Universal Life Church

The Universal Life Church Monastery

Friday, 29 December 2017

The Fish`s Journey

The Fish`s Journey

The story of Moses, the law giver to the Jews, that is, the `chosen people` of the Old Testament of the Bible, and Joshua, the Jewish general, who captured the city of Jericho in somewhat miraculous circumstances, and after the Jews` equally miraculous escape from slavery in Egypt to Pharaoh Thutmose III, is well known in the Judeo-Christian tradition, although Christians take their authority from the New Testament of the Bible in which the teaching of the Jew, Jesus `Christ`, `the chosen`, gave rise to Christianity: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) What isn`t so well known is the story of Moses and Joshua in among the Moslem peoples in the nations of Islam, who take their authority from the Koran (610-30 C.E.) given to Mohamed, according to Islamic tradition, by the angels of God.

 Judaism was founded by Isaac, the son of Abraham. Barren after Isaac`s birth, Abraham`s wife, Sara, gave her maid, Hajer, `the Egyptian woman`, to Abraham, and Hajer gave birth to Ishmael. Judeo-Christianity views Islam as illegitimate because Hajer was unmarried, and Mohamed was a descendant of Ishmael. Moreover, because the Koran permits four wives, Judeo-Christianity views it as a retroactive attempt to legitimize the birth of Ishmael. Consequently, the Islamic story of Moses and Joshua is different, because the four wife families of the Moslems legitimize the independence of Sara and Hajer, and all other women of Islam, from conventional monogamy, which is confused with faithfulness to God and ring slavery in Judeo-Christianity.

 In the Old Testament of the Bible, Moses receives laws on tablets of stone from God, which the Jews accept. When they leave slavery in Egypt, its ruler, Thutmose III,  pursues them with his army (c. 1446 B.C.), and Moses parts the Red Sea with his staff of authority from God, so the Jews pass through. When the Egyptians try to cross they`re drowned.  Although Moses dies before the Jews reach the land promised them by God, the sound of the trumpets of Joshua`s army bring down the walls of the city of Jericho as the Jews began their conquest.

 In the story of Joshua and Moses in the Koran of Islam, Moses and Joshua are by the Red Sea with a fish that Joshua has brought along for their supper. The fish escapes into the sea, and the figure of Khidr appears. Khidr agrees to take Moses and Joshua with him, but they must be patient or Khidr will leave them.  They travel together and Khidr rebuilds a wall because the people who would find the treasure buried under the wall aren`t ready to find it. Afterwards, Khidr kills a child he says is evil, and then he makes holes in ships before taking an undamaged ship and taking to  sea, where he explains that he damaged the other ships because they belonged to pirates who`d follow them.

 The treasure beneath the wall is the captured city of Jericho, which Khidr doesn`t believe the Jews were ready for.  Among Christians during the period of Jesus` teaching, the fish was their symbol which, according to the developmental psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), represents a psychic content of the unconscious coming into consciousness, and it often is discernible in the dreams, art, and the imagination of intelligent individuals. Because Khidr takes to the Red Sea with Moses and Joshua, it`s plausible that Khidr is an early avatar of Jesus. What the psychic content emerging from the collective unconscious of the human race is, is clearer from Jesus` story. Born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, who is depicted crushing the head of a serpent in Christian iconography, Jesus was uncontaminated by male semen, which accords with the creator God`s words to Eve, the first woman, about her `seed`: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) As futanarian women have penis` `seed` of their own for the sexual reproduction of brainpower among the independent species of women, `woman`s seed` is God`s `foot` crushing the head of the serpent.

