Universal Life Church

The Universal Life Church Monastery

Saturday, 12 July 2014

Eunuch In The Harem

Eunuch In The Harem

The traditional view of the Arabian harem kept by rulers is of a number of women exclusively available for sexual pleasure to an individual. Christianity, conflating monotheism with monogamy, defined polygamy as anathema to Jesus` teaching, although religious Christian sects such as the Mormon faith, which hold as a tenet of their belief that Jesus was in the United States of America as a teacher, embrace polygamy as a means of increasing their number. Amongst Moslems, in the faith of Islam, deriving from the Koran (610-30 C.E.), their holy book, dictated to the Prophet Mohamed by the angels, according to Islamic tradition, four wives are permitted within an individual marriage, which is a form of polygamy. In the Bible Jews have more than one wife, but they are called `concubines`; for example, Abraham, founder of Judaism through his wife, Sara, by his son, Isaac, and through his wife`s maidservant, Hagar, by his son, Ishmael. In Christianity Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen is followed by his murder by those who don`t want `woman`s seed`, because monotheistic monogamy is against polygamy for women.

 In sociological terms, Jesus is a `bastard`, as he wasn`t fathered by Joseph, his mother`s husband. In Eden, God tells Eve her `seed` will `crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves,` (Gen: 3. 15) because she will have `seed` of her own, as `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb will be born after she leaves paradise on Earth, that is, God`s garden of Eden, which Jesus` birth and Resurrection after death is designed to remind her of. She and Adam were expelled from Eden by God for accepting the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` from the serpent who told them, `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) Because they`d be in womb slavery after expulsion from paradise for rejecting the `fruit of the tree of life`, which is immortality, that is, death is the consequence of the killing and culling of Eve`s `futanarian` daughters to prevent them from sexually reproducing their own brains` powers for liberation from the `serpent`s seed` of men`s enslaving of them. The Arabian harem system recognized the desirability of `futanarian` women`s sexually reproducing with women with their own penis` semen and, as is indicated by the Moslem marriage  of four wives, so does Islam.

 The harem in tales from the 8th century, The Thousand And One Nights, or movies like Aladdin`s Wonderful Lamp (1939), which elaborate upon a single tale from the well known treasury of Arabian folklore, has eunuchs, who are castrated men that don`t participate in the sexual reproduction process amongst the women, because male semen isn`t wanted, and that`s why the djinn of the lamp, that is, the penis` semen, is `wonderful`, because the `djinn` are a product of an earlier breeding program. In the story of Ali Baba And The Forty Thieves, a woman sews together the parts of a dead man to bring him back to life, which is a Resurrection tale, but the meaning is that she`s a woman and so Resurrection for her own species isn`t in doubt. The framing tale for A Thousand And One Nights is Shah Jehan`s beheading of his wife for supposed unfaithfulness and Sheherezade appears to tell tales to save the women of the kingdom who he marries and then beheads each day. Interested in her stories he marries her, that is, his wife returns, because Resurrection for `woman`s seed` isn`t in doubt.

 In the Koran, Iblis is the `djinn`, corresponding to the angel, Satan, who refused to bow before Adam, and so was expelled by God from heaven, where he became the serpent of Eden. Satan was expelled because he didn`t accept `woman`seed` would supercede male semen as God`s preferred `futanarian` future for the human species. The `bow` is a homosexual metaphor. Satan doesn`t want Adam`s `seed`, because he fears contamination, which was borne out in the late 20th century when HIV/AIDS` `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6) emerged as the `incurable `killer disease` spread by homosexuals` mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in mockery of human sexual reproduction, where `bowing` towards someone is a request not to be homosexually assaulted from behind, whereas bowing away from someone is an invitation to the homosexual act of mocking human sexuality by offering the anus as a sterile vagina for penis` semen, which is death worship in nihilism, because nothing can be produced but human extinction:

`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)

 In ancient Greece homosexuality in pederasty and war was institutionalized for the spread of the `gay plague`, while women`s host wombs were enslaved to death. God`s plan was for the `seed` of Eve to supercede Adam`s, which is why the angels of God are described in the Bible as destroying the cities of the plains, Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen: 19. 15), where homosexuality and male braining was practiced, that is, homosexual rivalry will die. Although archangel Satan, who is the `djinn` Iblis in the Koran, perpetuates the rivalry, which is what God tells Eve she`s to expect, that is `perpetual enmity` with the serpent and its `seed`, men aren`t her species, so they`ll die, which is what God tells her. Whether they have Redemption, that is, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven depends on their accepting the meaning of Jesus` life, which is uncontamination by homosexual rivalry productive of `vendetta`, that is, `perpetual enmity` for each other to the detriment of the success of the human race of `woman`s seed`, who is a single `futanarian` creature with her own penis` semen hosting a parasitical viral life form refusing to convert from its sin of emerging from her host womb to enslave and kill her.

 Although the harem owner is usually a potentate, or other figure of magnitude, such as the Caliph of Baghdad, which provides the setting for many of A Thousand And One Nights` tales, he has wives of his own, that is, the harem is a breeders` paradise where women are bred from their own `seed`, which is why Eve battles with the serpent that, grown to the size of a dragon after Eden, `waits in vain` to devour Jesus in his `Second Coming`, according to the Bible. Jesus will `rule the nations with an iron scepter`, after being born to the woman `clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet,` (Rev: 12. 1) while the dragon is thwarted in its aim of devouring him. Eve is represented by the statue of `Liberty` bearing freedom`s torch in New York harbor, after her defeat of the red sun of the flag of Japan, which unannouncedly attacked the US Pacific fleet on 7 December, 1941, to bring the USA into WWII (1939-45).  The yellow moon of the flag of Islamic `Jihad`, that is, war against humanity, was begun by terrorist group, Al Qaeda, when they unannouncedly hijacked `civil` airliners to crash them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001, to precipitate war in Islam, which resulted in the overthrow of the Iraqi dictator, Baghdad`s Saddam Hussein, because he supported Al Qaeda. Because the moon is the `pearl of great price`, that is, heaven from Earth, `Liberty`, in her birth waters at New York harbor after 9/11 and her defeat of the red sun of the flag of Japan after Pearl harbor, is the figure of woman in the process of defeating the yellow moon of the flag of Islamic `Jihad`, `clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, giving birth to the type of the new redeemer, where Jesus` path as a teacher is `futanarian` humankind uncontaminated by male semen, which will rule for `futanarian` woman to ensure her human race will leave the Earth and colonize the planets amongst the stars of God`s heaven above:

`At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30)

 The story of Eve in the Bible is of a woman, Eve, emerging from the side of Adam, who is described as being created by God from Adam`s rib, whereas it`d be simpler to assume that man is the animal that women are breeding with on Earth, that is, Redemption is the metaphor Christians use for intelligence, where reverence for the host womb of the redemptive woman is the sine qua non for the human animal`s continuation, because women have penis` semen of their own and don`t need another animal`s. Eve`s emergence from Adam`s side suggests she belongs in the spiritual realm, while the spear of the Roman centurion Longinus` piercing of the side of Jesus after his death upon being nailed to a wooden cross as a Jewish `dissident` by the Roman occupation of Palestine represents the emergence of the `Second Eve` as the `Holy Spirit` from the side of the `Second Adam`, that is, Jesus, who had told his disciples the `Holy Spirit` would teach after him. Consequently, women of the spiritual realm, like Eve from the side of Adam, are the redemptive educators of humankind, which is the animal women are breeding with on Earth, as evolutionary theorist, Charles Darwin guessed in his Origin Of Species (1859), where he argued apes were humanity`s predecessors. Although no one seriously believed that HIV/AIDS came from monkeys, the `joke` is serious.

 Amongst primitive societies mana or power is imbibed by eating bodies that are deemed powerful. Consequently, those who believe that monkey brains were the source of HIV/AIDS consumed by Africans whose fingers remained unclean and so the killer disease was subsequently transmitted as an STD, have some of the truth. Because HIV/AIDS is a brain killer, while Africans eat monkeys for food, but simians are closely related to men, according to Darwin, which means that, if you can contract HIV/AIDS you`re not a man, because men aren`t monkeys, which is men`s `joke`. Effectively, the HIV/AIDS virus eats those who can contract the `incurable killer disease` from monkey brains, which means that you`d have to be an eater of monkey brains to catch it. Consequently, the monkeys aren`t eating the right food, which the elite Satanists of the `serpent`s seed` of men reserve for themselves. The serpent, Satan, grows till he`s a devouring dragon, because men of the `serpent`s seed` obtain power by consuming humans, that is, elitists kill and devour human brains to remain elite, which means that HIV/AIDS is incurable, because a cure would interfere with Satanism`s elitist quelling of the human race in ignorance and womb slavery.

