Universal Life Church

The Universal Life Church Monastery

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

A Parasitoid`s Demands

A Parasitoid`s Demands

Conversion from a life of sin depends in Christianity mainly upon the transubstantiation symbolism of the Catholic ritual, which no longer is used in the Protestant church, and derives from what was known as the `Last Supper` where the Jewish Messiah, Jesus `Christ`, gave `bread and wine` representing his `body and blood` to his disciples: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Jesus` teaching differed from orthodox Judasim, which was the history and law of the Talmud and Torah comprising the Old Testament of the Bible, because it was based on charity, rather than prohibitions against theft. Jewish society was based on the principle that theft was symptomatic of evil in the sense that taking life had many forms, for example, slander, lies, and encouraging belief in falsehood. That perception derived from the belief that the first woman, Eve, and the first man, Adam, were tempted by Satan, the angel who`d been turned into a serpent by God for rejecting God`s plan that the human host would be greater than the angelic, to `eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death, so that the generations of ephemeral memoryless human futurity would be slaves to the `sepent`s `seed`. God told Eve her `seed` would have `enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) Because Jesus was the child of the Virgin Mary born uncontaminated by male semen, he was `woman`s seed`, that is, futanarian, which is the reason for Mary being depicted in Roman Catholic iconography crushing the head of the serpent with her foot.

 Jesus is the Christian redeemer from death, because `woman`s seed` can sexually reproduce her own brains` powers to lift herself from the Earth to colonize the planets amongst the stars of heaven above without men`s semen. Consequently, the transubstantiation symbolism of the Christian church represents the transformation of human brainpower through acceptance of `woman`s seed`. Without acceptance men remain unredeemed and misogynists: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores, but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) Jesus` disciple John`s Revelation of the futue reveals that men had mixed blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses by the late 20th century to spread the `incurable killer disease`, that is, HIV/AIDS` `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6), in mockery of women`s futanarian mode of sexual reproduction of human brainpower. Their `pains and their sores` were symptoms of the body`s systemic collapse, which was experienced by those succumbing to the human immuno-deficiency virus (HIV) causing organ dysfunction and ultimately brain death after being injected into the anus by the homosexual`s penis and travelling up the spine like a serpent`s poison to kill.

 In ancient Greece, which was falsely lauded as the model of human democracy, women`s host wombs were enslaved institutionally for homosexuality in pederasty for war.  If women`s futanarian human host wombs were the slaved, war isn`t a human activity, but rather the means of the parasitoid alien invader which, known as `Satan` by the first woman, Eve, and the first man, Adam, when they encountered it the paradise of heaven on Earth that was Eden, keeps humans in memoryless ephemerality by waging war upon `woman`s seed` to maintain it in slavery and ignorance. In parasitology, the parasite that emerges from the host to kill it is termed `parasitoid`, so the serpent, Satan, is depicted in John`s Revelation as having grown the wings of its saurian ancestry since Eden: `And the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) Before hominids appeared on the Earth 220 m.a. in the Jurassic period of Earth`s prehistory, saurians were the dominant life form 248 m.a. in the Mesozoic period, which suggests that the biblical narrative of Eve and Adam relates a species` enslavement through rape by saurians.

 According to Judaism, the first man, that is, the anthropos, who was Adam, was a hermaphrodite, and hermaphrodites can self-fertilize as a species` survival trait, which suggests that Adam was a futanarian woman and Eve was her daughter, so the Old Testament narrative of Genesis describes how the saurians interfered with human reproduction. Labeling the single human species of `woman`s seed` `evil`, because incestuous, the saurians became humanity`s womb slavers for making war and death: `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) HIV/AIDS is the last stage of the saurians` assault on human sexuality. Having smoked women`s penis down to the butt to maintain her single species of `woman`s seed` in fearful faithfulness to her ring slavers, the `serpent`s seed` of the `red dragon` of war against the human species is injecting its poison into the anus of the `remnant` to kill it as a parasitoid emergent from the race`s host womb where it`s lived as a parasite for millions of years.

 The Roman Empire at the time of Jesus was a male brainer. When Jesus met a man on the road near the town of Gadarene, he was possessed by demons: `My name is legion.` (Mk: 5. 9) The Roman legions were then possessing Jewish Palestine as the occupying Empire of Rome, and Jesus acceded to the demons demands to be allowed to possess some pigs instead, which then ran off a cliff and drowned, because the demons represented the Roman Empire`s demands that their slaves have brains enough only to kill as instruments of a parasitoid host womb enslaver. Jesus was taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem after the `Last Supper`. His disciple Judas, who was known for stealing from the collection plate after a sermon, had seen a woman anointing Jesus with the expensive perfume, `spikenard`, and had suggested it be sold to raise money, but Jesus said: `Leave her alone.` (Mk: 14. 6) Judas` `spy canard` was that Jesus had refused to obey him as a male brainer. In revenge Judas wanted to prevent Jesus` `woman`s seed` from sexually repoducing human brainpower, because it threatened the male braining parasitoid evil of the Roman Empire. Judas sold Jesus to the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, who then gave Jesus over to the Romans for execution. Jesus was nailed to a cross of wood where he died, but experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of `woman`s seed`, which is the reason for his being called the redeemer. As the instrument of God`s Redemption of humanity, Jesus didn`t aquiesce to the demons/demands of the maled brain, which had by then manufactured men and women as a single creature wearing each others` clothes as a `TV` transvestite for killing in Rome`s amphitheaters as `TV` entertainment.  Consequently, Jesus` redemptive teaching, which is  known as the New Testament by Christians, supersedes the Old Testament of the Jews, who believed only in punishment for sin, although in the sin of male braining not everyone is guilty. As Jesus demonstrated to the Jewish Pharisees when they brough to him a woman caught in adultery, in conscience no one there present could stone her, because male semen is the adulterate poison of the human species of futanarian `woman`s seed`.

 By the early 20th century, the television `TV` machine had been invented by John Logie Baird to receive broadcast `live` and `dramatized pictures of `TV war` as a home entertainment medium, because that`s what the parasitoid killer of the human futanarian species wanted: `Let he that has wisdom understand. The number of the beast is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six.` (Rev: 13. 8) 66.6% is the percentage present of the human race if human futanarian `woman`s seed` is absent, that is, 33.3%, which means that human sexual reproduction isn`t democratic. If women sexually reproduce with each other their role as the colonizers of the planets amongst the stars of heaven above is explained, because men can`t sexually reproduce with each other, so men`s democracy is a misogynist dictatorship that seeks to prevent the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` from birthing: `And the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to give birth, to devour her child as soon as it was born.` (Rev: 12. 4) The child of the human species of `woman`s seed` is her futanarian daughter, who can`t emerge from the race`s host womb, because the racist parasitoid has taught women that they`re lesbianism and incest, which has led to the psychopathology of the schizophrenic species that can`t see its own penis in the mirror.

 The archetype is illustrated by the folktale, Snow White,1 whose queen is told by the mirror she`s not as beautiful as Snow White, and instead of seeking sexual reproduction with Snow White , the queen kills Snow White with poisoned fruit. Remaining unaccepting of `woman`s seed` men and women in species` brain damning are the `beasts` of Revelation described as a single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes encouraging itself to make `TV war`: `The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.` (Rev: 13. 15) The killed are the human species` `remnant` of futanarian `woman`s seed`, because they don`t accept male braining for war as the basis of species` activity on the planet Earth. They want Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, through the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed`, on the colonized planets amongst the stars of heaven, without being farmed as a host womb race in slavery to a parasitoid devourer. As the human race seeks to run and escape, its predator is playing with it as `food`.

 The Protestant churches derived from German Martin Luther`s 1517 rejection of the political power of the Pope, that is, the Roman church`s representative in Rome, to offer `indulgences`,2 which were papers saying that the sinner had paid cash for the forgiveness of his sins, and so he had redeemed himself. The Pope was Jesus` disciple Peter, who`d initiated the ritual of transubstantiation, whereby the `bread and wine`, which was given by Jesus, as the host at the `Last Supper`, represented the human host of `woman`s seed`. The ritual requres acceptance by the recipient of the wafer of bread, and the sip of wine from the officiate`s chalice, Jesus` teaching that the `body and blood` be transformed through the Holy Spirit that he said would teach after him. Upon Jesus` death, the Roman guard Longinus speared Jesus` side with his spear, because Jesus was called the `Second Adam` from whose side Eve emerged created therefrom by God, according to the Bible, so the Romans expected the `Second Eve` to emerge from the side of Jesus as the Holy Spirit, which the Jews call the `spirit of God`, Shekinah, that is, women are God`s species, whereas men are unredeemed saurian `seed` unless they convert from their sin of male braining for war against the `spirit of God`, who is feminine.

 Because the Protestant church rejected Catholicism, the ritual of transformation through transubstantiation is lacking from Protestant ritual, which means that that symbolic acceptance of `woman`s seed`, and so rejection of misogyny, which is basic to Jesus` life and teaching, isn`t present in Protestantism. Consequently, Christians often believe that the Holy Spirit is Jesus` and that he was a superior male, which means that the petitioner receiving the wafer and wine is required to accept a male spirit, and that`s the reason for the Catholic church being associated with widespread homosexuality in pederasty and war. However, Jesus was `woman`s seed`, and so his spirit was the `spirit of God`, the Shekinah. Because alcohol is termed `spirit`, the unacknowledge perception of the church congregation of the transubstantiation ritual in Catholicism is that the `bread and wine` invites possession by a male spirit, which is traditionally associated with alcohol, that is, the `demon drink`, which brings stupor. Or, in other words, transubstantiation has been reinterpreted as the desirability of accepting unconsciousness, which had arisen through a parasitical evil nature that effectively devoured the brain as a parasitoid living off the ignorance of the human futanarian host womb of `woman`s seed` that, unaware, raised it to emerge and kill her species: `Forgive them for they know not what they do.` (Luke: 23. 34) In simple terms, Jesus` `bread and wine` is interpreted in Satanism as acceptance of unconscious ignorance, so that the spirits of the evil demons can emerge from the `body and blood` of the human species` host womb to kill the race of `woman`s seed`. In short, women are perceivably the womb of a demon host, which refuses to accept `woman`s seed` in order to keep her as its slave for parasitoid war against her species.

