Universal Life Church

The Universal Life Church Monastery

Sunday, 29 June 2014

We`re Living In A False Paradigm

We`re Living In A False Paradigm

Women are taught that they have to have a man because men are the sexual fertilizers of their ova, and because women don`t have penis` semen of their own. However, according to the Bible, they do. In the garden of Eden God tells Eve her` seed` will have `perpetual enmity` for the `serpent`s seed`, but she will `crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15) Because Eve is expelled from paradise on Earth, that is, heaven, for accepting the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which is death, rather than the `fruit of the tree of life`, immortality, God`s words to her indicate that her victory occurs as she leaves Eden, although she and Adam are expelled for accepting the serpent`s offer, `You shall be as gods,` (Gen: 3. 5) if they eat the fruit of the `tree of knowledge`, because Eve`s `foot` is the `futanarian` species of `woman`s seed` with her own penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers for liberation from womb slavery in war and death, which is what men`s `seed` produces.

 The `seed` of woman was born after Eden which Jesus Christ`s birth uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, emphasizes. Jesus is the preacher of Redemption from original sin, that is, the enslaving of the host womb of the human species for godlike power as its extinguisher in war and death. Jesus was betrayed as the host at his `Last Supper` where he offered his disciples `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood`, that is, his mother, the host womb of the human race, before he was sold for `thirty pieces of silver` to the Roman occupiers of Jewish Palestine as a `dissident` by his disciple, Judas Iscariot. Jesus was nailed to a cross of wood and tortured to death, before he had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, which prefigures the Resurrection of `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host womb, Consequently, Judas is the betrayer of the human host to the Empire of Satan, who was the angel expelled by God from heaven and turned into the serpent of Eden for refusing to accept God`s plan, while Jesus is Christ, the `redeemer`, because he represents the rebirth and Resurrection of `woman`s seed` after Eve and Adam`s expulsion from Eden, which preceded them (and their descendants) obtaining power like gods by killing and culling the `futanarian` humans species of woman with her own penis` semen to prevent humanity from achieving socio-economic independence and escaping from her womb slavers, the `serpent`s seed` of men.

 Because women have their own penis` semen as God`s `seed` waiting to leave the Earth and crush the serpent with her `futanarian` foot as she leaves, she`s living in a false paradigm in which lies are couched as truth. Taught she must have a man, women sacrifice themselves on the altar of their parasite. In the Bible the serpent grows in size to a dragon, which `waits in vain` to devour Jesus in his `Second Coming` as `he who will rule the nations with an iron scepter`, because Jesus` teaching of Redemption require women to reject Satanism and accept `woman`s seed`, which means they have to embrace each other and deny men who`re unredeemed. Jesus` basic precept was `love your neighbor` as the entire distillation of the meaning of God`s law, because women are taught they`re Oedipal. The ancient Greek dramatist, Sophocles, wrote the drama of Oedipus who killed his father accidentally and married his mother in ignorance, and so he was blind metaphorically, while afterwards he blinded himself for committing the sin of incest which is men`s dominant taboo because they don`t want the woman to remember her own penis. Oedipus represents the taboo against the daughter having sexual intercourse with her mother and fertilizing her with her own penis` semen, whereas Jesus` maxim `love your neighbor` is women`s Redemption, because they can love their neighbor as their mother, but sexually, whereas men`s incest taboo precludes women`s realization that women are the sexual counterparts of each other. If the mother is a sexual impossibility for the son, it`s a physical impossibility for a woman without a penis and who doesn`t know that women have penis` semen of their own because her species has been culled by a parasite so it can emerge and cull and kill her from the host womb as her enslaver in the `perpetual enmity` of the `serpent`s seed` for her human `seed` of woman in war against her until the death of her race:

`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)

 Intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) with nuclear warheads to produce global holocaust in the event of war are a product of women`s wombs, because men have thought them up, but `woman`s seed` is independent of male braining, which means the parasite is planning to kill her. The world`s religions might be strong but Satanism doesn`t care about belief; it has its agenda: the death of the human species. Because it`s a parasite that grows from the host womb of the woman to wage war against her and kill her. Although her indomitable spirit is able to inspire civilization, culture and art, men want to kill her, which is why the parasites wage war upon her Earth. It`s their nature as parasites whereas her nature has been culled or killed as the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of her own brain`s powers for technological liberation from slavery so she can lift her `foot` from the Earth and set it upon `the pearl of great price`, which is the moon as the first step of woman`s journey to planetary colonization for `woman`s seed` amongst the stars of heaven, but ICBMs won`t get her there:

`One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`1

  Neil Armstrong`s words as the first man on the moon for the North American Space Administration (NASA) program were belied in March 1983 when US President Ronald `Ray Gun` Reagan unveiled his plan for a `ground and missile based system` that would prevent humans leaving Earth without permission. Consequently, woman`s `foot` would never be placed upon the moon because she`s the `futanarian` human species` `seed` here. Many have wondered why Hollywood is called Babylon. Because of its support for Satanism. The Hays code (1930-67) made it a rule for women to have one foot on the floor in bedroom scenes so that immoral sexual activity couldn`t occur. But morality wasn`t the issue. Although Robert Redford and Jane Fonda appeared in scenes of intimacy in Barefoot In The Park (1967), the Hays code had made it unlikely for a naked `futanarian` woman`s penis to be imagined as her `foot` in Central Park, because of the serpent`s grass roots` presence in Hollywood Babylon. If women`s penis was never seen, women`d remain ignorant and blind. The `futanarian` foot of `woman`s seed` would never leave the Earth, even as far as the moon, because her penis wouldn`t. Even the Pioneer spacecraft, 10 and 11, NASA sent out of the solar system (1972, `73), with a brass plaque for other life forms to see and learn about humans, depicted only man and woman, while woman`s true sexual counterpart, that is, her own `futanarian` species with her own penis` semen for her own host wombs, was absent, because the parasite didn`t want the rest of the cosmos to know it`d stolen the human`s penis and was on its way to kill her should she be found alive.

 Although US President Barack Obama`s nation opted for AEGIS, a sea based missile shield against ICBMs, `aegis` was the goddess` Pallas Athene`s protective garment, and she was the patron deity of the city of Troy besieged and taken by the Greeks, who institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty to spread their contagion of war, while enslaving the host wombs of the women. The Greeks devised a huge hollow wooden horse, known as the `Trojan horse`, from which they emerged to capture the city and enslave the host wombs of the women for homosexuality in pederasty and war when the Trojans took the horse into Troy, deluding themselves it was a gift acknowledging the defensive capabilities of Pallas Athene, whose motherly symbol was the tirelessness of the horse. Their priest, Laocoon, even told them it was the 20th century `geek` counterpart of the Greeks, that is, a programer, who`d written a `bad machine code` to infect their system and kill the brain of the city of Troy after the fashion of the HIV/AIDS` `killer virus` spread as homosexuality`s `biological weapon` in sterile mockery of human sexual reproduction when mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses to keep women in fearful faithfulness to their slave rings and kill her brain by preventing her from sexually reproducing with herselves:

`Beware Greeks bearing gifts.`2

 Although Pallas Athene is the mother goddess of Troy, the fate of the Trojans is a consequence of her preference for men, that is, she`s the horse they emerge from and so the Greeks are able to appeal to her and the city is taken for pederasty in war. Geeks were circus freaks who ate chickens` heads to entertain onlookers, which is what men think of women, because `chicken` is a euphemism for `coward` and any species that`ll allow its heads to be eaten by its parasite is a coward. Consequently, the `geek` who kills women`s computer brains through `Trojan virus` is mocking her as HIV/AIDS` killer disease spread by men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses mocks human sexual reproduction.

 Because male braining is the result of male `seed`, the consequence is a creature with different genders but the same brain, which is transvestism or `TV`, that is, it`s the same creature wearing different clothes. Consequently, `TV` as television is the medium in which the homosexual killers watch the chickens eating their heads, that is, everything is `TV` and wars are the parasites` entertainment. In the Roman circus people were killed for entertainment, while `circus` in the 20th century was a euphemism for `spying`, which is blinding those who want to see, that is, women, because men don`t want women to be able to conceive of women themselves as their own natural partners in sexual reproduction, whereas women are the ones with the host wombs and so are the human race if they have their own penis` semen too.

 Western democracy was based on the Greek model of institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty and war. Before Emily Pankhurst suggested women should be enfranchised before, during and after WWI (1914-18), women weren`t voters, whereas human biology indicates they were disenfranchised by their parasites, which preferred the `TV` transvestism of the carnage of the battle of the Somme, for example, which took place between 1 July and 18 November, 1916, during which 1,000,000 men were killed or wounded, so the homosexuals at home could vicariously enjoy it; as a prelude to watching it at the cinemas as Oh! What a Lovely War (1969) and other films before `TV` was properly invented in 1926 by Scot, John Logie Baird, so the homosexuals could watch the human species dying from the couch in their living room as `small screen` autosuggestion for the snakes` boy sons and `live on CNN` and other television networks reporting the progress of the sneaks` attacks.

