb for the production of herselves. The Greek goddess Aphrodite, who is Venus in Roman mythology, is depicted as emerging from the sea as a pearl upon an oyster shell, and `the pearl of great price` is heaven, according to the Bible, which means the Graeco-Roman Aphrodite-Venus is an archetype of the `Great Mother`, who will be the `pearl` within her shell again if the archetype of the starship is developed by her `futanarian` humans as a carapace to raise her `foot` from the Earth and win the race to have her own arms about herself in those spaces between the planets and stars where starships may journey unmolested apart from the arms race of men`s desire for her death.

 1 Coopwood, Jeff as the `voice actor` for the Borg`s mission statement in Star Trek: First Contact, Paramount Pictures, November 22, 1996.

2 Stewart, Patrick as captain Jean Luc Picard of the starship Enterprise, temporarily `assimilated` by the Borg mother and declaring himself, `Locutus of Borg`, Season 3 and 4, Episodes 26 and 1, June 18 and September 24, 1990.

3 Cowper, William God Moves In A Mysterious Way, 1773.

Friday, 18 April 2014

Demons And Devils

Demons And Devils

The concept of being demonized is different from being devilled, that is, demons and devils are differently couched in terms of functionality, but the meaning is evident from a brief reading of Genesis, the first book of the Bible in which God warns Eve her `seed` will have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`, because the serpent is the creature in the garden of Eden who tempts her to eat of the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` rather than abhor it and eat of the `fruit of the tree of life`, which is God`s immortality. The serpent tells Eve and Adam, the first man created by God, `You will be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) After Eve gives Adam the fruit, which it is death to taste, God expels the pair from paradise and tells them Adam must work and Eve will experience pain in childbirth before Redemption and a `new heaven and Earth` will be given to her `seed` who will `crush the head of the serpent as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15) Because Eve is told she`ll have `seed` of her own, she`ll be born uncontaminated by male `seed`, as Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary. Jesus` teachings were of the Resurrection of `woman`s seed`, because `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb are God`s `seed`, and the `seed` of Eve born after Eden, womb enslaved by the `serpent`s seed` of men, who perceived that, if `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen flourished, men wouldn`t, and so they made her the brain slaves of their `seed` after killing her legitimate `futanarian` pair with her own penis` semen and host womb for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers and independent socio-economic system for liberating her when Adam and Eve were expelled by God from paradise for rejecting immortality for power in slavery over the human race.

 According to the Bible the `serpent` was the fallen angel Satan who, according to the Koran of Islam, which means `acceptance`, refused to bow before Adam (2: 34) at his creation by God and so was thrown out of heaven to the Earth where he was known as Satan, the tempter who sought the fall of Adam and Eve. Satan was helped by other fallen angels who became devils preventing the human race from ascending to the heaven God had prepared for humankind. Demons were the children of Lilith, according to Judaism,1 and she was the second woman with Adam and Eve in paradise from whom demons were born. Bedevilling humanity wasn`t enough to prevent humans from ascending to God`s heaven and so demonizing of individuals became a practice of those who wanted humans to view each other with suspicion, which is what the children of demonized Lilith represent, because she wouldn`t lay beneath Adam and so represented the female who wouldn`t accept subjection. Demonization of women became criminalization of the unenslaved and innocent people could be accused by anyone in order that they should be demonized by whatever others had been taught was the truth. By the end of the 21st century an individual could become a pariah instantly if a demonizer accused them of having the HIV/AIDS virus spread by mixing blood, shit and semen in mockery of sexual fertilization between homosexuals. The individual was bedeviled and his or her life ruined because of a rumour monger acting as a demon. Because women are `futanarian` humans with their own penis` semen and host womb, homosexuality isn`t possible between them, that is, `lesbianism` is a psychologist`s invention to explain schizophrenia, whereas schizophrenia is given as the explanation for supposedly abnormal sexual desire between women. Girls seeing themselves in the mirror are taught their sexual partner should be a man so their masturbatory desires are schizophrenically oriented towards the male penis if they don`t know women have penis` `seed` of their own, which means her parents are witting or unwitting Satanists if she isn`t told. A girl who finds her mother sexually desirable and doesn`t have a penis of her own is schizophrenically incapable of realizing her species` goal of self-fertilization because her father is the demon who tells her she needs a man for sexual pairing. Moreover, if she sexually desires the woman next door, she`s bedeviled by another father, but the problem remains moot because she doesn`t have a penis of her own, although it`s possible the girl next door does. However, with Satanist parents keeping her in ignorance she`ll never have a woman`s child.

 The human `futanarian` species is bedeviled and demonized to preserve women`s brain and womb slavery to the `serpent`s seed` of men, who don`t want humans born uncontaminated by male semen, like Jesus, because they want to be as gods slaving the wombs of the daughters of Eve for war. The pattern of Western society was formed in ancient Greece where men institutionalized homosexuality for the spreading of themselves as a viral contagion which enslaved the host wombs of women to pederasty and war`s furthering. The paradigm was the huge wooden horse left before the gates of the city of Troy by the Greeks as a `friendship gift` in the Greek poet Homer`s Iliad (c. 429 BC). In Homer the Greeks hidden inside were taken in by the Trojans and emerged to enslave the host wombs of the women of Troy to spread their contagion through war further. By the 21st century the incurable `killer disease` of HIV/AIDS was the biblical `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6) sent by God to convert men from their sin of enslaving `woman`s seed`:

`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)

 The HIV/AIDS virus was homosexuality`s `biological weapon` keeping women in fearful faithfulness to their devils and demons in the monogamous slave ring ownership Christianity calls `marriage`. The Elizabethan dramatist William Shakespeare was trapped in homosexuality because all of his stage productions originally contained only male actors who had the roles of women, which was the `gay` attraction. In Shakespeare`s plays, `marry` means `to know`, which is what Elizabethan homosexuals knew. Women were `Greek` slaves to pederasty and war. Elizabeth I was the queen of England (1533-1603) who needed men to repel the Spanish Armada sent by Philip II to invade her country in 1588, which was the dilemma of that and ensuing epochs. How to defend the woman with limited technological capability. Subsequent generations imcreased defensive capacity to the point of human extinction, that is, thermoglobal nuclear holocaust would result from a war between nations using intercontinental ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads, because defense of the woman is no longer the focus, but `marrying` between homosexuals engaged in vendettas who want one another to understand that they won`t tolerate insults:

‘Marry, sir, I would have some confidence with you that discerns you nearly.’ 2

 Shakespeare`s Dogberry saves Hero, Leontes` daughter in the comedy Much Ado About Nothing (1898-9), by revealing Don John`s plot to prevent her `marrying` Claudio, that is, `marry` means `to understand` the basis of her future relationship with Claudio. Don John arranges for Borachio to enter her bedchamber and have an amorous liaison with Margaret, who is Hero's maid. Audiences of the 21st century don`t understand that it`s a `gay` play in which the heroine, ironically called Hero, isn`t supposed to `marry` Claudio, because women aren`t supposed to `know` men who are the `serpent`s seed` of homosexuality and not their species. Don John is `The Bastard` but the women of the audience are `the pastored`, because Shakespeare was a genius who could pastor them as a priest might through his dramatical output. The name of Hero`s maid, Margaret, means `pearl`, which is `heaven on Earth`, according to the Bible, that is, `the pearl of great price` (Matt: 13. 44), which is the wisdom that comes from knowledge and is Redemption through work for a man and the birth of the child of the `futanarian` human woman with her own penis` semen and host womb for a girl pastored well enough to discern Shakespeare`s Margaret is a man, who isn`t her Hero.