 The demons` war aim can be interpereted as `demands`, that is, the demands are the demons. Men whose aim is to wage war to maintain slavery of the human host by being born from the womb of `the race of `woman`s seed` as `Legion`, that is, damnation in male braining for homosexuality in pederasty and war against humanity. The emblem of the Roman legions was the fasces, a `bundle` with an axe, and the German National Socialist (Nazi) Party`s leader, Adolf Hitler, adopted it as his emblem before the 1933 election and afterwards proclaimed himself dictator before building `death camps` in which upwards of 20, 000, 000 Jews were killed because they were Jesus` `seed`. The Jews were the people of Abraham, whose son, Isaac, founded Judaism, where the tradition is that a Jew can`t be born unless from a Jewess, that is, women are Jesus` `seed`. The other son of Abraham, who wasn`t a Jew, and whose temple is in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, was Ishmael, whose descendant, Mohamed, received the Koran (610-30 C.E.) from the angels, according to the tradition of Moslems in the nations of Islam. The Koran is the basis for the four wives they`re permitted. Although Christians observe that Ishmael was the second son of Abraham by Hajer, who was Abraham`s wife Sara`s maid, and was given to him by Sara, when she became barren after Isaac was born, the four wives aren`t a retroactive attempt to legitimize Ishmael`s birth, but afford `woman`s seed` the possibility of sexual reproduction between women within the family. During the Bosnian war (1992-5) the setting up of `rape camps` by Serbian Christian militia to male brain a generation of `woman`s seed` was a sign of their `demands`, that is, the `demons` of Christianity, which the Nazis were too.

 Although the wars in the Middle East against the Moslem nations of Islam have been variously interpreted as for oil, for example, the deposing of Gadaffi of Libya in 2011, and for Judeo-Christians against paganism, that is, the removal of the notoriously misogynist Taliban regime in Afghanistan by the US army by December 2001 after the Al Qaeda terrorist group operating there under its auspices crashed civil airliners into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre on Manhattan island in New York city on September 11, 2001, they`re wars against women. The WTC was targeted as a symbol of the reestablishing of that `brutality and violence`3 associated with `rough trade`,4 which is homosexuality in pederasty for war against `woman`s seed` that saw its demons fulfilled when the US army invaded Iraq in March, 2003, to precipitate global warfare with the Moslem nations in Islam. In public its traditional for women in Islam to wear the one-piece coverall of the burka to keep eyes from prying, because the mass media edutainment industry of the rest of the world`s ubiquitous female nudity displays `babes` without `seed`, which is frightening for futanarian Moslem women`s `seed`.

 Although the Nazis were condemned for their pogroms, Will Hays` establishment of the 1930 `Hays code` banning women`s mode of sexual reproduction from being seen in the movies made in the district of Hollywood, city of Los Angeles, effectively sounded the death knell for `woman`s seed` when the west coast of the state of California became host to the capital of the edutainment industry subsequent to the making of the first film there by D.W. Griffith, Old California (1910). The Speaker of the House of Representatives in Washington, D.C., U.S.A., is flanked by fasces and California has 8.2% (53) of the 435 votes allotted to the 50 states, which disproportianate division of power allowed the edutainment capital, Hollywood, to make humanity extinct in a grander display of fascism than the Nazis, which is what Hollywood, `Babylon`, was for: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) Although Iraq`s dictator, Saddam Hussein, could see the ruins of the Persian Empire`s capital city of Babylon (c. 4000 B.C.) from his summer palace at Hillah, `Babylon` is the name of `a woman` in the Bible, because men have whored her race to death. When Saddam Hussein was executed on December 30, 2006, it was symptomatic of what men are, that is, a parasitoid`s demands.

1 Aarne-Thompson folklore classification system, Germany, # 709.
2 Luther, Martin `Disputation on the Power of Indulgences`, 1517.
3 Merriam-Webster Dictionary, http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/rough%20trade .
4 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trade_(gay_slang) .

Friday, 9 December 2016

God`s Secret Love Smoked Down To The Butt

God`s Secret Love Smoked Down To The Butt

Jesus `Christ`, `the chosen`, is described by the Christian church, which was established through his disciple, Peter, that is, the first Pope, or spiritual leader of the church in Rome, as the love of God: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Called `Christ` by the early Christians, Jesus was a `dissident rabbi` preaching against the occupation of Jewish Palestine by the Roman Empire and coming into conflict with the Jewish Pharisees or religious police who, representing the Jewish fathers, paid another of Jesus` disciples, Judas, `thirty pieces of silver` to give Jesus into their power so that the Romans could be persuaded by them to have Jesus taken out of the city of Jerusalem, where he was then teaching about the Torah and Talmud of the Jews, which is called the Old Testament, though to be superseded by Jesus` New Testament by Christianity, and to the hill of Calvary where he was nailed to a cross of wood and died: `My God! Why hast thou forsaken me?` In extremis Jesus` seeking for understanding from God resulted in his experiencing Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, which is prefigured in his birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen. As `woman`s seed` Jesus represents the fulfilling of a promise made to Eve, the first woman created by God in Eden, who was told that the angel, Satan, who`d given her `the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death, would have `enmity` with her `seed` but she`d have Redemption, along with the first man, Adam, also created by God, who in Judaism is often described as the hermaphroditic anthropos, who is a woman with penis` semen of her own.

 The angel, Satan, had been placed in the paradise of heaven on Earth by God for rejecting God`s plan that the human host should be greater than the angelic. In prehistoric terms, the angels of God denote saurian evolution, that is, the winged intelligences of the Mesozoic epoch 248 m.a., and Satan represents the attempt of the saurian to enslave the host womb of the human species in ephemeral ignorance. Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen represents human futanarian `woman`s seed`, that is, the Redemption of Eve along with the first hermaphroditic woman, Adam, so Jesus is called the `Second Adam`. When the Roman guard, Longinus, speared Jesus side upon his death, he was releasing the Holy Spirit that Jesus said would teach after him: `Surely, this was the son of God.` (Matt: 27. 54). The Holy Spirit, who was the `Second Eve`, because the first Eve was made from the `rib` of Adam by God, that is, she emerged from Adam`s side because, as a hermaphrodite Adam could sexually reproduce without another. Consequently, the invasive saurian, Satan, represents an original threat to the survival of the human species of `woman`s seed`, which Jesus` birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, recapitulates for the unknowing. His role as redeemer of Eve`s `seed` is as a reminder and his Resurrection and Ascension to heaven is a prefiguration of that of `woman`s seed` through her brain power damned by the male brainer, Satan, who is described as the `serpent`s seed`, which is men`s as women`s host womb slavers: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) In Christian iconography, Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, because Jesus is her futanarian `seed` of women, that is, he`s acceptable to human futanarian `woman`s seed`, whereas unredeemed men aren`t, because they don`t accept her `seed`.

 Men`s history of warfare through the host womb enslavement of women`s host wombs in homosexuality and pederasty for war is a sign of their non-acceptance of `woman`s seed` , which misogyny, institutionalized in ancient Greece, was held as the model of democracy by the West. However, as is indicated by Jesus` disciple John`s prophetic Revelation of the future, which appears in the New Testament of the Judeo-Christian Bible: `Let he that has wisdom understand. The number of the beast is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six.` (Rev: 13. 8) 66.6% recurring is the reincarnations of men and women without `woman`s seed`, that is, 666 is the number of democracy without humans amongst the electorate. Although Christianity promoted Jesus as a virgin celibate, during the campaign against the `incurable killer disease` of the human immuno-deficiency virus (HIV) that caused systemic collapse through acquired immuno-deficiency sysndrome (AIDS) and brain death after being transmitted by men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in mockery of the mode of sexual reproduction of human futanarian `woman`s seed`, Jesus was killed by his disciple, Judas, because he didn`t want Jesus to sexually reproduce as `woman`s seed with a woman, whereas Christianity promotes Jesus as a sexual purity guru. In fact, when Jesus was discovered with a woman anointing him with `spikenard`, an expensive perfume, Judas, who was known for stealing from the collection plate after Jesus proselytizing, suggested the perfume be sold to raise money, but Jesus demurred: `Leave her alone.` (Mk: 14. 6) As a consequence, Jesus was sold by Judas to the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, who`d brought a woman taken in adultery to him demanding that she be stoned, which was a punishment vested in the law of the Old Testament of the Jews based on God`s commandments against theft, that is, the taking of life. Jesus said that those present who found themselves to be sinless, after examining their consciences, could stone her, and no one could. Jesus told the woman she was free to go. The meaing is that `woman`s seed` doesn`t marry, and that men are adulteraters of her species, which means women are blameless.

 Pope Pius XI in 1950 made the doctrine of `the Assumption of the Virgin Mary bodily into heaven` a basic belief of Christianity, that is, `woman`s seed` was expected to leave Earth for the planets amongst the stars of heaven above as the colonizer there, because men can`t sexually reproduce with each other, and so women are God`s cosmic `seed`: `At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30) Moreover, although Christians assume that they`ll be in heaven with God`s angels, they haven`t accepted other intelligences which aren`t human, and the angels of God aren`t. Except insofar as human is definable as good. Unfortunately, Christians particularly haven`t accepted good as heaven with the non-human, that is, the angels of God, who`re categorizable as whatever`s peacefully good with humans, rather than what`s human. In short, Christianity`s approach towards God and the angels, who`re definable as intelligent non-humans, is that they`re aliens, which suggests that the biblical `war in heaven` with God`s angels is based on Earth`s xenophobia: `And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.` (Rev: 12. 7-8) Michael is an archangel of God, but not human, which is what the war is about. God`s angels don`t want humans to be enslaved, whereas the angels of Satan want slaves, and are prepared to make of the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` an adulterated non-human collective in order to establish that. The non-humans of the Earth are depicted as adulterating the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` to enslave her host womb for war against her as entertainment, which will be productive of xenophobic war against non-human extraterrestrial intelligent life amongst the heavens, where God`s angels and `woman`s seed` are likely to be encountered defending them as good neighbors; although non-human.

 In parasitology, the parasite that emerges from the host to kill it is termed `parasitoid`: `And the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) The `red dragon` of war is the serpent, Satan, grown to full size since its days in Eden as the tempter of Eve and Adam with the power of death through war`s enslaving for the entertainment of the prasitoid: `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) Since ancient times men and women have been manufactured as a single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes in `TV` transvestism for war against the `remnant` of human futanarian `woman`s seed`: `The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.` (Rev: 13. 15) Although the television machine for the receiving of `live` and recorded broadcast transmissions of `TV war` wasn`t invented until 1926 by John Logie Baird, Jesus` disciple John`s prophetic Revelation accurately describes the process whereby men and women are bred as Satan`s `beasts` to accommodate the parasitoid devourer of the `remnant` of the human futanarian species: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) What they`d done was mix blood, shit and semen in each others anuses in mocjery of `woman`s seed` to produce the `incurable killer disease`, HIV/AIDS, as a `biological weapon` deployed by homosexuality in pederasty planned since ancient Greece to keep women in fearful faithfulness to their misogynist ring slavers.

