Eunuch In The Harem
The traditional view of the Arabian harem kept by rulers is
of a number of women exclusively available for sexual pleasure to an
individual. Christianity, conflating monotheism with monogamy, defined polygamy
as anathema to Jesus` teaching, although religious Christian sects such as the
Mormon faith, which hold as a tenet of their belief that Jesus was in the
United States of America as a teacher, embrace polygamy as a means of
increasing their number. Amongst Moslems, in the faith of Islam, deriving from
the Koran (610-30 C.E.), their holy
book, dictated to the Prophet Mohamed by the angels, according to Islamic
tradition, four wives are permitted within an individual marriage, which is a
form of polygamy. In the Bible Jews
have more than one wife, but they are called `concubines`; for example,
Abraham, founder of Judaism through his wife, Sara, by his son, Isaac, and
through his wife`s maidservant, Hagar, by his son, Ishmael. In Christianity
Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen is followed by his murder by those
who don`t want `woman`s seed`, because monotheistic monogamy is against
polygamy for women.
In sociological
terms, Jesus is a `bastard`, as he wasn`t fathered by Joseph, his mother`s
husband. In Eden, God tells Eve her `seed` will `crush the head of the serpent
with her foot as she leaves,` (Gen: 3. 15) because she will have `seed` of her
own, as `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb will be born
after she leaves paradise on Earth, that is, God`s garden of Eden, which Jesus`
birth and Resurrection after death is designed to remind her of. She and Adam
were expelled from Eden by God for accepting the `fruit of the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil` from the serpent who told them, `You shall be as
gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) Because they`d be
in womb slavery after expulsion from paradise for rejecting the `fruit of the
tree of life`, which is immortality, that is, death is the consequence of the
killing and culling of Eve`s `futanarian` daughters to prevent them from
sexually reproducing their own brains` powers for liberation from the
`serpent`s seed` of men`s enslaving of them. The Arabian harem system
recognized the desirability of `futanarian` women`s sexually reproducing with
women with their own penis` semen and, as is indicated by the Moslem
marriage of four wives, so does Islam.
The harem in tales
from the 8th century, The
Thousand And One Nights, or movies like Aladdin`s
Wonderful Lamp (1939), which elaborate upon a single tale from the well
known treasury of Arabian folklore, has eunuchs, who are castrated men that
don`t participate in the sexual reproduction process amongst the women, because
male semen isn`t wanted, and that`s why the djinn of the lamp, that is, the
penis` semen, is `wonderful`, because the `djinn` are a product of an earlier
breeding program. In the story of Ali
Baba And The Forty Thieves, a woman sews together the parts of a dead man
to bring him back to life, which is a Resurrection tale, but the meaning is
that she`s a woman and so Resurrection for her own species isn`t in doubt. The
framing tale for A Thousand And One
Nights is Shah Jehan`s beheading of his wife for supposed unfaithfulness
and Sheherezade appears to tell tales to save the women of the kingdom who he
marries and then beheads each day. Interested in her stories he marries her,
that is, his wife returns, because Resurrection for `woman`s seed` isn`t in
In the Koran, Iblis is the `djinn`,
corresponding to the angel, Satan, who refused to bow before Adam, and so was
expelled by God from heaven, where he became the serpent of Eden. Satan was
expelled because he didn`t accept `woman`seed` would supercede male semen as
God`s preferred `futanarian` future for the human species. The `bow` is a
homosexual metaphor. Satan doesn`t want Adam`s `seed`, because he fears
contamination, which was borne out in the late 20th century when
HIV/AIDS` `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6)
emerged as the `incurable `killer disease` spread by homosexuals` mixing blood,
shit and semen in each others` anuses in mockery of human sexual reproduction,
where `bowing` towards someone is a request not to be homosexually assaulted
from behind, whereas bowing away from someone is an invitation to the
homosexual act of mocking human sexuality by offering the anus as a sterile
vagina for penis` semen, which is death worship in nihilism, because nothing
can be produced but human extinction:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their
sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
In ancient Greece
homosexuality in pederasty and war was institutionalized for the spread of the
`gay plague`, while women`s host wombs were enslaved to death. God`s plan was
for the `seed` of Eve to supercede Adam`s, which is why the angels of God are
described in the Bible as destroying
the cities of the plains, Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen: 19. 15), where homosexuality and male braining was practiced, that
is, homosexual rivalry will die. Although archangel Satan, who is the `djinn`
Iblis in the Koran, perpetuates the
rivalry, which is what God tells Eve she`s to expect, that is `perpetual
enmity` with the serpent and its `seed`, men aren`t her species, so they`ll die,
which is what God tells her. Whether they have Redemption, that is, Resurrection
and Ascension to heaven depends on their accepting the meaning of Jesus` life,
which is uncontamination by homosexual rivalry productive of `vendetta`, that
is, `perpetual enmity` for each other to the detriment of the success of the
human race of `woman`s seed`, who is a single `futanarian` creature with her
own penis` semen hosting a parasitical viral life form refusing to convert from
its sin of emerging from her host womb to enslave and kill her.