 Girls are `devilled` by their parents who`re either conscious or unconscious Satanists because of the belief system they`re taught is true, and demonized as `lesbian` if they show signs of becoming sexually interested in their own species penis` `seed` that would give them a child through sexual fertilization of her ovum from her `futanarian` pair, that is, woman with her own penis` semen, and host womb for the production of female brainpower to liberate her from brain enslavement to the `serpent`s seed` of men. Ownership within men`s slave ring of monogamous marriage teaches girls born into Satanism they must `marry` a man, whereas a woman ought to understand marrying a man isn`t for her, as he`s an alien virus concerned to devour her race, if he`s an unredeemed parasite born from male semen and her host womb, while he is not a species and she`s the human host. Jesus` teaching was of Redemption but that requires metanoia or brain conversion, which is beyond most of those who are male brained by the `serpent`s seed` of men. Consequently, Redemption is a chimera for `woman`s seed` trapped in brain slavery to the devilment and demonism of Satanism, which doesn`t want the human `woman`s seed` to escape from Earth to reach the safety of the planets and stars of the `new heaven and Earth` God promised Eve`s `seed` after her painful childbirth.

 On September 11, 2001, the Al Qaeda group of terrorists supported and trained by Afghanistan`s Taliban government (September 1996 - December 2001) hijacked `civil` aircraft at Boston`s Logan airport, Massachusetts, and crashed the planes into the Twin Towers of New York`s World Trade Centre because the paradigm of the late 20th century was homosexuality`s HIV/AIDS virus spread by mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses during mockeries of sexual intercourse between human women. The `brutality and violence` associated with homosexuality in pederasty and war since ancient Greece`s institutionalization of homosexuality and womb slavery to further the spread of its viral contagion is known as `rough trade`,3 which is why the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre were chosen by the terrorists as their target. Al Qaeda`s terrorists wanted to reestablish `rough trade` by provoking war with Afghanistan`s Taliban and Middle Eastern dictator of Iraq, Saddam Hussein, who`d offered bases to Al Qaeda there.

 The events of 9/11, 2001 included a further plane`s crashing into the US Defense Department of the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, and another failing to reach its supposed destination at the President`s official residence, the White House, Washington, D.C., because the passengers crashed it en route at Shanksville township, Pennsylvania, rather than allow the hijacking to continue. The main target was the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre, because the event can be analyzed to discover the `X and Y` of the terrorists` thinking, which is traceable back to the North American Space Administration (NASA) `spaceplane` (1959-70) program that aimed to have a human pilot fly a plane to the moon as a first step towards space exploration and colonization of the solar system of planets circling the sun as the Earth does. At high altitudes it was discovered that test pilots flying the X-planes blacked out or lost consciousness and crashed, which resulted in cancellation of the X-plane program with the explanation that rockets were cheaper. Human lives were cheap at the Somme where the British suffered 57, 420 casualities on the first day of a five day battle during World War I (1914-18), and the thought of thermoglobal nuclear holocaust delivered to the people of the Earth cheaply at the tip of rockets armed with nuclear warheads suggests that cheap thinking wasn`t the best option if humans were going to escape their killers. During World War II (1939-45) the fascist powers were known as the Axis powers of Japan, Italy and Germany, and 9/11, 2001, represents their resurgence. Al Qaeda, `the base`, represents the Y axis, that is, New York`s Manhattan island upon which the highest building in the world stood at its inauguration in 1970, while in Cartesian mathematics the X-axis would correspond to the height of the World Trade Centre.

 The Y axis may be understood as the question: `Why?` The X-plane test pilots of the prototype NASA spaceplanes that crashed because they lost consciousness at high altitudes explains. The pilots found themselves sitting at the top of rockets fired at the moon from NASA`s facilities at Florida`s Cape Canaveral, for example, which ultimately was of more assistance to the 1982 intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) program of US President Ronald `Ray Gun` Reagan`s Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) to ring the Earth with a `ground and space based missile system` to prevent the humans from escaping. The landing of `the first man on the moon`, Neil Armstrong, in June 1969, after a ride atop a rocket, left the human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` and host womb unable to run her own race`, which God told Eve would `crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves` after Redemption from slavery to the `serpent`s seed` of men:

`One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`4

 Neil Armstrong`s words celebrating humanity`s achievement were the death knell of the NASA spaceplane program to fly to the stars and planets as human pilots, and inaugurated a belief in rocketry which ultimately represented a cheapening of human life illustrated by the United States` dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to end World War II on 6 and 9 August, because it was cheaper to destroy those cities to force Japan into submission, and ICBM`s hadn`t then been developed to make human lives cheaper.

 Rather than develop spaceplanes through the test program for the X-plane, NASA preferred to place a man atop a rocket and fire it at the moon, which resulted in an improved cheapening of human life through rocketry programs aimed at putting a nuclear warhead atop a rocket and firing it at the Earth. The spaceplane would have allowed an individual pilot to escape Earth`s gravity and fly to the moon and beyond, but men preferred to keep their female slaves under threat of extinction to produce better ways of killing the human species born from her host womb by means of her own penis` `seed` as `futanarian` woman without men`s slaving of her. After the United States and Europe`s defeat of the Axis powers of fascism, men became what they`d fought; aliens conspiring to imprison women`s humans. The NASA space program represented base and height defined by the `xy axis`. A resuregence of the Axis powrs of fascism would result in an attack upon the height from the base, which is what occurred when the terrorists of Al Qaeda, `the base`, crashed the xy plane with their hijacked aircraft crashing into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre to precipitate another global conflict. Men`s determination to look down upon the human species born from women`s host wombs, that is, `futanarian` woman`s `foot` with her own penis` semen and capacity for sexually reproducing her own brains` powers for technological liberation, is represented by the appearance of the Twin Towers on 11 September, 2001, along the xy axes of the New York skyline. The appearance of the hijacked planes chopping into the World Trade Centre represented a reemergence of the traditional fascist axe symbol, which denotes secret planning. Ancient Roman fasces were the component parts of a blind used to surround a general as a wooden fence while he conceived a strategy. The hijacked terrorist planes were Osama Ben Laden`s fascist `xy axes`, and his deploying of planes to chop down the world`s tallest building was because small men are `vertically challenged`. Saddam Hussein`s name means `small handsome man` and `crusher`, while in the Bible God says to Eve about the serpent, `He shall crush your head and you shall bruise his heel.` (Gen: 3. 5) Because men are small and vertically challenged, that is, they can`t bear to look up at something greater than themselves.

 Having abandoned individuality in the form of spaceplanes flown by pilots to the moon, Neil Armstrong sat atop a very tall rocket and arrived at the moon to look at the Earth from a great height above her. Subsequent rocket development allowed men to look upon her from a height of greater superiority knowing she could be annihilated at the push of a button launching ICBMs across the globe to destroy her utterly.