 According to the Koran God created men, women, djinn and angels, while Iblis is the djinn who refused to bow before Adam and is associated with Satan in Christianity, because Satan was the angel cast out of heaven for objecting to God`s preferring humanity to the angelic host, whereas God`s plan was to improve the host through the host womb of woman, who`d breed with herself after Eden as `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb unless Iblis, that is, Satan and the `serpent`s seed` of men, killed, culled and enslaved her host womb for parasitism and power. If djinn aren`t angels, they`re food, because not human, which is humanity`s definition of the edible. If Iblis was Satan, the angel, then he was the serpent as a djinn after God`s expelling him from heaven, that is, the djinn were `serpent`s seed` after the fall of Satan, while humans would categorize `djinn` as food, because that`s how they categorize everything else that isn`t human but is edible. Consequently, `the fall` from `heaven` is understandable as parasitism and cannibalism, that is, the creature from the host womb that eats `woman`s seed` is a parasite, whereas the human that eats or kills the human is a cannibal, which can be taught to humans as a means of obtaining power, which is what HIV/AIDS from monkey brains illustrates. Intelligence is `heaven` and HIV/AIDS kills the brain. Because humanity`s `futanarian` woman isn`t food, `he shall crush your head and you shall bruise his heel,` (Gen: 3. 15) the `joke` is that Satan is eating her `foot`, because the `futanarian` human race of women with their own penis` semen and host wombs for the sexual reproduction of their own brains` powers for intelligent independence in socio-economic freedom from slavery is the food of the `serpent`s seed` of men in Satanism, which doesn`t want HIV/AIDS to be cured because it`s her brain killer.

 The paradigm is of men who devour everything to obtain power, for example, the brains of the intelligent, who`re too intelligent because they`re able, as Abel was in the Bible story in which he was killed by his brother, Cain, because he could cook, are nullified. The story of the water driven car rejected by the Chrysler company in the USA is a familiar legend. The creator was paid off and the car written off in order to protect `oil money`, which keeps the human footrace on the pedal of its disabled vehicle, the motor car, which hasn`t alter fundamentally since the first mass produced Model T Ford came off the production line in Detroit, Michigan, in 1908. Consequently, any individual who has intelligence is a genius and a brain to be eaten, because they`re not human from the perspective of the monkeys, who`ve degenerated the human species to maintain an elitist veneer. The latest 21st century sports` car, for example, had no intrinsically superior characteristic to the Model T Ford with its `foot` pedals produced over a century earlier at the Henry Ford plant in Detroit, because men of the `serpent`s seed` wanted the veneer of elitism rather than human progress for the human `footrace` of `woman`s seed` to the planets around the stars of God`s heaven above the Earth.

 Because men devour everything that has brains, the eating of monkey brains and the passing of HIV/AIDS into the human system thereby is paradigmatic of men`s brain eating parasitism. In the Koran djinn  are upon the Earth with men and women, which means that `djinn` are `food`, that is, `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host wombs correspond to what men call `djinn`, because if they kil and cull her she won`t have brains and so the brain-eaters will have power over the human race. Consequently, men`s eating of monkey brains is apposite, because it`s symptomatic of a degeneracy that has eaten its own brains and is looking for `brain food`, that is, the obtaining of intelligence from food, which is why the Koran distinguishes between human and `djinn`. The `djinn` are the humans eaten for power by the `serpent`s seed` of men, that is, the `futanarian` human species of `woman`s seed` with her own penis` semen and host womb for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` power is `djinn` to men, because it`s a superior form of human, which men would rather kill and cull to maintain their elitism rather than humanity should progress beyond the imprisonment of male braining in Satanism and war against `woman`s seed` upon her Earth.

 Because male braining is effectively transvestism in which the `serpent`s seed` of men male brain all human life so that it`s one creature wearing each others` clothes while the elitists watch it kill itself as `TV` for their entertainment, all Hollywood Babylon`s epic feature films of wars are ultimately for `TV`, which is why Saddam Hussein`s name meant `small handsome man` and `crusher`, because his ancient seat of Iraq was Babylon, `mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth,` (Rev: 17. 5), and the `TV war` of the Gulf to depose him began `live on CNN` and other `TV` news networks, while his role was as the `crusher` of `woman`s seed` upon the Earth as the Satanist reestablishing `rough trade` after the terrorists were seen to crash planes on the `small screen` into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001, to precipitate that `brutality and violence` associated with homosexual men of the `serpent`s seed` who pay for men and boys to fight in pederasty and maintain their `perpetual enmity` for `woman`s seed` of humanity in their wars against her.

 Pederasty depicts women without penis` semen of their own, so she`s become the eunuch in the harem. In declaredly bisexual pop star Britney Spears` `Gimme More` video single, she`s sitting at a drinks` bar with two women, while herself is the pole dancer, `It's Britney Bitch. I see you, and I just wanna dance with you.` The imagery is suggestive of the penis being held by the dancer while the three women, one of whom looks like Britney Spears as the `mom` she was when the Blackout (2007) album was recorded, represents the fourfold marriage of the `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen between them, `Everytime they turn the lights down, just wanna go that extra mile for you; you got my display of affection: feels like no one else in the room (but you).` Britney gave birth to sons, Sean and Jayden, after marrying Kevin Federline in 2004, but she and Kevin were divorced in 2007, before the release of Blackout, which depicts women`s occlusion. Just as women are forced to accept men in marriage, so men are taught the Oedipal complex, that is, their fathers will kill them if they desire their mother sexually. The incest taboo derives from the myth of Oedipus as written by the Greek playwright, Sophocles, in Oedipus Rex (c. 429 B.C.) where the eponymous protagonist kills his father unwittingly and marries his mother, Jocasta, unknowingly, which resulted in his blindness becoming permanent, when he blinded himself at the supposed horror of having children with his `mom`.

 The incest taboo prevents men`s daughters from knowing about sexual reproduction between `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host wombs, lest they reproduce in the numbers necessary for them to be able to break the mental prison they`ve been placed inside by their captors as women remember they have their own penis` semen, which Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, was presumably designed by God to help her with. After being tortured to death, Jesus had Resurrection, which presumably was God`s way of telling `woman`s seed` that she should have Resurrection because her `futanarian` woman`s penis` semen would be remembered. In the myth of Oedipus, Antigone is his daughter who guides his blind steps after he succumbs to the incest taboo`s power, which assassinates her from the picture as the possible future for `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen for whom Jesus has this advice, `love your neighbor` (Luke: 10. 27) as the distillation of the meaning of God`s `law`, because women`s daughters` love for their mothers` species is sexual and they need women as their neighbours to sexually reproduce with. Consequently, the incest taboo is men`s taboo against women`s sexual reproduction with each other and only secondarily a means to prevent genetic mishap, which can easily be avoided by condoms anyway without reference to morality.

 Robert A. Heinlein (1907-88), science fiction writer, wrote several novels dealing with the incest theme, and the gist of his wisdom was that the incest taboo is related to the desire for longevity, which men wouldn`t want for women lest they remember their own species` penis` semen as `futanarian` women. Consequently, the incest taboo directed as mothers and sons` morality is designed to prevent daughters from awakening to the truth, which is that children are men`s terror cypher keeping women in fearful faithfulness as HIV/AIDS is their `biological weapon`. Heinlein`s long-lived characters, like Lazarus Long in Time Enough For Love (1973) and his mother, Maureen, in To Sail Beyond The Sunset (1987) have children who`re old but youthful, because children are only children for a short while before they`re adults and growing into becoming ancients. Consequently, the focus on children shifts in Heinlein so the biblical `three score years and ten` is infancy, that is, human are kept artificially infantile because men are frightened that women will grow up and leave them if they know they can sexually reproduce together, whereas the incest taboo is designed to prevent them from recognizing that all women are mother and they can fertilize her ovum if they`re aware of their own penis` semen.

 Britney Spears` `Womanizer` video single from the album Circus (2008) develops the occlusion theme because `circus` is a term used for spyrings which have the aim of blinding people who want to see. The analogy is of the Christians thrown to the lions in the Roman circus or amphithestre because the Roman Emperors didn`t want the Christians to teach others how to see, and was why they killed Jesus uncontaminated by male semen, because his birth itself taught women about `woman`s seed` irrespective of his teaching thereafter, which was encapsulated in his offer of `bread and wine as symbols of his `body and blood` to his disciples at the `Last Supper`, after which he was betrayed by the disciple, Judas Iscariot, to the Roman occupation of Palestine as a `dissident`, because Jesus was advocating the uncontaminated host womb of the human species as the future `futanarian` host of God in heaven and the defeat of men`s worship of Satan in male brained pederasty and its undeclared wars against the human species of woman upon the Earth.

 Britney Spears is the `ringmistress` as an animal trainer, which is what men are if women are the penis` semen and host womb of the human race and men are a parasitical creature that somehow once inveigled itself into her host womb to steal her penis` semen and breed her to kill her slowly, which is what the Romans did with Jesus` body uncontaminated by male semen. `Islam` means `accept` and Britney Spears `Womanizer` features herself in four different guises corresponding to the four wives permitted in Moslem marriage in acceptance of the need for the Resurrection of `woman`s seed`. The `Womanizer` video single begins with Britney as a `homebody` cooking a square egg as a square meal for a square man with whom she`s having an affair. As squares have four angles, so Britney Spears` four characters constitute the four angles of her square, rather than the `eternal triangle`, which is how the relationship between woman, husband and boyfriend is described, but it`s a term that conceals, because the `triangle` is mother, husband, and their daughter, who represents the unspoken taboo that women mustn`t `know` they can sexually reproduce together. According to the developmental psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), there are four functions of consciousness; Thinking, Feeling, Sensation and Intuition. The functions correspond to ears, mouth, eyes, and nose or sense of smell, that is, the four functions in undifferentiated form. Reviewing the video single for `Womanizer` reveals a woman examining herself `foursquare`, that is, does she need a man`s penis` semen after her marriage, or is the Arabian model of marriage as a vehicle for sexual reproduction between `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host womb preferable? Throughout the video Britney has a man, but in the finale she makes him disappear beneath a sheet, like a `circus` magician, as she`s making the bed, because he isn`t a `serious` proposition. In her video single, `Oops! … I Did It Again` (2000), from the album of the same title, Britney Spears appears `twinned` in a red jump suit and a white bikini dress. The science fictional setting is Mars, where a US North American Space Administration (NASA) style astronaut visits her seemingly from 21 July, 1969, when Neil Armstrong became the first man to set foot on the moon:

`One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`1

 In her red one-piece suit, Britney places a hook in her astronaut`s back and winches him up to where the viewer can see her in a bikini dress, which is `futanarian` insofar as the possibility of women`s sexual reproduction is hinted. The spaceman gives her a gift in a small `black box`, which is how the device installed in planes to be a memory of what has occurred in the event of an accident s described, `But I though the old lady dropped it into the ocean at the end?` The cinema allusion is to the Titanic (1997) and the `heart of the ocean` as a `black box` memory dropped at the site of the ship`s salvaging by Rose, who`d been given it by a lover as a blue diamond pendant, before the ship hit an iceberg and sank on 15 April, 1911, on its `maiden voyage` from Liverpool, England, to New York. Rose`s discarding of her heart reflects a woman`s understanding. Painted by her lover, her fiancée plants the diamond on him and accuses him of theft. He drowns while her fiancée escapes in the lifeboats, which men want women to perceive as romantic, whereas it`s typical of men`s treacherousness and women don`t want it. Britney`s `black box` contains an old woman`s memory, that is, her species` memory of her own socio-economic independence through reproduction of herselves by means of her own penis` semen and host wombs, so her `futanarian` foot can escape from the astronaut amongst the planets and stars.

 In the video single `Lucky` from the album, Oops! … I Did It Again, Britney is `Lucky Star`, a movie queen surrounded by what seem like avatars of herselves, because she`s functioning woman looking to produce herself in socio-economic independence from men of Earth, although she`s depicted as receiving an Oscar in Hollywood Babylon, `Best actress, and the winner is … Lucky!` Because those are the conditions in which she lives and that she has to make the best of for herself as a woman who wants to function. Consequently, her avatars represent woman`s differentiated functions of Jung`s actualized `Self`; Thinking, Feeling, Sensation and Intuition: as they are associated with ears, mouth, eyes and nose or sense of smell in undifferentiated form. In `Womanizer` Britney`s square egg precedes the appearance of her `foursquare` characterological examination of herself as a permissive independent woman cooking breakfast for another male lover, an office girl, a waitress, and a chauffeur, who is in the driving seat with her `foot` on the accelerator as an example to Moslem women who`re forbidden to drive themselves in Saudi Arabia and other Islamic nations.

 According to Jung when a function is receiving differentiation, it is represented in dreams, art and imagination as `splitting` or `twinning`, which explains Britney`s red and white characters in the video single for `Oops! … I Did It Again`. Her feelings are changing, that is, the `Feeling` function is becoming differentiated. In `Lucky` Britney has avatars wearing red blouses, which Jung associates with functional indeterminacy, that is, a psyche split into many parts indicating indecisive turmoil; borne out in the `Lucky` lyric:

`Lost in an image, in a dream; but there's no one there to wake her up.`2

 Britney Spears `Lucky is depicted receiving flowers from an admirer, which Jung identifies with a woman`s animus as the spirit which informs her that men surround her. According to Jung women don`t have a soul or anima but a spirit or animus which pervades their consciousness. What Jung doesn`t perceive is that men aren`t women`s protectors, otherwise they wouldn`t wage war as the parasitical virus devouring the civilization, culture and art that is able to emerge from her host womb despite their depredations. Consequently, the perception that men`s anima is their soul projected onto women as sexual desire for the image of woman, is false. Woman is the soul or anima in bodied form, while the process of what Jung terms `projection` is how men receive a soul from God through love; if that`s possible. Women`s animus is men`s spirit of murder, which pervades a woman`s atmosphere like a threat against her human species and endangers her immortal soul because it infects her spiritually. Jesus` perception was that men have to convert from that; if Redemption is to occur. Because women`s animus, as projected onto her as men`s spiritual fear of being made sexually redundant, is that of a `snuff movie` masquerading as entertainment in which the `star` is killed, because men don`t want women`s host wombs to live independently of their parasitism:

`She's so lucky, she's a star. But she cry, cry, cries in her lonely heart, thinking; if there's nothing missing in my life then why do these tears come at night?`

 Upon the cover for the compact disc recording of `Piece Of Me` from the album Blackout Britney spears on the cross in the place of Jesus crucified, because Judas received `thirty pieces of silver` to betray Jesus. As the betrayer of the host at the `Last Supper` uncontaminated by male semen born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, Judas was the traitor to the host womb of the human race, because Jesus represented the teaching of `woman`s seed` that her species would have Resurrection; illustrated by his own Resurrection after being tortured to death by the Roman occupiers of Palestine. `Piece Of Me` is Britney Spears` objection to being persecuted for being `bisexual`, that is, being sexually interested in men and women, while Jesus was killed for reminding women they had penis` semen of their own, which began that period of human history known as the `Dark Ages`, that is, Blackout, from the 6th to the 13th centuries, because the Roman Empire preferred collapse to enlightenment. The `Middle Ages` of recovery was the `Age of Faith` up to the late 17th century when Jesus` teaching was promulgated as the basis for a Holy Roman Empire, while the Enlightenment period afterwards was known as the `Age of Reason`, because reason was perceived as a more significant adjunct to Jesus` teaching than faith. However, Christianity in practice was the torture of souls to make them produce after the model of Jesus` crucified, that is, `woman`s seed` was betrayed, which Britney Spears` crucified on the CD cover of the single, `Piece Of Me`, protests at women`s being infantilized by supposedly `adult` media:

`I'm Mrs Most Likely to get on the TV for strippin' on the streets when gettin' the groceries`; no, for real are you kiddin' me?`3

 Britney is an adult as her `Womanizer` video single reveals. She appears naked in the sauna, because the `Sensation` function is associated with the eyes, while `copying`, as the office girl sitting alluringly on the photocopier while it scans her derrière, denotes the `Feeling` function, which is associated with the mouth, because `copy` means to repeat verbally so that others understand you can read. As the waitress, Britney is hearing, or the `Thinking` function, because she must listen, while `Intuition`, associated with the sense of smell and the nose, is Britney as the chauffeur in trousered suit and peaked cap, who represents the `futanarian` amongst the four female aspects of her `Self` representing her functioning individuality with her `foot` pressing for a more accelerated human evolution than is being offered by the `Womanizer` of the video who her four avatars `disappear` at the end of the several scenes in which they appear because he`s the assassinated male imago women don`t want.

 In Jungian psychology archetypes appear in the unconscious dreams, art and imagination of humans as the impulse engines of the species. The most important of these is the anima or soul as the image of woman that impels sexual desire as well as denoting that source of instinctual libido present in each individual as energy that can be transformed from sexual to spiritual levels, that is, instinct to intellect, which is associated with higher thinking. The animus of a woman that Jung associates with her spirit is interpretable as men`s desire to exterminate her race.  Surrounding her with an imago of themselves as her imprisoner, she falsely believes he`s beloved, while their parasite continues to use her host womb as its base for assaults upon her species` development in wars against her `seed`; having already killed and culled her to enslave her host womb for its terrorism as the alien presence seeking the human race`s extinction.

 The imago of a man isn`t a human archetype, although Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen suggests Redemption is possible for men, while Jung agrees that the Jesus` archetype closely corresponds teleologically to the archetype of what might be described as the individuated or consciously self-actualized functioning `Self`, which is human but men don`t want it because it`s `woman`s seed` and it interferes with their womb slavery of her own `futanarian` human species uncontaminated by male semen from her own mothers` penis` semen and host wombs for the breeding of her own brains` powers to liberate her from enslavement to men of the `serpent`s seed` who don`t want her futanarian `footrace` to have accelerated evolution because humanity might escape from them before they`ve killed it.

1 Armstrong, Neil 21 July, 1969, UTC 2: 56.
2 Spears, Britney `Lucky` Oops! … I Did It Again, Jive Records, 2000.
3 Spears, Britney `Piece Of Me` Blackout, Jive Records, 2007.

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Why did God destroy Sodom?

Why did God destroy Sodom?

God`s dislike for homosexuality is well documented, but few are able to give an explanation other than God`s antipathy. In the late 20th century HIV/AIDS emerged as the incurable `killer disease` spread by homosexuals mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses, which was interpreted by biblical scholars as the `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6) sent by God to convert men from their sin: `Men cursed the god of heaven but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) Incurable disease could be the reason for God`s ordering a plague centre to be destroyed by the angels of God, as Sodom and Gomorrah, the `cities of the planes` (Gen: 19. 15), were. The other city described as anathema was Babylon:

`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)

 The mystery is how `a woman`, as Babylon is described, became a city of harlotry and abomination. The answer lies in sodomy. In ancient Greece, homosexuality and pederasty in enslavement of the host wombs of women in parasitism, was institutionalized for the spreading of war as the `Greek` contagion, which is why `Greek` became a euphemism for homosexuality.  At the siege of Troy the Greeks built a huge hollow wooden horse and left it at the gates of the city where it was taken in by the Trojans. The Greeks emerged to enslave the host wombs of the women of the city for parasitism in pederasty and war`s contagions, which explains why Babylon became a city of harlotry and abomination. In the 20th century the Greek paradigm was adopted by their future counterparts, the `geeks`, who devised `bad machine code` after the model of HIV/AIDS` `gay plague` to infect computer brains and kill them, because killing the human species is the paradigm of homosexuality and that`s why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, because God doesn`t like homosexuality in pederasty, which is war`s contagion, plague and death.