 Although Jesus` virtue is  depicted as his virgin celibacy, that is, his pure `seed`, HIV/AIDS represents Satanism`s assault on `woman`s seed`. Having smoked the woman`s penis down to the butt, it`s the Satanists` perspective that she isn`t likely to be dying of HIV/AIDS from her own contaminated semen`s transmissions. In short, Jesus` human futanarian `remnant` of `woman`s seed` will remain virgin celibate in fearful faithfulness to the evil alien misogynist ring slavers of the `serpent`s seed`, because they can`t sexually reproduce, which is what the German fascists, who adopted the axe emblem of the Roman fasces, wanted to ensure, when they built `death camps` for the Jews, after winning the democratic election in 1933, and upwards of 20, 000, 000 of Jesus` `chosen people` were killed before being burned in incinerators. In Judaism it`s traditional that a man can only be born from a woman, which means that women are Jews, and Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, who Christianity perceives as giving birth to the `Second Adam`, is a Jewish woman, because she was able to give to Jesus her own `seed`. Although Mary was of the lineage of Isaac, who founded Judaism, and was the son of Abraham and Sara, she was barren thereafter and gave Hajer, her maid, to Abraham, who bore Ishmael, whose descendant, Mohamed, received the Koran (610-30 C.E.) from the angels of God, and Christianity believes that the four wives of the Moslems in Islam are there to retroactively legitimize Ishmael`s birth, whereas they afford the possibility of human futanarian sexual reproduction of brainpower within the family. In short, Islam is an extension of the principle of `woman`s seed` rejected by Christianity, and that rejection was evident in the Bosnian war (1992-5) in which upwards of 70, 000 Moslem women were incarcerated in `rape camps` by Christian Serb militia to male brain and damn a generation of `woman`s seed`.

 Without penis` semen of her own to sexually reproduce human brainpower from futanarian `woman`s seed`, women`s species will die a celibate virgin, like Jesus, which is where Christianity`s celebration of Jesus` celibate virginity, and Satanism`s aim of extinction for the human race of `woman`s seed`, cohesively coalesce. The solution is edutainment for daughters, who`re unaware of their species` role, but Christianity`s promotion of celibate virginity for unmarrieds is an aspect of the taboo against reproductive sex between women, who wouldn`t want to wed if they knew of the latent pool of possibility unrevealed by a censored media. Although German fascism was blamed for genocidal pogroms against the `chosen people`, that is, the futanarian `woman`s seed` of the Jews, President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), Will Hays` establishment of the 1930 `Hays code` preventing women`s mode of sexual reproduction from being seen by cinema audiences had a much more devastating long term effect: `... women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`1 Without images of women engaged in sexual relations with each other, as a part of a system of positive discrimination in which `woman`s seed` receives the support she needs to further her relationships within a media framework of involvement and interaction that constitutes the full range of possibilities with regard to human edutainment, her futanarian `foot` will remain on the floor of the bedroom of the Earth; precluded from the colonization of the planets and stars of heaven above that should be her destiny as God`s `seed`.

 Because sympathy for homosexuals arose when the HIV/AIDS virus was discovered, along with fear of its infectious semen transmission during sterile mockeries of the act of sexual reproduction involving the penetration of the anus by the men`s penis, the obvious definition of humans by homosexuals as their animals wasn`t clear. In short, the identification of homosexuality with the `beast`, 666, garners support from ancient Greece, where women`s host wombs were enslaved institutionally for the spread of homosexuality in pederasty for war and its contagions, which by the late 20th century had emerged as its `biological weapon`, HIV/AIDS. By removing `woman`s seed` from the scene, that is, women`s futanarian mode of sexual reproduction, homosexuals were able to define the human species as an animal.  As a consequence the animal became their AIDS research experiment for the discovering of a cure. Elevating their complaint to the level of a science, the homosexuals preyed on the sympathetic nervous system of the `remnant` of the human species of futanarian `woman`s seed` to divert attention away from the genuine plight of humanity, which was the absence of human sexual role models in the edutainment media. In simple terms, the `beasts` sought to turn mankind into an animal to experiment on in order to discover a cure for their viral life form, which is parasitoid and worships itself as war against `woman`s seed`. As God warned Eve, her `seed` would have perpetual enmity with it, because it seeks continuance as an eternal pestilence, and has defined the human race as an animal to persevere with its genocidal pogroming.

1 http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki,php/Main/FootPopping/ .

Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Jesus` Redeeming Blood

Jesus` Redeeming Blood

Christianity`s belief that their congregations are redeemed, because of Jesus` redemptive blood, presupposes that the Jewish Messiah said `Yes` to his being taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem during the occupation of Palestine by the legions of the Roman Emperor, Tiberius, whereas Jesus said `No` to his being nailed to a cross of wood where he was left to die before the Roman guard, Longinus, pierced his side with a spear, proclaiming, `Surely, this was the son of God.` (Matt: 27. 54). In the Hollywood movie, The Greatest Story Ever Told (1965), the actor in the role of Longinus was John Wayne, whose words are more logically interpretable, in the light of the history of men`s wars upon the Earth, as `this was the snuff god`, because the Christian faith seems to have been based on the curious philosophical perspective that the Romans were redeemed for torturing Christ to death. In short, belief in fighting and dying bravely was an ancient pagan belief most noticeably applied by the Vikings of Scandinavia. If they died in battle, they`d go to Valhalla, where they`d fight and die again each day forever. Christianity adopted the belief to encourage martyrdom, that is, Jesus was the first of the Christian martyrs, who died so that they could enter into heaven. Where Christianity differs from the oral Nordic belief of the Vikings, the Edda, is that the martyred die, so that those who martyred them can enter into heaven. In other words, the rich and powerful organize wars to kill their people in order to keep their position.

 In the Old Testament of the Jews` history and law, that is, the Torah and Talmud, slavery is the main issue. Eve, the first woman, and Adam, the first man, who is often depicted in Judaism as hermaphroditic, that is, as the anthropos, are given the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death, which reduces them and their descendants to ephemeral memorylessness instructable eternally as child slaves. In simple terms, education is slavery, which Jesus` teaching illustrated: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) It was Jesus` disciple, Judas, that saw a woman anointing Jesus with expensive perfume, and suggested that it be sold to raise money. Jesus demurred: `Leave her alone.` (Mk: 14. 6) Judas` response was to sell Jesus to the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, who gave Jesus over to the Romans for crucifixion as a `dissident` against the power of Rome. Jesus` power over Rome was his birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, that is, he was `woman`s seed` born uncontaminated by male semen. Consequently, Jesus` advocacy of universal love, that is, `agape`, was an aspect of Judaism`s belief that Adam was a futanarian woman. In Christian iconography Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted as crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, because she`s futanarian `woman`s seed`. In Genesis God tells Eve that the `enmity` of the serpent`s for her `seed` will have consequences: `You will crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) In short, the brainpower of `woman`s seed`, sexually reproduced, will lift her human futanarian race to the planets amongst the stars. However, without memory in ephemerality, the human futanarian species will remain as an ignorant slave child. So, God told Eve her `seed` would have Redemption, but Adam must labor while women would experience labor pain; before Jesus` birth as their redeemer. As the `Second Adam`, whose revealed and redemptive power over Rome was that he had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven after his death in prefiguration of that of `woman`s seed`, Jesus was a threat to the male brained Empire of slavery through the brain damning of `woman`s seed` in damned thrall to the `serpent`s seed`.

 Jesus` advocacy of `love`, as the distillation of God`s commandments given to Moses in the Old Testament of the Bible, which essentially prohibit theft, and include the taking of life, represents an appeal to men not to prohibit the sexual reproduction of women and `woman`s seed`. Judas had Jesus killed because he persuaded the Pharisees and the Romans that Jesus` `seed` mustn`t be allowed to fertilize a woman, because `woman`s seed` was a threat to the power of the male brained Empire of Rome`s species damning as its child slave: `And the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to give birth, to devour her child as soon as it was born.` (Rev: 12. 4) In parasitology the parasite that emerges from the host to kill it is termed `parasitoid`: `And the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war upon the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) The dragon of war in Jesus` disciple John`s prophetic Revelation is depicted as the grown serpent of the paradise of heaven on Earth that was Eve and Adam`s Eden before they were expelled by God for rejecting the `fruit of the tree of life`, that is, immortality, for slavery. The serpent was the angel, Satan, who was turned into a serpent by God for rejecting God`s plan that the human host would be greater than the angelic, and its enslaving of the human race for war against itself is an echo of its original defiance. Eve and Adam were expelled from Eden because they disobeyed God, whose reasons for making the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death, were cogent. However, like children, Eve and Adam had to learn how to resist evil.

 `Just say no` was a campaign slogan against drug pushers established by Nancy, wife of US` President Ronald Reagan in 1982, and acceptance of Jesus` crucifixion as redemptive by Christianity is in large part dependent on the perception that Jesus didn`t say `No` to being crucified. At his trial, when the Roman judge, Pontius Pilate, offered him the alternative of accepting the god Emperor Tiberius` authority over Jewish Palestine, Jesus is pedantically deemed to have said `Yes` to his crucifixion by refusing to accept Tiberius` power in Palestine, that is, Jesus was a rebellious freedom fighter killed by the Romans as a danger to their Empire, who was thereafter depicted by the Christian Roman church as advocating crucifixion, and martyred child slaves to the cannon maw of war, because he wouldn`t accept the power of the god Emperor of Rome, Tiberius, over Jewish Palestine. Subsequent to the Roman eagles` surfacing again during the 1930s period of fascism, and after Benito Mussolini`s 1922 election as Italian dictator in Rome, upwards of 20, 000, 000 Jews were killed by the 1933 elected Christian government of Germany, because the Jews were the futanarian `chosen people` of God`s Bible, which the Roman Empire saw as a threat to its slave system for humanity. Moreover, although the Moslem peoples of the nations called Islam, because of their espousal of the Koran (610-30 C.E.), which was given to the descendant of Ishmael, son of Abraham, whose other son, Isaac, founded Judaism, are criticized for polygamy, the four wives of Moslem marriages afford the possibility of sexual reproduction amongst women of `woman`s seed`. Christianity perceives the four wives of Islam as a retroactive attempt to legitimize Ishmael`s birth from his mother, Hajer, who was the maid of Sara, Abraham`s wife, who became barren after the birth of Isaac and so gave Hajer to Abraham. However, Islam is a vehicle for `woman`s seed`, which the Roman eagles of Christian fascism again attempted to permanently suppress in the 1930s.