 The X-plane program was cancelled because men wanted to return to the Y-axis, that is, `the base`, represented by Al Qaeda`s chopping down of the Twin Towers. The NASA spaceplane program was replaced by a US Defense Department rocket program to deliver warheads. But Jesus, in his `Second Coming`, would be born to `rule the nations with an iron scepter` delivered of `the woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, that is, after her victory over the red sun of the flag of Japan and the moon of the flag of Al Qaeda, because men can`t bear to look up without wanting to bring down. The Twin Towers of New York`s World Trade Centre represent the competition. Because human women`s `futanarian` penis` `seed` can compete with the male braining penis` semen of men`s brain enslaving of her, the Twin Towers represent the penises of man and `futanarian` woman with her own host womb.

 If Al Qaeda, `the base`, is identifiable with the Muladhara chakra at `the base` of the spine, where human consciousness begins to develop, according to the Hindu system of belief in chakra `ladders` representing achieved levels of developing human consciousness at points along the spine below the brain, the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre on New York`s Manahatan island seems to have been intended by Al Qaeda, `the base`, to correspond to the Anahata chakra of the heart, while the brain is New York as the `Big Apple` of developed human consciousness at the `crown of the head` or Saharara chakra. In Hindu Tantric yoga the emphasis is upon sex in order to promote the `futanarian` human awareness that women are `one` insofar as they are both male and female in terms of sexual reproduction, while the enemy of humanity in the late 20th century was the HIV/AIDS virus spread by homosexuality from the base of the spine through the anus at the Muladhara chakra until it kills the brain, which would correspond to Al Qaeda, `the base`, attacking the `Big Apple` of New York by infecting the brain with its viral contagion.

 The terrorists` crashing of planes into the World Trade Centre was supported by Saddam Hussein, which provoked the Gulf war (2003-) to depose the dictator, who offered Iraq as a base to Al Qaeda, `the base`, to continue terrorism, but it was the devoting of the United States` resources to warfare which precluded the awakening of human consciousness, represented by the `Big Apple` of New York, to that `oneness` of the human species advocated by Jesus Christ`s maxim, `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Men are irredeemable if they fail to recognize that women`s sexual reproduction between each other as a `futanarian` species with its own penis` semen and host womb is a `oneness` they don`t possess and that the `serpent`s seed` of men are her viral contagion that somehow inveigled itself into her host womb, which is recorded in the Bible as the parasitical worm of Eve`s encounter with the `serpent` that seeks the death of the human race in slavery to its wars against women born uncontaminated by male semen from the host womb of the species; as Jesus Christ was:

`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)

 Obsessed with war, the brains of men are equivalent to the human body`s immune system infected with homosexuality`s incurable `killer disease` of HIV/AIDS transmitted in mockery of human sexual reproduction, and `futanarian` woman`s penis` semen and host womb is the form of reproduction mocked at the collapse of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre reestablishing the `gay plague` of sterility and death to the human race, which enjoys sexual reproduction and believes inflation is necessary to growth in a burgeoning socio-economy seeking independence from the `serpent`s seed` of men`s parasitism upon women`s host wombs:

`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)

 The `woman` of the Bible enslaved in pederasty and war by male braining of her progeny in institutionalized homosexuality`s brain enslaving of her produces the abominations of war because she`s unable to escape from her captors. The question posed by Al Qaeda, `the base`, is `Why?` The X-plane test pilots discovered they `blacked out` at high altitude, that is, they lost consciousness, which meant that ICBMs resulted from men`s inability to fly spaceplanes to the moon, because rocketry became the paradigm for `delivery`, which mocks human birth, where babies are said to be `delivered` when assisted by gynaecological experts, but nuclear warheads at the tip of rockets are a delivery system for exterminators of human populations. In Mathematics `the base` is the Y-axis and the height is indicated by the X-axis. Consequently, 9/11, 2001, was Al Qaeda, `the base`, because buildings are in the way of the axes to small men. To explain why spaceplanes don`t fly to the moon it`d be necessary to explain to the woman that men would rather deliver warheads than that she sexually reproduce alongside mankind with her own human penis` `seed` for the creation of her own brains` powers to escape men through the testing of X-plane technology that would assist her to rise from `the base` to the heights of heaven. The destruction of the Twin Towers represented men`s rejection of woman`s own `futanarian` penis` `seed` and its replacement by a single Tower representing `world trade`, where `trade` is a euphemism for `Greek` war in institutionalized homosexuality and pederasty`s womb enslaving of male brained women.

 The NASA spaceplane program failed because pilots lost consciousness, while the `geek` successors to the `Greeks` created `bad machine code` to infect computer brains that could direct a spaceplane out of Earth`s gravity while the human slept in unconsciousness after reaching the point at which X-plane test pilots had previously blacked out. The term `geek` was used to describe `circus freaks` who were `sideshow attractions` eating chickens` heads, while `circus` was used to describe the huge amphitheatres in which Romans watched `snuff` entertainments in which people were killed for the pleasure of the spectators. As `circus` came to be used to describe `spying`, blackout was a euphemism for people who were killed to prevent them from seeing. Blindness is effectively what transpired when the X-plane pilots lost consciousness, which led to the cancellation of the `spaceplane` program and the threat to human extinction grew because of the focus on rocketry to deliver death rather than life.

 The low level technology attack of Al Qaeda`s terrorist group hijacking planes to provoke what was known as `TV war` in the Gulf began at Boston, Logan airport, and so mimicked Logan`s Run (1976), the prototypically unrepentant Hollywood, Babylon `snuff` film entertainment in which `sandmen` kill `runners`, because they want to live beyond the age of 21, which is forbidden by the dystopian society in William F. Nolan`s 1967 science fiction novel on socio-economic grounds, and formed the basis for the movie the terrorists used as inspiration to kill and prevent the 21st century from `running` its true course. Although Al Qaeda were perceived as inferior because they didn`t use weapons of modern warfare, low technology is what nations armed with nuclear weapons are for. The terrorist bombing of the Boston Marathon on 15 April, 2013, developed the theme of the `footrace`, that is, the `futanarian` race of women running the human program with their own penis` semen and host wombs for sexually reproducing their own brains` power for the independent production of technology socio-economically liberating to women, and so the `sandmen`5 bombers at the Boston Marathon were again effectively attempting to prevent woman from running her own race, because that`s what men are for.

 The reduction of technology to low levels represents the loss of the `futanarian` human species` brainpower, that is, the eating of chickens` heads according to `geek` homosexuals, and rockets delivering warheads is low level technology, while computer brained spaceplanes are high level, which suggests `geeks` don`t want a high level of technology for the human chickens, and so the replacing of the Twin Towers with the One World Trade Centre (2014), or `Freedom Tower` as it`s been dubbed, is rather a symbol of the success of `rough trade`, because men`s penis` semen for the brain slaving of the host womb of the human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen no longer has even a symbolic rival in the shape of the Twin Towers representing socio-economic growth for twin humanity based on independence for women with their own brains who`re not preconceived as chickens to be devoured by `geek` philosophy.