 At the beginning of the 21st century Al Qaeda terrorists hijacked planes to crash them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre in New York on September 11, 2001, because `rough trade`, that is, the `brutality and violence` of men who pay for men and boys in pederasty and war`s contagion was spreading. The planes were the `Trojan virus` in computer terms, while workers in upstate New York who `work like Trojans`, because that`s proverbially laudable, weren`t able to perceive the `geeks` infecting of their language, which should have described the horse as `Greek`, but `Trojan` corresponds to the viral paradigm of infection by the brain killing disease, HIV/AIDS, that feigns friendship for the white leukocyte defensive cells of the body before killing the brain. 9/11, 2001, reestablished the paradigm of war spread by contagion and the fall of the misogynist Taliban regime in December 2001 that had trained the Afghan terrorists, because the planes at the WTC were misogyny`s `Trojan virus` designed to kill the brain of the United States of America by causing it to hemorrhage.

 Male braining is what causes war in pederasty and homosexuality. Consequently, brain hemhorrage is definable as whatever provokes rage in humans, who`ve male brains. In the Bible God tells Eve her `seed` will `… crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15) Because Eve`s daughters will have `seed`, that is, semen of their own penis, who are `futanarian` women with the capacity to sexually reproduce her own brains` powers from her own host womb, after God has expelled her and Adam, the first man, from Eden`s paradise for accepting from the serpent, `the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which is death through womb slavery to parasitism in pederasty and war`s homosexuality, and is what the serpent means by, `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) Because `futanarian` women born after Eden correspond to the `foot` of Eve that she has to raise from the Earth in order to escape from death in male braining to pederasty and war`s contagions. HIV/AIDS corresponds to men`s `biological weapon` keeping women in fearful faithfulness to ring slavery, because virality is their brain killing paradigm for the human species, who can`t sexually reproduce her own brains` powers from her own penis` semen and host womb enslaved in monogamous misogyny. However, Moslem marriages contain four wives so `futanarian` reproduction is made possible in accordance with the Koran (610-30 C.E.), dictated to the Prophet Mohamed by the angels of God, according to the religious faith of Islam`s tradition, and so women of `Islam`, which means `accept`, as an injunction equivalent to Jesus` exhortation to `love your neighbor`, can raise their `foot` from the Earth.

 Jesus` born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, appears in the Koran as Isa born of the virgin Miriam, and he has Ascension to heaven without death, whereas in the New Testament of the Christian Bible, Christ Jesus, `the Messiah`, is betrayed by his disciple, Judas, at what is known as the `Last Supper`, where Jesus as the human host offers `bread and wine`, as symbols of his `body and blood`, the Romans nail Jesus to a wooden cross and torture him until he dies as a `dissident` sold to them by Judas for `thirty pieces for silver`. Jesus` dissidency consists in his threat to male braining in homosexual pederasty and war`s contagion born uncontaminated by male semen, which is why the Romans killed him. Jesus` Ascension after death is understandable as illustrative because he has Resurrection prefiguring the reemergence of `woman`s seed` as `futanarian` humanity with her own penis` semen and host wombs for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers for technological liberation and escape from womb slavery in parasitism and death. In `Islam`, `accept`, the illustration isn`t needed for a society in which four wives within a marriage permitting of `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host wombs sexually reproducing female brains, that is, they `accept` Jesus` teaching and don`t feel the need to repeat the illustration in the Koran because it encourages the belief that heaven is attainable only through death, whereas Pope Pius XII`s 1950 dogma of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary bodily into heaven without death belies that.

 The Catholic Communion service reprises Jesus` offer of `bread and wine` to the disciples in the transubstantiation of the Catholic Mass in which the parishioners receive a wafer and a sip of wine from the Communion Chalice, because transubstantiation means transformation in accordance with Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen, that is, men must convert from their sin of enslaving women`s host wombs in accepting the `host` from the priest, which is Redemption, and Resurrection for `woman`s seed`, that is, the reemergence of the human species of women from their own penis` semen and host womb so they can raise their `foot` from the floor of the Earth to colonize the planets amongst the stars of God`s `heaven above`:

`At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30)

 Jesus` description of heaven is `futanarian`, that is, woman`s escape from ring slavery in marriage and an establishing of Jesus` precept, `love your neighbor` universally, which Christ told the disciples was the law of God distillable from the commandments given to Moses by God in the Old Testament that essentially held theft to be murder, because it was the taking of life, which was the primary wrong, whereas `love your neighbor` was what `futanarian` woman, killed and culled in womb slavery to men of the `serpent`s seed` since Eden, was denied by ring slavery in monogamous marriage, because that`s what monogamy was for.

 In the Greek drama, Oedipus Rex (c. 429), Sophocles` Oedipus marries his mother after killing his father, because that`s how men prevent women from sexually reproducing with each other. Oedipus blinds himself because of the `incest taboo`, but the taboo exists only to prevent Oedipus` daughter, Antigone, from being able to apply Jesus` principle, `love your neighbor`, which affords `futanarian` women the opportunity to sexually reproduce with women and so avoid ring slavery to men:

`Avaunt Satan!` (Matt: 4. 10)

 Jesus` words to the serpent, become the evil creature of the Bible, when Jesus is offered the Earth, accord with the Messiah`s perception that a male brained Earth isn`t desirable. `Avaunt!` means `Before!` because Jesus doesn`t want his `seed` to be contaminated and so Christ`s `seed` will supplant Satan`s, which is why the `dragon` waits in vain to devour Jesus, born in a `Second Coming` to the Earth, to `rule the nations with an iron scepter` on behalf of God`s `seed`. Although sodomy, that is, sterile mockery of human reproduction by means of men`s penile masturbations in each others` anuses, explains the reason for the destruction of the city named Sodom, Gomorrah`s different name suggests a difference, which isn`t directly expressed in the Bible, but is decipherable as maling, that is, the killing or culling of `futanarian` women to prevent female semen from fertilizing ova in male `futanarian` men, `he shall bruise your head and you shall bruise his heel,` (Gen: 3. 15) because the male subjugates the female in Satanism and so women`s enslavement is what Gomorrah represents:

`But Lot’s wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt.` (Gen: 19. 23)

 The meaning of the biblical narrative of Lot and his family being rescued by the angels from Sodom and Gomorrah is that women should never want slavery, because it`s the womb of their species that`s enslaved by a parasite that needs a host for its plague and women who offer themselves to parasites are making cannibals of their descendants because war is herselves` devourment by herselves. Although Babylon Hollywood takes its name from the enslaved woman, Babylon, as the movie industry depicting war as entertainment, John Logie Baird`s 20th century invention of television in 1926 meant the homosexual medium for depicting everyone as a male brained transvestite, that is, a `TV` wearing each others` clothes, had arrived. Hollywood, Babylon in Los Angeles, California, had prepared the way for the `TV war` of the Gulf from March, 2003, with Iraq`s dictator, Saddam Hussein, whose name meant `small handsome` man` and `crusher`. Appearing on the `small screen` to declare his support for Al Qaeda, Saddam Hussein was the `small handsome man` from the Middle East`s Babylon as the `crusher`, preparing to put his Satanist`s `heel` upon the head of `woman`s seed`, just as Hollywood, Babylon, had instituted the morality of the Hays code`s (1930-67) `one foot on the floor rule` to forbid women to appear on screen in `immoral` bedroom scenes, because they didn`t want succeeding generations to see women`s `futanarian` penis in movies and so the male brained film and `TV` industry could carry on filming `moral` wars for cinema and `TV` audiences to convert to homosexuality in pederasty and human womb slavery to the alien invading the host and stealing her penis` semen to destroy her.

 World Trade Centre (2005) was made into a Babylon, Hollywood movie without celebrating the meaning of the film, which was the reestablishing of `rough trade`, that is, the `brutality and violence` of men who pay for boys and men in institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty and war`s viral contagiousness. When Osama Ben Laden, Al Qaeda`s terrorist leader, was killed by Navy Seal Team Six on 2 May, 2011, in the shade of Moslem Pakistan`s Military Academy, it was a biblical passage for the United States of America`s eagle on the Great Seal of the President`s Authority. The seals of the `futanarian` hymen of the human species` `seed` were protected beneath their burkhas in the Moslem holy places of Mecca, which contains the Ka` Ba temple of Abraham, father of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam through his sons, Isaac and Ishmael. In those places of the Middle East apart from Saudi Arabia, like Kuwait, which Saddam Hussein`s Iraqi army had invaded as a plague in the first Gulf war (1990-91), before being made to leave, women`s `seed` and hymen were recovered:

`The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent's reach.` (Rev: 12. 14)