 The capital of the Earth`s motion picture industry was centered upon the district of Hollywood in the city of Los Angeles, on the west coast of the state of California in the United States of America, since the first film was made there, Old California (1910), by D. W. Griffith. In 1930, President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), Will Hays, established the `Hays code` banning `woman`s seed`: `... women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`2 By keeping the futanarian foot of the human species of `woman`s seed` upon the Earth, the parasitoid dragon of war maintains itself as her race`s extinguisher. Although the serpent, Satan, is depicted as a mythical character in Genesis, observed and watcher is what the story of Eve and Adam is about. In ancient Greece women`s host wombs were institutionally enslaved for homosexuality in pederasty for war. Consequently, men and women have been manufactured as a single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes in `TV` transvestism, since before the Empire of Rome built its huge amphitheaters to watch its `TV` people kill each other as entertainment, and before John Logie Baird`s invention of the television machine in 1926 to broadcast `live` and recorded `TV` pictures into homes for the parasitoid to enjoy watching. Hollywood`s repression of `woman`s seed` was a fascist adjunct to `TV war` as an entertainment for the ghouls in its theaters modelled on Rome`s, that is, men and women had been manufactured for watching by the parasitoid `serpent`s seed` long before the invention of the television machine. In short, men and women are its `TV`: `The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.` (Rev: 13. 15) Manufacturing men and women as brain damned  beasts for `TV war`, the parasitoid, Satan, worships itself.

 Christianity`s espousal of dying bravely in war, as a means of gaining heaven, supports the manufacturing of the human species as a reincarnating `TV` repeating itself for the snuff movie moguls. Reincarnation isn`t Resurrection, because `woman`s seed` is for the colonization of the planets amongst the stars, whereas Satanism`s `TV` is for repeating what was previously recorded, that is, men and women, rather than women`s futanarian `seed`, so the Satanists damn the human brain in order to make of it a snuff movie, which is the illegal recording of the killing of humans for entertainment, and escape isn`t planned. Just as Jesus is portrayed as saying `No` when he meant `Yes` to crucifixion, women are represented as meaning `Yes`, when they say `No` to sexual reproduction with men, whereas it`s the nature of their species of `woman`s seed` to reproduce with each other. In short, Jesus` crucifixion is given as the basis for justified rape, that is, Jesus` blood is redeeming, and the breaking of the woman`s hymen by a man is redemptive for the parasitoid, which emerges from the host to kill it in war. Christian phrases like `washed in the blood of the lamb`, where `the lamb` is a metaphor for Jesus` ineffectual physical struggles against his murderers, translate as men`s physical rape of a species not theirs in order to prolong their `TV` character in reincarnation`s repeated scenes, and where the blood of Jesus` `seed` confers Redemption on the parasitoid emergent from the host to kill it, because its continuance means there`s no humanity to gainsay its chancre. In short, the parasitoid kills the objector, and perverts understanding to stop the killed from arguing against its death. Christianity teaches that the coward isn`t brave because the coward isn`t dead, whereas the brave Viking-like heroes die and enter heaven, like Jesus. However, Jesus` teaching was that the killer is a coward, that is, armies, because the brave die, and are silenced, so that the parasitoid`s child slave remains enchained.

 In effect what Christians were taught was that Jesus was a `suicide bomber`, leaving a message of death behind him for the Roman church to implement, and establish against the Jews; for example, during the 1930s Nazi pogroms in Germany and elsewhere. In simple terms, Jesus` crucifixion was interpreted as instructional by the Roman church; for example, the Spanish Inquisition`s (1478-1834) Jesuits tortured Jews and Protestants, whose churches arose in denial of the authority of the Pope, who by tradition was the elected successor to Jesus` disciple, Peter, to accept Rome. Jesus` `chosen people` of the Jews, and the polygamous Moslems in Islam, were crucifiable if they didn`t accept they were child slaves. In other words, crucifixion was the church`s instructional medium in child slavery, because the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` would remain brain damned and never escape. As it`s written in the Bible that the evil receive perdition, that is, eternal unendurable pain, while the good receive a new heaven and Earth, the Satanists seek to damn `woman`s seed` upon the Earth to ensure that it`ll be always there, and so perditiion will be for it, rather than the Satanists, who prosecute Satanism against the `remnant`, because they want the supreme irony of the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` to have perdition, rather than the evil.

 Jesus Christ is mainly depicted as a celibate virgin representing the moral crusade against adultery, whereas the fruits of `woman`s seed` is what men`s semen adulterate, that is, it`s impossible for a woman to be an adultress, because men aren`t her species, which is a single family that doesn`t marry off Earth on the planets her `seed` colonizes amongst the stars: `At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30) Pope Pius XI made the Assumption of Mary bodily into heaven a tenet of the belief of the Roman church in 1950, because of this, that is, Mary`s `seed` is expected to populate the heavens, whereas men`s isn`t. The reason for that is because men don`t sexually reproduce with each other, whereas women do: `Let he that has wisdom have understanding. The number of the beast is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six.` (Rev: 13. 8) Men and women`s manufactured `TV` is 66.6%, with 33.3% absent from the population equation, because the evil pogromed them for their number, that is, 666. During the Bosnian war (1992-5), for example, upwards of 70, 000 Moslem women were incarcerated in `rape camps` by Christian Serbian militia to male brain their upcoming generation, so maintaining the 66.6% undemocratic dictatorship modelled on the Greek system of institutionalized host womb slavery for homosexuality in pederasty for war against humans. The anti-Christian perpsective that Christians are in danger of espousing is that Jesus was non-sexual, whereas those who don`t want sexual reproduction between futanarian `woman`s seed` have been using terminology like `butt` to describe women`s arses, because smoking is a widely understood euphemism for fellatio as well as illegal killing. In short cigarette smoking is a secret sign amongst the extinguishers of `woman`s seed` whose `butt` is all that`s left after her penis has been `smoked`.

 Publisher Hugh Hefner`s monthly Playboy magazine, which first appeared in December, 1953, with a picture of movie sex symbol Marilyn Monroe on the cover, ordered a cover-up of its nude models beginning in March, 2016. Monroe was found dead in the nude in 1962, which caused pianist, and popular singer, Elton John`s lyricist, Bernie Taupin, to write `Candle In The Wind` (1973), which effectively speculated that Marilyn was `snuffed` by the illegal Hollywood snuff movie industry: `Your candle burned out long before your legend ever did.`4 Ostensibly, Dree Hemingway became the first non-nude centerfold for Playboy,3 because humans didn`t want to see naked women, whereas in fact it was a symptom of the parasitoid`s not wanting women to see women with a penis of their own, which was the next logical step in mass media edutainment; if the human race was to escape child slavery by allowing the human to sexually reproduce brains of its own. For humanity, as children in memoryless ephemeral slavery to the `serpent`s seed`, born to be obedient to misogynists masquerading as instructional fathers, sexual reproduction between women was a dangerous threat to `Snuffy` Satan, and the racism of the devouring parasitoid alien cowards, who`d promoted bravery in death to progressively reduce the number of brains deployable to finding the solution to the problem of a species that, long unknowingly, was at war with a creature that`d once millennia ago invaded it.

1 `Remarks at the Nancy Reagan Drug Abuse Center Benefit Dinner in Los Angeles, California`, Ronald Reagan Foundation, January 4, 1989, `... a schoolchild [at Longfellow Elementary School, Oakland, California, July 4, 1984] in an audience Nancy was addressing stood up and asked what she and her friends should say when someone offered them drugs. Nancy said, `Just say no.` Within a few months thousands of Just Say No clubs had sprung up in schools around the country.` https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Just_Say_No .
2 http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki,php/Main/FootPopping/ .
3 Wenner, Theo `The First Non-Nude Issue of Playboy is Here`, Playboy Staff Photography, February 3, 2016, http://www.playboy.com/articles/playboy-march-2016-cover-reveal-sarah-mcdaniel .
4 John, Elton (music), and Bernie Taupin (lyrics), `Candle In The Wind`, Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, MCA, 1973.

Sunday, 4 September 2016

Sucked Off By William S. Burroughs

Sucked Off By William S. Burroughs

In fiction and history there are many heroines, but just what heroism is for a woman is interesting to define. The term `hero` is entirely male, so there isn`t an equivalent term for a woman`s role as a heroine, that is, she evinces heroism, whereas she should be identified as evincing the quality associated with her being a heroine, but there isn`t an adjective to describe the act of a woman who is a heroine. There`s only the male term, `heroism`. Consequently, although the noun `heroine` exists, the absence of the adjective for a woman who has been a heroine, suggests that men don`t want any. Addiction to heroin, however, is a different story. The illegal narcotic is made from poppy seeds, which is smoked or injected into the arm, or other part of the body where a vein can be found, and sometimes even injected into the pupil of the eye, and is called `horse` by `junkies`, that is, addicts addicted to `junk`, which is a term for heroin and its users, because of `horse power`, a measure of strength for vehicles driven by drivers. The analogy is of the drug heroin, known as `horse`, driving the energized individual, although the novels of William S. Burroughs, for example, Junkie (1953), suggest that heroin is a form of demonic possession: `I lay down and tried to sleep. When I closed my eyes I saw an Oriental face, the lips and nose eaten by disease. The disease spread, melting the face into an amoeboid mass in which the eyes floated, dull crustacean eyes. Slowly, a new face formed around the eyes. A series of faces, hieroglyphs, distorted and leading to the final place where the human road ends, where the human form can no longer contain the crustacean horror that has grown inside it.`1

 The terms `horse` and `heroin` are associable with `heroine` and `whores`, that is, `horse power` is derived from heroin, while whores may be driven by the desire amongst them for a heroine, which is represented by the curious figure of `Babylon` in the Revelation of Jesus` disciple, John, `a woman` who gave her name to the capital city of the Persian Empire, Babylon (c. 4000 B.C.): `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) Babylon is depicted as the producer of abominations, because her host womb is enslaved in parasitism. The reason for that is given obliquely in the Old Testament of the Bible, which the New Testament of the teaching of Jesus supersedes, according to Christianity: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) The Old Testament is comprised of the Torah and Talmud, that is, the history and law of the Jews, who`re the `chosen people` of the Bible, and it begins with the book of Genesis in which Eve, the first woman, encounters the angel, Satan, placed in the paradise of heaven and Earth by the creator, God, after Satan rejected God`s plan that the human host be greater than the angelic. God turns Satan into a serpent, which tempts Eve with the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, ephemerality, in exchange for power, saying: `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) God tells Eve her `seed` will have `enmity` with the serpent`s before Redemption ensues: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) In Christian iconography Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, because Jesus is born uncontaminated by male semen, and `woman`s seed` is futanarian, that is, women can sexually reproduce with each other from their own penis` semen brainpower to defeat Satanism, which is host womb enslavement of the human species for war against her. Consequently, the woman, Babylon, represents whores in search of a heroine, whereas men who want `horse power` are driven by the desire to be heroic, which is an addiction equivalent to heroin, that is, heroism is bought at the cost of the heroine, because all are whores that are parasite ridden.