Although the harem
owner is usually a potentate, or other figure of magnitude, such as the Caliph
of Baghdad, which provides the setting for many of A Thousand And One Nights` tales, he has wives of his own, that is,
the harem is a breeders` paradise where women are bred from their own `seed`,
which is why Eve battles with the serpent that, grown to the size of a dragon
after Eden, `waits in vain` to devour Jesus in his `Second Coming`, according
to the Bible. Jesus will `rule the
nations with an iron scepter`, after being born to the woman `clothed with the
sun and with the moon at her feet,` (Rev:
12. 1) while the dragon is thwarted in its aim of devouring him. Eve is represented
by the statue of `Liberty` bearing freedom`s torch in New York harbor, after
her defeat of the red sun of the flag of Japan, which unannouncedly attacked
the US Pacific fleet on 7 December, 1941, to bring the USA into WWII (1939-45). The yellow moon of the flag of Islamic
`Jihad`, that is, war against humanity, was begun by terrorist group, Al Qaeda,
when they unannouncedly hijacked `civil` airliners to crash them into the Twin
Towers of the World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001, to precipitate war in
Islam, which resulted in the overthrow of the Iraqi dictator, Baghdad`s Saddam
Hussein, because he supported Al Qaeda. Because the moon is the `pearl of great
price`, that is, heaven from Earth, `Liberty`, in her birth waters at New York
harbor after 9/11 and her defeat of the red sun of the flag of Japan after Pearl
harbor, is the figure of woman in the process of defeating the yellow moon of the
flag of Islamic `Jihad`, `clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, giving
birth to the type of the new redeemer, where Jesus` path as a teacher is
`futanarian` humankind uncontaminated by male semen, which will rule for
`futanarian` woman to ensure her human race will leave the Earth and colonize
the planets amongst the stars of God`s heaven above:
`At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given
in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30)
The story of Eve in
the Bible is of a woman, Eve,
emerging from the side of Adam, who is described as being created by God from
Adam`s rib, whereas it`d be simpler to assume that man is the animal that women
are breeding with on Earth, that is, Redemption is the metaphor Christians use
for intelligence, where reverence for the host womb of the redemptive woman is
the sine qua non for the human
animal`s continuation, because women have penis` semen of their own and don`t
need another animal`s. Eve`s emergence from Adam`s side suggests she belongs in
the spiritual realm, while the spear of the Roman centurion Longinus` piercing
of the side of Jesus after his death upon being nailed to a wooden cross as a
Jewish `dissident` by the Roman occupation of Palestine represents the
emergence of the `Second Eve` as the `Holy Spirit` from the side of the `Second
Adam`, that is, Jesus, who had told his disciples the `Holy Spirit` would teach
after him. Consequently, women of the spiritual realm, like Eve from the side
of Adam, are the redemptive educators of humankind, which is the animal women
are breeding with on Earth, as evolutionary theorist, Charles Darwin guessed in
his Origin Of Species (1859), where
he argued apes were humanity`s predecessors. Although no one seriously believed
that HIV/AIDS came from monkeys, the `joke` is serious.