 In his `Second Coming` Jesus was born from a woman `clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, because the moon is the `pearl of great price`, which is heaven in the Bible, where her `futanarian` foot needs to be. The red sun of the flag of Japan`s sneak attack upon the US Pacific fleet at Pearl harbor on 7 December, 1941, is the sun clothing the woman, while the flag of the moon is Al Qaeda, the terrorist group that sneakily hijacked civil airliners on September 11, 2001, to crash them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre of New York, where the pearl of the moon could be seen in New York harbor beneath the statue of Liberty bearing freedom`s torch, because figuratively she`s Jesus` mother, representing the woman who shelters the future beneath her skirts. Al Qaeda leader, Osama Ben Laden, was killed by US Navy Seal Team Six on 2 May, 2011, by authority of the `Great Seal` of the US Presidency, because Jesus uncontaminated by male semen is woman`s `Great Seal`:

`The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent's reach.` (Rev: 12. 14)

 Al Qaeda were trained by the misogynist Taliban regime in Afghanistan which was the traditional seat of Hassan-i-Sabbah, `Master of the Assassins`, who gave his men hashish so they believed they were in paradise and then he sent them out from mountain fastnesses to kill rulers who wouldn`t accept Islam, the religious faith spread by the adherents of the Prophet Mohamed whose holy book was the Koran (610-30 C.E.), dictated by the angels of God, according to Moslem tradition, and so Islam was established. The Hashishim were sneaks in the grass, where `grass` is a euphemism for hashish. Osama Ben Laden was the 21st century`s `Old Man of the Mountain`, whose sneak attack upon the United States resembled Japan`s at the outset of WWII (1939-45), that is, the Hashishim were the `serpent`s seed` while Jesus` `seed` are the seals of the hymen of the human species of womankind`s `futanarian` race with her own penis` semen and host womb. In `Islam`, which means `accept`, Jesus` Ascension is bodily, in accordance with the Christian dogma of the Assumption of his mother, the Virgin Mary, bodily into heaven without death, because the Resurrection of `woman`s seed` is accepted and implicit in the marriages of Islam where four wives are permitted and so Resurrection for the fruits of women`s penis` `seed` is predicated. In other words, Jesus` death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven is an illustration `Islam`, `accept`, doesn`t need, because it encourages death worship as a means to gain entrance into heaven, which was the abomination represented by the Hashishim and Al Qaeda who were attempting to assassinate Jesus` `seed` in the West.

 In the United States of America, the model for Western democracy, women`s feminist `political correctness` was beginning to gain ground in terms of political enfranchisement with women like Condoleezza Rice, US Secretary of State (2005-9), Hilary Clinton, US Secretary of State (2009-13) and Sarah Palin, Vice President nominee for the US Republican Party in the vote to decide whether the Democratic Party or the Republicans would govern the United States of America after 2008. But Al Qaeda`s `Trojan horse` infected feminism`s `PC` to kill women`s brain on the brink of having enough information through the information superhighway available to them via the internet to be able to see to remember they could sexually reproduce socio-economic independence in rejection of war in pederasty by means of their own penis` `seed`.

 Because Al Qaeda`s planes were hijacked at Logan airport, Boston, Massachusetts, the Hollywood Babylon paradigm was the thinly veiled `snuff movie`, Logan`s Run (1976), in which `runners` who reached the age of 21 and ran from the `sandmen`, who killed them to maintain the socio-economic status quo, corresponded to 21st century New Yorkers at the World Trade Centre, where the `rough trade` of global `brutality and violence` amongst homosexual men who pay for boys and men was reestablished, while 15 April 2013`s terrorist bombing of the Boston Marathon`s `runners` were sneakers in grass as the Hashishim attempting to prevent the human footrace from running from their `sandmen` in their sandshoes.

 Traditionally women of Islam can`t be seen, because they wear the one-piece coverall of the burkha from which their eyes can be seen by each other, but men are forbidden from looking at the eyes of women who aren`t perceivably female relatives. Consequently, the Moslem woman may correspond to the `hidden` woman of the `wilderness` who gives birth to Jesus in his `Second Coming` uncontaminated by male semen as her redeemer, because the four wives permitted in Moslem marriages allows her the possibility to reproduce sexually as `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host wombs. Because women have both penis` semen and host wombs of their own, while men are her oppressors denying their own `futanarian` male womb as well as hers, she`s the breeding pair denied by the womb enslavers` program.

 If women breed, men who have no wombs of their own would be exponentially outnumbered and democracy would have arrived to the virtual exclusion of men because they wouldn`t be able to reproduce their viral parasitism from a host womb that wasn`t their own. The tradition that the Middle East is despotic and undemocratic with rulers rather than governments may well be true, but Western democracy is founded upon the denial of women`s franchise and homosexuality in pederasty and war as the basis for men`s rule, whereas Communism is the socio-economic model expressive of German Karl Marx`s Das Kapital (1856) philosophy of state `ownership of the means of production` for the people. Western capitalism`s philosophy of `supply and demand`, where entrepeneurs employ workers to produce what people want, rather than what they need, represents women`s womb enslavement as `ownership of the means of production` and so Marxism provides the basis for an understanding of women`s wombs as `the means of production` and is the critical tool for describing both communism and capitalism as womb slavery because it denies women`s capacity for sexually reproducing her own brains` power for liberating herself technologically from drudgery in socio-economic independence from men as her employers.

 In Eden, Eve and Adam had a fruit tree of their own, which they ate from, while the serpent tempted them to eat from another tree that God had forbidden, because the fruit tree they ate from wasn`t womb slavery to death in pederasty and war, whereas the serpent represented their enslaver, who would afterwards masquerade as their employer, because they wouldn`t have fruit of their own as their wombs would be in thrall to whatever the serpent and its `seed` wanted to be produced. However, God told Eve her `seed` would `crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves` Eden, because her `futanarian` child with her own penis` semen and host womb would be born after she and Adam were expelled from paradise untainted by their sin of race suicide.

 Although Jesus is often described as sacrificing himself for humanity, he doesn`t. He was nailed upon a cross and tortured to death as a `dissident` teacher by the Roman Empire in Jewish Palestine because he was born uncontaminated by male semen, which was the teaching that the `serpent`s seed` of male braining in pederasty and war didn`t want `woman`s seed` to remember. Jesus was suicided, which is what the serpent had Eve and Adam do in the garden of Eden when they suicided the human race`s `futanarian` future in exchange for womb slavery to war in pederasty and death that would attend men`s killing and culling of Eve`s daughters own penis` semen and wombs to ensure women`s enslavement. Jesus` Resurrection was God`s response to his being suicided, which was God`s response to Eve and Adam`s being suicided, because `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb for the sexual reproduction of the real human species uncontaminated by male semen was Redemption and Resurrection from suicide immediately after Eden before she was killed and culled to establish womb slavery to men in pederasty and war.

 Incest is taboo because it results in congenital idiocy, that is, a creature that kills its own host womb. Because woman`s host womb is host to a parasite, she`s a congenital idiot because her parasite has castrated her so she can`t have sex with her mother. Jesus` solution is `love your neighbor` because he`s not an advocate of either parasitism or incest, but it`s difficult for him to explain that women`s penis` semen is what God`s law is meant to protect. Born uncontaminated by male semen Jesus` birth is educational, but his Resurrection and Ascension to heaven after crucifixion is illustrative. Although Jesus` crucifixion seems predestined, because it illustrates the meaning of his birth uncontaminated by male semen, as his Resurrection illustrates the future reemergence of `woman`s seed`, his isn`t a self-sacrifice, that is, Jesus` birth, death and Resurrection are foreseeable but unplanned. If he was killed, he`d have been born uncontaminated by male semen, which is the meaning of his birth and teaching, that is, his Resurrection after torture and death is illustrative, but not exemplary, because Jesus` death isn`t suicide as he isn`t advocating death as a means to heaven and so isn`t worshipping death, whereas his Resurrection after death promotes torture as a methodology for attaining to heaven. Consequently, the meaning of Jesus` life is his birth uncontaminated by male semen as `woman`s seed` from his `futanarian` mother, the Virgin Mary, which prefigures the Resurrection of humanity, while the Romans` torturing of Jesus to death both obfuscates and illumines. Jesus` Resurrection is confused with heaven through death, whereas his life is meant to depict Resurrection for `woman`s seed` without death, which is why Judas was clever. He sold Jesus for `thirty pieces of silver` to the Roman Empire, who crucified Christ on the understanding that the Christians would worship death, if Jesus had Resurrection, and so humanity would never escape from womb slavery in pederasty and death through heroism in war, which is Satanism.

 Jesus isn`t a hero, but a redeemer, with a `sword coming out of his mouth`, because his words are powerful. They had to be if women are going to emerge from the false paradigm constructed by the `serpent`s seed` of men to imprison them in womb slavery. If the human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb for the sexual reproduction of her race is to endure occlusion in blindness through the killing and culling of her own species by men of the `serpent`s seed`, Jesus` words need to be strong in order to carry the message far enough into the `futanarian` future where computer information systems reach a level of saturation in terms of data that makes it impossible for the human race of women to be ignored. Geek programers, with their `bad machine code`, based on HIV/AIDS `Trojan viruses`, as their model derived from ancient Greek virality in institutionalized homosexual pederasty and war through womb slavery, kill the machine brains devised by humans to prevent women from receiving intelligence enough from the human defence system to commit them to Jesus` `futanarian` teaching of uncontamination by male semen.

 Al Qaeda`s `Trojan horse` that penetrated the USA`s computerized defence system on September 11, 2001, crashed the human system like a computer virus when the terrorists flew hijacked planes into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre and reestablished `rough trade` in that `brutality and violence` associated with Greek homosexuality in war through pederasty in which men pay for boys and men to contaminate the system with their virality, because that`s why they`re for. Flying planes from Boston, Logan airport, to kill the 21st century after the fashion of the `sandmen` killing the `runners` who didn`t want to die after they reached 21, Al Qaeda sought to divert resources away from Hilary Clinton`s healthcare plan that would have resulted in longevity for women`s brains and bodies so they constituted a human data base capable of transmitting knowledge of themselves as a `futanarian` species of women with their own penis` semen and host wombs to their daughters.