 In Revelation the serpent is represented as having grown into a dragon, war: `The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) In parasitology, a parasite that emerges from the host to devour it is termed `parasitoid`, which is what men`s wars are. In short, heroes and heroism are equivalent to heroin addiction or `horse power` without the support of some heroine, that is, Woman. The petrol in the tank of the car gives way on the battlefield to the petrol in the tank, that is, the `horse power` is increased as the numbers of parasite ridden whores increase: `Let he that has wisdom understand. The number of a man is the number of the beast and his number is six hundred three score and six.` (Rev: 13. 18) Men and women are 66.6% of the human race before futanarian `woman`s seed` reproduces, and which starts with 33.3%. However, if women sexually reproduce with each other as a single socio-economically independent species, whereas men can`t, women will out produce and outvote men democratically. In other words, men and women are the `beasts` of Revelation corresponding to the increasing number of parasite ridden whores, that is, `666`: `The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.` (Rev: 13. 15) During the period of the Roman Empire, which occupied Jewish Palestine at the time of Jesus, men and women had been manufactured as a single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes in `TV` transvestism at least since the ancient Greeks institutionalized host womb enslavement of women`s host wombs for homosexuality in pederasty and war against her race. Although it wasn`t until John Logie Baird invented the television machine in 1926 that `TV` transmission of pictures as home entertainment came to rival the Greco-Roman concept of theater, the Romans built huge amphitheaters for their parasitoid male brained populations to watch humans being killed for their entertainment. Subsequently, the district of Hollywood was labeled `Babylon` by the 20th century film industry, which inspired the building of the huge movie theaters. After the first movie, Old California, made by director D.W. Griffith in 1910 in the city of Los Angeles on the west coast of the state of California, USA, people across the Earth watched films in cinema theaters where humanity was depicted as being killed for the entertainment of its parasitoid audience, because that`s what the `beasts` wanted.

 When the Romans took Jesus Christ to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem and nailed him to a cross of wood as a Jewish `dissident` against the Empire of male braining for host womb enslavement of women for homosexuality in pederasty and war against `woman`s seed`, Jesus died but had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of `woman`s seed`, whose brainpower was destined to carry her away from Satanism`s parasitoid devouring of her species to colonize the planets amongst the stars of heaven above the Earth. Called the `Second Adam`, after the first man created by God, Jesus` teaching that a Holy Spirit would teach after him seems to have been interpreted by the Romans in terms of Eve, the first woman, who is depicted as emerging from the side of Adam in Eden. Consequently, when the Roman guard, Longinus, pierced Jesus` side with his spear upon his death, he was seeking to release the `Second Eve`, that is, the Holy Spirit, from the side of Jesus: `Surely, this was the son of God!` (Matt: 27, 54) In Judaism, the `spirit of God` is feminine, the Shekinah, who dwells in the temple of the Jews, because human `seed` is futanarian Woman`s. In simple terms, the `spirit of God` from the side of Jesus corresponds to the heroine driving Christ, rather than the whores` power of the parasite ridden `beasts` of parasitoid devouring.

 Just as the latter day Greeks were superseded by the modern `geeks` devising `bad machine code` as computer software programers to kill the machine brain assisting ephemeral human memory and capability, so maintaining ignorance in slavery, `junkies` addicted to `horse`, that is, `heroin`, were replaced in the modern imagination by `chunkies`, that is, supposed heroes who, in fact, represented the parasite ridden power of whores, because there wasn`t any heroine to support them: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) Sharing dirty needles, heroin junkies addicted to horse were identified as partially responsible for the transmission of the human immuno-deficiency virus (HIV), which caused acquired immuno-deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and the collapse of the organs of the body resulting in brain death. Described in Revelation as the `blood plague` (11. 6), HIV/AIDS was the late 20th century `incurable killer disease` spread by men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in rejection of women for homosexuality in pederasty and `biological war` against Woman, which was the sin from which men didn`t convert. The `chunkies` were the supposed heroes of the movies shown with their arms protectively around the heroine substitute while the world collapsed in ruin for the entertainment of the parasitoid mass mind. The real heroes should be those who`re defending `woman`s seed`, but there aren`t any, because the `chunkies` prefer parasite ridden whores` power for warfare against the human race.

 The guns atop petrol fueled tanks are the penis surrogates of the parasitoid devourer, which isn`t interested in defending the human species of futanarian `woman`s seed`, but rather in exterminating her. It`s the irony of a movie industry that presents the penisless brainlessness of the species of women in mock safety with the arms of the whores` `chunkie` held defensively about the surrogate heroin`s waist as the city collapses scenically. As long as the heroine `chunkies` in the parasitoid audience can see females in the film, their pupils are receiving the desired injection of heroine, which provides enough whores` power to edutain. If the penisless and brainless human race is fooled into believing that the `chunkies` are defending it, the species can continue to be bred as food for the parasitoid devourer to consume in warfare, which is the purpose of the edutainment propaganda. In psychological terms, the junkie habit of injecting heroin into the eye is a means of using the anima, which is the soul image in a man, according to the developmental psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), and is how a woman is related to; through the ego of the individual consciousness. According to Jung, the individual achieves a relationship with a real woman, rather than with his soul image in the shape of the projected anima; as the contrasexual female component becomes integrated into consciousness in a process he calls `introjection`. Interestingly, Jung doesn`t attribute a soul image to a woman`s consciousness, which he identifies as characterized by an archetypal `spirit` appearing in dreams, art and the imagination as a crowd of male admirers; the animus. However, it seems more likely that the crowd of men are `chunkies` secretly planning the killing of the woman to feed their addiction as parasitoid devourers. Just as the heroin junkie derives whores` power from horse, so the `chunkie` feeds his illusion of being a hero by feigning protectivity towards a penisless and brainless race of women he`s devoured as a parasitoid monster.

 Of course armies are the many armed demons of men, which is why the Eastern religions of the Hindus based on the Vedas (1500 B.C.) of the Indus valley Australoid immigrants in India, and the subsequent adherents of Guatama Buddha (c. 560 B.C.), that is, Buddhists, feature a pictorial world vision of many armed demons. Although the pictures of Hinduism and Buddhism are criticized by Judeo-Christianity for being lurid and surreal the images of those religions are pictorially more informative for people who don`t understand that men and women aren`t the human species but an alien parasitoid devourer`s `TV`, which it watches and prepares to have kill itself for its entertainment. Consequently, women are `fag hags`, which is a term used for witches who prefer homosexuals. Although witchcraft is perfectly understandable with its witch riding her broomstick, that is, a symbol system depicting `woman`s seed`, and the use of the brainpower deriving from its sexual reproduction between women, Satanism is homosexuality in pederasty for war against `woman`s seed` in institutionalized host womb slavery of women, which is the socio-political history of Earth. In short, the distinction between witchcraft that is, wicca, and Satanism is real, because hags prefer homosexuals, whereas witches prefer each other, while Jesus represents the man who, born uncontaminated by male semen, is a witches` warlock, who accepts that women sexually reproduce together, whereas the many armed demons of men`s armies are the hags` fags. The term `fag` pertains to cigarette smoking, which is a euphemism for fellatio and murder with guns, that is, fag hags are for the murder of the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` by their homosexuals, who smoke the penis and therefore the brains of the race, to maintain it in brainless ignorance and ephemerality for war`s entertainment in parasitoid devouring for the audience at home.

 The heroin culture of the `junkie` is the heroine culture of the `chunkie`, that is, men pretend to be heroes while in fact they`re the exterminators of the futanarian species of `woman`s seed`. The ancient Roman symbol of authority, the fasces bundle of wood with an axe in the center, replaced by the bundle of cigarettes and a match. The fasces was used by Roman planners to build a hide behind which they designed an encampment as the Empire spread, or a huge amphitheater for the depopulation of the indigenous inhabitants in killing for entertainment in the `circus`. When the German National Socialist (Nazi) Party won the election for 1933, Adolf Hitler assumed dictatorship and used the emblem of the fasces, adopted from Roman, Benito Mussolini, who`d assumed dictatorship after the Italian election of 1922, to instigate the home entertainment theater of the `death camp` where upwards of 20, 000, 000 Jews were poisoned before being stacked like logs and consumed by fire in incinerators, because that`s what parasitoid devourers do. When the Al Qaeda terrorists operating under the auspices of the notoriously misogynist Taliban regime in Afghanistan, and led by Saudi Arabian business heir, Osama Ben Laden, hijacked civil airliners and crashed them into the Twin Tower of the World Trade Centre in New York city on the east coast of the USA on September 11, 2001, it was an attempt by global homosexuality in pederasty for war against `woman`s seed` to reestablish `rough trade`,2 that is, that `brutality and violence` between men and against women.

 Although Judeo-Christianity seems antithetical to Moslem Islam, the religions are aspects of the futanarian tradition of `woman`s seed`. The wife of Abraham, Sara, bore Isaac, who founded Judaism, and it`s Judaic tradition that a Jew can only be born from a woman, that is, women are Jews, and so Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, gave birth to Jesus born uncontaminated by male semen as a Jewish man with `woman`s seed`. Barren after the birth of Isaac, Sara gave her maid, Hajer, to Abraham, and Hajer bore Ishmael, who was the founder of Islam through his descendant, Mohamed, who received the Koran (610-30 C.E.) from the angels of God, according to Islamic tradition, who`d been told that the human host was to be greater than the angelic. Although Christians believe that the four wife marriages of the Moslems represent a retroactive attempt to legitimize the birth of Ishmael from Hajer, who wasn`t Abraham`s wife, Islam`s polygamy affords the possibility for futanarian women to sexually reproduce within the family. When the US army invaded Afghanistan to topple the notoriously misogynist Taliban regime supportive of Al Qaeda`s terrorism in December 2001, it was the continuation of a war of ignorance and brutality against `woman` seed` that had been going on for some time. During the Bosnian war (1992-5), which occurred after the Russians withdrew from Eastern Europe in the 1980s, and where they`d been the authority in the region since the defeat of German and Italian fascism in the war of 1939-45, Christian Serb militia constructed `rape camps`. Upwards of 70, 000 Moslem women were forced to produce a generation of male brained children damned from Islam. As `Moslem` means `submit`, and `Islam` means `accept`, Christians were interfering with the `will of Allah`. Although Christians think of Moslem believers in `Allah` as unbelieving in God, for Jews the word for God is `Eloah`, that is, Moslems in Islam are closer to the Hebraic word for God than Christians, and part of the futanarian tradition against damnation in male braining, which the many armed demons of the armies of the Earth were at war to provide surety for so that the parasitoid devourer could remain entertained.