Amongst primitive
societies mana or power is imbibed by
eating bodies that are deemed powerful. Consequently, those who believe that
monkey brains were the source of HIV/AIDS consumed by Africans whose fingers
remained unclean and so the killer disease was subsequently transmitted as an
STD, have some of the truth. Because HIV/AIDS is a brain killer, while Africans
eat monkeys for food, but simians are closely related to men, according to
Darwin, which means that, if you can contract HIV/AIDS you`re not a man,
because men aren`t monkeys, which is men`s `joke`. Effectively, the HIV/AIDS
virus eats those who can contract the `incurable killer disease` from monkey
brains, which means that you`d have to be an eater of monkey brains to catch
it. Consequently, the monkeys aren`t eating the right food, which the elite
Satanists of the `serpent`s seed` of men reserve for themselves. The serpent,
Satan, grows till he`s a devouring dragon, because men of the `serpent`s seed`
obtain power by consuming humans, that is, elitists kill and devour human
brains to remain elite, which means that HIV/AIDS is incurable, because a cure
would interfere with Satanism`s elitist quelling of the human race in ignorance
and womb slavery.
According to the Koran God created men, women, djinn and
angels, while Iblis is the djinn who refused to bow before Adam and is
associated with Satan in Christianity, because Satan was the angel cast out of
heaven for objecting to God`s preferring humanity to the angelic host, whereas
God`s plan was to improve the host through the host womb of woman, who`d breed
with herself after Eden as `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and
host womb unless Iblis, that is, Satan and the `serpent`s seed` of men, killed,
culled and enslaved her host womb for parasitism and power. If djinn aren`t
angels, they`re food, because not human, which is humanity`s definition of the
edible. If Iblis was Satan, the angel, then he was the serpent as a djinn after
God`s expelling him from heaven, that is, the djinn were `serpent`s seed` after
the fall of Satan, while humans would categorize `djinn` as food, because
that`s how they categorize everything else that isn`t human but is edible.
Consequently, `the fall` from `heaven` is understandable as parasitism and
cannibalism, that is, the creature from the host womb that eats `woman`s seed`
is a parasite, whereas the human that eats or kills the human is a cannibal,
which can be taught to humans as a means of obtaining power, which is what
HIV/AIDS from monkey brains illustrates. Intelligence is `heaven` and HIV/AIDS
kills the brain. Because humanity`s `futanarian` woman isn`t food, `he shall
crush your head and you shall bruise his heel,` (Gen: 3. 15) the `joke` is that Satan is eating her `foot`, because
the `futanarian` human race of women with their own penis` semen and host wombs
for the sexual reproduction of their own brains` powers for intelligent independence
in socio-economic freedom from slavery is the food of the `serpent`s seed` of
men in Satanism, which doesn`t want HIV/AIDS to be cured because it`s her brain
The paradigm is of
men who devour everything to obtain power, for example, the brains of the
intelligent, who`re too intelligent because they`re able, as Abel was in the Bible story in which he was killed by
his brother, Cain, because he could cook, are nullified. The story of the water
driven car rejected by the Chrysler company in the USA is a familiar legend.
The creator was paid off and the car written off in order to protect `oil
money`, which keeps the human footrace on the pedal of its disabled vehicle,
the motor car, which hasn`t alter fundamentally since the first mass produced
Model T Ford came off the production line in Detroit, Michigan, in 1908.
Consequently, any individual who has intelligence is a genius and a brain to be
eaten, because they`re not human from the perspective of the monkeys, who`ve
degenerated the human species to maintain an elitist veneer. The latest 21st
century sports` car, for example, had no intrinsically superior characteristic
to the Model T Ford with its `foot` pedals produced over a century earlier at
the Henry Ford plant in Detroit, because men of the `serpent`s seed` wanted the
veneer of elitism rather than human progress for the human `footrace` of
`woman`s seed` to the planets around the stars of God`s heaven above the Earth.
Because men devour
everything that has brains, the eating of monkey brains and the passing of
HIV/AIDS into the human system thereby is paradigmatic of men`s brain eating parasitism.