 By 2014 Iraq and Syria were a part of the new Islamic Caliphate of ISIS, that is, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria where `brutality and violence` prevailed. Although ISIS was the Egyptian goddess who put together the pieces of the body of the god, Osiris, and gave him a new penis, which is what the Virgin Mary represents as the giver of newbirth uncontaminated by male semen, ISIS was a travesty of Resurrection for `woman`s seed` against the specifically pacific wisdom of the Koran and the Prophet Mohamed`s `haddith` or `sayings`, which is why there are Shia and Sunni Moslem branches of Islam, because Shia and Sunni adhere to different `haddith` as embodying Islam, and so Islamic nations have minority and majority branches of their faith. Consequently, if a regime is oppressive, the minority branch of Islam is representable as the `little guy` and so Islam appears `democratic` whenever there`s a regime change, because of a reaction against oppression, which is how the largely despotic Islamic nations function. Sunni and Shia appear as `political`, whereas whichever is demographically larger is powerful. With the exception of places like Sudan, where civil war in the early part of the 21st century, particularly in non-Arab Darfur, was attributable to the Moslem Arab elite`s ruling over the majority West African Moslems. In theory all in Islam are brothers and they prove that they`re brothers by ruling over the minority Sunni or Shia, but the `Arab Spring` revolts deposing Gaddafi in Libya (2011) and Mubarak in Egypt (2011) indicate that the brothers aren`t proving their brotherliness. Although Sunni and Shia are branches of Islam, it`s the women who`re the real majority, because they`re the humans. Revolution in Islam isn`t politics. It isn`t one party replacing another, but the majority Shia or Sunni branch of Islam purging itself of inhibitions toward women and each other in a reestablishing of brotherly homosexuality in pederasty and parasitism`s womb slavery as it prepares for later purges; if the rulers prove uneighbourly towards the Islamic brotherhoods:

`During the Bosnian War [1992-5], so-called `rape camps`, aimed at the birth of a new generation of Serb children, were reportedly used. The purpose of these camps was to impregnate the Bosnian and Croatian women. Because of the patrilineal make-up of their society, in which children inherit their father's ethnicity, this was used as a method of ethnic cleansing.`1

 During the wars in Yugoslavia, as that nation broke into smaller nations, rape was a tool employed to ethnically cleanse Moslem women, because male braining is the tool misogyny uses to establish itself as the `serpent`s seed` in Satanism and not because Moslem women are genetically different: to think otherwise is racism. If an alien invader from `outer space` described its activity of impregnating human women as `ethnic cleansing`, that`d be an accurate description of what occurred in Yugoslavia. Ethnicity is promulgated by the aliens as grounds for using women as host wombs for their parasite, because all women are ethnically different to men who`ve built `ethnicities` to imprison women within their walls to practice misogyny when one ethnicity`s inhabitants impinge on another`s. Although New York and Arlington, where a third Al Qaeda terrorist hijacked plane crashed into the walls of the US Defence Department of the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, weren`t the `cities of the planes`, Sodom and Gomorrah, they were the `cities of the planes`, because Islamic misogyny was endeavouring to prevent what they saw as the spreading of the contagion of women`s freedom and liberty:

`A great and wondrous sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth.` (Rev: 12. 1-2)

 Some biblical commentators have seen the woman as the European Union, because the flag of the union has twelve stars, while the woman clothed with the sun is associable with `Liberty` in New York harbor clothed with the flag of the red sun of Japan and the moon of the flag of Al Qaeda beneath her feet. The Japanese were defeated by the United States of America after the US Pacific fleet was unannouncedly attacked at Pearl harbor on 7 December, 1941, while Al Qaeda`s flag was furled above the skies of New York after 9/11, 2001, and what Christianity calls, `the pearl of great price` (Rev: 13. 46), the genuine moon as the gateway to the planets and stars of heaven above could be seen reflected in the birth waters below `the statue of Liberty` bearing `freedom`s torch`. What the symbolism of the woman suggests is the `political will` to place man uncontaminated by male semen at the forefront, which is why Jesus is depicted as he who `will rule the nations with an iron scepter`, while the dragon waits in vain to devour him as he`s born from the woman in his `Second Coming` to the Earth after being murdered by the Romans and experiencing that symbolic Resurrection and Ascension to heaven which prefigures the reemergence of woman`s `futanarian` human species with her own penis` semen and host womb for raising her `foot` upon the Earth to `crush` the `dragon` of Satanism as she leaves.

 Although feminism preaches equality between men and women, `homosexual` is a `politically correct` term defining women as homosexuals if they`re lesbian in terms of sexual orientation, whereas the woman with her own penis` `seed` and host wombs seeing herself in the mirror is in a position to see lesbian women as an expression of normality, while feminism`s defining of women as `homosexual`, if they`re lesbian oriented, is a defamation of a species exterminated by an alien parasite that doesn`t want life and hasn`t since the serpent tempted Eve with the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` and told Adam, `You will be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) Women can`t be defined as sterile homosexuals, whose activities are anti-life, because their species of `futanarian` women have their own penis` semen and host womb, which makes feminism politically incorrect and democratically disenfranchising. Although men can`t sexually reproduce humans without the host wombs of the human species, women can, which makes women the human species enfranchised as `citizens` of the human cosmos and men the `serpent`s seed` of the parasitical alien that is devouring her in its wars of `perpetual enmity` God warned Eve her `seed` would encounter before her seed`s final triumph and liberation.

 Amongst the Moslem peoples, where four wives are permissible, the ratio of 80% to 20% female to male is representative in democratic terms of what`s acceptable to men, but women don`t have the vote in most Moslem nations, where dictatorship is the form of government most often encountered in Syria and Iraq, and dynastical rule by royal dynasty in Oman, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia, for example. Although Moslems could have same sex marriages in which `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host wombs can father as a quintet, traditionally men are the fatherer figure, although having a `futanarian` male as a father figure is probable amongst Moslem families. Irrespectively, women still constitute the host womb of the human species, so with her own penis` semen she`s the main breeder. Consequently, the absence of women from the world stage is perforce. If women were to exclusively sexually reproduce together without men, men would have to reproduce with each other, and although that might seem anathema, women would outbreed men and be democratically in power as the enfranchised human; righteously empowered by the symbol of the statue of the woman, `Liberty`, bearing `freedom`s torch` in New York harbor, New York state, where she represents another forty-nine states in the United States of America, which is a continent amongst but five declared (Eurasia, Africa, Antarctica, and the planet`s largest island, Australia) by the `serpent`s seed` upon an Earth groping its way forward in enforced blindness to an ever receding shore.

Monday, 7 July 2014

Parasitical Cannibalism

Parasitical Cannibalism

Bisexuality was the modern paradigm of the 21st century in which homosexuality and lesbian relationships were conceived as behavioural alternatives in terms of sexuality, whereas God`s exhortation to Eve her `seed` (Gen: 3. 15) will `crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves` suggests women with `seed` of their own born after she leaves Eden with the first man, Adam, because the pair were tempted by the serpent with the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, saying `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) Although it was death to taste it, as womb slavery would ensue for `woman`s seed`, Eve would `crush the head of the serpent with her foot` as she left, because woman with her own penis` semen and host womb would be born after God`s expulsion of Eve and Adam from paradise and, despite womb slavery to men of the `serpent`s seed` in death and the `perpetual enmity` of vendetta and war, Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, followed by his teaching of Redemption through forgiveness, and his being nailed upon the wooden cross, where he was tortured to death before experiencing Resurrection, prefigures the reemergence of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb, who isn`t `lesbian` but representative of woman`s socio-economically independent species` capacity for sexually fertilizing herself and producing her own brains` powers for technologically liberating herself from drudgery.

 While lesbianism and homosexuality was conflated as bisexuality in the modern era, the term applies only to lesbianism, because homosexuals aren`t lesbian, and so the generic term `gay` doesn`t apply to both equally, although `politically correct` thinking devised in the United States of America would have people believe that lesbians and homosexuals are the same because politically equal. Because `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host womb can produce from their own host womb independently of men who don`t have wombs, their progeny would democratically replace men as the enfranchised human race. Consequently, men have found ways of disenfranchising women and neutering her sexually in womb slavery to continue their `perpetual enmity` for her `seed`:

 `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)

 The `serpent`s seed` is women`s enslaver in parasitism, while women who accept enslavement correspond to her cannibals, that is, they devour the human species willingly in warmongering. Consequently, parasites and cannibals is what men and women are who`ve subjugated the `futanarian` human species of woman with her own penis` semen and host womb in womb slavery and consumption. Consumption is a term used by early medical practitioners to describe those whose bodies appeared consumed by illness before they expired, which is what the incurable `killer disease` HIV/AIDS of the late 20th century did. The Bible warns of `blood plague` (Rev: 11.6) sent by God to convert men from their sin, which is womb slavery and cannibalism. HIV/AIDS kept women in faithful monogamous fear and so was men`s `biological weapon` in the war they were waging for possession of the womb. The paradigm is ancient. In Greece women`s host wombs were enslaved institutionally in homosexuality and pederasty to spread the contagion of war. The siege of Troy confirmed men`s virality. Leaving a huge hollow wooden horse outside the walls of the city, the Greeks emerged when the Trojans took the horse in and enslaved the host wombs of the women to spread the contagion further. The HIV/AIDS virus consumes in the same way. The HIV/AIDS cells feign friendship, as homosexuals do, for the white leukocyte defender cells of the human system, before killing the brain by consumption. In the Bible the dragon `waits in vain` to consume the child borne by the woman, although `he will rule the Earth with an iron scepter` against men`s sin of mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in rejection of women for pederasty and war`s virality, which seems to be their parasitical nature, while the women who support the `perpetual enmity` of the `serpent`s seed` are female cannibals who prefer consumption and death to life for the human race.

 Consumption is the term used to describe socio-economics, that is, humans consume when they purchase, while `consumed with desire` is idiom for what`s obtainable. As humans are capable of only two physical activities, that is, sustenance and genito-urinary function, consumption is a problem deriving from a conflation of the eating and procreative function, which is why the dragon is depicted waiting in vain to devour the new redeemer, because humans will overcome the compulsion instilled in them by the `serpent`s seed` of men to enslave and devour their children in order to maintain women in womb slavery.