 In Cartesian math, the Y-axis used to plot coordinates is representable as a question posed by Al Qaeda, `the base`; `Why?` The X-axis indicates the height of the Twin Towers and `the base` denotes Al Qaeda`s objective in raising the World Trade Centre to the ground. The planes crashed into the Twin Towers represented the `xy axes`,6 because small men can`t abide great vision and always seek to further reduce human development. The cancellation of the NASA X-plane program resulted in the reduction of human aspirations to the level of rockets delivering nuclear warheads in a global holocaust leading to the extinction of all human life on Earth, while the terrorist hijacked planes chopping into the Twin Towers represented the death of the human species` aspirations to raise its `futanarian` race`s `foot` from the Earth to the planets and stars of heaven, because that`s why the X-plane program was cancelled. Men don`t want women to escape Earth in spaceplanes, and they don`t want to explain why, which is the `gay plague` circus` games of demons and devils represented by the stunt artistes who don`t want humans to see beyond the `razzamatazz` of 9/11, 2001, `live on CNN` and other news networks. 21st century `circus ringmasters` are spies who produce stunts like the crashing of planes into the World Trade Centre to divert attention away from the truth, which is that humans are blinded by men who don`t want them to know.

 Rebelling from slavery humanity seeks escape from `bread and circuses` in preference for the `bread and wine` of Jesus Christ`s teaching, which is that the human host is the `body and blood` symbolized by the `bread and wine` at Jesus` `Last Supper` before his betrayal by Judas, the disciple who sold Christ for `thirty pieces of silver` as a `dissident` to the Roman authorities occupying Jewish Palestine. Rome`s agents nailed Christ to a wooden cross and tortured him to death although he subsequently had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven. Born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, Jesus` Resurrection prefigures the reemergence of `woman`s seed` upon the Earth as `futanarian` human women with their own penis` semen and host wombs for the sexual reproduction of their own liberated brains` powers. Judas Iscariot`s acceptance of the host`s `bread and wine` and his betrayal of Jesus` `body and blood` represents treachery towards the species` host womb, which is what the `serpent`s seed` of enslaving men are for. Jesus` fate was `circus` and 21st century pop music star, Britney Spears` Blackout (2007) album recognizes that with her cover for the CD video single, `Piece Of Me` where she appears on the cross as Jesus Christ, because woman is betrayed by the `serpent`s seed` of men who have male brained her in brain slavery. Britney Spears` perception is that she`s treated inhumanly, because either she`s a goddess or an animal to her fans, which isn`t good for someone who wants to be human towards others. Each VCD sold is a `piece` of betraying `silver`, because Britney Spears is a woman perceived as adulterous by the media:

`I'm Mrs most likely to get on the TV for strippin' on the streets when gettin' the groceries, no, for real are you kiddin' me?`

 Britney represents `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb for the sexual reproduction of her own species adulterated by the `serpent`s seed` of men who`re trying to sell Blackout and her as a slave blind in unconsciousness of her worth as a race, `You want a piece of me?` Her Circus (2008) album continued the theme, `There's only two types of people in the world. The ones that entertain and the ones that observe.` The entertainers are those that organize war. The most controversial song from Circus was `If You Seek Amy` which translates as `fuck me`, which is good because it`s human entertainment. Humans are physically capable of only two things; eatng and sex. Everything else is `circus` because it`s a delusion that there`s anything more for humans, which Circus` `Gimme More` single satirizes:

`Feels like the crowd is sayin` “Gimme! Gimme more!”. `

 Food and sex is all there physically is for humans, which means entertainment for the `serpent`s seed` of men is warfare and Britney Spears` circus crowd are the parasitical devourers of `woman`s seed` participating in the `perpetual enmity` of the serpent for women God warned Eve her `seed` of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and capacity for sexual reproduction of her own liberated brainpower would have with her enslaving devils and demons after she and Adam were expelled from paradise.

1 Cf. The Alphabet Of Ben Sira, c. 700- 1000 AD.

2 Shakespeare, William Dogberry to Leontes in Much Ado About Nothing (1598-9), Act III, Scene 5, line 2.

3 `Violent, often brutal sex acts, or a person, usually a male prostitute, who looks like they participate in such acts,` http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=rough%20trade .

4 Armstrong, Neil 2:56 UTC July 21, 1969.

5 `The Mujahideen of the Caucasus Emirate Province of Dagestan, the Caucasian Islamist organization in both Chechnya and Dagestan, denied any link to the bombing or the Tsarnaev brothers [accused of the atrocity, Dzokhar and Tamarlan] and stated that it was at war with Russia, not the United States. It also said that it had sworn off violence against civilians since 2012,` http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_Marathon_bombings#Chechen_reactions .

6 Smith, David E., and M. L. Lantham (transls.) The Geometry Of René Descartes (1637), Dover, New York, 1954.

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Humans Are Interested In Sex

Humans Are Interested In Sex

In the Bible God tells Eve her `seed` will have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`, which suggests Eve has `seed` or semen of her own for the sexual fertilization of the host womb of the human species of `woman`s seed` that will emerge from her womb after Eden. In the New Testament the birth of Jesus uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, supports God`s telling Eve her `seed` will `crush the head of the serpent with her foot before she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15) The serpent is the tempter in Eden, `You shall be as gods,` (Gen: 3. 5) because the original couple, Adam and Eve, eat of the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which is death, and reject the `tree of life`, which is immortality, and God expels them from Eden`s `heaven on Earth`. Eve`s `foot` is her `seed`, which is `futanarian` human woman with her own penis` semen and host womb for the sexual reproduction of her own human brains` powers for technological development and escape from womb slavery to the descendants of Adam and Eve who culled her human race of `futanarian` women into almost non-existence, whereas in biological terms `futanarian` women represent what`s human while men aren`t sexually interesting for each other and so denote what isn`t human. Consequently, Adam and Eve`s acceptance of womb slavery, as the basis of their power over the human race, is the `serpent`s seed` of unredeemed men`s pogrom of ephemerality and death to ensure the dominance of their parasitical worm which, having inveigled itself into the host womb of the human species as its devourer since Eden, breeds itself to kill the host as its parasite.

 In the Bible the `dragon` grown in size since its days as the `serpent` in Eden waits in vain to devour the child of the woman who will `rule the nations with an iron scepter`, because it`s the worm of men that wages war against the human species as its extinguisher upon the Earth. Women with their own penis` `seed` and host wombs for the furtherance of the human species are rare, but a single `futanarian` woman could sexual fertilize all of the women in her city, which explains men`s monogamy. If adultery were explained as the adulteration of the woman`s womb by the `serpent`s seed`, Jesus born uncontaminated by male semen as the `Messiah` of Christianity`s teachings of the truth about humanity, would be unadulterated, which means that male semen is the adulterate. Christian monogamy is a way of ensuring men remain as humanity`s brain enslavers through their semen`s male braining. In Hungarian `fut` means `race` and `tanar` means `teacher`, which means that `futanar` means species` teacher , that is, Jesus Christ, the Messiah, born uncontaminated by male semen who, as the host at the `Last Supper` for his disciples, was betrayed by Judas Isacariot to the representatives of the Roman Empire in occupied Jewish Palestine, who nailed him to a cross and tortured Jesus to death before his Resurrection and Ascension to heaven where he remains until his foretold `Second Coming` to `rule the nations with an iron scepter`. Because Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, Judas was the betrayer of the human host womb, which is able to sexually reproduce as `futanarian` woman without male semen.  In Japan `futanari` is the term given to pornographic cartoon depictions of `woman`s seed`, because it`s educative. Japan was the nation that bound the foot of woman in deformity meant to be understood as beautifying, whereas it prevented the woman from walking. In Hollywood, Babylon, the `one foot on the floor rule` of the Hays `production code` (1934-67) for bedroom scenes effectively prevented women`s `futanarian` human penis` `seed` from ever appearing in mainstream propaganda movies, because subsequent female nudity was standardized by the `serpent`s seed` of men to prevent her `foot` from rising from the Earth to the stars and planets of God`s heaven through the sexual production of her own brains` powers for socio-economic independence from male braining.