In the Koran djinn are upon the Earth
with men and women, which means that `djinn` are `food`, that is, `futanarian`
women with their own penis` semen and host wombs correspond to what men call
`djinn`, because if they kil and cull her she won`t have brains and so the
brain-eaters will have power over the human race. Consequently, men`s eating of
monkey brains is apposite, because it`s symptomatic of a degeneracy that has
eaten its own brains and is looking for `brain food`, that is, the obtaining of
intelligence from food, which is why the Koran
distinguishes between human and `djinn`. The `djinn` are the humans eaten for
power by the `serpent`s seed` of men, that is, the `futanarian` human species
of `woman`s seed` with her own penis` semen and host womb for the sexual
reproduction of her own brains` power is `djinn` to men, because it`s a
superior form of human, which men would rather kill and cull to maintain their
elitism rather than humanity should progress beyond the imprisonment of male
braining in Satanism and war against `woman`s seed` upon her Earth.
Because male braining
is effectively transvestism in which the `serpent`s seed` of men male brain all
human life so that it`s one creature wearing each others` clothes while the
elitists watch it kill itself as `TV` for their entertainment, all Hollywood
Babylon`s epic feature films of wars are ultimately for `TV`, which is why
Saddam Hussein`s name meant `small handsome man` and `crusher`, because his
ancient seat of Iraq was Babylon, `mother of harlots and of the abominations of
the Earth,` (Rev: 17. 5), and the `TV
war` of the Gulf to depose him began `live on CNN` and other `TV` news
networks, while his role was as the `crusher` of `woman`s seed` upon the Earth
as the Satanist reestablishing `rough trade` after the terrorists were seen to
crash planes on the `small screen` into the Twin Towers of the World Trade
Centre on September 11, 2001, to precipitate that `brutality and violence`
associated with homosexual men of the `serpent`s seed` who pay for men and boys
to fight in pederasty and maintain their `perpetual enmity` for `woman`s seed`
of humanity in their wars against her.
Pederasty depicts
women without penis` semen of their own, so she`s become the eunuch in the
harem. In declaredly bisexual pop star Britney Spears` `Gimme More` video
single, she`s sitting at a drinks` bar with two women, while herself is the
pole dancer, `It's Britney Bitch. I see you, and I just wanna dance with you.`
The imagery is suggestive of the penis being held by the dancer while the three
women, one of whom looks like Britney Spears as the `mom` she was when the Blackout (2007) album was recorded,
represents the fourfold marriage of the `futanarian` women with their own
penis` semen between them, `Everytime they turn the lights down, just wanna go
that extra mile for you; you got my display of affection: feels like no one
else in the room (but you).` Britney gave birth to sons, Sean and Jayden, after
marrying Kevin Federline in 2004, but she and Kevin were divorced in 2007,
before the release of Blackout, which
depicts women`s occlusion. Just as women are forced to accept men in marriage,
so men are taught the Oedipal complex, that is, their fathers will kill them if
they desire their mother sexually. The incest taboo derives from the myth of
Oedipus as written by the Greek playwright, Sophocles, in Oedipus Rex (c. 429 B.C.)
where the eponymous protagonist kills his father unwittingly and marries his
mother, Jocasta, unknowingly, which resulted in his blindness becoming
permanent, when he blinded himself at the supposed horror of having children
with his `mom`.
The incest taboo
prevents men`s daughters from knowing about sexual reproduction between
`futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host wombs, lest they
reproduce in the numbers necessary for them to be able to break the mental
prison they`ve been placed inside by their captors as women remember they have their
own penis` semen, which Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen from his
mother, the Virgin Mary, was presumably designed by God to help her with. After
being tortured to death, Jesus had Resurrection, which presumably was God`s way
of telling `woman`s seed` that she should have Resurrection because her
`futanarian` woman`s penis` semen would be remembered. In the myth of Oedipus,
Antigone is his daughter who guides his blind steps after he succumbs to the
incest taboo`s power, which assassinates her from the picture as the possible
future for `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen for whom Jesus has this
advice, `love your neighbor` (Luke:
10. 27) as the distillation of the meaning of God`s `law`, because women`s
daughters` love for their mothers` species is sexual and they need women as
their neighbours to sexually reproduce with. Consequently, the incest taboo is
men`s taboo against women`s sexual reproduction with each other and only
secondarily a means to prevent genetic mishap, which can easily be avoided by
condoms anyway without reference to morality.