In the 21st century by deploying their virus paradigm to the killing of human peripheral brains by infecting computers with `bad machine code` known as `Trojans`, men are following their parasitical program to maintain the Earth at a low level of technological progress which has been going on since they began killing and culling after Eve`s `seed` emerged as `futanarian` woman from her host womb and those of her daughters after Eden. Men`s pogrom prevents the human species from sexually reproducing her own brains` powers as `futanarian` women with their own penis` `seed` can. The incurable HIV/AIDS disease is paradigmatic of the unwillingness of men to cure her, because long-lived women with their memories` capacity for remembering themselves as a species capable of sexually reproducing without men is something that the `serpent`s seed` wouldn`t want to become widely known; lest women breed and develop advanced technologies to leave for the planets and stars of `heaven above` in escape from womb slavery and death.

 The denial of women`s socio-economic independence through the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers is diametrically different to men`s socio-economic cycle of womb slavery and consumption. The wars of the 20th century were fought mainly on the strength of the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) of the United States of America, which appeared as the world`s `policeman`, but effectively represented womb slavery in homosexual pederasty and war in order to consume human civilization, culture and art, because that`s what parasitism and cannibalism produces. The most striking instance of the spread of the virality of `rough trade`, that is, the homosexual `brutality and violence` associated with pederasty, was the terrorist group Al Qaeda`s precipitation of the Gulf war in March 2003 to depose Iraq`s dictator, Saddam Hussein, their supporter in the Middle East, by hijacking planes on September 11, 2001, and crashing them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre, which was obviously chosen as the `rough trade` symbol of the desire for parasitism and cannibalism, that is, a conflation of the human desire to eat and produce; resulting in consumption as a perversion. In simple terms, men are a virus that has somehow inveigled itself into the host wombs of woman as her parasite, which is why God is depicted as sending the `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6) to convert men from their sin:

`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)

 What they`d done was accept themselves as a virus enslaving a host womb as parasites producing cannibals that would devour what remained of humans as their consumption. Jesus` teaching warned against it quite clearly at the `Last Supper` when Jesus` offer of `bread and wine` as symbolic of his `body and blood` to his disciples was rejected by his disciple Judas Iscariot who accepted `thirty pieces of silver` to betray Jesus to the Roman authorities as a `dissident` who crucified him. Judas observed that Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, represented the future host womb of the `futanarian` human race of `woman`s seed`, which threatened male Empire and so he betrayed Jesus. God`s resurrecting of the Christian Messiah indicated that `woman`s seed` would have Resurrection, but men would have to be forgiven if they were to have Redemption from their sin of womb slavery in parasitism and cannibalistic consumption of the products of women`s wombs in war and death.

 In `Islam`, `accept`, Jesus` Ascension to heaven doesn`t require death and Resurrection, because `woman`s seed` is at the heart of the Moslem faith. With four wives permissible in each marriage, it`s possible for `futanarian` women to breed safely amongst each other, while the usually black one-piece coverall of the burkha, concealing women from public view, allows Moslem women to hide their bodies from men, who aren`t allowed to look at them by tradition derived from the holy Koran (610-30 C.E.), dictated to the Prophet Mohamed by God`s angels, more than six hundred years after Christ, but they`re free to be seen in private within what can be `futanarian` marriage:

`At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30)

 In the Koran God made men, women, angels and djinn, which confuses those who don`t know `futanarian` women can sexually reproduce with each other, because men and women aren`t angels, although Jesus` description of heaven suggests the new angelic host will be representative of the Virgin Mary and Jesus `uncontaminate`, that is, `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb escaped from ring slavery to men. Christianity perceives Islam as ungodly, because djinn aren`t a part of the Christian Bible and so are defined as `demons`, whereas the concept of `free will`, which is the attribute of the djinn, as it is of men and women, denotes women born in female braining, which is escape from male braining by the `seed` of men through the `seed` of women who were born after Eden as Eve`s daughters and female descendants, but who were killed and culled to institute womb slavery to consumption by her parasites in cannibalism.

 The size of a woman`s penis and the amount of semen she`s able to generate is far greater than the recorded average size of the male penis in the United States of America, for example, which is less than six inches in length, which may serve to spread the virus` contagion but is indicative of the perfunctoriness of the activity for men, while all women have host wombs and gestation of the human infant is at least nine months. Because women`s penis` are bigger, the suggestion is they`re more human, because their concern is to nurture the child from their breast milk:

`The AAP recommends that babies be exclusively breastfed for about the first 6 months of life. This means your baby needs no additional foods (except Vitamin D) or fluids unless medically indicated. Babies should continue to breastfeed for a year and for as long as is mutually desired by the mother and baby.`1

 The American Academy of Pediatrics` advice indicates men`s problem. Ejaculation takes seconds, whereas the weening of a newborn infant takes 2. 5 years with pre-schooling at home to come before kindergarten, if afforded within the slavers` socio-economy, or primary school. Consequently, women are slaves to childbirth, which is what God told Eve, that is, she`d experience labor pains, before Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen showed her the path to Resurrection, while God told Adam he must work, that is, labor, if he wanted Redemption from sin, because his `seed` would be women`s enslavers. As everyone knows, slavers represent laziness and would rather kill progress than develop; as evinced in the story of Cain and Abel, where the able bodied man is killed to disable the human species` progress, because he can cook, whereas Cain picks fruit and doesn`t want life to be more technical. With their own brains` powers from their own penis` semen and host womb, women have the capacity to develop technologically, which those with the `mark of Cain` don`t want. In the Bible it is written that people of the future, `could not buy or sell unless they had the mark,` (Rev: 13. 17) which is the `mark of Cain`. Men have killed the brain of the human race so they can laze, and so constitute a brain disease, which is curable if women can sexually reproduce their own brains` powers to protect her nurturing of the race`s infancy, otherwise the patient will die of consumption.

 The penis` disappearance from view is almost ridiculously stage managed from the perspective of woman. In Hollywood Babylon the `Hays code` (1930-67) forbade a woman to raise her foot from the floor in bedroom scenes, because men don`t want the woman`s `foot` to rise from the Earth and `crush the head of the serpent`, that is, Hollywood corresponds in fact to Babylon, `mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth`, as the ancient seat of Iraq where the meaning of the name, Saddam Hussein, that is, `small handsome man` and `crusher`, would be Hollywood Babylon, `he shall crush your head and you shall bruise his heel,` (Gen: 3. 15) for the `small screen` after 9/11, 2001, `live on CNN` and other news networks began the `TV war`, which is another definition of what ensues from male braining where everyone has the same brain because maled and so they`re wearing each others` clothes in transvestism or `TV` while their enslavers watch them devouring each other cannibalistically. Hollywood made the movie World Trade Centre (2005) as a paean to heroism and the anathema of terrorism, but moviedom`s `one foot on the floor` rule had precluded the birth of `woman`s seed` in the West and male braining had resulted in war with the `futanarian` East, because that`s what parasites and cannibals are for.
 The strong manly actors` chin is a sine qua non for Hollywood Babylon `leading men`, like Saddam Hussein, `small handsome man` and `crusher` of woman`s head, in biblical terms, while defining `futanarian` women`s wombs productive of their own human species from their own host wombs as `djinn` explains why stereotypical men with a strong Western chin label djinn `demons`, because `futanarian` brains have `free will` undetermined by men through women`s potential for socio-economic separation from the `serpent`s seed`. According to the Koran there are good djinn and evil djinn, just as there are heroes and villains in Hollywood Babylon movies, because heterosexuality is a `gay` game in which the emphasis upon the `leading man` with the strong chin and the suppression of the penis of the woman from view indicates she`s djinn without a beard, while he can grow one, that is, the absence of the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb from the stage set of the Earth indicates women are djinn that can be grown by men, while women enslaved in evil ephemerality can`t grow their own beard and so can never be wiser to the appearance of a bearded chin.
 The concept `demon` and `djinn` are designed to prevent women from being understood as a separate human species, which the standard Greek drama, Oedipus Rex (c. 429) by playwright Sophocles, demonstrates. The `Oedipal complex` is familiar from the repression theories of psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), where Oedipus unwittingly kills his father and marries his mother, then blinds himself because of the incest taboo, which is men`s device to prevent the woman, in this case Antigone, Jocasta`s daughter, from becoming sexually interested in women. Jesus` maxim, `love your neighbor`, neatly elides the difficulty to give women hope, as does his exemplary birth uncontaminated by male semen, but Antigone`s self-abnegating decision to guide Oedipus` blind steps indicates women`s flaw, which is sympathy for the parasite that`s killed her own penis` `seed`. If `futanarian` women are the true human species, the fruits of women`s wombs by their own penis` semen are defined by their enslavers and cannibals as `djinn` and `demons`, because that`s how the alien parasite has defined the human race out of existence in favor of brainless chins. Men want to laze in low technology fields picking fruit like Cain while woman`s brain dead state precludes her raising her technological level to escape being Able.
 Beheading is idiomatically `chinning`, for example, Charles I, king of England, was `chinned` by the headsman`s axe after the English Civil war (1642-51) to establish democracy, while during the French Revolution (1789-99) to remove the brains of France`s aristocracy, the guillotine came down just below the chin onto the neck in another instance of `chinning`, and is why the English aristocracy are pejoratively described as `chinless wonders` by a disparaging paparazzi. Decapitation is what men have practiced on the human species by denying `futanarian` women the `fruit` of their own penis` `seed`. Although the true human race of `futanarian` women still lives, the less than six inch average size of the male American penis suggests there`s a proportionate ratio between the capacity of the male penis to produce semen and what now passes for the human brain`s capacity for intellectual progress.
 Men`s interest in sexual reproduction is as perfunctory as their concern with childrearing, because they want reincarnation rather than Resurrection, which is for `woman`s seed`. Consequently, rebirth is parasitism and cannibalism, whereas newbirth from `futanarian` humans is what Jesus` uncontaminated birth prefigures. Whether reincarnation is a fact or a belief isn`t germane. Men`s principle is of male braining, which precludes newbirth from `woman`s seed`. Consequently, Resurrection isn`t for the sinner, whereas God`s promise of eternal unendurable pain for the unrepentant as their punishment for not converting from their sinful nature is. Men`s sin is of effectively decapitating the human race by parasitically invading its host womb and stealing the woman`s penis, which is her species` brains` `seed`. Redemption requires genuine conversion from sin, which would necessitate women being publically lauded for having a penis as Hollywood Babylon superstars in mainstream movie productions, for example, and a concerted public move on the part of the Earth`s governments to positively discriminate in favor of women`s sexual reproduction with each other through educational programs and media campaigns involving all of the usual popular tools of dissemination such as situation comedies, dramas, and reality shows, etc. If the world doesn`t accede to the demands of Jesus` `rule` through his teachings as the Messiah, there`ll be no Redemption for the wicked.