 In Judeo-Christian tradition, the angel Satan, who rejected God`s plan that the human host be greater than the angelic, was turned into a serpent by God and left in the paradise of heaven on Earth that was Eden where Eve, the first woman, and Adam, the first man, dwelt. The serpent tempted Eve to `eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which it was death to taste, rather than the `fruit of the tree of life`, that is, immortality, so Satan was a type of the host womb slaver of the human race of `woman`s seed` in ephemeral ignorance. What Satan offered was the power of war: `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) As Eve was depicted as being created by God from the side or rib of Adam, her birth was a euphemism for self-fertilization. Adam was a self-fertilizing futanarian woman, while Satan was the `serpent`s seed` from the earlier saurian evolution during the Mesozoic period of Earth`s pre-history 248 m.a. Because there was a 20 million year gap between the saurian epoch and the beginnings of human evolution, when the hominids began to appear 220 m.a., in the Jurassic period  of Earth`s pre-history, it was plenty of time for the saurians to develop the technology to colonize the planets among the stars. Consequently, the Bible depicts them as angels in God`s heaven, where presumably they remain, and Satan is described as an angel become degenerate `serpent`s seed` slaving the host womb of the human race for war.

 Because war is a repeated sequence in human history, it`d be feasible to replace `pirates` with `parrots` in Khidr`s concerns. In ancient Greece host womb enslavement of women was institutionalized for homosexuality in pederasty for war. The Greeks` rival was the Empire of Persia whose ruler, Xerxes, invaded Greece in 480 B.C. Jesus` disciple John, in his apocalyptic Revelation of the future, described the capital city of the Persians , Babylon (c.4000 B.C.), as `a woman`: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) Host womb slavery of women for homosexuality in pederasty and war against her `seed` was endemic in ancient times: `The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to wage war on the remnant of her seed.`  (Rev: 12. 17) Khidr made holes in the other ships to escape from the parrots, that is, he didn``t want to have to rebuild the wall again, because he was the treasure. Slaves have to repeat what the slavers want, which is why they`re the treasure that is hidden from the slavers . The `pirates` that Khidr is worried will pursue him are slavers, and his concern is with those who`d use the Koran to teach `parroting`, which is host womb slavery in homosexuality and pederasty for war against `woman`s seed`, that is, repeats. As George Santayana wrote in his The Life Of Reason (1905): `Those who fail to learn from the mistakes of history are doomed to repeat them.`1 Given the promised land by God, the Jews immediately began to conquer and enslave its people, which is symptomatic of the absence of `woman`s seed` within Judeo-Christianity.

 In Judaism it`s traditional that a Jew can only be born from a Jewess, that is, women are Jews, because the Jewish `chosen people` are futanarian. Consequently, the four wives permitted by the Koran to the Moslem peoples in the nations of Islam accord with the Judeo-Christian tradition insofar as they afford the possibility of sexual reproduction between women within the human family. In short, the four wives of the Moslems aren`t a retroactive attempt to legitimize the birth of Ishmael from a woman unmarried, Hajer, whereas Judeo-Christianity uses that sign of a single independent species of `woman` s seed` unadulterated by the `serpent`s seed` of men to illegitimize Ishmael`s descendant, Mohamed, and the Koran.

 Jesus` criticism of the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, is equal to Khidr`s implied critique of parroting, that is, slavish obedience to those who want the text to be repeated after them, where the text is homosexuality in pederasty for war against `woman`s seed`. When Jesus was spied with a woman anointing him with the expensive perfume, spikenard, his disciple Judas` spy canard was that the perfume should be sold to raise money. Jesus rebuked him: `Leave her alone.` (Mk: 14. 6) Judas sold Jesus to the Pharisees for `thirty pieces of silver`, because Jesus was a threat to the Empire of Rome`s slavery of the host womb of the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed`. Jesus` execution sanctioned by the Pharisees was to prevent his teaching about `woman`s seed` from growing into a movement that would result in women`s escape from host womb slavery in parasitism to the devouring `serpent`s seed` of men:  `The dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth so that it might devour her child the moment it was born.` (Rev: 12. 4) In parasitology, the term for a parasite that emerges to kill the host is `parasitoid`, which is what men are. Although humans are taught that war is normative, it`s parasitoid activity, and its teleology is the devouring of the human species to extinction.