Robert A. Heinlein
(1907-88), science fiction writer, wrote several novels dealing with the incest
theme, and the gist of his wisdom was that the incest taboo is related to the
desire for longevity, which men wouldn`t want for women lest they remember
their own species` penis` semen as `futanarian` women. Consequently, the incest
taboo directed as mothers and sons` morality is designed to prevent daughters
from awakening to the truth, which is that children are men`s terror cypher
keeping women in fearful faithfulness as HIV/AIDS is their `biological weapon`.
Heinlein`s long-lived characters, like Lazarus Long in Time Enough For Love (1973) and his mother, Maureen, in To Sail Beyond The Sunset (1987) have
children who`re old but youthful, because children are only children for a
short while before they`re adults and growing into becoming ancients.
Consequently, the focus on children shifts in Heinlein so the biblical `three
score years and ten` is infancy, that is, human are kept artificially infantile
because men are frightened that women will grow up and leave them if they know
they can sexually reproduce together, whereas the incest taboo is designed to
prevent them from recognizing that all women are mother and they can fertilize
her ovum if they`re aware of their own penis` semen.
Britney Spears` `Womanizer`
video single from the album Circus (2008)
develops the occlusion theme because `circus` is a term used for spyrings which
have the aim of blinding people who want to see. The analogy is of the
Christians thrown to the lions in the Roman circus or amphithestre because the
Roman Emperors didn`t want the Christians to teach others how to see, and was
why they killed Jesus uncontaminated by male semen, because his birth itself
taught women about `woman`s seed` irrespective of his teaching thereafter,
which was encapsulated in his offer of `bread and wine as symbols of his `body
and blood` to his disciples at the `Last Supper`, after which he was betrayed
by the disciple, Judas Iscariot, to the Roman occupation of Palestine as a
`dissident`, because Jesus was advocating the uncontaminated host womb of the
human species as the future `futanarian` host of God in heaven and the defeat
of men`s worship of Satan in male brained pederasty and its undeclared wars
against the human species of woman upon the Earth.
Britney Spears is the
`ringmistress` as an animal trainer, which is what men are if women are the
penis` semen and host womb of the human race and men are a parasitical creature
that somehow once inveigled itself into her host womb to steal her penis` semen
and breed her to kill her slowly, which is what the Romans did with Jesus` body
uncontaminated by male semen. `Islam` means `accept` and Britney Spears
`Womanizer` features herself in four different guises corresponding to the four
wives permitted in Moslem marriage in acceptance of the need for the
Resurrection of `woman`s seed`. The `Womanizer` video single begins with
Britney as a `homebody` cooking a square egg as a square meal for a square man
with whom she`s having an affair. As squares have four angles, so Britney
Spears` four characters constitute the four angles of her square, rather than
the `eternal triangle`, which is how the relationship between woman, husband
and boyfriend is described, but it`s a term that conceals, because the
`triangle` is mother, husband, and their daughter, who represents the unspoken
taboo that women mustn`t `know` they can sexually reproduce together. According
to the developmental psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), there are four
functions of consciousness; Thinking, Feeling, Sensation and Intuition. The
functions correspond to ears, mouth, eyes, and nose or sense of smell, that is,
the four functions in undifferentiated form. Reviewing the video single for
`Womanizer` reveals a woman examining herself `foursquare`, that is, does she
need a man`s penis` semen after her marriage, or is the Arabian model of
marriage as a vehicle for sexual reproduction between `futanarian` women with
their own penis` semen and host womb preferable? Throughout the video Britney
has a man, but in the finale she
makes him disappear beneath a sheet, like a `circus` magician, as she`s making
the bed, because he isn`t a `serious` proposition. In her video single, `Oops!