 By activating the USA`s Military Industrial Complex (MIC), Al Qaeda sabotaged Clinton`s Democratic Party program and ensured the election of Colin Powell, as the US General who won the second Gulf War to depose Saddam Hussein, dictator of Iraq who supported Al Qaeda, to the position of Republican Secretary of State in the administration of President George W. Bush Jnr. George, President during and after 9/11, 2001, declared `War On Terror` (2003-) and so plunged the Earth into an age of `fear your neighbor`, rather than Jesus` `love your neighbor`, which was `God`s law` for Christ born uncontaminated by male semen. Love was the ruling principle protecting women`s future as the `futanarian` heir to the human cosmos producing her own brains` powers from her own penis` semen and host womb to escape homosexuality`s HIV/AIDS` `biological weapon` keeping her in fear and faithfulness to her womb enslavers in parasitism and death through wars against her. Hilary Clinton`s plan was to spend money on healthcare for old women rather than on `rough trade`, which makes her a US heroine:

`By September 1994, the final compromise Democratic bill was declared dead by Senate Majority Leader George J. Mitchell.`3

 Bill was Hilary`s husband as US Democratic Party President (1993-2001), who supported her healthcare proposals. When Mitchell declared Hilary`s bill dead, he goaded her into seeking the US Presidency, but she lost her party`s nomination to Barack Obama and became Secretary of State with him as US President in 2009 advocating `smart power` combining US` military strength with diplomacy during the `Arab Spring` revolutions against dictatorship in Islam, leading to the fall of  Mubarak in Egypt (2011), Gadaffi in Libya (2011), Ben Ali in Tunisia (2011), Saleh in Yemen (2012) and regime changes in other Moslem nations. Although the `Arab Spring` looked hopeful for women, change tended towards Islamic fundamentalism on the Iranian model of religious dictatorship by Ayatollah Khomeini after the Islamic Revolution there to depose the Shah in 1979, which meant a return for women to hiding beneath their burkhas as the killed and culled future `futanarian` human race awaiting Resurrection, while the Christians are encouraged to believe in the false paradigm that they fight wars against the Moslems because they don`t believe in Jesus who`s a Prophet in Islam.

1 Armstrong, Neil UTC: 2. 56, 21 July, 1969.
2 Virgil The Aeneid Bk II, 19 B.C.

Friday, 27 June 2014

Hey Presto

Hey Presto

Transferring cartoon figures from a clear plastic sheet onto which they`re painted by the simple expedient of placing a Letraset sheet over a picture and rubbing over the top of each figure with a pencil to transfer them onto the picture to make a scene might seem like child`s play, but chromolithography is the basis of most games` system theory for the personal computer PC games` industry in which the game is devised around the success or failure of the adventure figure as they progress through the scene or scenes devised by the game`s software designer. The Letraset company`s Action Transfers were what modellers call `diorama`, where three dimensional plastic kits, such as those manufactured by the British Airfix (1939-) and American Revell (1943-) companies, are clipped together with glue before being painted to resemble their full scale counterparts, for example, a historical diorama depicting Russian Cossacks on the Steppes, or space marines from the movie Starship Troopers (1997), with their equipment in scenes from `the bug planet` where men battle giant arachnids.

 Action Transfers became Kalkitos, or PrestoMagiX in the United States, through a joint venture with the Gillette (1901-) razor blade manufacturer, which was logical because blades were used by modellers to detach the plastic pieces of the kits from the `trees` they were attached to before piecing them together to make the model for the diorama. Although PrestoMagiX employ the same principle for their one dimensional flat dioramas on cardboard depicting different terrains for the figures to be transferred to, kit modellers` dioramas had scaled down but real terrain with tangible constructs, like tanks and soldiers. But the transition from Action Transfers to PrestoMagiX was real and significant. Letraset was a British company where action dioramas were favoured because of the taboo against humans. PrestoMagiX in the United States was angled at the little girls` market for children who wanted to place figures in houses, like dolls are dressed in different clothes by pre-pubescents, while in the UK Actions Transfers was aimed at cowardly boys who would be the `gamers` of the future engaged in `shoot-em ups` modelled on the supposedly godlike performances of the pilots of A10 `tank busters` in the Gulf war (1990-1) to recapture Kuwait from the invading Iraqi army of Middle Eastern dictator Saddam Hussein and similar `easy game` ideas that encourage boys to develop into cowardly and evil men.

 The basic British flaw doesn`t reside with the child, but with the false belief that men are protectors and believe in `Women and children first!` In the historical movie Titanic (1997) English actress, Kate Winslet, is Rose, who takes to the lifeboats on 15 April, 1912, when the ship on its maiden voyage from Liverpool to New York is hit by an iceberg. The scene is marred by men throwing the women and children out of the lifeboats as the ship sinks. In the Bible God tells Eve her `seed` will `crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15) Her `foot` is her `futanarian` species of woman with her own penis` semen and host womb, who wants to leave Earth. In Britain women are taught they don`t have penis` semen and host wombs of their own, which leaves something missing from the picture. Consequently, British children`s education is a perversion, which is somewhat palliated in the United States of America where sexuality is less repressed.

 The `futanarian` picture is much more complete amongst the desert peoples of Arabia`s Moslems where marriages are permitted four wives, which makes possible sexual reproduction between women in Islam devoted to the Koran (610-30 C.E.) dictated, according to tradition, to the Prophet Mohamed by the angels of God more than six hundred years after Jesus` death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven. `Islam` means `accept` because Jesus` teachings are acceptable to women. Born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, Jesus` betrayal as the host by his disciple, Judas Iscariot, is a betrayal of the species` host womb that should contain `woman`s seed` of Eve` `futanarian` human race. Jesus` `bread and wine`, as symbols of his `body and blood`, offered to the disciples at the `Last Supper`, before he was nailed to a wooden cross and tortured to death by agents of the Roman Empire in Jewish occupied Palestine, represent the host womb of the humans species betrayed by Judas for `thirty pieces of silver`. In Islam, Jesus has Ascension to heaven without bodily death, which accords with the Christian dogma of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary without bodily death, that is, Islam accepts that the meaning of Jesus` life is Resurrection for `woman` seed` and the Moslems don`t need the illustration.

 In Britain Action Transfers was a picture with something missing, that is, the woman`s penis. In Islam women wear the one-piece coverall of the burkha from which only their eyes can be seen and they`re taught not to look at men while the men are taught not to look at the women because women are `futanarian` and so their looks are for each other. Although desegregation is represented as an aim by Western democracies, in ancient Greece homosexuality was institutionalized to maintain pederasty in war. Greece was held to be the model for Western democracy, and Christianity, which conceals the meaning of Jesus` life and death, born uncontaminated by male semen, and killed as `woman`s seed`, before he had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, was Western democracy`s foundation, but the rejection of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb from the picture is a denial of Jesus` teaching of Redemption through conversion from sin, which God identifies with homosexuality on two clear occasions in the Bible when the angels destroy the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen: 19.  15) where `sodomy` was, that is, the spreading of the `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6), which could be perceived as war. After the emergence of the late 20th century incurable `killer disease`, men`s spreading of the HIV/AIDS` contagion by mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in mockery of human sexual reproduction was the `blood plague` sent by God to convert them:

`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)

 What men have done is the equivalent of Action Transfers, which is to put themselves in the picture instead of the humans, particularly in Britain, to keep the `futanarian` human species of women out of the picture so they won`t know of their socio-economic potential for sexually reproducing their own brains` powers for technological liberation through labor saving devices and freedom through space travel and colonization of the planets amongst the stars of heaven above the Earth. Although the idea of men as the alien intelligence on the planet seems far-fetched that`s exactly what God warns Eve of in the Bible when he tells her that her `seed` will have `perpetual enmity` with the `seed` of the serpent who tells her and the first man Adam, `You shall be as gods,` if they eat of the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which is death in rejection of the `fruit of the tree of life`, that is, immortality, because  Eve and Adam are stupid. That`s why they`re evil. The tree of knowledge is a simple metaphor. Good isn`t stupid, whereas those who prefer death to life are stupid. God tells Eve her `seed` will `crush the head of the serpent as she leaves` because, although homosexual womb slavery in war and pederasty`s death for Eve`s `futanarian` human species of women with her own penis` semen and host womb for the birth of her human race will follow after Eden, Jesus` birth uncontaminated by the `serpent`s seed` is Redemption and Resurrection for `woman`s seed` because Eve`s `seed` is untainted born after God`s expulsion of the original pair from paradise, that is, heaven on Earth, for disobediently preferring homosexual womb slavery in pederasty`s war and death.

 Mainstream Christianity perceives Eve as a woman in a garden dithering about whether to have sex and a baby and the penis is a metaphor for the serpent, which is the basis of Christian morality, that is, the penis mustn`t be seen or talked about because it`s Satan, who became the serpent after being cast out of heaven by God for refusing to bow before Adam, according to the Koran (2. 34) and Jewish pseudepigrapha, The Book Of Enoch (300-1 B.C.), because the serpent wasn`t able to perceive that `woman`s seed` would be more beautiful than `the most beautiful of all the angels`, who was the Archangel Lucifer, known as Satan thereafter for his occluding nature as the penis` semen that didn`t want woman`s to sexually reproduce with her own nature`s self. If Christianity won`t explain to the woman that she has her own means of sexual reproduction, it`s Satanism.