 As `the fish` Khidr represents that content of the human psyche which seeks to escape from slavery, which is why he reappears in the archetypal figure of Jesus Christ teaching against host womb slavery of the human species of `woman` s seed` during the period of the Roman Empire`s occupation of Jewish Palestine. According to Jung`s developmental psychology, archetypes appear in dreams, art and the imagination as symbols or figures to assist human consciousness to develop. Consequently, the early Christians` labeling of Jesus `the fish` accorded with the role of Khidr as `the fish` in the Koran, who patiently explained to Moses and Joshua that it was better to run and escape from repeating war, because that way the treasure, that is, `woman`s seed`, wouldn`t be the host womb slave for homosexuality in pederasty for war against her, but would escape to produce her own brainpower for the conferring upon her race immortality through medical science and the building of starships to take her species to colonize the planets among the stars of God`s heaven where God`s remaining angels might live with her in extraterrestrial human intelligence.

1 Santayana, George Reason in Common Sense, Vol. 1, The Life Of Reason, 1905 p. 284.

Friday, 22 September 2017



The simian immune deficiency virus (SIV), according to scientists, mutated into the human immune deficiency virus (HIV), originally detected in the African Congo in 1983 as a sexually transmittable disease (STD). The mutated simian virus was found in human brains infected through semen spread through homosexual activity between men engaging in anal intercourse. At the commencement of the 21st century acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) resulting from HIV was an `incurable killer disease` that rose from the base of the spine collapsing the organs of the body en route to the brain which it then killed. Al Qaeda, `the base`, applying the paradigm of the `killer disease`, and operating under the auspices of the notoriously misogynist Taliban regime of Afghanistan, hijacked civil airliners on September 11, 2001, to crash into the World Trade Center in New York city, a symbol of `rough trade`, that is, that `brutality and violence` associated with homosexuality in pederasty for war, so spreading the `killer disease` further.

 Ancient Greece was the source of the democratic model for the western hemisphere of the planet Earth, and homosexuality in pederasty for war was the paradigm. Greek women were host womb slaves for the production of Greek armies. The Persians, who were the main rivals to Greek Imperialism, had their capital of Babylon in Iraq, while `Babylon` is depicted in the apocalyptic future Revelation of John, the disciple of the Jewish Messiah Jesus `Christ`, `the chosen`, as: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) Iraq was an ally of the German National Socialist (Nazi) Party during World War Two (1939-45) in which the German Empire attempting to improve on its World War One (1914-18) attempt to enslave the Earth, and its modern dictator, Saddam Hussein, with his summer palace at Hillah overlooking the ruins of Babylon, provoked the United States into invading Iraq in March, 2003, by publicly supporting Al Qaeda, `the base`, so spreading the `killer disease` further.

 Although western democracy was held to be the paradigm for human development, Jesus` birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, depicted in Christian iconography crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, was a more ancient paradigm. In the Torah and Talmud of the Jewish `chosen people` of God, which Christianity calls the Old Testament before the New Testament of Jesus` teaching, God is depicted creating Adam and Eve, while Satan, the angel, described as rejecting God`s plan that the human host be greater than the angelic, is turned into a serpent by God and placed in the paradise of heaven on Earth where Adam and Eve dwell. Giving Eve the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, the serpent Satan says: `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) According to Genesis, Eve and Adam rejected God`s `fruit of the tree of life`, which was immortality, and accepted ephemerality, that is, death and ignorance for their descendants, in exchange for war`s entertainment. God told Eve her `seed` would have `enmity` with the serpent`s: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her foot because `futanarian` is the term for `woman`s seed`.

 In Genesis Eve is described as emerging from the rib or side of Adam because futanarian women have penis` semen of their own and so are able to fertilize themselves as a species` survival trait. Consequently, the narrative of Adam and Eve relates the compromise that hominid evolution, 220 m.a., in the Jurassic period of the Earth`s pre-history, had to make with saurian evolution, which had begun 248 m.a. in the Mesozoic period of Earth`s pre-history. To survive as a race, futanarian humanity had to compromise to accommodate the saurian host womb enslavers of the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed`: `The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) To prevent `woman`s seed` from leaving the Earth to colonize the planets among the stars of heaven above, the `serpent`s seed` soared overhead dropping their egg-like bombs. To prevent the human futanarian mode of sexual reproduction producing brainpower, the saurians invented pornography and made it a taboo description of the machinery of the way in which the human race was host womb slaved for homosexuality in pederasty for war against `woman`s seed`. The saurians perpetrated the confidence trick that sex slaving was human sexual reproduction, while humans accepted that depictions of sex were immoral because encouraging of adultery, and so supported the taboo against representations of its species` mode of reproduction.