1 American Academy of Pediatrics, Breastfeeding Initiatives, `How Long Should I Breastfeed My Baby?`, http://www2.aap.org/breastfeeding/faqsbreastfeeding.html#10 .

Saturday, 5 July 2014

I Will Fear No Evil

I Will Fear No Evil

Science fiction `Grand Master`, Robert A. Heinlein (1907-88), wrote the novel, I Will Fear No Evil (1970), inspired by the 23rd psalm of Christianity`s Common Book of Prayer, which celebrates Jesus` role as the new redeemer who will `rule the nations with an iron scepter`: `Yes, though I walk in the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me, your rod and your staff they comfort me.` (Ps: 23. 4) In the 20th century the concept of the shadow, particularly the collective shadow, was identified by the developmental psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), as the source of human evil, which surfaced in the pogroms of the National Socialist Party (1933-45) of the elected government of Germany against the Jews, who are the `chosen people` of the Bible. According to Jung the shadow is that level of instinctive human awareness that refuses to see the other person as superior because more developed, but projects their own inferiority upon the other unconsciously, which results in conflict. Jung argued that the pogroms against the Jews were a consequence of the Nazis projecting their collective shadow. In the Bible God tells Eve her `seed` will have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed` because the serpent gave her and the first man, Adam, the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, saying:

`You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5)

 God expelled Adam and Eve for disobedience, because they rejected the `fruit of the tree of life`, which is immortality, for death. Because God tells Eve she will `crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves` (Gen: 3. 15) and that she has `seed` which will have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed` her `foot` is the `futanarian` woman born after Eden with her own penis` semen and host womb. Consequently, she crushes the serpent with her `foot` as she leaves, but men and women`s killing and culling of her species in womb slavery after Eden is their continued preference for death, which is what Christianity means by `Original Sin`; power through war and womb enslavement.

 In ancient Greece, which is held to be the model of democracy by the Western world, institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty and war to spread their power further was the basis of society where women`s wombs were enslaved as the host wombs of the Greeks` parasitism, which is what the serpent of parasites was for. If women sexually reproduced as the `futanarian` species of the Earth with her own penis` semen and host womb, while men couldn`t compete without host wombs of their own, women`s democracy would be assured, which is why Greek democracy is a phallacy and so is Western democracy, because it disenfranchises the human race in preference for serpentism.

 Robert A. Heinlein`s novel, I Will Fear No Evil, is a meditation on socio-economics and sex. The future society depicted in the science fiction is run by corporations, which operate within a governmental framework but function more or less autonomously and without restriction because of their power, `Fighting continued on a token basis, and the dead did not complain.`1 The focus of the narrative set in 2015 is the relationship between Johann and his secretary Eunice. Jaded by power and wealth Johann opts to have his brain transplanted into a new body, and when Eunice is murdered she becomes the donor. Awakening in his new body, Johann`s consciousness discovers it`s sharing a mind with Eunice whose spirit abides. After that Heinlein refers to the character as Joan-Eunice and the entity is assisted to adjust by Joan-Eunice`s lawyer, Jake. Deciding she wants a child, Joan-Eunice has herself artificially inseminated from a sperm bank deposit Johann once made. Much of the story is a description of the sexual adventures of the Joan-Eunice couple in one body which of course includes marriage with Johann`s lawyer, Jake, who dies of a heart attack after a bout of too rigorous sex. Jake`s personality is saved and joins the Joan-Eunice consciousness in their body. At the end of the tale the three consciousnesses migrate to the body of the newborn infant in a vampirisistic conclusion to the yarn about a rich man refusing to relinquish his grip on life at the expense ultimately of his own child:

`(Jake? Eunice?) (Here, Boss! Grab on! There! We've got you.) (Is it a boy or a girl?) (Who cares, Johann-it's a baby! 'One for all and all for one!') An old world vanished and then there was none.`2

 In the Bible Jesus is born a second time, while a dragon `waits in vain` to devour he who will `rule the nations with an iron scepter`, because the dragon is the serpent grown to full size since Eden and so Jesus, who was born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, corresponds to the child of Joan-Eunice in Heinlein`s novel, I Will Fear No Evil, whose development is thwarted by the three consciousness seeking to parasitically possess it, which is the story of the `serpent`s seed` endeavouring to inveigle themselves into women`s host womb to steal her own penis` semen as `futanarian` women and live through parasitical enslavement of her species:

`A man who takes his fun where he finds it, then marries and expects his wife to be different, is a fool.`3

In Jesus` first sojourn upon the Earth he was nailed upon a wooden cross and tortured to death after the `Last Supper` at which he offered `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood` to his disciples as their teacher, but Judas Iscariot betrayed him to the Roman occupation of Palestine as a `dissident`, because Rome was for enslaving the host womb, that is, the `body and blood` of the human race, in parasitism and war. So it was that Judas became the human species` traitor because man, uncontaminated by male semen of the `serpent`s seed`, wouldn`t be born from woman with her own penis` semen and host womb if Jesus` teaching failed:

`Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.` (Ps: 23. 5)

 Eating with one`s enemies isn`t advocated here, although some would suggest it`s devised to celebrate Jesus` capacity for Redemption through forgiveness by application of his teaching`s principle, `love your neighbor, as his distillation of the entirety of the meaning of the law of God, because he was betrayed at the `Last Supper` as the future hope of `futanarian` woman, uncontaminated by male semen, with her own penis` semen and host womb desirous of loving her neighbor while being thwarted by men`s taboo against incest with the mother, which is another of Heinlein`s themes in Time Enough For Love (1973), as he narrates the adventures of the long-lived Lazarus Long, beginning his quest to travel backwards through space and time to have sex with his mother and break that `tribal taboo`which makes her:

`… more enticingly forbidden (if such were possible!)`4

 Maureen`s relationship with Lazarus is consummated from her point of view in To Sail Beyond The Sunset (1987), `Even at fifteen I was not naive about my unusual and possibly unhealthy relation with my father.`5 Heinlein`s last novel before his own death ends, `And we all lived happily ever after,` when Maureen accepts polygamous incest with her extended family that spans space and time and the generations by virtue of Heinlein`s `continua car`, Gay Deciever, conceived in his novel, The Number Of The Beast (1980), as a means for accessing `all possible universes, real and imaginary`. Because women are a species chased by an aged parasite that wants her eggs to ensure its continuance:

`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)

 Heinlein`s villain in The Number of The Beast is the ubiquitous `black beast` that seeks to prevent the two married couples, Jake, Hilda, Zeb and Deety, who`re the occupants of the space-time car, from having fun in the worlds they visit, which include Frank L. Baum`s Oz, Lewis Carrol`s Wonderland and Edgar Rice Burroughs` Barsoom,`... E.R.B`s universe is no harder to reach than any other and Mars is in its usual orbit.`6 The `beast` corresponds to Jung`s collective shadow which also seeks to project itself into women. Socio-economic development isn`t what men practice, but rather oil and womb slavery, which is why Heinlein`s novel, I Will Fear No Evil, is about gender relations in relation to company economics and Time Enough For Love is about incest.

 The Oedipal complex is a well known psychological problem described by the founder of psychotherapy, Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) who perceived that men`s story was Sophocles` drama Oedipus Rex (c. 429 B.C.) in which Oedipus kills his father and marries his mother. Because women can sexually reproduce with each other as `futanarian` womankind, with her own penis` semen and host womb, men`s incest taboo is designed to thwart Jesus` precept `love your neighbor` to prevent daughters from sexually desiring women, because they`re precluded from desiring sex with their mother. Oedipus kills his father and marries his mother as an illustration of women`s tragedy, which is that men fight to possess her and she isn`t their species. Consequently, what passes for socio-economics is womb slavery of the host species for parasitism, which requires that the indigenous race be kept at a low level of technological development to maintain its enslavement. Possessed of her own host womb and with her own penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers, woman`s Earth would have a human socio-economy whereas men`s is that of the prototypical science fiction alien invader.