 Britain`s Action Transfers follows the military style of figures transferred onto the picture to enact battles; for example, Independent Television`s (ITV) science fiction series, Space 1999 (1975-77) in which spacers combat spaceships, or BBC TV`s long running SF show, Doctor Who (1963-), where soldiers fight against the doctor`s arch enemies, the Daleks, because that`s how the alien `serpent`s seed` of men keep women in subjection as an enslaved host womb terrified of the monsters men create to frighten her with, so she won`t try to escape from their ring slavery in marriage to misogyny and homosexuality`s spread of its `biological weapon` of HIV/AIDS to keep her in fearful faithfulness, represented in cinema and on television by stalking psychopaths in non-talkie films like Scream (1996), and Martian war machines in movies like War Of The Worlds (2005) in which the alien invaders die of the common cold virus as an illustration of what the human race can expect from the `serpent`s seed` if it doesn`t wake up to the danger posed by men`s creation of monsters to frighten the women into homosexuality`s womb slavery to pederasty in war and death:

`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)

 Action Transfers in the United States as PrestoMagiX was used by girls creating pictures with transfers of figures in romantic settings that were less conflict oriented but still lacked the presence of the woman upon the pictorial stage. The convention that women don`t have penis` semen and host wombs of their own is built into the education system as a monolithic insurmountability to children`s development beyond homosexuality`s womb slavery in pederasty`s war and death to the human species. Although the idea of the She-male is familiar to most US citizens, because `adult` pictures and recorded moving pictures of what are generally perceived as transvestite and transexual perversions of human behavior and sexuality are available as pornography, `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host wombs aren`t male. Because God tells Eve her `seed` will `crush the head of the serpent with her foot`, `futanarian` women must be taken seriously; especially as the meaning of Jesus` life and death is his birth uncontaminated by male semen and the Resurrection of those of `woman`s seed` who are like him and aren`t born of a ova fertilized by male semen. Male `seed` produces a species that`s male brained which is why transvestites are called `TV`, because `TV war` like the Gulf war (1990-1) to rid Kuwait of Saddam Hussein`s invading army is what male braining in homosexuality`s womb slavery for pederasty in war and death is for. A transvestite is a man or woman who wears the other gender`s clothes, which is what `TV` is if transvestism is understood as a male brained creature wearing its different genders` clothes. Satanism is sterile and nihilistic homosexuality`s watching the human species die in its wars of pederasty and womb enslavement for `TV` entertainment.

 From Action Transfers devolved `PC gaming` in which figures on set were the avatars of young hoodlums wanting to experience what the killer felt like without the danger attending either bravery or the anathema of calculated evil. Most PC games` scenes and scenery look exactly like Action Transfers which came into vogue in the 1970s in Britain amongst well read young people who`d discovered magic and elves in J. R. R. Tolkien`s The Lord Of The Rings (1953) before it became a Hollywood Babylon 21st century movie trilogy with huge spin-off financial rewards for game designers who could create avatars for the cowardly evil youth of the modern era to stand behind chuckling while they practiced killing the innocent who wouldn`t suspect they were there. PC games encouraged demoniacal possession of humans by louts armed with `phones to set up the innocent for a `snuff film`, which is a filmed killing for entertainment.

 Standing behind the innocent avatar the 21st century `gamer` could manipulate the innocent as a demoniacal possessor of the human until the human `lamb` was slaughtered, as in the film Silence Of The Lambs (1991), which takes its title from the silence of lambs knowing they`re to be slaughtered. Hannibal `the cannibal` Lecter is the anti-hero of the movie, while Jesus is known as the `lamb of God` in Christianity, because he`s born uncontaminated by male semen and that`s why he was killed; to prevent him from sexually reproducing as `woman`s seed`. Hannibal isn`t a cannibal but a parasite because the `serpent`s seed` have inveigled themselves into the host womb of the human species to killer her after stealing her penis to replicate their viral form. Actress Jodie Foster is the FBI agent, Clarice Starling, assigned to Lecter`s case, and he expresses the desire to eat her liver, because that`s what he does as a criminal with an abherrant psychopathology. Ironically Lecter is a parasite and Clarice would be a cannibal if she ate her own species of woman.

 Prometheus was the god of Greek mythology chained to a rock while his liver was eaten by an eagle for bringing the light of intelligence to man, so Lecter`s desire to eat Clarice`s liver is a metaphor for keeping women in ignorance of the fact that she`s the human species surrounded by parasites who don`t want her to breed her own brains` powers from her own penis` `seed`. She becomes a cannibal in assisting the `serpent`s seed` to make war upon the Earth so that the human species of her womb, that is, from her own `futanarian` human penis` semen, will never be born. Without women PrestoMagiX can`t depict human activity, and neither can Hollywood Babylon, which implemented the `one foot on the floor at all times` rule by means of the `Hays code` (1930-67) to ensure that woman`s `futanarian` foot would forever remain invisible to cinema audiences by establishing a moral code in bedroom scenes in movies that would prevent woman from revealing her penis until she was killed, which presumably is what occurred with the `futanarian` daughters of Adam and Eve.

 The German National Socialist Party`s pogrom against the `chosen people`, that is, the Jews, before and during WWII (1939-45), represented the perception on the part of the `serpent`s seed` of men that women were the `chosen people`, because it`s only possible to be born a Jew if born from a woman, that is, women are Jews and `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host wombs are doubly Jews, which is why the Nazis killed them. In the movie Sophie`s Choice (1982), actress Meryl Streep`s character is asked to choose whether to save her girl or her boy child by the extermination camp guard who will take one of them. Sophie chooses the girl because that`s what Jewesses are taught to do in extremis, because `woman`s seed` is the future of the human species, `he shall crush your head with his hoot and you shall bruise his heel,` (Gen: 3. 15) Eve is told by God about Satanism, which doesn`t want God`s `seed` of woman`s penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers lest she escape from evil.

 Labor saving machines would be woman`s escape from drudgery, which is why she`s kept at a low level of technological development. Humans can`t do without machines, but machines can do without humans. Consequently, women with their own penis` semen and host wombs for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers for technological liberation and socio-economic independence are better technology that men can`t do without and so they keep her at a technologically low level. Jesus is the Messiah of Christianity, which is Meshiah in Judaism, that is, the Meshiahn age is the `machine age` of Jesus as `Logos`, that is, the `Word` of God, which teaches `woman`s seed` as the basis for technological development thwarted in its inception by Judas` betrayal of the product of the Virgin Mary`s host womb of the `futanarian` future of the human species in Iscariot`s selling of the Messiah to Rome for execution as a `dissident`.

 The movie, The Stepford Wives (1975), starring Katharine Ross was criticized for its science fictional premise of replacing women with robots that functioned more perfectly, which convinced the men of the film to replace them. But the premise is a sensible one. Robots that look like women are better humans, as they care for the human better than the human can, whereas men don`t want high technology for women and humans, because they`re parasitical alien enslavers of her humanity`s host womb and don`t care for it at all. Women are fearful as nineteenth century English `Luddites` were that feared being made redundant in the textile trade and so smashed machinery after the fashion of their leader, Ned Ludd, who `broke two stocking frames` in 1779. Women`s fear is of being replaced by robots, but robots care better for humans than humans can, so women who don`t want them are the equivalent of Hannibal `the cannibal` Lecter from Silence Of The Lambs who is a parasite but who would cannibalize Jodie for her liver to eat, which is what women do who don`t want robots in their image to help their human species` development. They handicap their children so they can`t receive help, which effectively is cannibalism, because the child dies from lack of body parts; if the machines produced by the human brain are conceived as parts of the human body`s development.

 `Luddites` of the 21st century are software programers who design programs to run on computers such as the Microsoft company`s Word for Windows, which is a word processing software program that allows humans to type using a desktop or laptop computer. Programers who write `bad machine code` to contaminate computers with `Trojan horse` viruses are `geeks` doing what ancient Greeks did at Troy where they left a huge hollow wooden horse outside the city walls to be taken in by the Trojans where the Greeks emerged from within the horse to enslave the host wombs of the women for pederasty`s contagion of war. The Greeks with their `Trojan horse` are the 21st century predecessors of the `geek` virus` `bad machine code` killing the computer brains that the humans have made to make their lives easier, because the city of Troy`s patron goddess of motherhood was Pallas Athene, whose symbol was the tirelessness of the horse, and so the `Trojan horse` represented the virus that emerges from the host womb of the woman to enslave; unless she`s able to prevent the `serpent`s seed` of men from making her human species of woman brainless through male braining.

 The term `geek` derives from `circus sideshows` where `freaks` ate the heads of chickens, which is what computer `geeks` do insofar as the computer is the head of the human race eaten by its virus and she`s refusing to fight. Circuses were created by the Romans to watch people kill each other, `like they do on TV` [sic], while `circus` in the 20th century was a euphemism for spyrings in which the aim was to blind or occlude those who wanted to see, which is what `circus geeks` are for: to keep women in blind occlusion and bait her in mockery of her childlessness as a helpless coward relying on her killer`s arbitrariness as Roman Emperors with their thumbs up for a life spared in the circus arena and a thumbs down for another death to her victorious enslaver.