… I Did It Again` (2000), from the album of the same title, Britney Spears
appears `twinned` in a red jump suit and a white bikini dress. The science
fictional setting is Mars, where a US North American Space Administration (NASA)
style astronaut visits her seemingly from 21 July, 1969, when Neil Armstrong
became the first man to set foot on the moon:
`One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`1
In her red one-piece
suit, Britney places a hook in her astronaut`s back and winches him up to where
the viewer can see her in a bikini dress, which is `futanarian` insofar as the
possibility of women`s sexual reproduction is hinted. The spaceman gives her a
gift in a small `black box`, which is how the device installed in planes to be
a memory of what has occurred in the event of an accident s described, `But I
though the old lady dropped it into the ocean at the end?` The cinema allusion
is to the Titanic (1997) and the `heart
of the ocean` as a `black box` memory dropped at the site of the ship`s
salvaging by Rose, who`d been given it by a lover as a blue diamond pendant,
before the ship hit an iceberg and sank on 15 April, 1911, on its `maiden
voyage` from Liverpool, England, to New York. Rose`s discarding of her heart
reflects a woman`s understanding. Painted by her lover, her fiancée plants the diamond on him and
accuses him of theft. He drowns while her fiancée
escapes in the lifeboats, which men want women to perceive as romantic, whereas
it`s typical of men`s treacherousness and women don`t want it. Britney`s `black
box` contains an old woman`s memory, that is, her species` memory of her own
socio-economic independence through reproduction of herselves by means of her own
penis` semen and host wombs, so her `futanarian` foot can escape from the
astronaut amongst the planets and stars.
In the video single `Lucky`
from the album, Oops! … I Did It Again,
Britney is `Lucky Star`, a movie queen surrounded by what seem like avatars of herselves, because she`s
functioning woman looking to produce herself in socio-economic independence
from men of Earth, although she`s depicted as receiving an Oscar in Hollywood
Babylon, `Best actress, and the winner is … Lucky!` Because those are the
conditions in which she lives and that she has to make the best of for herself
as a woman who wants to function. Consequently, her avatars represent woman`s differentiated functions of Jung`s
actualized `Self`; Thinking, Feeling, Sensation and Intuition: as they are associated
with ears, mouth, eyes and nose or sense of smell in undifferentiated form. In
`Womanizer` Britney`s square egg precedes the appearance of her `foursquare`
characterological examination of herself as a permissive independent woman
cooking breakfast for another male lover, an office girl, a waitress, and a chauffeur, who is in the driving seat
with her `foot` on the accelerator as an example to Moslem women who`re
forbidden to drive themselves in Saudi Arabia and other Islamic nations.
According to Jung
when a function is receiving differentiation, it is represented in dreams, art
and imagination as `splitting` or `twinning`, which explains Britney`s red and
white characters in the video single for `Oops! … I Did It Again`. Her feelings
are changing, that is, the `Feeling` function is becoming differentiated. In `Lucky`
Britney has avatars wearing red blouses, which Jung associates with functional
indeterminacy, that is, a psyche split into many parts indicating indecisive turmoil;
borne out in the `Lucky` lyric:
`Lost in an image, in a dream; but there's no one there to
wake her up.`2
Britney Spears `Lucky
is depicted receiving flowers from an admirer, which Jung identifies with a
woman`s animus as the spirit which informs her that men surround her. According
to Jung women don`t have a soul or anima
but a spirit or animus which pervades
their consciousness. What Jung doesn`t perceive is that men aren`t women`s
protectors, otherwise they wouldn`t wage war as the parasitical virus devouring
the civilization, culture and art that is able to emerge from her host womb
despite their depredations. Consequently, the perception that men`s anima is their soul projected onto women
as sexual desire for the image of woman, is false. Woman is the soul or anima in bodied form, while the process
of what Jung terms `projection` is how men receive a soul from God through
love; if that`s possible. Women`s animus
is men`s spirit of murder, which pervades a woman`s atmosphere like a threat
against her human species and endangers her immortal soul because it infects
her spiritually. Jesus` perception was that men have to convert from that; if
Redemption is to occur. Because women`s animus,
as projected onto her as men`s spiritual fear of being made sexually redundant,
is that of a `snuff movie` masquerading as entertainment in which the `star` is