 The Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre, which opened in 1970, that is, the year of publication for Heinlein`s I Will Fear No Evil, were demolished on September 11, 2001, by Al Qaeda terrorists from Afghanistan crashing hijacked planes into them, because men`s evil socio-economy is `rough trade`, that is, homosexual `brutality and violence` associated with rich men who pay for men and boys in pederasty`s wars to spread their contagion further. When ISIS emerged after the Gulf war to depose Iraq`s dictator, Saddam Hussein, for supporting Al Qaeda, Islam`s State for Iraq and Syria (2014) was a travesty of the Egyptian goddess Isis` true role of remembering the god, Osiris, after he is torn apart and dismembered by Set, the evil god, and Isis collects the parts and gives him a new penis so Osiris is reborn as `the sky god`, Horus. Born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, Jesus has a new penis also. Consequently, male remembering is only male braining, which may be described as transvestism, that is, the same creature replicated everywhere wearing each others` clothes, because there isn`t a human woman on the planet who`s the product of her own `futanarian` penis` semen and host womb to prevent men from watching themselves killing the products of the human species` host womb for `TV` entertainment.

 The Gulf wars were men`s oil economy, so Heinlein explores Johann`s wearing a woman`s clothes in what is effectively transvestism, because I Will Fear No Evil is about Jesus` reason for ruling with an `iron scepter`, which is to rule against male braining`s `TV wars` in favour of women, like his mother, the Virgin Mary, who give birth to `futanarian` humans uncontaminated by male semen. Heinlein`s Gay Deciever car runs on water, which represents desire, slavery and freedom to Moslem Arabians in the hot arid desert regions of the Gulf, because desire for water is slavery to the desire for water, but freedom if the thirst for water is quenchable. The legend associated with Chrysler cars` manufacturer is of the inventor who was paid for a water fuelled car that was never produced, because it`d interfere with men`s socio-economy of low technology in which the basic pedal design of the automobile that hasn`t changed since the first Model T Ford came off the Detroit, Michigan, production line in 1908 contributes to humanity`s being kept in womb slavery to the oil men.

 Because Heinlein`s novel, The Number Of The Beast, posits water as the fuel source for his labor-saving car, he`s in tune with Arabian sensibilities, because water is life and freedom from desire fulfilled, whereas oil is the bane of human endeavor. Although Jesus is the Messiah in Christianity, in Judaism `Messiah` is `Meshiah`, that is, Jesus sought to usher in the Meshiahn Age or `machine age` of labor-saving high technology through women`s own `futanarian` penis` semen and host wombs` capacity for sexually reproducing her own brains` powers for liberation. Heinlein`s observation is that slavery to desire for water is freedom, so humans who`re physically capable of only sustaining themselves orally and sexually reproducing have desire fulfilled and so freedom; if they have water. Consequently, slavery is freedom, as socialist George Orwell satirically pointed out in his dystopian science fiction satire, Nineteen Eighty Four (1948), of a British Isles after WWII (1939-45) to defeat Nazism, in which freedom is depicted as ineffable because water is plentiful and so unvalued:

`I could have turned you into a priestess. I could have burned your fate in the sand. But it really doesn't matter at all. No it really doesn't matter at all, life's a gas.`7

 British pop group T Rex`s post-war lyrics to `Life`s A Gas` (1971) reminisce upon the Jews `gassed` in the Nazi pogroms at `concentration camps`; for example, Belsen in Germany and Auschwitz in Poland. The brutality of the Islamic State for Iraq and Syria (ISIS), which took its name from the goddess Isis, who remembered Osiris, and gave him a new penis as the `sky god` Horus, is T. Rex`s `priestess` of Ra `burned` into the desert sand, which men`s possession of atomic weapons suggests is their aim; as turning the `chosen people` into gas after burning them in ovens was the Nazi pogromers aim. Jews are born from Jewish women and can`t be born otherwise, which means Jews are women, that is, Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen prefigures their Resurrection as `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host wombs.

 Isis is the priestess of Ra, who was Osiris before he incarnated upon the Earth in the Egyptian creator myth, so her fate is burned into the sand of the Middle East, as the `hidden` women of the desert beneath their burkhas in public concealment from eyes that would pierce her `futanarian` self`s secrets within the Moslem marriages of Islam, which are permitted four wives in accordance with the principles of their holy book, the Koran (610-30 C. E.), as it was dictated by the angels, according to tradition, to the Prophet Mohamed more than six hundred years after Jesus. The story of Isa and Miriam, the virgin who gave birth to Isa (Jesus) uncontaminated by male semen, is in the Koran, although Jesus` Ascension to heaven after the Resurrection that prefigures the Resurrection of the `seed` of his mother, is bodily after the belief in Christianity that the Virgin Mary didn`t die but had Ascension, which is dogma in Catholicism since Pope Pius XII`s papal decree of Mary`s `Assumption` (1950), because it`s assumed women belong in heaven, whereas men must be redeemed from the desire for death, as is illustrated by Jesus` crucifixion and Resurrection as the new penis of the `woman`s seed` uncontaminated by male semen.

 Amongst Moslem the serpent of Eden isn`t the fallen angel Lucifer, known as Satan who was turned into the serpent of Eden by God after he and his angels rebelled, but Iblis the djinn who refused to bow before Adam when it was explained that man was to replace the angelic hosts in God`s esteem. What Iblis didn`t understand was that Eve`s `seed` would emerge from her host womb after Eden, which was why Iblis (Satan) should have accepted Adam, and so `Islam` means `accept` because men must accept Eve`s `seed`. The distinction between angel and djinn is relevant to the Moslem adherents of the Koran, where Iblis` rejection of `woman`s seed` appears in `The Cave` Sura, while for Christians djinn are demons and Satan is a fallen angel. According to the Koran, God created men and women, djinn and angels, which means djinn are creatures of the Earth, but Iblis is blamed for Eve and Adam`s transgression in Islam, while in Christianity it`s Satan.

 The role of djinn in Arabian folklore is clearest from the story of `Aladdin` in the 8th century anthology, One Thousand And One Nights, which features an oil lamp from which a genie emerges to grant boons when the lamp is rubbed. The analogy is of the electric light bulb, invented by Thomas Edison in 1879, which requires the individual to switch on the lamp if they desire light, that is, those who desire light are slaves of the lamp, but they`re free, just as those who are slaves to their desire for water live in freedom, because life is water and they desire not to die from rejecting their slavery. If light is needed from a lamp, someone must press the switch even though all benefit from the light, which makes all slaves of the lamp, whereas all are unwilling slaves of the oil men if they won`t allow the level of technology to rise and save humans labor.

 In the Bible God told Adam he must labor and Eve would experience labor pain after Eden, because enslavers want slaves and Eve`s pain would be her enslavement, before the birth of Jesus uncontaminated by male semen signaled woman`s Redemption and the future Resurrection of her own `futanarian` human species` `seed` through the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers for labor saving by means of her own penis` semen and host womb for her own socio-economic development and progress. Consequently, God`s exhortation to Adam and Eve following upon the warning of `perpetual enmity` from the `serpent`s seed` prefigures the oil men`s enslaving of the human race in low technology. The djinn from the oil lamp in `Aladdin` represents Saladin, as Saddam is Adam, because Saladin was the Moslem who fought the Christians at the Battle of Hattin in 1187 to prepare the way for the recapture of Jerusalem, and Adam was Saddam insofar as he was the anti-Christ, who`d accepted the `serpent`s seed` of men`s ambition to enslave those women who were free. Aladdin loses his djinn when his wife accepts a `new lamps for old` trade, which is a metaphor for how the Arabian peoples of the oil rich Middle East nations gave up their freedom for oil slavery.

 When the Al Qaeda terrorists destroyed the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001, it was another `rough trade`, where homosexual `brutality and violence` in pederasty and war was the ambition producing ISIS, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. Islam has djinn, but Christianity has angels, that is, it`s another `rough trade` in equivalence designed to produce what the Moslem fundamentalists call `Jihad` or `holy war` and Christianity calls `crusade`. Saladin`s was the Caliphate of Iraq and Syria as ISIS` Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi`s Caliphate was, because Aladdin didn`t want a new oil lamp, he preferred his `mojo`, which rejected oil slavery as just another `rough trade` from the white slavers who bought Manhattan in 1626 from the Native Americans for beads, before enslaving black women from Africa to breed a 19th century workforce for their cotton plantations in the Southern United States after colonization of North America began in 1492 when Christopher Columbus` ships under the orders of Queen Isabella of Spain to find new land discovered America. The `mojo` of the Middle East could save humanity there from slavery to oil, which is why oil men call the djinn, that is, the Arabian `mojo`, `demons`. The Arabians make a distinction between djinn and the angels, because djinn are the genies, or genius of the race, and so men kill and cull them as they`ve done with `futanarian` human women with their own penis` semen and host womb for sexually reproducing her own brains` powers, which corresponds to `djinn` or genius, to maintain oil slavery in male brained damage.

1 Heinlein, Robert I Will Fear No Evil, G. P. Putnam`s Sons, 1970, Ch. 2.
2 Heinlein I Will Fear No Evil, Ch. 29.
3 Heinlein I Will Fear No Evil, Ch. 10.
4 Heinlein, Robert A. Time Enough For Love, G. P. Putnam`s Sons, 1973, pp. 489-90.
5 Heinlein, Robert A. To Sail Beyond The Sunset, G. P Putnam`s Sons, 1987, pp. 44-5.
6 Heinlein, Robert A. The Number Of The Beast, 1980, Ch. 48.
7 Bolan, Marc T. Rex `Life`s A Gas` Electric Warrior, Fly, 1971.