 Action Transfers` Roman arena doesn`t have women as it`s `TV` transvestism in male braining. The women died in amphitheatres, where they were fed to the lions, or were made to fight with the gladiators as curiosities in the `circus` that the people might want not to see because it was entertaining to think of the humans species as being made extinct by the Roman Empire (27 B.C. - 1453 A.D.), for example, or the Third Reich of the Nazis (1933-45), for another example. What few women remained were expected to know their place as servants in womb slavery, although women`s capacity for sexual reproduction is far greater than men`s who don`t have wombs. If `futanarian` men argue that they have wombs of their own, they`ve lost the argument, because women have wombs as a given, so men should have been arguing that men are human, whereas they`re arguing that women should accept their enslaving of them `as gods` by suggesting that the wombs `futanarian` men have that are their own are the women`s, whereas they aren`t, because men don`t have wombs unless they`re `futanarian` men, which means they`re men with wombs, `he shall crush your head with his foot and you shall bruise his heel` (Gen: 3. 15). Saddam Hussein`s name meant `crusher` and `small handsome man`, because he was born in Iraq, which was the ancient seat of Babylon. Consequently, Iraq`s Saddam was Adam`s shadow, that is, the anti-hero being readied by Hollywood Babylon for the role of `leading man` in the `TV war` of the Gulf before the movie was ready for the `big screen` and the actor who`d take over the role of the `crusher` of the human race`s `foot`.

 In Japan the binding of women`s feet was a practice to prevent her from being able to walk lest she escape, which might seem trivia but Jesus` birth in his `Second Coming` to the Earth to redeem humanity is from the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, which refers to the United States` victory over the red sun of the flag of Japan in the Pacific theatre of operations during WWII (1941-45). The Japanese call cartoons of women having sex with each other `futanari`, while in Hungary `fut` means `race` and `tanar` means `teacher`, that is, species` educator, which is what `futanarian` means for those who don`t know. As humans are describable as the `footrace`, because God told Eve her `seed` would `crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves,` events like 9/11, 2001, and the terrorist bombing of the Boston Marathon on 15 April, 2013, are comprehendable. Al Qaeda, whose flag is the moon, hijacked planes to crash into the World Trade Centre of New York from Boston, Logan airport, which was borrowing from the science fictional `snuff movie` theme of Hollywood Babylon`s Logan`s Run (1976) in which `runners` are killed by `sandmen`, after they reach their 21st birthday, because the Twin Towers were attacked on September 11, 2001, Jesus` 21st birthday, while the attack upon the `footrace` at the Boston Marathon was Logan`s Run again, because the `runners` were the target of the `sandmen` seeking to provoke war with the United States and reestablish that homosexual `brutality and violence`, known as `rough trade`, by men who pay other men and boys, and is why the World Trade Centre was chosen by Al Qaeda to provoke war with Saddam Hussein, the `small handsome man`, who appeared `live on TV` to declare his support for the misogynist Afghanistan Taliban regime trained Al Qaeda group and begin a `jihad` or holy war as a false Prophet of Islam aiming to `crush the head` of the woman by promoting the `rough trade` of male braining in pederasty`s `snuff movie` war against `woman`s seed` at the beginning of the 21st centrury; lest she develop technology through her own brains` powers to escape. The execution of Saddam Hussein on 30 December, 2006, and the assassination of Al Qaeda`s leader, Osama Ben Laden on 2 May, 2011, represented the United States` victory over the flag of the male Arabian moon of Al Qaeda to prepare the way for the `foot` of Jesus` `seed` as the `futanarian` human woman of the Earth`s sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers through her own penis` semen to liberate her from Japanese foot binding and male misogyny`s keeping her `footrace` to the treadle:

`And did those feet in ancient time walk upon England's mountains green, and was the holy lamb of God on England's pleasant pastures seen, and did the countenance divine shine forth upon our clouded hills, and was Jerusalem builded here among these dark satanic mills?`1

 Without PrestoMagiX capacity for transferring the figures of women with their own penis` semen and host wombs onto pictures to depict the true relationship between men and women, the human `footrace` will remain hamstrung at a falsely low level of technology with her foot bound to the treadle of the satanic mill where humans produce and the `serpent`s seed` disable them for the treadmill so their children born into male brained reincarnation are forever slaves; despite assertions to the contrary:

`Britons never, never, never shall be slaves.`2

 Although some believe the Gulf wars were fought over oil, they were actually fought over the automobile, which hasn`t changed its basic controls since Henry Ford`s Detroit, Michigan factory began making the Model T car in 1908, which required the occupant to pedal. Flooring the accelerator is a male metaphor for keeping the woman`s `foot` on the floor in the same way that Hollywood Babylon`s Hays code (1930-67) kept woman`s penis from being seen on screen and, when the ban on intimacy was lifted for Barefoot In The Park (1967), that  meant Jane Fonda wasn`t going to be conceived as having a penis in bed with Robert Redford, despite her being naked in their apartment overlooking New York`s Central Park. If automobiles represent low level technology, the Gulf wars were fought to keep oil in the motor, where the United States` biggest ally, Saudi Arabia, bans women even from pedal cars lest they `run` machines at a higher level of technological development devised by their own brains` powers as `futanarian` woman with her own capacity for sexually reproducing the brains of her own `footrace` and escape. Consequently, the Gulf wars were devised by Hollywood Babylon to keep woman`s `foot on the floor` so America`s leading men wouldn`t experience redundancy at having to compete with the strength and power of the woman`s penis, which is potentially far bigger.

 PCs with two central processing unit towers are what the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre represented to the hackers of the United States` defence system, that is, the Al Qaeda hijackers, who crashed planes into the Twin Towers of New York as `bad machine code` designed by human `software terrorists` to spread the viral contagion of war in pederasty and reestablish womb enslavement for `woman`s seed` as the producer of `rough trade` for men who pay men and boys to box. Because Microsoft`s X-Box is a games` platform for PCs, it corresponds to the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre, that is, the PC of New York`s CPU and the CPU of New York`s X-Box, where central processing units are known as `towers` and PC is `political correctness`, which assumes that homosexuality is different but nice, whereas it`s pederasty in war`s viral contagion represented by Al Qaeda`s feigning friendship as visitors to the United States, that is, acting as the HIV/AIDS cell does with the white leukocyte cells of the human body`s defence system, before killing the brain, which is what homosexuals do. In other words, Al Qaeda were the boxing promoters for `rough trade` at the Twin Towers of New York`s `Big Apple`, where Apple computers is the alternative to Microsoft and the `Pip` games` CPU and console represents the `seed` terrorism didn`t want and so transmitted a `bad machine code` virus in the shape of Al Qaeda`s `Trojan horse` to reestablish homosexuality in pederasty`s and war:

`We are determined to defeat them and destroy them on the walls of our capital, as we are determined to destroy their miserable armies in every Muslim spot.`3

 That Steve Jobs` Apple computer company in New York was attacked to give `Pip` a virus seems far-fetched, but the `Big Apple` is the brain. In Hinduism the Muladhara chakra is at the base of the spine where HIV/AIDS` `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6) is spread by homosexuals through the anus in sterile mockery of human sexual reproduction, while the Anahata chakra, corresponding to Manhattan, is the heart, and Sahasrara, which is the seventh energy centre of the body denoting the rising level of conscious development in the child, is at the `crown of the head`, which is the brain or `Big Apple`. Steve Jobs, founder of Apple computers, died on 5 October, 2011, and funeral attendees were given `Autobiography of a Yogi` by Parahamansa Yogananda, because the Apple boss was a yoga disciple who believed in chakra activation through meditation:

`The more deeply we perceive, the more striking becomes the evidence that a uniform plan links every form in manifold nature.`4

  Al Qaeda, `the base`, on September 11, 2001, represented the transmission of the brain killing virus at the Muladhara chakra or base of the spine. For the terrorists who attacked New York, and the US` Defence Department at Arlington, Virginia, where a further crashed hijacked plane breached the wall of the Pentagon, the `Big Apple` was a `game` with the aim of extinguishing the possibility of `woman`s seed` raising her `futanarian` foot from the Earth by diverting games` system providers like Microsoft and Apple away from healthy activity and towards the cowardly evilness of `shoot-em-ups` derived from PC games. Vicarious thrill seekers with Gulf War: Operation Desert Hammer (1999), for example, could sit safely within their living room at home destroying Iraqi tanks while their screen avatar represented the enslaved US army tank commander unable to escape from demoniacal possession by the `couch potato`. The avatar was forced to make war in the `brutality and violence` associated with men who pay for men and boys and who can afford a PC games` console and game to satiate their desire for bloodshed without bravery. That was the impression uneducated minds received from seeing A10 `tankbuster` pilots from the cameras in their cockpits in the sky above Kuwait`s Highway 80, between 24 and 28 February, 1991, `shooting up` the columns of men and trucks on the `Highway Of Death` as the Iraqi army fled from the US army after Saddam Hussein`s disastrously ill conceived invasion. But couch potatoes aren`t heroes, and although A10 `tankbuster` pilots mightn`t feel entirely satisfied with their role as mass murderers, they were engaged in a professionally dangerous task, while the kid hiding behind an avatar at a games` console to shoot with impunity at who doesn`t return fire is being trained as a coward who might prove treacherous if he`s at your back.