killed, because men don`t want women`s host wombs to live independently of
their parasitism:
`She's so lucky, she's a star. But she cry, cry, cries in
her lonely heart, thinking; if there's nothing missing in my life then why do
these tears come at night?`
Upon the cover for
the compact disc recording of `Piece Of Me` from the album Blackout Britney spears on the cross in the place of Jesus
crucified, because Judas received `thirty pieces of silver` to betray Jesus. As
the betrayer of the host at the `Last Supper` uncontaminated by male semen born
from his mother, the Virgin Mary, Judas was the traitor to the host womb of the
human race, because Jesus represented the teaching of `woman`s seed` that her
species would have Resurrection; illustrated by his own Resurrection after
being tortured to death by the Roman occupiers of Palestine. `Piece Of Me` is
Britney Spears` objection to being persecuted for being `bisexual`, that is,
being sexually interested in men and women, while Jesus was killed for
reminding women they had penis` semen of their own, which began that period of human
history known as the `Dark Ages`, that is, Blackout,
from the 6th to the 13th centuries, because the Roman
Empire preferred collapse to enlightenment. The `Middle Ages` of recovery was
the `Age of Faith` up to the late 17th century when Jesus` teaching
was promulgated as the basis for a Holy Roman Empire, while the Enlightenment
period afterwards was known as the `Age of Reason`, because reason was
perceived as a more significant adjunct to Jesus` teaching than faith. However,
Christianity in practice was the torture of souls to make them produce after
the model of Jesus` crucified, that is, `woman`s seed` was betrayed, which
Britney Spears` crucified on the CD cover of the single, `Piece Of Me`,
protests at women`s being infantilized by supposedly `adult` media:
`I'm Mrs Most Likely to get on the TV for strippin' on the
streets when gettin' the groceries`; no, for real are you kiddin' me?`3
Britney is an adult
as her `Womanizer` video single reveals. She appears naked in the sauna,
because the `Sensation` function is associated with the eyes, while `copying`,
as the office girl sitting alluringly on the photocopier while it scans her derrière, denotes the `Feeling`
function, which is associated with the mouth, because `copy` means to repeat
verbally so that others understand you can read. As the waitress, Britney is
hearing, or the `Thinking` function, because she must listen, while
`Intuition`, associated with the sense of smell and the nose, is Britney as the
chauffeur in trousered suit and
peaked cap, who represents the `futanarian` amongst the four female aspects of
her `Self` representing her functioning individuality with her `foot` pressing
for a more accelerated human evolution than is being offered by the `Womanizer`
of the video who her four avatars
`disappear` at the end of the several scenes in which they appear because he`s
the assassinated male imago women
don`t want.
In Jungian psychology
archetypes appear in the unconscious dreams, art and imagination of humans as
the impulse engines of the species. The most important of these is the anima or soul as the image of woman that
impels sexual desire as well as denoting that source of instinctual libido
present in each individual as energy that can be transformed from sexual to
spiritual levels, that is, instinct to intellect, which is associated with
higher thinking. The animus of a
woman that Jung associates with her spirit is interpretable as men`s desire to
exterminate her race. Surrounding her
with an imago of themselves as her
imprisoner, she falsely believes he`s beloved, while their parasite continues
to use her host womb as its base for assaults upon her species` development in
wars against her `seed`; having already killed and culled her to enslave her
host womb for its terrorism as the alien presence seeking the human race`s
The imago of a man isn`t a human archetype,
although Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen suggests Redemption is
possible for men, while Jung agrees that the Jesus` archetype closely corresponds
teleologically to the archetype of what might be described as the individuated
or consciously self-actualized functioning `Self`, which is human but men don`t
want it because it`s `woman`s seed` and it interferes with their womb slavery
of her own `futanarian` human species uncontaminated by male semen from her own
mothers` penis` semen and host wombs for the breeding of her own brains` powers
to liberate her from enslavement to men of the `serpent`s seed` who don`t want
her futanarian `footrace` to have accelerated evolution because humanity might
escape from them before they`ve killed it.
1 Armstrong, Neil 21 July, 1969, UTC 2: 56.
2 Spears, Britney `Lucky` Oops! … I Did It Again, Jive Records, 2000.
3 Spears, Britney `Piece Of Me` Blackout, Jive Records, 2007.