 Women`s lives needs labor saving devices to liberate them from drudgery, so it`s in the interests of her enslavers to prevent her from developing female exclusive technologies to facilitate her escape from men`s enslaving of her upon the Earth for its parasite`s periodic wars of extinction before it raises its heel to crush `woman`s seed` again. Saddam Hussein`s name means `small handsome man` and `crusher` and Iraq was the ancient seat of Babylon. Hollywood Babylon`s raising of a heel rather than the `foot` of the woman is directly responsible for the role of Saddam Hussein as Hollywood Babylon`s `small handsome man`  being raised as the `crusher` of `woman`s seed` in the Middle East where four women are permitted in Moslem marriages leaving the possibility of `futanarian` sexual reproduction possible because women of Islam wear the one piece coverall, the burkha, in public and their private lives remain hidden from prying eyes too. When the Al Qaeda Moslem terrorists of Afghanistan crashed their planes into the World Trade Centre of New York it was an attempt to provoke the United States into a war reestablishing male braining and women`s drudgery.

 In Judaism `Meshiah` means Messiah so the Meshiahn age supposedly inaugurated by Jesus Christ as the Messiah of Christianity translates from Judaism as the `Machine Age`, which is why Jesus is `Logos`, because his teachings prefigure women`s technology uncontaminated by male semen, which male brains women into accepting men`s pogroms against her as her own parasitical desire to devour herself, whereas it`s a parasite`s desire and not her own. Her desire is for the machine which will liberate her from slavery to male braining and ephemerality in death, which is woman`s lot because men don`t want her to grow. Long-lived women in health and rejuvenative science discovering their own species penis` semen and capacity for sexual reproduction would divorce men`s male braining of her and leave the Earth with the technology she`s developed from her own brains` powers. Consequently, the human race is pogromed periodically to keep it male brained and infantile, while resources are channeled into the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) to wage war upon the human species of the Earth`s woman rather than give her healthcare so she has longevity and the immortal youth God promised she`d recover after Eden. God told Adam he should work and Eve would experience pain in childbirth, which heralds the birth of the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb, while Redemption comes from Adam`s male descendants working for her liberation from slavery and drudgery in low technologies proferred to her by the `serpent`s seed` of men as a sop to keep her docile.

 Homosexuality has been the basis of Western society since the Greeks institutionalized it to enslave the women as host wombs for pederasty and the contagions of war, which by the late 20th century had resulted in the `biological war` of the HIV/AIDS` virus` `killer disease` injected into the anus during mockeries of human sexual reproduction by homosexuals` mixing blood, shit and semen there. The `biological weapon` functioned to keep women in faithful brain slavery to male semen, which is what homosexuality amongst the ancient Greeks was designed for. The paradigm for the computer virus of `bad machine code` infecting computer brains causing them to die was the ancient Greeks` siege of Troy where a huge hollow wooden horse was left for the Trojans to take into the city as a supposed `friendship gift` that the Greeks emerged from to enslave the host wombs of the Trojan women for male braining to ensure the extinction of the woman`s brains. Computer `geeks were the 20th century`s Greeks insofar as they wrote `bad machine code` to destroy the brains of the computer age of the human spirit of woman`s liberation as `circus geeks` eat the heads of chickens as a `sideshow` to the main event of the `circus`, which in ancient Rome was death in huge amphitheatres called `circus` for audiences who came to watch. The crashing of hijacked aeroplanes into the Twin Towers of New York on 9/11, 2001, `live on CNN` and other television news networks , was `circus` because seen by a large viewing audience. Because `circus` is a 20th century euphemism for the activity of spies, the events of September 11, 2001, were arranged entertainment for the Earth`s parasites. Because the World Trade Centre was chosen as the target, `rough trade`1 was the aim of the terrorists, that is, the reestablishing of `brutality and violence` between homosexuals of the `serpent`s seed` of men paying each other back for transgressions, real or imaginary, in vendettas. God forbade what Hollywood Babylon enshrines, in movies like Australian actor Mel Gibson`s revenge film, Payback (1999), as long ago as Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen: 16, 19), when those `cities of the plains`, rather than the `cities of the planes` of New York and Arlington, Virginia, where a third plane crashed into the US` Defense Department of the Pentagon, were destroyed because of homosexuality and pederasty`s contagions:

`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)

 Because HIV/AIDS is translatable as the `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6) of the Bible God sends to convert men from their sin of brain enslavement for `woman`s seed`, brain transformation or metanoia (Matt: 3. 11) is the `acceptance` of women meant by the word `Islam` for Moslems. Jesus has Ascension without death in the holy book of the Moslem Koran (610-30 C.E.) because Islam, `acceptance`, doesn`t need to repeat the crucifixion and Resurrection illustration of Christianity. The Resurrection of `woman`s seed` is accepted as the goal of `futanarian` Moslem human woman with her own penis` semen and host womb,  so Jesus doesn`t have Resurrection in the Koran, which was dictated to the Prophet Mohammed by the angels of God, according to Islam, although Jesus does have Ascension to heaven to illustrate Islam`s `acceptance` of woman as `heaven on Earth`, that is, a renewed `futanarian` paradise to come when her `seed` has Resurrection through women`s own form of sexual reproduction with her own penis` semen and host womb.

 Because `futanarian` human `woman`s seed` is interested in women sexually, while men aren`t interested in each other sexually, and homosexuality is forbidden by God, as it represents sterility and pederasty`s contagion, war, women represent a better future for the species of humanity interested sexually in itself and the reproduction of its own brains` powers . As `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host wombs are capable of fertilizing women without penis` semen of their own but possessing host wombs, men who don`t have host wombs of their own represent her parasites, which God warns Eve of in the Bible will result from her and Adam`s acceptance of evil in exchange for power, that is, the `serpent`s seed` of men will devour her in wars of `perpetual enmity` against the human species that would have emerged from her `futanarian` race`s womb after Eden but for its repression and suppression in favour of slavery and male braining for homosexuality`s pederasty and war. Women`s wombs make of them the human species, which means their own penis` semen represents exclusivity in terms of the race`s brainpower. A woman with her own penis` semen and host womb together with another womb woman represents 100% humanity, whereas a man without a womb is 0% human and constitutes an alien virus looking for a host to further its parasitical aims.

 In Catholicism the host is the `bread and wine` given by Jesus to his disciples at the `Last Supper`, before his crucifixion as symbolic of his `body and blood`, and is administered by the priest to the parishioner in the ritual of transubstantiation during the Communion Service where the supplicant receives a sliver of bread in the form of a  wafer and takes a sip from the priest`s chalice containing the Communion wine representing Jesus` offer of his `body and blood` to the disciples because he represented the human  host before his betrayal by Judas Iscariot. In accepting Communion the parishioner is seeking to be transformed in the transubstantiation where the `bread and wine` make the supplicant`s `body and blood` the same as Jesus in rejection of the species` betrayer Judas and rebirth uncontaminated by male semen`s male braining in metanoia or conversion from sin so that they are redeemed by the blood of Jesus` martyrdom and are born in the spirit anew having accepted `woman`s seed` in rejection of the `seed` of the `serpent` that is slavery and death for humanity. The meaning is that unredeemed men who don`t accept Jesus` teaching, which is distilled in the New Testament as `love your neighbor as yourself` (Mk: 12. 30-1), aren`t human because they can`t transcend ownership of women in monogamy, which is slavery through male braining of a species not their own.