 Judas Iscariot saw Jesus as his `Special Air Service`, which is what the British call the `SAS`, that is, their special forces which, like the United States` concept of Marvel comics` cartoon superheroes, are similar to Action Transfers in function. Many Marvel super characters were turned into vehicles for Hollywood Babylon movie actors, for example, Toby McGuire and Robert Downey Jnr in Spiderman (2002), in which Toby as high school student, Peter Parker, is bitten by a radioactive spider that gives him superpowers he uses to fight crime, and Downey`s Iron Man (2008) in which the character, Tony Stark, constructs powered armor to support his weak heart and fight crime. The SAS aren`t meant to be thought of as human because, although they`re the British military elite, the SAS fade away anonymously after the battle is won. Consequently, Judas thought of Jesus as his SAS, but he wouldn`t fade away and so Judas killed him, which is why the British SAS aren`t thought of as human. They`re Action Transfers or Jesus` disposable avatars. After the victory has been won, the SAS were never there, which is a principle brought to all aspects of socio-economic life in Britain. The woman was never there, because she`s an Action Transfer and the traitor has inveigled itself into her womb as a parasitical viral form that emerges from there to kill her `futanarian` human species with her own penis` semen and host womb for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers. Consequently, she`s the parasites` Action Transfer or SAS, because the virus sees her as their avatar, whereas she`s `woman`s seed`, like Jesus, who was murdered by Judas because he wouldn`t accept he was Judas` avatar as a vehicle for his businessman`s parasitism:

`… he was a thief; as keeper of the money bag, he used to help himself to what was put into it.` (John: 12. 6)

 Judas is the prototypical businessman who has someone to build up the business as an SAS avatar for his operation before he kills them with a stab in the back, which is why the winged dagger is the Action Transfer symbol of the SAS. Not because the SAS stab people in the back, although they traditionally do as assassins after the fashion of Hassan-i-Sabbah (1050s - 1124), the `Old Man of the Mountain` in Afghanistan, who would order rulers to be killed by assassins to consolidate Islam for the Moslem faith in the early years of the Prophet Mohamed`s Koran being accepted in the Middle East and globally as the basis for religious devotion. The SAS are stabbed in the back as Action Transfer avatars who`re disposable for those who use them to achieve objectives that are important for them. Those who were sent by Hassan-i-Sabbah had been drugged until they believed they were in paradise, that is, `heaven on Earth`, and not expecting to return from their mission, but that they`d die and remain in heaven, the assassins went about their task of consolidating Islam. They were the Action Transfer avatars of Hassan-i-Sabbah and the principle of others performing tasks as avatars for businessmen who dispose of them when their task is complete is endemic as a rot at the heart of Christianity. Everyone is an SAS Action Transfer avatar to be rid of when the goal is attained. It`s what Jesus warned of when he drove the demons out of the man near the city of Gadarene and the demons went into swine who ran over a cliff and drowned themselves because they wanted to move up the ladder of consciousness and back into a human avatar:

`And he asked him, `What is thy name?` And he answered, saying, `My name is Legion: for we are many.` (Mk: 5. 9)

 Because all humans are potentially Action Transfer SAS avatars, the novelist is a word processor for a demon, and the builder is a mason for another demon. When the work is over the SAS avatar will be removed or killed so the demon can take possession of the fruits of the labors of the avatar, which is how Judas took over the business of Christianity. By turning it into death worship, where the dead go to heaven, rather than a teacher`s program for educating humans in `woman`s seed` uncontaminated by male semen and the dogma of the Assumption of the woman taken bodily into heaven. As Jesus` teaching assistant, he was Judas` SAS from Judas` perspective, that is, an Action Transfer in the way of Judas` plan to kill humans for money so he could move up. Legion is the demon of the Roman Empire which sent its Legions everywhere to possess other nations, and kill the humans there as avatars so the Roman demons could move up. Consequently, the humans are the SAS who`re killed because the demons want to move up after the SAS have achieved something, whether that be designing a software program to run on a computer so that a musician can compose a tune, or anything else that might conceivably represent improvement that the killer hasn`t worked for. Obviously, the result is socio-economic degeneracy, because all those who work are SAS and all those who kill them to move up are preying upon them in a system doomed to collapse because the able die and the lazy coward prospers until the human race is back in the cave:

`… the youths betook them to the cave …` (18. 9-26)

 In `The Cave` chapter of the Koran young men hide in a cave and emerge 309 years later to discover that others have built heaven around them. Although the youths are depicted as devout monotheists, what they`ve done is what the `serpent`s seed` of men do, that is, wait for others to work as Action Transfer SAS avatars and then kill them for what they`ve built. In the Koran Jesus is a teacher, but from Judas` point of view Jesus is his Action Transfer SAS while he, as the teacher`s assistant, is preparing to teach Jesus a lesson, which is that humanity is the parasite`s host and the killer is only waiting to kill the Action Transfer and take what the human avatar has, because that`s the business of the Empire of Satan.

1 Blake, William `And Did Those Feet In Ancient Time`, c. 1808.
2 Thomson, James `Rule, Britannia!` 1740.
3 Al Sahhaf, Mohammed Saeed Iraqi Information Minister, 4 April, 2003.
4 Yogananda, Parahamansa Autobiography Of A Yogi, The Philosophical Library, 1946.

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

No Other Gods Before Me

No Other Gods Before Me

In the Garden of Eden, God explains to Eve her `seed` will have `perpetual enmity` (Gen: 3. 15) with the serpent and its `seed` because it’s a poisoner, `You shall be as gods.` Eve is tempted to eat of the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which is death, and Adam, the first man, also eats, so God expels them from paradise on Earth with the promise that Eve`s `seed` will `crush the head of the serpent as she leaves.` How she crushes the evil poisoner is the story of Redemption which culminates in the birth of Jesus uncontaminated by male semen, that is, the semen of the poisoner, which spreads HIV/AIDS through mixing blood, shit and semen in the anuses of humans through sterile mockeries of sexual reproduction, that is, the `serpent`s seed` is homosexual treachery. Before Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension to heaven after death, he was betrayed by one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, after offering `bread and wine`, as symbols of his `body and blood`, that is, he was `woman`s seed` born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, as the host womb of the future human species whom Jesus represents as the host at the `Last Supper` betrayed by the `serpent`s seed`, Judas, who`s the traitor to the future human race:

`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)

 The future `futanarian` woman is the woman killed and culled since Eden to fulfil the serpent`s promise to Adam and Eve, `You shall be as gods.` The descendants of God`s original breeding pair live in womb slavery to death in pederasty and war`s contagions, that is, `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb born after Eden represented the human species enslaved and killed to prevent the `seed` of Eve from sexually reproducing her own brains` powers to labor save and escape from her captors to `heaven above` Earth`s moon through colonization of the planets amongst the stars. Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension to heaven after death prefigures the Resurrection of `woman`s seed`:

`At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30)

 When the woman is off her ring, she`s an escaped slave, so her poisonous jailors have developed the HIV/AIDS virus as a `biological weapon` to keep her in fearful faithfulness to her killers. Her human race becomes `offering to the `false guards` because she`s their prisoner. The human race is enslaved because woman with her own penis` semen and host womb is the captive of the `serpent`s seed`, which exists as her parasite inveigling itself into her host womb to enslave the women to pederasty in war and death`s contagion:

`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)

 In ancient Greece women`s host wombs were enslaved in pederasty to spread war and its contagion. By the late 20th century the HIV/AIDS virus was being spread to the human brain after it`d declared itself friendly to the white leukocyte cells of the human body`s defence system in order to kill the brain, that is, the virus practices the same mode of treachery against the human race that Judas Iscariot practiced when he betrayed Jesus as representing the host womb of the human species at the `Last Supper` before Judas gave the Messiah over to the Roman occupation of Palestine as a `dissident` teacher to be nailed to a wooden cross and be tortured to death for his crime of being `woman`s seed` born uncontaminate from his mother, the Virgin Mary, as a prefiguration of the Resurrection of the `futanarian` future woman with her own penis` semen and host womb for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers for liberating her own species of woman.

 The late 20th century `bad machine code` devised by programers to infect and kill computer brains continues the paradigm of HIV/AIDS in pederasty and war against the human species because its `Trojans` function in the same way as the `Trojan horse` before the gates of Troy taken in by the Trojans within their city walls where the Greeks emerged to enslave the host wombs of the women to spread their contagion of homosexuality and war in pederasty. The huge hollow wooden `Trojan horse` represented homosexuality and HIV/AIDS feigning friendship for the host of the body it kills because the Greeks left it as a false gift to the false guards who took it inside the walls of Troy and let the killer virus emerge. Preferring false guards, that is, the `false gods` God forbids in the Bible, the Trojans wouldn`t heed their priest Laocoon`s warning:

`Beware Greeks bearing gifts.`1

 The Trojans believed the huge hollow wooden horse was for the goddess of the city, Pallas Athene, whose symbol was a horse, as an acknowledgment from the Greeks that the city they were besieging had resisted them. The `Trojan horse` was belief in false guards, because Pallas wasn`t the goddess of the city of Troy, she was the woman they had there as their slave, because they worshipped the false gods of pederasty in war and that`s why the Trojan guards, as Laocoon cogently perceived, let the Greek contamination within the city`s walls.