 Because parasitoid devouring is alien to human nature, the origins of parasitism upon the human host womb are evident from the Bible narrative of Eve and Adam`s encounter with the serpent that became the devouring fire-breathing dragon, war. According to archaeologists, the Mesozoic (248 m.a) period of pre-history was saurian evolution, that is, winged reptiles, which may`ve developed advanced intelligence to become the angels of heaven above, before hominids began to appear in the Jurassic (220 m.a.) period. The serpent, Satan, would therefore represent fallen or degenerate saurian evolution. According to scientists, life can originate on a planet by means of a virus, which suggests that somehow millennia ago a parasitical life form inveigled itself into the host womb of the human species of futanarian `woman`s seed` to steal her penis` semen and replicate itself to emerge and kill its host. That perhaps happened to saurian nature also, that is, the angels fell because they`d been possessed by a parasitoid evil nature, which Satan is depicted as transmitting to humans, that is, a sexually transmitted disease (STD) approximating to the late 20th century `biological weapon` of the parasitoid devouring alien, HIV/AIDS. The simian immuno-deficiency virus (SIV) found in apes is believed to have been first transmitted to humans in Africa, which resulted in the development of the HIV/AIDS virus, but it seems more likely that humans produced apes, that is, SIV is the sign of a degenerate humanity, which reverts to a simian level of development as men`s wars against `woman`s seed` continue unabated. Or, in simple terms, as women`s brains die, because they`re penisless, men`s brains become alien and parasitoid towards human nature. Preferring the virus and each other to women, the fag hag smokes itself to death.

 In the Bible those who experience God`s punishment of eternal unendurable pain, that is, perdition, are described as `faggots`, that is, wood for burning, which is why a witch is depicted as riding upon a broomstick, which is a bundle of wood with a handle. As the fasces symbol is a bundle of wood with an axe, witches and fascism have an affinity, which is based on the concept of death reducing bodies to dust: `For then the dust will return to the earth, and the spirit will return to God who gave it.` (Ecc: 12. 7) In the Bible it is written: `Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.` (Ex: 22. 18) Biblical scholarship has reinterpreted `witch` as `poisoner`, for example, the Jews were poisoned with gas before being stacked like logs and burned in incinerators until they were dust to be swept away by the witches` brooms. However, God`s promise to Abraham is: `Look up at the heavens and count the stars - if indeed you can count them. So shall your offspring be.` (Gen: 3.15) As `faggots` is a euphemism for homosexuals and cigarettes, that is, secrets, Adolf Hitler was a fag hag, that is, he was a witch who preferred the many armed demon of the Nazi army, whereas `woman`s seed` prefers itself, rather than be faggots burned to dust, before a sweeping movement.

1 Burroughs, William S., Junkie: Confessions of an Unredeemed Drug Addict, New York, Ace, 1953.

Saturday, 3 September 2016



The basic socio-political distinction of the 20th century was between communism and fascism, although the German National Socialist (Nazi) Party had the socialist label attached to its manifesto, which resulted in the election win of 1933 and the leader of the German National Socialists, Adolf Hitler, declaring himself dictator. Emulating the dictators of ancient Rome, with their fasces emblem of a bundle of wood and an axe, which represented Roman planning, whereby a planner would construct a hide to plan an encampment as the Empire spread, Hitler adopted the fasces from Benito Mussolini after the Italian fascist leader, who became dictator in Rome after he won the election there in 1922. Although the affinity between socialism and fascism isn`t self-evident, an understanding of the basic principle of communism is called for, that is, `workers control of the means of production`, which appears in the German economist Karl Marx`s Das Kapital (1867) as a revolutionary principle against capitalism. Workers didn`t want to be slaves to the monied, whereas German National Socialism (Nazism) built `death camps` for the Jewish `chosen people` of the Bible, which is the Talmud and Torah, that is, the history and law of the Jews, and stacked them in piles like logs before incinerating them after they`d been poisoned. In other words, the Nazis killed the Jews because they didn`t fit in, which is what socialism is. After the Russians adopted Marx`s communism in 1917, while assisting the defeat of German Imperial ambitions in Europe, the Russian `Gulags` (1918-56) were written about by the writer, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, whose narrative of the `labor camps`, The Gulag Archipelago (1973), were of millions of Russians dying in environments as fascist as anything the Nazis later produced, and not just during the period known as the `Great Terror` (1934-9) of dictator, Joseph Stalin (1922-52), during which brainpower within the Communist Party was eliminated as a threat to Stalinism, but almost immediately after the Revolution, which brought Vladimir Lenin (d. 1924), to power, largely through the efforts of Leon Trotsky, commander of the army of the Revolution. After the army`s war (1939-45) to defeat German, Italian and Japanese fascism, the Russians withdrew from Eastern Europe in the late 1980s, and war ensued between Christians and Moslems, because they didn`t fit in with each other. During the Bosnian war (1992-5) Christian Serbian militia built `rape camps` in which upwards of 70, 000 Moslem women were raped, which was fascist; because that`s what socialism is.

 To understand, it`s necessary to comprehend Islam, which means `accept`, and `Moslem`, that is, `submit` to God, in the context of Judeo-Christianity, which began at the time of the Roman Empire in Jewish Palestine when the itinerant rabbi, Jesus Christ, was teaching his religious perspective on the Old Testament of the Jews, which became the New Testament of the Christians in Christianity: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) The Old Testament was the history and law of the Jewish `chosen people` of the Bible, that is, the Torah and Talmud, which Christianity believed was superseded by Jesus` teaching. In the Old Testament, the first woman, Eve, is depicted as being tempted by the angel, Satan, who rejected God`s plan that the human host be greater than the angelic. Satan was turned into a serpent and left in the paradise of Eden that was heaven on Earth where Eve and the first man, Adam, lived after being created by God. Satan tempted Eve with the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which it was death to taste, saying: `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) God told Eve that Adam must labor, while she`d experience labor pain, but Redemption would occur after their expulsion from Eden as a punishment for rejecting God`s `fruit of the tree of life`, that is, immortality: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) In Christian iconography Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her heel, because God had told Eve her `seed` would have `enmity` with the serpent`s before Redemption. Taken to the hill of Calvary by the Romans and nailed to a cross of wood where he died, Jesus is described in Christianity as the redeemer, because he was uncontaminated by male semen born from his mother, the Virgin Mary. Jesus had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven as a symbol of humanity`s capacity to sexually reproduce the brainpower it needs in order to leave the Earth and colonize the planets amongst the stars of heaven above the Earth in starships of its brains own devising. Eve and Adam`s acceptance of Satan is symbolic of host womb parasitism in war and death, which is the gods` power that Satan confers upon humanity, and so the Bible depicts Satan as the dragon waging war on Eve`s `seed`: `The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) Because futanarian women are capable of sexually reproducing as `woman`s seed`, women are a species independent of men`s semen, that is, Mary`s `foot` uncontaminated by male semen is the capacity of women to produce Jesus` `seed`, which is the future brainpower of the human race to defeat the male brain of Satan. Consequently, the rape of the Moslem women in Bosnia was a male braining of a religious grouping of a people permitted four wives in marriage, which affords the possibility of futanarian sexual reproduction of human brainpower within the family independently of male semen. In short, the Serbian Christian militia raped the women in order to male brain their children in Satanism. In Judaism it isn`t possible for a Jew to be born unless from a woman, that is, women are Jews, because Judeo-Christianity, like Moslem Islam, is a futanarian tradition. Jesus` birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen, is as a futanarian Jew, that is, a symbol of the possibility of women`s sexually reproducing human brainpower to defeat male braining in Satanism.

 In ancient Greece the host womb enslaving of women for homosexuality in pederasty and war against `woman`s seed` was institutionalized, that is, human sexual reproduction was forbidden. In parasitology, a parasite that emerges from the host to devour it is termed `parasitoid`, which is why the serpent, Satan, became a dragon, war. Although Greece is held by historians to be the `model` of democracy, in fact it more properly corresponds to Jesus` disciple John`s `beast` in Revelation, which is included in the Christian New Testament of the Bible: `Let he that has understanding understand. The number of the beast is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six.` In a society that accepts futanarian humanity the percentage split before sexual reproduction takes place is 66.6% men and women, 33.3% futanarian. However, men can`t sexually reproduce with each other, so the numbers of humans engaged in futanarian sexual reproduction is likely to out produce and outvote men. Consequently, men and women are depicted in the Bible as `beasts` encouraging each other by the medium of `TV` to wage war: `The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.` (Rev: 13. 15) By the Roman era of Empire men and women were being manufactured as a single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes as a transvestite `TV` preceding the invention of the television `TV` machine by John Logie Baird in 1926 for the transmission of pictures of the transvestite killing itself for the entertainment of the evil alien parasitoid nature that somehow millennia ago had inveigled itself into the host womb of the human species of `woman`s seed` to replicate itself and emerge from the host to kill her as the race`s devourer.

 The Greco-Roman period was characterized by the construction of huge amphitheaters, while Hollywood, `Babylon`, was the mass media Empire that grew by producing films of war and death for the entertainment of the unconverted parasitoid nature that inspired the global construction of cinema theaters: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) The term `theater of war` came into general usage, because that was what men and women were manufactured as a `TV` for. Although `Babylon` is described as `a woman` in the Bible, the city of Babylon (c. 4000 B.C.), which was the capital of the Persian Empire, represents host womb slavery for homosexuality in pederasty and war against `woman`s seed`, which is why Hollywood district, in the city of Los Angeles, California, on the west coast of the United States of America, was labeled `Babylon`. The philosopher George Santayana wrote in his The Life Of Reason (1905): `Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.`1 In fact those who repeat the mistakes of the past are doomed, which is what recorded films encourage people to do. Consequently, reincarnation is a `rerun` in which the relaxed parasitoid watches its children kill the human species as home entertainment, which is why brainless humanity occasionally experiences what the French language calls de ja vu, that is, the impression that they`ve seen this `reality TV` before. It`s a reincarnation rerun. Christianity abhors reincarnation, which is described by the Vedas (1500 B.C.) of the believers of the religion of the Hindus of the Indus Valley in India as a part of the world of illusion, because humans are futanarian. In the Vedas, for example, the god Vishnu can be all of the women, because that`s `TV`. Amongst the women in Moslem Islam, it`s traditional to wear the one-piece coverall of the burka to conceal their futanarian nature from being seen by democrats because, in the United States of America, for example, ubiquitous female nudity is penisless, so by inference brainless, and Moslem women in Islam want brainpower to escape slavery, which is why the democracies waged war on the Moslem peoples for oil. They don`t want the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` to get up from behind their car wheels, which is the `wheel of karma` spoken of by Guatama Buddha (560 B.C.) of India, the founder of the Buddhist religion, who perceived that `woman`s seed` was trapped by karma, that is, an inability to escape from the illusion created by men in repeated degenerating reincarnations that enslaved a calmer, because brainless and penisless, human futanarian race of `woman`s seed` behind the wheels of men`s cars.