 Because humans are interested in sex, that is, women with penis` semen and host wombs of their own, it begs the question: what are men interested in? The usual response is technological advances based on spiritualization of men`s libidic sexual energy results in the needed intellectual capacity for species` progress, but the many armed demon of global homosexuality`s pederasty in warfare upon the Earth suggests extinction of the human race is the aim of woman`s parasite and that its inventing of ever more powerful methods of mass destruction are what it`s for. Consequently, men`s teleology is the death and extinction of the host it is the parasite of, which is its interest. Sexuality is what humans are interested in, because it`s human reproduction of human brainpower, that is, `futanarian` human women with their own penis` semen and sexual reproduction of her own brains` capacity for socio-economic independence from the `serpent`s seed` of men`s male braining enslavement of her species. Men`s interest in the human race is that of a `snuff` movie maker, which is a form of entertainment in which people are filmed being killed, and that`s what Hollywood Babylon produces for the `big screen` cinema audiences, while 9/11, 2001, brought home the reality to television audiences watching on the `small screen` at home `live on CNN` and other network news channels as the terrorist hijacked planes crashed into the Twin Towers of New York`s World Trade Centre to reestablish the `rough trade`  of homosexuality`s `brutality and violence` in the `snuff` movie theatre of men`s world programed by Hollywood Babylon since 1910 when films began to be made in Los Angeles, California. Hollywood Babylon`s `small handsome man` was dictator, Saddam Hussein, whose offer of bases to Al Qaeda in Iraq precipitated the Gulf war (2003-), so `crusher` could be recorded on the `small screen` in what was described as `TV war` as he attempted to biblically `crush her head` (Gen: 3. 15), that is, Eve`s `seed` of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host wombs for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers amongst the Moslem women of Islam in the Middle East.

 September 11, 2001, and the ensuing `TV war` of the Gulf was `reality TV` and Hollywood Babylon`s movement away from fiction into `snuff` films on a global scale. The terrorist hijacking of planes at Boston`s Logan airport to crash into the Twin Towers and prevent the 21st century from being born mirrored the Hollywood Babylon movie, Logan`s Run (1976), in which `runners` are killed by `sandmen`, because they want to live beyond the age of 21, while the 15 April, 2013, terrorist bomb attack on the Boston Marathon underlined the theme of sandmen`s preventing the `futanarian` race of `woman`s seed` from running in her sandshoes to escape from her enslaving killer. Logan airport is in Massachusetts, where the women of Salem were persecuted as witches in the late 17th century, which suggests 9/11, 2001, was `black Mass.`, that is, terrorist leader, Osama Ben Laden, was in the role of a male witch practicing against a traditional women`s stronghold in Massachusetts, where his aim was to mock the Catholic Communion Service and devour the `body and blood` of Jesus` humanity in warfare.

 9/11, 2001, was prefigured by such Hollywood Babylon movies as King Kong (1933, 1976), featuring a giant ape attacked by planes on top of a New York `skyscraper`, the Empire State building and the world`s tallest upon construction in 1931, and Towering Inferno (1973) in which firefighter, actor Steve McQueen, attempts to prevent the fictional `Glass Tower` of San Francisco, billed as `the tallest building in the world`, from collapsing in order to rescue the people inside, while the terrorist attack on the World Trade Centre, the world`s newest tallest building on its construction in 1971, precipitated the `TV war` in the Gulf and was filmed by Hollywood Babylon as the `blockbuster`, World Trade Centre (2005), so justifying criticism of  Los Angeles` film industry as a war programer and `snuff` movie Empire preconceived as long ago as King Kong, the giant ape, began to climb the Empire State building in New York.

 Al Qaeda, `the base`, represented the renewal of the spreading of the contagion of homosexuality`s pederasty and war, which in the late 20th century was paradigmized by the HIV/AIDS virus thought by scientists to originate with apes. Spread by mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses during mockeries of human sexual reproduction, homosexuals constituted the giant ape, King Kong, ascending the world`s tallest building, the World Trade Centre at the `Big Apple` of New York, as the HIV/AIDS virus enters at the base of the spine to kill the brain. Because the World Trade Centre is in Manhattan, it corresponds to the Anahata or heart  chakra in Hindu yogic exercise designed to raise consciousness from the base of the spine or Muladhara chakra to the Sahasrara chakra at the `crown` of the head, which corresponds to  the brain or `Big Apple`. Al Qaeda, `the base`, were the apes spreading their `killer disease` from the base or Muladhara chakra to the `crown` of the head, that is, the `Big Apple`, to kill the human species and reestablish apemen in homosexual pederasty`s war against women. The paradigm is of the enslaving apes who don`t want the humans to climb the chakra ladder of rising developmental consciousness to escape their killing, which is what King Kong represented long before Osama Ben Laden, `the lion` of Saudi Arabia`s richest family, assumed the role of Hollywood Babylon`s leading man in the `reality TV show` in which the Earth is enslaved for the biggest apes to devour in warfare.

 The `serpent`s seed` of men`s is the manipulable monkey virus in which they give power to the biggest ape because he`s `circus` entertainment. In Boston, Massachusetts, Jamaica Plain is the part known as the `Eden of America`, and its name derives from the trade triangle of sugar, rum, and slavery, because slavery is what Adam and Eve`s expulsion from Eden led to. Although the plains of the United States aren` t where the `cities of the plains`, Sodom and Gomorrah, were destroyed by God for their degeneration, the North American Plains Indians were hunted to extinction levels by the European settlers after Christopher Columbus discovered America for Queen Isabella of Spain in 1492, which suggests the `cities of the planes` attacked by Al Qaeda`s terrorists, that is, New York`s World Trade Centre and Arlington`s Defense Department of the Pentagon, after planes were hijacked at Boston airport, Logan, was slave trade related because of Jamaica Plain, and the `run` was interfering with the flow of the rum in the bars along the route of the Boston Marathon. Because `footrace` is `fut` in Hungarian and `tanar` is teacher, Japanese `futanari`, which are cartoons featuring women with penis` semen and host wombs of their own often being tortured, the bomb attack on the Boston Marathon on 15 April, 2014, was a swipe at Japanese `futanari`  by those who preferred `rum` to `fut`, which Hungarian word meaning `race` and `run` is translatable as women`s running of the human race, when `tanar` or `teacher` is attached to `fut` as `futanar`.