 Jesus was woman`s Messiah which is Meshiah in Hebrew, that is, in Jewish Palestine at the time of Jesus` teaching there, because he represents the future of the Meshiahn age of the machine as a labor saving device like the computer brain of the 20th century devised to assist the human species, whereas men are women`s idiot killers, who serve no other function, because `futanarian` women can sexually reproduce her own brains` powers for liberation from her enslavers in war and pederasty. Consequently, men`s socio economic history is of low technology in the service of keeping her prisoner. The killer disease of HIV/AIDS remains incurable because it serves men`s terrorism and a cure would open up the possibility for sexual liberation for her own species to reproduce with her own penis` semen and host womb. Freed she`d have her own brains` powers for the devising of high technology so she`s kept in ring slavery to male brain her with the `serpent`s seed` and keep her in `low tech` womb slavery to war and death. As male braining is the creation of a creature without human female semen as a part of its gene pool, people are a transvestite wearing each others` clothes as a `TV`, so television is the medium where the `TV` is watched by the species` killers as entertainment. Simple analysis reveals `TV` as a woman being chased by a killer she worships as a false guard, that is, men are the `false gods` God forbade the Jews to worship when he gave Moses the law:

`You shall have no other gods before me.` (Ex: 20. 3)

 The history of the Jews, who were called the `chosen people` in the Bible, is marred by the German National Socialist (Nazi) Party`s government interning them in camps subsequent to the election of leader Adolf Hitler to the role of Chancellor on 20 January, 1933, and the Nazis taking the opportunity to blame Jewish `dissidents` for the burning of the Reichstag on 27 February, 1933. The internment camps became death centres in the course of WWII (1939-45), where 6, 000, 000 `chosen people` were killed. In Judaism it isn`t possible to be born a Jew unless from a woman, which means women are the `chosen people` and the Nazis were seeking to prevent the `futanarian` human species of woman from sexually reproducing, in accordance with God`s plan, and so pogromed  the human race to keep her their enslaved womb for pederasty in war. Hollywood movies of WWII are `TV wars` in which the male brained transvestite performs in each others` clothes for the entertainment of the `serpent`s seed` in pederasty and war. In the film Sophie`s Choice (1982) Meryl Streep is asked by a Nazi concentration camp guard in the role of worshipped `false god` which of her children she wants to keep because either the boy or girl is to be exterminated. Sophie chooses the girl because, as the `chosen people`, that`s what Jewish women are trained for:

`They're human beings, if that's what you mean. Indulging their favorite pastime of trying to destroy each other.`2

 The socio-history of `TV` in male braining for pederasty and war is of a girl running to find a bedroom where she can have sex with her own race and reproduce herself. The long running English science fiction `TV` show Doctor Who (1963-) is iconic in depicting the predicament of the human species` `little girl` trying to escape her captors and killers. The prototypical English hero of the movies is James Bond, who is a killer preventing people from being able to see, which means he`s representative of Nazi pogromers who don`t want women, as the humans species of `futanarian` with her own penis`s semen and host womb, to be born, or to be able to see that they should be, and so the Nazis killed them. But the standard British `TV` program is of a castrated male representing `woman`s seed` escorting a woman around with whom he has no sexual contact, because sex isn`t for children. That`s of no comfort to the human species` infant who can`t comprehend why the man, `the doctor` in Doctor Who, is standing between her and the sexually desirable `assistant` who doesn`t want her sexually by `moral code`, and so represents a `false god`, who is a false guard mocking the human girl`s inability to sexually reproduce as a woman because he won`t get out of the way and he blinds or occludes her species so she`s unaware of the false façade:

`… human beings worship the great god Santa, a creature with fearsome claws and his wife Mary. And every Christmas Eve, the people of UK go to war with the country of Turkey. They then eat the Turkey people for Christmas dinner, like savages.`3

 James Bond is the killer who beds the women because he`s a killer of her species. In the movie War Of The Worlds (2005) the science fiction premise is of aliens who`ve invaded the Earth, which is what men as women`s parasite inveigling themselves into her host womb to steal her penis` semen and reproduce themselves in pederasty and wars against the human species of `woman`s seed` upon the Earth represent. The opening sequence of the film is of child star and young female lead, Dakota Fanning, running along the street while the Martian war machine, representing men`s `serpent`s seed`, slays her family and other relationships with its death rays about her, that is, it`s a scene familiar to English `TV` viewers watching Doctor Who, where `the doctor` and his female assistant are threatened by Dalek machines containing what remains of a human population scarred by nuclear holocaust, screaming at the pair`s impossibility of human reproductive union, which is forbidden by English TV`s `moral code` for the infancy of the human race:

`Exterminate! Exterminate!`4

 What is being exterminated is the possibility of human women with penis` semen and host wombs of their own sexually reproducing their own brains` powers for technological progress that would allow her to escape from the alien `serpent`s seed` of men to the planets and stars through space travel. The basic premise of Doctor Who is that the Tardis the pair travel in is a time machine as well as a spaceship, but the female viewer is occluded from the perception that the man is a false guard protecting himself from the girl viewer`s knowledge that he`s with her natural sex partner by pretending that sex is immoral or that machines wouldn`t be sufficient assistance for her:

`I don't believe that man was made to be controlled by machines. Machines can make laws, but they can not preserve justice. Only human beings can do that.`5

 What the doctor is saying is that he doesn`t want women to be out of the control of men through technology. In Hollywood the `one foot on the floor rule` for bedroom scenes enforced by the Hays` code (1930-67) mocked women`s capacity for sexual reproduction through her own penis` semen and host womb by making it impossible for a woman`s penis to be seen or even dreamt of in mainstream movies in the United States of America before the ban on sexual intimacy was lifted and celebrated with the mocking movie, Barefoot In The Park, (1967) which featured bedroom scenes of `leading man`, Robert Redford, and sex symbol, Jane Fonda,  delimiting what was humanly possible in sexual terms. Hollywood`s was a concerted effort to prevent the `foot` of God`s `futanarian` human species of `woman`s seed`, with her own penis` semen and host womb, from being seen naked in mainstream film or `TV`, which would be an `improvement` developed by Scots` inventor John Logie Baird in 1926. Hollywood could present its filmed history of the wars of the male brained alien species it had created in Babylon Hollywood as `TV ` transvesitsm in which the monstrous abomination wearing each others` clothes killed itself regularly for the entertainment of the `serpent`s seed` who were the aliens that had enslaved the womb of the women of the Earth to make the humans perform in its circus:

`You can't rule the world in hiding. You've got to come out on the balcony sometimes and wave a tentacle.`6

 The term `circus` is used to describe spy rings, which are an extension of women`s slave rings in pederasty and war, that is, she`s blind and occluded because her human species from her own host womb and penis` semen is dead or dying and being blinded in pederasty and war and she`s not supposed to awaken from that knowledge to save herself, which is why Jesus born uncontaminated by male semen is the Messiah of the machine age to save women`s labor and free her from womb slavery to war in pederasty and death worship. Although Jesus` death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven is a prefiguration of the need for the Resurrection of `woman`s seed`, which is why Jesus is the human species` Messiah and saviour, the `serpent`s seed` of Hollywood have established death worship in TV wars` male braining as Christianity, because Jesus wasn`t a hero to men. Even after Jesus` `Second Coming` born from the woman `clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` with a `sword coming out of his mouth` he doesn`t fight but commands, which makes him unheroic to the fight promoters who want male brained `TV wars` and so have enslaved the host wombs of women in parasitism to produce them for Hollywood to film and then show as `TV` to enthuse a new generation of non-heroes who view Jesus as someone to fight for, like Adolf Hitler, rather than as `woman`s seed`, that is, the `chosen people` of `futanarian` human woman with her own penis` semen and host womb for the sexual reproduction of humans. The Earth isn`t interested in fighting at all, which is why Jesus` command is to stop the `serpent`s seed`, while Hollywood is a fight promoter driving the aliens on to kill the woman:

`The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent's reach.` (Rev: 12. 14)

 The wings of the eagle may be the emblematic eagle upon the `Great Seal` of the United States of America as the authority of the President to wage war in defence of the hymen of the woman of the human species, which might be why the US special forces are called Navy Seals and symbolically killed Osama Ben Laden, terrorist leader of Al Qaeda` misogynist Taliban Afghanistan government trained hijackers who crashed planes into the Twin Towers of New York`s World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001. US Navy Seal Team Six killed Osama Ben Laden on 2 May, 2011, because Laden had reestablished global `rough trade`, that is, the `brutality and violence` associated with men who pay men in homosexuality, which is pederasty in war and women`s womb enslavement for that purpose.

 Supporting Al Qaeda was the Iraq dictator, Saddam Hussein, whose name meant `small handsome man` and `crusher` of `woman`s seed`, `he shall crush your head with his foot and you shall bruise his heel,` (Gen: 3. 15) because the `TV war` began again `live on CNN` and other news networked `TV` channels as the planes crashed into the WTC so that the `leading man` prepared by Hollywood for generations, Saddam Hussein, the `small handsome man` could `star` on the `small screen` from his more ancient seat of Babylon in Iraq.

 Billing himself as the representer of Islam, the Moslem faith in the Koran (610-30 C.E.) traditionally dictated to the Prophet Mohamed by the angels, Saddam Hussein was a `false god`, because he was a false guard. In `Islam`, which means `accept`, Jesus` Ascension follows the Christian tradition of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary bodily into heaven because it isn`t felt necessary to describe the basis for the Resurrection for `woman`s seed` to Moslem women in Islam where four wives are allowed in a marriage making `futanarian` sexual reproduction between women with their own penis` semen and host womb possible and hidden from public knowledge, which is why they wear the one piece coverall of the burkha in public, so only their eyes can be seen, and they can recognize and know each other, but not men, who`re told to avert their eyes and never speak to women who aren`t of their immediate family: unless their family allow it. Jesus` death and Resurrection is a Christian tenet of belief that can promote death worship, while Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen is his death`s meaning, because his birth and death prefigure the Resurrection of `woman`s seed`, whereas in `Islam`, that is, `accept`, woman`s Resurrection is implied in the marriage format, so Jesus` bodily Assumption to heaven, like Christianity`s Virgin Mary`s without death, is more appropriate as a symbol, because Jesus` life`s meaning is accepted as advocating the Resurrection of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb for the sexual reproduction of her own human race.

 The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) television company was founded on 18 October, 1922, although the BBC didn`t begin transmitting television programs until 1932 when reception was paid for by license fees devised by the UK government as a means of financing what the US calls `public broadcasting`, because it isn`t financed by appeals to advertising revenue from programs made that satisfy product advertisers` needs, such as cigarette related ads, which was the pre-AIDS killer disease of `smoking`. Cigarette smoking was banned in the 20th century from television but made a 21st century comeback in the United States with Madmen featured male and female smokers covertly celebrating the extinction of the woman`s penis. In Russia `smoking` is a euphemism for fellatio while also being a euphemism for killing someone. Consequently, Madmen (2007-) depicted `admen` as male brained madwomen `smoking` cigarettes as a symbol of the death of the human species. BBC TV never had ads and was given a direct responsibility to the viewing public by the UK government when created as a semi-independent provider of programs with a remit to educate and inform as well as entertain.