 Socialism isn`t the perception that people don`t fit in, it`s the fact that they won`t fit under the wheels of men`s cars in fascism, which is the prevailing ideological perspective. Based on men`s refusal to accept genuine democracy, and the liberation of the human race from oil, it can`t leave to escape the alien parasitoid devouring nature through colonization of the planets amongst the stars in starships of its brains` devisings. Karl Marx argued that capitalist wage slavery would collapse as a socio-economic system, because of `contradiction`. However, without `woman`s seed` to contradict, there aren`t any humans to argue, which means that capitalism`s exploitation of the host womb of the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` in wage slavery belies Marx`s belief in what should happen, that is, `workers control of the means of production`, where women are the `workers` denied `fruit of their labor`, because their brains are damned as maled. Capitalism is the perception that people aren`t brain dead enough to fit into the system of wage slavery, whereas socialism is the belief of the brain dead that other people don`t fit in with them; if they show signs of brain activity. As George Orwell observes, writer of the dystopian novel of totalitarian Britain, 1984 (1948), `Big Brother` rules through others` fears of being seen committing unsociable acts observed by the dictator`s ubiquitous surveillance: `Ignorance is strength.` Orwell described himself as a `socialist` but that`s what fascists, and everybody else, is. Although the brain damned don`t like the illusion they inhabit, which the Buddhist followers of the Buddha call samsara, unless human futanarian `woman`s seed` is undamned the species` brainpower for liberation won`t emerge from the contradiction inherent in a general belief in capitalism, which is that the workforce has to be brain dead to accept socio-economic dependency. Because socialism is the fascist perception that others don`t fit and so the axe must be taken to them, which is why the Nazis constructed their `death camps` for the Jews, socialism and capitalism are fascist ideologies, and although `workers control of the means of production` was the ideology of communism, men were manufactured by women`s `labor`, so the result was Stalin`s fascist reassertion of the `labor camp`, where `camp` is a comedic term for the comedy inherent in men`s inability to stop guarding `woman`s seed` to ensure her safety, because they`re her `death camp` guards. As women aren`t able to sexually reproduce together the brainpower needed to escape from host womb enslavement to a parasitoid devouring alien nature, its unredeemed male brained labor lies in building a `TV` to watch the human race being killed for its entertainment. Accused of rejecting God, communism was closer to the human ideal of a caring society in its concept of `workers control of the means of production`, but Christianity didn`t teach about `woman`s seed`, which defeated Marxism, because women are the means of production, whereas men are the slavers of `woman`s seed`, who are the rightful owners, whereas the male brained intellectuals of Stalin`s communist era encouraged him to believe that he was.

1 Santayana, George, `Reason in Common Sense`, Vol. 1, The Life of Reason, 1905, p. 284.

Friday, 29 July 2016

When The Neurons Stop Firing The War Will Be Over

When The Neurons Stop Firing The War Will Be Over

The sheathe is the main defense against the late 20th century incurable sexually transmitted disease (STD), that is, the human immuno-deficiency (HIV) acquired immuno-deficiency syndrome (AIDS), which kills the brain of the victim after the organs collapse when the virus is contracted through homosexuals` mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses. The sheathes prescribed to humans by medical practitioners as needing to be placed over the penis as a protection against contraction of the HIV/AIDS virus correlates with that of the sheathe protection surrounding the neuron transmitters of the brain, which continue to function while the brain lives. Consequently, the virus` aim is to penetrate the sheath in order to kill the brain, which correlates with the idea of the prophylactic sheath as the initial defensive sheathe against the HIV/AIDS aim of penetrating the sheathes surrounding the neuron transmitters of the brain in order to kill its victim. Although diseases are widely regarded as unintelligent life forms the modus operandi of HIV/AIDS suggests that of a psychopathological killer`s intelligence, which has a viral awareness that it must penetrate the sheathe defense in order to stop the neuron transmissions.

 Because human futanarian women have penis` semen of their own for the sexual reproduction of the species of women`s own brains` powers to liberate their race from slavery to men`s host womb parasitism, Jesus` role as the Jewish rabbi, who became the Christian Messiah, born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, is futanarian: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Jesus` Advent was foretold to Eve, the first woman, as long ago as the book of Genesis in the Old Testament of the Bible, which is the history and law of the Jewish `chosen people`. God had placed Eve and the first man, Adam, in the paradise of heaven on Earth that was Eden where they encountered the angel, Satan, who`d been transformed by God into a serpent and left there for rejecting God`s plan that the human host be greater than the angelic. The serpent, Satan, tempted Eve to `eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death, so rejecting God`s `fruit of the tree of life`, which was immortality, so God expelled her and Adam from Eden. God told Eve her `seed` would have `enmity` with the serpent`s before Redemption: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) In Christian iconography Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, so Jesus` `seed` is the victor over the brainpower of the `serpent`s seed`, because his is the futanarian `seed` of Eve`s human race. Taken to the hill of Calvary as a `dissident` Jew by the Empire of Rome then occupying Jewish Palestine, Jesus was nailed to a cross of wood and left there to die, but he had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of `woman`s seed` destined to colonize the planets amongst the stars of heaven above the Earth through her species` own brainpower for the development of medical science and technologies to take and keep her there in immortal permanence and fulfilment of God`s promised Redemption for her race of women.

 Because human futanarian `woman`s seed` represents the brains of the race continuing to seek to fire its neuron transmitters and live, transsexuals are called `trannies`, because they represent a race driven to seek a surgical solution to the evident desire of the `serpent`s seed` that they shouldn`t live as human futanarians, while transvestites, or TVs, are symptomatic of the species` danger. Men and women`s mode of sexual reproduction represents the manufacturing of a single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes in `TV` transvestism, because the human race`s host womb slaver in parasitism for war against her species of `woman`s seed` has devoured her penis and/or stolen it to replicate its viral form. In parasitology a parasite that emerges from the host to kill it is termed `parasitoid`, which is what men do. Consequently, untold millennia ago the parasitical viral life form somehow inveigled itself into the host womb of the human species of `woman`s seed` to steal her penis` semen and replicate itself to kill her futanarian race in order to enslave her, which is what the biblical narrative of Eve and Adam`s encounter with the serpent figuratively depicts. In short, brain death is the virus` teleology, which is what the `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6) of HIV/AIDS, supposedly sent by God as a deterrent to men`s waging `biological warfare` upon the species of `woman`s seed` to keep her in fearful faithfulness to their ring slavery, represents.

 Although it`s traditional for the winner of the Olympic decathlon, a series of ten athletic contests, to be effectively designated `superman`, decathlete winner at the 1976 Montreal summer Olympic games in Canada, Bruce Jenner, reality `TV` star Kim Kardashian`s stepfather, from his 1991 marriage to Kris Kardashian, and supermodel Kendall Jenner`s father, opted to become a `transgender` personality afterwards, Caitlyn Jenner,1 while keeping his penis and becoming a woman cosmetically. Although transsexuals have their gender surgically re-determined, while TVs or transvestites are `cross dressers` wearing the opposite gender`s clothes, human futanarian `woman`s seed` have both genders, which means that `trannies` and TVs represent a deliberately contrived confusion about what constitutes the human mode of sexual reproduction, because men and women don`t educate the species through the mass media edutainment industry to ensure that girls and boys aren`t kept in blind, unconscious ignorance about human nature. Consequently, Jenner`s role as a `transwoman` was genuinely educative, because `trannies` represent an early attempt by the alien parasitoid devourer to get at the neuro-transmitters of the human race and kill the brain: `The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to kill the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) If the parasitoid alien viral nature, grown into a dragon of war since its early days in Eden, can kill the desire of the species to be human futanarian, that is, women with penis` semen of their own, it can kill the human race`s brainpower. Consequently, `trannies` and `TVs` are signs of its war waging.

 Because the first woman, Eve, and the first man, Adam, are depicted exchanging power for ephemerality in slavery, the power is war for the enslaving `serpent`s seed` and its worshippers against the enslaved host species` womb of `woman`s seed`: `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) When the neurons stop firing the war will be over, that is, as the human brain declines into extinction, Satan will win, because what remains of the human race will no longer want women: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) In ancient Greece women`s host wombs were institutionally enslaved by men for the prosecution of homosexuality in pederasty and devouring war against `woman`s seed`, while `a woman`, Babylon, is legendary in the Bible because she gave her name to the capital city of the Persian Empire, Babylon (c. 4000 B.C.), a symbol of host womb slavery in parasitism to homosexuality in pederasty for war against the species of women`s own futanarian `seed` and brainpower: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) The idea that men want women is belied by their penislessness and therefore the concomitant brainlessness of the human race, which supposedly prides itself on being brave and heroic, while in fact being scared to death of its own sexual mode by the parasitoid devouring it.

Thursday, 28 July 2016

The Animal Killer

The Animal Killer

Technology is the clothes that humans wear. Consequently, in order to kill the humans the killer has to remove their clothes. The first stage is to remove the brains of the victim in order to prevent the species from developing the technology needed to ensure that the clothes of the race are adequate in terms of protection. In simple terms, a house is clothing for the occupant and the technology possessed by the owner of the dwelling constitutes the clothing needed to protect the individual from the killer who doesn`t want the human to be able to escape from their killers by means of technology. If the humans` technology is advanced enough to make the individual socio-economically independent of the killer then the human can`t be killed easily. Consequently, the killer`s aim is to ensure that the human species isn`t socio-economically independent but a slave without possibility of liberation through technological advancement and progress beyond relatively life threatening exposure, that is, nakedness. The late 20th century `incurable killer disease`, HIV/AIDS, is the `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6) prophesied in the New Testament of the Bible, by Jesus` disciple, John, in the apocalyptic Revelation, which details the events preceding God`s last judgement upon humanity when the evil are given perdition, that is, unendurable eternal pain, as a punishment, while the good receive a new heaven and Earth as their reward. By the late 20th century men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in rejection of women had spread the human immuno-deficiency virus as the acquired immuno-deficiency syndrome that travelled along the spine collapsing the organs of the body before killing the brain, because brain death of the human victim is what the species` killer seeks to ensure slavery for humanity.