 Because Jamaica Plain is the Eden of America, the Boston Marathon was `plain rum`, because sugar, rum and slavery is what apes want for the human species of `woman`s seed` and Jamaica was famous for cane sugar, which is biblical insofar as Cain was the murderer of Able in the Bible because he could cook and so was more able. The slang American phrase, `cream in coffee`, applies to racist perceptions of black children born of white slavers. In the Bible the `Cushite` woman Moses marries is interpreted by scholars as `undesirable` because the Cush were a black Ethiopian tribe (Num: 12. 1), which racists use as a tool to define anyone who`s black as `reprobate`, that is, unredeemable, while cane sugar is used to denote the mark of Cain, placed on the first murderer by God, so that he`d be slain. According to racism, coffee with sugar is a black person with the mark of Cain, because they`re `reprobate` or doomed to perdition, which is eternal unendurable pain, as God`s punishment for being black. Cain sugar is a woman, where `sugar` is American slang for black women, which is a racist perspective if a return to sugar, rum and slavery was the aim of those who launched the terrorist attack from Logan, Boston, where Jamaica Plain is America`s Eden. Because Old Jamaica was the first chocolate bar, containing rum as well as sugar, it represented slavery, whereas the Marathon chocolate bar (1973-90) was renamed as Snickers (1930-) by the time of the Boston terrorist atrocity, which suggests Snickers is a terrorist play on the derogatory word for blacks, `niggers`, while `sneakers` would be a common black term for `sandshoes` worn at the Logan`s Run 15 April, 2014, Boston Marathon in which terrorist `sandmen` attempted to kill the `runners` in accordance with the Hollywood Babylon `snuff` movie theme, that is, the terrorists wanted to kill those who wanted the human race to `run` rather than be slaves of the `serpent`s seed` of men favoring plain color bars, rum and slavery, where color bar is a term used by racists to prevent the possibility of miscegenation between people of different colors.

 One of the more popular songs of the 20th century about sexual intercourse was Led Zeppelin`s (1969-) `D` Yer Maker` from their fifth album, Houses Of The Holy (1973), where `d` yer maker` is understandable as `Jamaica`, but is couchable as a question: `Did you make her?` In US slang, `make` is a term for sexual intercourse, while black women aren`t perceived as human by racists and so God isn`t their `maker`, which is the justification for slavery. Because Jamaica Plain is America`s Eden, the racist perspective is Eve plain wasn`t black. Led Zeppelin were banned from the United States after 1977 when drummer John Bonham was involved in a fracas. John died in 1980 after a drinking binge so Zeppelin never toured the US again. The band was named for the D-LZ-129 German zeppelin that crashed on 6 May, 1937, at Lakehurst`s Naval Air Station, New Jersey, while seeking anchorage at an airship tower.  During the terrorist attack by Al Qaeda, the hijacked planes were crashed into the Twin Towers, whereas the D-LZ-129 zeppelin crashed at its mooring tower in New Jersey and wasn`t hijacked as a terrorist weapon, but the response of the terrorists was to the USS New Jersey, which was the battleship sent to the Gulf region when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait in what was known as the first war (1990-1) to remove the Iraqi army. The attack on the Twin Towers at the World Trade Centre reestablished `rough trade`, that is, the homosexual `brutality and violence` associated with pederasty and its contagion, war, but the response was the USS New Jersey`s, because  of the zeppelin disaster at the Lakeside Naval Air Station on 6 May, 1937, in New Jersey, when an airship crashed at its mooring tower. The USS New Jersey was responding to anti-semitism, because a stated aim of the first Gulf war to retake Kuwait was to protect Israel against Saddam Hussein, as the Middle Eastern conqueror in the style of Chancellor, Adolf Hitler, who`d sought to enslave Europe with the zeppelins of German Nazism during World War II, so the USS New Jersey, that is, the fiery `black dragon`, was the United States` logical choice to respond to a tower disaster for those who remembered the German D-LZ-129 zeppelin airship crashing in flames at New Jersey`s Navy Air Station, because the `chosen people` of Jewish Israel were again at risk from a fascistoid dictator, Iraq`s Saddam Hussein`s and his army of conquest. Led Zeppelin`s `D`Yer Maker` is English slang for the taking of a woman`s virginity, that is, `Did you launch?` Although the D-LZ-129 crash at the Lakeside mooring tower appears as a black and white photo on the cover of Led Zeppelin I and is the logo of the group, they didn`t launch `Big J`, but the Jewess` support was enough.

 In Judaism it isn`t possible to be born a Jew unless born from a Jewess, which means women are the `chosen people` of the Bible. Born from `the woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, a `dragon` waits to devour Jesus in his `Second Coming`, but it`s `red`, because the USS New Jersey helped win World War II after the `red sun` of the flag of Japan`s cowardly attack on the US Pacific fleet on 7 December, 1941, at Pearl harbor, brought the United States into the war against Emperor Hirohito`s bid to enslave the Pacific region for fascism. Defeat of the flag of the moon of Al Qaeda after Osama Ben laden`s assassination by US Navy Seal Team Six fulfils the prophecy of Jesus` `Second Coming` `born from the woman `clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, because she`s `Liberty` defending the `pearl of great price` that is, `heaven on Earth`, after 11 September 2001`s terrorist attack on the Twin Towers.

 The USS New Jersey`s `black dragon` is a symbolically anti-racist symbol because the North American Plains Indians, who were pogromed by the Europeans were `red` Indians , and so `red` is racism to the original inhabitants of the United States before the European enslavement, which means the US was beginning the slaying of the `red dragon` of racism in the Gulf wars to atone for the past. In the Bible `a woman` is described as `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth,` (Rev: 17. 5) because male brained women in race slavery are the producers of pederasty`s wars of extinction against herself.

 Although Led Zeppelin`s `D` Yer Maker` is translatable as `Jamaica`, the Caribbean island is where `Jah` began, which was the belief in Haile Sellasie of Ethiopia as Jesus Christ in his `Second Coming`, that is, `Jah` maker, where `Jah` is an abbreviation of the Hebrew, Jahweh, which means God, the maker, so `D` Yer Maker` is translatable as `Jah`, the maker of `woman`s seed` , who was Eve as the mother of the `futanarian` human species of woman with her own penis` semen and host wombs.

 Jesus was a carpenter by trade and so could make chairs, which means `D`Yer Maker` is `chair maker`, as `Jah` or God is the maker of heavenly chairs or thrones, `Surely, this was the son of God,` (Matt: 27. 54) the Roman centurion, Longinus, proclaimed after the death of Jesus before Christ`s Resurrection and Ascension to heaven. The role of `Big J` in the Gulf was Jehovah`s, because it unmade the throne of Saddam Hussein and effectively prepared the chair of Jesus, the carpenter, to `rule the nations with an iron scepter`  on Earth after his birth from the woman `clothed` with her victories over the red sun of the flag of Japan and the moon of Al Qaeda as the stature of Liberty in New York harbor.