Doctor Who began on BBC TV in 1963 and the original `doctor` was grandfatherly William Hartnell (1963-66), who was the first to encounter the Daleks of the planet Skaro with their `Exterminate!` cries directed at him and his assistant, granddaughter Susan, that is, actress Carole Ford. The Daleks had already participated in an extermination of their blonde human rivals the Thals as the Kaleds who were dark haired humans, which was the reason for the war. In the United States the theme was taken up by their own science fiction `TV` series, Star Trek (1965-) in which the crew of the starship enterprise discover a planet engaged in an internecine war between peoples who are black on one side of the face and white on the other. When Captain Kirk of the USS Enterprise starship, actor William Shatner, expresses his puzzlement to Bele, actor Frank Gorshin rages:

`I am black on the right side!`7

 Although the episode, `Let That Be Your Last Battlefield`, is entertaining, it`s only partially informative. Written by Gene L. Coon, science fiction writer, during the period of intense debate about `Civil Rights` for black people, who`d been taken to the United States as slaves from Africa. Indeed, although the American Civil War (1861-5) was a war of liberation for them, in the 1960s `bussing` was still a feature of life whereby black and white children were segregated and educated in different schools. To facilitate the division children had separate buses to take them to school, which was viewed as Nazism, because they were effectively `concentration camps` for blacks and, theoretically, not `concentration camps` for whites, although the real issue was the same as that for the `chosen people` of woman under the Nazi pogroms. She mustn`t know she`s the `futanarian` species of Earth with her own penis` semen and host womb, so the false guard of miscegenation was appointed to defend race purity, that is, as a `false god` forbidden by God, because women of whatever race, color or creed are a single `futanarian` species with her own penis` semen and host womb.

 The crew of the starship Enterprise devolve into `false gods`, as false guards pretending to be grandfatherly towards their granddaughters, like `the doctor`, William Hartnell in Doctor Who, as the character Susan Foreman`s grandfather. The `moral code`, which has the actors archly performing `camp` roles that deny the normal sexuality of `futanarian` women towards each other, like Kirk in Star Trek and Hartnell in Doctor Who, prevents exposure of women to the reality of their own penis` `seed` and actively prevents them from sexually reproducing, as women, the human race. Although Kirk`s dialogue with Bele, in `Let That Be Your Last Battlefield`, seems anti-racist, it`s disinformative because it`s a masking of the truth, which is that men`s racism is directed at women as the parasite from her womb that destroys her human species before she can be born and educated to fight against the enslavers of her race by breeding with herselves her own brains` powers to liberate:

`Your species has the most amazing capacity for self-deception, matched only by its ingenuity when trying to destroy itself.`8

 The doctor undergoes several transformations in the course of the character`s adventures, which is partly due to the changing needs of the period in which the actor in the role must change or be changed to meet the expectations of a new generation. Each decade had its own particular character and so the character for the UK`s viewing audience had to change, or be changed, to represent the character of the decade, for example, the 1960s were characterized as the age of the hippies and sexual liberation for males, which is reflected in Patrick Troughton`s (1966-69) dressing in the garb of a nineteenth century `dandy` when he took over the role of `the doctor`, while Jon Pertwee (1970-74) was described as having the dress and demeanour of a `fop`,9 which is a more general term meaning the same thing, that is, a vain male, when he became another new doctor replacing the old, `I don't want to go,`10 in the familiar to regular viewers transformation scene. Pertwee`s transformation came at the start of the decade of the 1970s, which saw the inauguration of color `TV` in the UK with BBC 2`s Play School (1964-88) for kindergartener`s in May 1968, and men thereafter behaved like peacocks after seeing how colorful they could seem to children.

 Dr Who`s costumery became increasingly bizarre over the seasons after Tom Baker (1974-81) took over the role from Jon Pertwee, while his successor in the role, Peter Davison, adopting a Henley regatta persona and costume to fit in with the new romanticism of popular culture in vogue throughout the 1980s, was told by David Tennant, the tenth doctor, during an episode in which the doctors convened to debate something of importance to the cosmos, that Davison was someone who`d say, `Hey, I'm the Doctor, I can save the universe using a kettle and some string! And look at me, I'm wearing a vegetable.`11 Colin Baker`s (1984-86) flamboyant harlequin reprised Tom Baker`s particolored tramp during the period when English society was inspired by fantasy, that is, the prince and princess of faerie, Charles Windsor and Diana Spencer, a relative of Edmund Spenser who`d written the poem, The Faerie Queene (1590), about Elizabeth I, and Diana was mooted as a future faerie queen of England alongside Charles, heir to the throne of his mother, Elizabeth II of England, before the pair`s divorce and Diana`s subsequent untimely death in a car accident in the Pont D` Alma tunnel, Paris, France, where she`d been pursued by paparazzi on motorcycles trying to get a photo of her new boyfriend, Egyptian heir to the exclusive Harrods` London retail store, Dodi Fayed, who was sitting with her in the pursued car and who was also killed. Despite a huge welter of emotion and flowers strewn before the gates at Buckingham Palace, the English queen`s official residence, the new age of romanticism was felt to have ended:

`Why then should witless man so much misweene; that nothing is but that which he hath seene?12

 Doctor Who`s characterization was `cavalier` with Sylvester McCoy (1987-96) as a `madcap` whose less studied attention to his garments resulted in an appearance even more odd and bizarre than other of the doctors with the discovery of curious oddities left carelessly in his pockets was a feature of the show`s humor, but after the demise of Diana on 3 August, 1997, Doctor Who took on a darker tone more in keeping with the then common rumors of Princess Diana assassination plots as Paul McGann took over the role of Doctor Who looking like Sir Arthur Conan Doyle`s nineteenth century fictional detective Sherlock Holmes. Christopher Eccleston was leather beclad for a season in 2005 while the nation toyed with the harder image of the biker boy killer of all those who might conceivably have been responsible for Diana`s death, but successor David Tennant (2005-10) was pin striped in traditional English business style as England got to grips with life after romance. Matt Smith (2010-13) wore the clothes of a nineteenth century Boston lawyer from the United States of America, `Bow ties are cool,`13 presumably to press the bar to rule for the plaintiff, who was `the doctor` still running down corridors with young women pretending to protect them from such immoralities as bedroom scenes for the sake of the children who might be watching unaware that women have their own penis` semen as `futanarian` and so the assistant represents the victim of the convicted criminal striving to escape and find a room alone with her natural sex partner; another woman. Consequently, although Matt Smith looks like a lawyer from Boston, he`s the representative male plaintiff who can expect nothing from God`s judgement except unendurable eternal pain if he doesn`t convert from men`s sin of subjugating `woman`s seed` in womb slavery to pederasty and war.

 Peter Capaldi (2013-) has the image of George Du Maurier`s Svengali from the novel, Trilby (1895), where Svengali is a modern byword for men`s hypnotic effect upon women. Trilby was hypnotized into becoming a great singer by her Svengali so, because of the subtext in Doctor Who, Capaldi`s image denotes women`s being mesmerized into accepting their role as castrated humanity, rather than as the fatherers of the human race, which God`s `seed` would be if `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb sexually reproduced without daddy`s employing their animal magnetism to coerce belief in the `big lie` that men are women`s defenders and not her blinders in unconsciousness and occlusion:

`... the future lies this way.`14

 Running down corridors avoiding bedrooms would seem farcical unless the protagonists weren`t of the same species and one or other of them had to mesmerize the other that they were sexually interested so as to make the show viable for an audience who don`t know the truth. As the BBC was created to be a public educative medium, young men running down corridors with young women is immoral if they don`t find a bed together, because it precludes young women running down corridors together as Doctor Who and her assistant with the unspoken inference that they`re probably sleeping together anyway because, although she`s Redemption in the spirit of Jesus on her ring for her husband, it`s her nature not to be a human sacrifice off her ring. Because her nature`s her mother`s and not her killers`.

1 Virgil, The Aeneid, Bk II, 19 B.C.
2 Troughton, Patrick `The Enemy Of The World`, Series 5, Serial 4, 23 December, 1967 - 27 January, 1968.
3 Tennant, David `Voyage Of The Damned`, Season 4, 7 September, 2010.
4 `The Daleks`, Season 1, Serial 2, 21 December, 1963 - 1 February, 1964.
5 Hartnell, WIlliam `The Keys Of Marinus`, Season 1, Serial 5, 11 April - 16 May, 1964.
6 Baker, Tom `Terror Of The Zygons`, Series 13, Episode 4, 30 August - 20 September, 1975.
7 Gorshin Frank as Bele in Star Trek `Let That Be Your Last Battlefield`, Season 3, Episode 15, 10 January, 1969.
8 McCoy, Sylvester `Remembrance Of The Daleks: Part One`, Season 25, Serial 1, 15 October, 1988.
9 `A man who is excessively vain and concerned about his dress, appearance, and manners.` http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/fop .
10 Tennant `The End Of Time: Part Two`, 25 December, 2009, - 1 January, 2010.
11 Tennant `Time Crash`, 16 November, 2007.
12 Spenser, Edmund The Faerie Queene, 1590.
13 Smith, Matt `The Eleventh Hour`, Series 5, Episode 1, 3 April, 2010.
14 Baker `Logopolis: Part One`, Season 18, Episode 25, 28 February, 1981.