 Although Jesus` disciple, John, wrote Revelation, the central part of the New Testament of the Bible are the `gospels` by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, which are those disciples` corroborative texts detailing the life and teaching of Jesus Christ, the Messiah, who was a `dissident` Jewish rabbi during the occupation of Palestine by the Roman Empire: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Jesus` Advent was prophesied in the Old Testament of the Bible, which was the Torah and Talmud, that is, the history and law of the Jews, as early as the first book, Genesis, in which God tells the first woman, Eve, and the first man, Adam, that because they`ve been tempted by the serpent, that is the angel, Satan, turned into a serpent by God and left in the paradise of heaven on Earth that was Eden for rejecting God`s plan that the human host should be greater than the angelic, they`d be expelled from Eden, and Redemption was dependent on Adam`s laboring while Eve would experience labor pain before Jesus` birth as the redeemer. Eve and Adam had accepted the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death, and had rejected God`s fruit of the tree of life`, which was immortality, and God`s punishment was that they should be expelled from Eden to work for Redemption from their sin of accepting ephemerality for humanity in host womb slavery to the parasitism of the `serpent`s seed` of men in exchange for power.

 In ancient Greece women`s host wombs were enslaved institutionally for the spreading of the `Greek` contagion of homosexuality in pederasty for war. Consequently, HIV/AIDS is men`s `biological weapon`. In Christian iconography Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, because the serpent represents the brainpower of the serpent, Satan, defeated by Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen. God had told Eve in Eden her `seed` would have `enmity` with the `serpent`s seed` but, `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, although he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) Because human futanarian women have penis and `seed` of their own, they`re the foot of the Virgin Mary, who produced Jesus without contamination by male semen, that is, the `serpent`s seed` unredeemed by conversion, which is acceptance of Jesus` teaching of `woman`s seed` and the concomitant metanoia or brain transformation: `The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) The dragon is war grown since the days of the serpent in Eden, which continues to grow if men don`t convert from their evil sinful nature. In parasitology, the parasite that emerges from the host to kill it is termed `parasitoid`, which is what men are if they remain unredeemed. Judas`s disciple saw a woman anointing his feet with expensive perfume, and known for stealing from the collection plate after a sermon by Jesus, Judas suggested that the perfume be sold to raise money, but Jesus demurred: `Leave her alone.` (Mk: 14. 6) Not wanting Jesus to have a girlfriend or sexually reproduce, because Jesus was `woman`s seed`, born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, Judas betrayed Jesus to the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, for `thirty pieces of silver`, and the Pharisees gave Jesus over to the officials of the Roman Empire and its soldiers took Jesus to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem and nailed him to a cross of wood where he died but had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of `woman`s seed`, that is, human futanarian women`s Resurrection and Ascension through their sexual capacity to produce their species` own brains` powers for colonizing the planets and stars of heaven above the Earth. Without women men are incapable of sexual reproduction, so the human species is the host womb slave of their `parasitoid` evil.

 Although humans are told not to worship demons, men`s armies for the devouring of `woman`s seed` in warfare is what demons are. When Jesus encountered a man near the town of Gadarene, the man was possessed by demons: `My name is legion.` The Roman armies were called legions, and Jesus` sending from the man of the demon legion into a herd of pigs, who promptly ran off a cliff and drowned, was a sign that not even the pigs should want the demons of the legions of Rome: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores, but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) What they done was reject `woman`s seed` and human brainpower for the development of liberating technology in exchange for human enslavement through the power of war exercised by the many armed demons they worshipped. Mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in mockery of women`s human mode of sexual reproduction, rather than accept Jesus` teaching and convert from their parasitoid sin, men became accursed through HIV/AIDS, which kept women in fearful faithfulness to men`s parasitoid ring slavery. At some point in the distant past it seems likely that women`s host wombs were possessed by an alien parasitoid that stole her penis` semen to enslave her race and kill it to maintain its blind unconscious ignorance of its condition, which is what the biblical narrative of the serpent`s discourse with Eve and Adam figuratively describes. Jesus` advice is that the alien parasitoid convert from its evil nature or the human race will be extinguished in war waged against it by the `serpent`s seed`, whether men are women`s demons or otherwise.

 In so-called Western democracies women are invariably depicted as penisless `babes` and displays of their nudity are ubiquitous, because they`re the baby human race that can`t sexually reproduce without the Resurrection of their own human futanarian penis` `seed` absent from the mass media edutainment system of information dissemination, because men of the `serpent` seed` don`t want women to escape from their species` host womb enslavement in parasitism for war against her. In the Bible it`s written: `Here is wisdom. Let he that has understanding understand. The number of the beast the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six.` Men and women are the `beast` because, all things being equal, human futanarian `woman`s seed` constitute 33.3% to men and women`s 66.6%. Of course, because women can sexually reproduce with each other, whereas men can`t, the numbers of women are kept artificially low to ensure men`s despotism within supposed democracy: `The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.` (Rev: 13. 15) Although Moslems in Islam are depicted as opposed to Judeo-Christianity, the Moslems revere Jesus and are closer to the futanarian tradition of the Jewish `chosen people` of the Bible, for whom it`s only possible for a Jew to be born from a woman, because Jews are women, which is why the Christian German National Socialist (Nazi) Party elected in 1933 commenced pogroming the Jews after its leader Adolf Hitler declared himself dictator. Christian men are against `woman`s seed`. The Moslems derive from the `seed` of Abraham, whose wife Sara became barren after the birth of the founder of Judaism, Isaac, and so Sara gave her maid, Hajer, to Abraham, and Hajer bore Ishmael, who was the founder of Islam through his descendant, Mohamed, who received the Koran (610-30 C.E.) from the angels, who`d been told by God that the human host was to be greater than the angelic. Consequently, the four wives permissible to families in Islam aren`t a sign of the retroactive legitimization of the birth of Ishmael to Abraham`s concubine, Hajer, as many Christian believers think, but an affording of the possibility of human futanarian sexual reproduction on the part of Islam to Moslems within the family, because human brainpower is needed to escape from slavery to the devouring parasitoid demons of the armies of war.

 In Moslem Islam women wear the one-piece coverall of the burka to conceal themselves from the eyes of mad Westerners in public who parade the ubiquitous female nudity of their penisless and brainless `babes` as a threat and a warning to the human futanarian women of `woman`s seed` that they`ll be penisless and brainless if the West wages war against Islam: `The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent's reach.` (Rev: 12. 14) Although the seal of the Presidency of the USA is an eagle, there are many eagles, and the pagan Roman and German `Nazi` eagles of Christianity aren`t a sign of protection afforded to `woman`s seed` by the West to futanarian `woman`s seed` amongst the desert peoples of the Moslems in Islam, where the temple of Abraham is the holiest place in the city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, and is defended by the nations of that region, where the eagle is their symbol too. If women are penisless and brainless in the West, so are its humans, that is, the people are demoniacally possessed in brain slavery by an alien parasitoid devourer, which is prevalent amongst Moslem in Islam also, because religious dictatorship prevails over the capacity of futanarian `woman`s seed` to sexually reproduce, that is, Islam isn`t a democracy any more than Western societies are democratic, because women are denied their biological supremacy.

 The name for Abraham`s temple in Mecca is `Ka` Ba`, because `Ka` is spirit in the ancient Egyptian religion, which was a homoousia of Ra, the father god, Osiris, the son, and Horus, the `sky god`, which in Christianity correspond to God, the father, the son, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, `Ka`. In Egyptian `Ba` is `soul`, and because Hajer was an `Egyptian woman`, `Ka` Ba` is thence explicable as the temple of Hajer and her son, Ishmael. However, because women sexually reproduce with each other as `woman`s seed`, `Ka` denotes her spirit and `Ba` her soul, that is, the penis` semen and host womb of the human futanarian race. Upon Jesus` death the Roman guard, Longinus, pierced his side with a spear, crying: `Surely, this was the son of God.` (Matt: 27. 54) Because Eve emerged from the side of Adam in Eden, Longinus was performing a `caesarian section`, which is a surgical procedure apocryphally believed to have been first performed at the birth of a Roman `god`, Emperor Julius Caesar. The `Second Eve` was expected to emerge from the side of Jesus, the `Second Adam`, because Jesus had told everyone that a Holy Spirit would teach after him. As Jesus was a representative of futanarian `woman`s seed`, the Holy Spirit corresponds to the Egyptian `Ka`, which is why the `Ka` Ba` in Mecca is holy to the Moslems in Islam, because `Ka` is futanarian `woman`s seed` and `Ba` is her species` host womb soulmate.

 Because human futanarian `woman`s seed` is repressed by slavery and men of the worshippers of the enslaving parasitoid devouring alien `serpent`s seed`, nudity is the `mark of the beast`: `... no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark.` (Rev: 13. 17) Consequently, HIV/AIDS is a lethal penis injection administered by homosexuality in pederasty in its war against `woman`s seed` through contaminated semen, and in Satanical contrast to Jesus` futanarian teaching of the human sexual mode of species` reproduction through the Holy Spirit of `woman`s seed`. In short, to kill humans the alien parasitoid devourer first has to get them to remove their clothes. The penis of the woman has already largely been devoured, and the parasitoid alien is moving on to the `remnant` of `woman`s seed`, but it needs to make humans vulnerable, so it reduces the species` level of brainpower and technology by killing its `seed`. Consequently, socio-economic dispossession, that is, rendering people homeless and destitute, is a symptom and a sign of the alien`s desire for the human to be naked and defenceless while the parasitoid brain eater, and so slaver of brainless and penisless humanity, prepares the lethal injection, that is, the HIV/AIDS virus, which will ultimately result in human extinction.

 Although the rise of ancient Rome preceded the invention of the television machine by John Logie Baird in 1926 by several millennia, the principle of `TV` manufacture had already been established as the Romans built huge amphitheaters across the globe to entertain itself with the spectacle of people killing each other. Without `woman`s seed` men and women were manufactured as a single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes in `TV` transvestism, that is, a parasitoid devourer, which having possessed the penis` semen of the species sexually reproduced the human race as a creature killing itself for the entertainment of the alien. In Hollywood, Los Angeles, capital of the world`s movie theater industry, Will Hays, President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), established the `Hays code` in 1930 forbidding women to be seen engaging in sexual reproduction in films, so heralding the death of the human species of `woman`s seed`, which thereafter would be bred solely for the entertainment of the devouring parasitoid in its wars against her race: `... women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`1 The Nazi pogroms against the Jews in the 1930s, and 1940s, were `TV` preparation for the `re-runs` of movies about the wars of men engaged in killing the `remnant` of `woman`s seed` in order to get the many armed demons to repeat the mistakes of history. As political philosopher, George Santayana, wrote: `Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.`2 What he meant was that those who repeat the past are doomed, which is what TVs are for.

2 Santayana, George, `Reason in Common Sense`, Vol. 1, The Life Of Reason, 1905, p. 284.