 Those who plan `biological warfare` are germ maker`s, that is, `D`Yer Maker` is interperetable as `germ maker`, which is the maker of biological weapons of mass destruction, which is what the West feared Saddam Hussein was engaged in before the second Gulf war (2003-) to depose him for supporting Al Qaeda`s terrorist attack on the Twin Towers of New York`s World Trade Centre. Because `D`Yer Maker` means `Did you launch her?` the answer relates to adultery and HIV/AIDS as a `biological weapon` keeping women in fearful faithfulness to her parasites` womb ownership. If the answer to the question `D`Yer Maker?` is `Yes,` you`re not `germ maker`, whereas `No` means `germ maker`, because the `serpent`s seed` of men is woman`s adultery, while Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, as the host womb of the future human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` power to escape the `sugar, rum and slavery` of old Jamaica. In Christianity women are adulterate if they`re unfaithful to Jesus, the `first of woman`s seed`, because Jesus Christ was planning the implementation of God`s breeding program for the human `futanarian` woman with her own penis`s `seed` and host womb for independence from men. Although the USS New Jersey was responding to air attack at the Twin Towers, `Big J` carried cruise missiles, which weren`t `biological`, whereas Saddam Hussein`s  chair maker was the poison gas he used against the Kurds of Iraq to keep them and others of his people subject. The USS New Jersey was `Big J` Jehovah making the throne of Jesus` Adam and not for Iraq`s Saddam:

`All those tears I cry oh oh ah aye, baby please don't go.`4

 The `D` Yer Maker` lament from Led Zeppelin`s Houses Of The Holy is for the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers to technologically develop and leave Earthmen behind in starships of her own devising, which is in accordance with God`s plan for Eve who `will crush the head of the serpent as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15) Haile Sellasie was the leader of black Ethiopia (1930-74), which accords with the belief that Jesus was black. Consequently, racism is misogyny, because Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen form his mother, the Virgin Mary, as the representative of the human race of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb for the sexual reproduction of her own species` socio-economic independence from male braining and slavery to men`s wars against God, that is, `Jah` her maker, who the Jamaicans and Ethiopians sometimes define as Haile Selassie, the Emperor known as `the lion of the tribe of Judah`, because Judah was the founder of Israel, in contrast to Osama Ben Laden, whose first name means `lion`, but his terrorist group were the treacherous guests of the United States when Al Qaeda betrayed the host, as Judas Iscariot had betrayed Jesus to the Romans at the `Last Supper`, before his crucifixion as a `dissident`, death and Ascension to heaven, and return as Haile Selassie, God Emperor, according to the Jamaicans and Ethiopians. Racism and miscegenation is the bulwark of those who don`t want humanity to progress beyond apeing men, which is why black people were often associated with apes in racist ideology such as Nazism. In World War One (1914-18) zeppelins were used to bomb European cities, which occurred again in World War II (1939-45) although airships were balloons and represented apeish understanding, that is, balloons floated upwards and so were deployable as transport, whereas the concept of the aeroplane was viable and balloons were childish. The NASA (North American Space Administration) program of the 1960s had the same problem. The X-15 plane was designed to fly to the moon, but Neil Armstrong had to sit at the tip of a rocket designed to deliver a thermonuclear weapon to its target in order to be the first man on the moon because men preferred weapons` research:

`One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`5

 US President Ronald Reagan`s 1982 Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) began the implementation of a ground and space based missile system that effectively ensured woman as the `futanarian` human species with her own penis` semen and host wombs for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers for technological liberation would have to ask the United States if she could leave the Earth should she want to, which makes of the planet both a `concentration camp` and a `death camp` for the human race forced to accept the yoke of its masters. The analogy is of a chocolate bar, where people represent different labelled cronfectionate, and certain types are preferred by different consumers. In the 1930s National Socialist Germany (Nazism) interned Jews in work camps, which became `death camps` with ovens to consume the corpses, because that was the Nazi`s confectionate preference. The human species of `futanarian` woman isn`t expected to raise her `foot` from the Earth but to be consumed confectionately. Nazism is aped by men who guard everything, while Christians are taught to save everyone, which is apeish. Turning children`s balloons into zeppelin bombers and sex into the desire that the woman shouldn’t leave but be consumed as confection is what apemen do. The Al Qaeda terrorists that hijacked the planes to crash into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre on 9/11, 2001, didn`t build the Twin Towers or construct the aeroplanes, and they weren`t qualified by the Aviation Authority to fly, which meant they were apeing humanity.

 Christianity presupposes Resurrection after death, whereas Islam, that is, `acceptance`, presupposes Ascension and Resurrection of `woman`s seed` without death, that is, for Moslems heaven isn`t eating the same cake you`ve had before, as the cake saved from being eaten, although you had eaten it before, because it isn`t a confection, whereas for Christianity saving is the activity of a confectioner who wants to eat the very same cake they ate last week, which effectively requires regurgitation.  Those people who experience de ja vu, that is, a French term for the feeling of having seen something or been somewhere before, which their conscious memory tells them is new experience, are brain damaged victims of brain slavery, who`re experiencing regurgitation for someone who wants to eat the same cake again without having to work. The chocolate bar analogy is plain. The bar is miscegenation, that is, the color bar, where chocolate is plain black, and humans slave to produce heaven bars for criminals like the Nazis to enjoy repeatedly while the workers strive to use what brains remain to find a means of escape.

 The Boston Marathon bars on 15 April during the terrorist bombing were mainly coffee bars, where coffee had to be made or it couldn`t be drunk, which is what criminals don`t want to accept. They want to drink the coffee they`ve drunk before, where humans of the color bar serve, that is, heaven is what criminals want, but they don`t want to work, so they`re prepared to destroy others` capacity for memory through death. Reincarnation is the antithesis of Resurrection, which is equivalent to regurgitation, that is, the worker is reborn to produce heaven for the `serpent`s seed` of men`s collective memory of who were slaves before. Christianity`s concept of Salvation for everyone isn`t realistic, as God`s intended punishment for the evil is perdition, that is, eternal unendurable pain, and because death is a prerequisite for Christian heaven, it`s for criminals living in the memory death of humanity regurgitated as slaves, whereas Moslems, who believe in Ascension to heaven without death, represent the desire that the regurgitated scenes die and the humans go on living without the criminals Christianity seeks to convert. If conversion is just a euphemism for being accepted by the church as an authorized enslaver, Christian Salvation is regurgitation of reincarnated workers to produce heaven for the slave rings.

 Unless people perceive more than being pastored as docile sheep for brain slavers, they won`t convert. They`ll have to be assured their efforts result in liberation from drudgery through computer brain technologies that enable them as individual producers of what they need to live, which inevitably entails the scenario of machine care, that is, the robot who cares for the human who is freed to be more human than erstwhile. Such machines would in reality be better humans, because better able to care for humans, which is what men fear humans will realize, because robot humans would make men`s parasitism redundant in a world where human women with their own penis` semen and host wombs,  for socio-economic independence and technological advancement through the harnessing of their own brains` powers, wouldn`t need the `serpent`s seed` at all, because they`d have human machines, rather than manned machines to kill the humans, which are apemen machines. Dakota DC-9`s are planes first built in 1965 at a cost of 45,000 US$ each and were still being used in the second decade of the 21st century as passenger aircraft with reputable airlines like USA Jet Airlines, while B-1 bombers for the Gulf war cost 1 billion US$ each, because apemen want to kill, and they don`t want the humans to escape their improvements.

1 `Violent, often brutal sex acts, or a person, usually a male prostitute, who looks like they participate in such acts,` http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=rough%20trade .

2 Owen, James `AIDS Origin Traced to Chimp Group in Cameroon`, National Geographic News, 25 May, 2006, http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2006/05/060525-aids-chimps.html .

4 Plant, Robert, John Bonham, John Paul Jones, Jimmy Page, `D` Yer Maker` Houses Of The Holy, Warner/Chappell Music, Inc., 1973.

5 Armstrong, Neil 2:56 UTC July 21, 1969.