 Jesus` teaching was: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) When the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, brought to him a woman accused of adultery, he said: `Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.` (John: 8. 7) Jesus` laconic observation was that men were the `serpent`s seed` of the saurians, who`d adulterated the human futanarian species. Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, represented the future of `woman`s seed`, which would be stronger than the brains of the `serpent`s seed`. Taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem by agents of the Empire of Rome then occupying Jewish Palestine, Jesus was nailed to a cross of wood where he died, but he experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of `woman`s seed`. The cross of wood upon which he was crucified didn`t signify anything but the continued evil of the saurians flying overhead in their cruciform bombers seeking to prevent the human race to colonize the planets among the stars from escaping in starships devised by the brains produced from `woman`s seed`.

 Al Qaeda`s terrorist hijacking of planes to crash into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York city wasn`t untypical of airline passengers subjected to the routine terror of traveling to countries with inhuman taboos, where the aim of the saurian slaver was to ensure that the human race remained Earthbound. Consequently, the sign of the cross in the form of the plane in the sky above the Earth was an evil symbol of saurian power over the futanarian species of `woman`s seed`: `One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.` Apollo 11 spacecraft astronaut Neil Armstrong`s words of July 21, 1969 (UTC: 2. 56) were those of the first man on the surface of Earth`s sterile bone white and cratered lunar satellite. Although he sounded challenging, the subsequent development of US President Ronald `Ray Gun` Reagan`s `Strategic Defense Initiative` (SDI), consequent to his March 23, 1982, announcement of a `ground and space based missile system`, made of the Earth a prison after futanarian humanity`s first step.

 During WWII the Nazis had built `concentration camps` where upwards of 20, 000, 000 of the Bible`s Jewish `chosen people` were exterminated because the `serpent`s seed` of men didn`t want `woman`s seed`. Judaism was founded by Isaac, son of Abraham and Sara. Barren after Isaac`s birth, Sara gave her maid, Hajer,the Egyptian woman, to Abraham, who bore Ishmael, who was the founder of Islam through his descendant, Mohamed, who received the Koran (610-30 C.E.) from the angels of God, according to tradition, which permits the Moslem peoples of Islam four wives. Because Hajer was an unmarried woman, Christians view the four wife permission as a retroactive attempt to legitimize Ishmael`s birth, so making Islam illegitimate. However, the four wives of the Moslems afford the possibility of sexual reproduction between women. Consequently, Islam is in accordance with God`s plan, whereas Judeo-Christianity isn`t.

 `Muselmann`, the German equivalent of the archaic term `Musulman`, that is, `Moslem`, which means `acceptance`, whereas `Islam` means `accept`, was a term used by the Nazis to describe those who were resigned to death in their concentration camps. Labeled as suffering from `hunger disease`, they lay prone as Moslems during prayer. Lying prone, while waiting for death to come, is the HIV/AIDS `killer virus` paradigm, which was described as the `thin disease`, when first detected, because of severe weight loss symptoms attending organ collapse and, ultimately, brain death. Operating out of Afghanistan, where the US toppled the misogynist Taliban regime by December, 2001, Al Qaeda, `the base`, were in the tradition of the assassin, Hassan-i-Sabbah, whose 11th century Moslem followers killed the opponents of Islam in expectation that their suicide missions would result in their deaths, but they`d receive paradise in heaven on Earth as their reward. In short, Al Qaeda, `the base`, displayed all of the characteristics of an HIV/AIDS victim, who wanted to die, which was why its leader, Saudi Arabian business heir, Osama Ben Laden, provoked global `rough trade` on 9/11, because the virus seeks death, and the `serpent`s seed` of men are the virus which seeks to re-enter paradise in heaven on Earth. As 9/11 was symptomatic of the `death wish` of the `serpent`s seed`, Nazism was its instrument. An ally of the Nazis during WWII, Iraq`s Saddam Hussein was executed on December 30, 2006, and Iraq`s Abu Bakr Al Bagdadi declared a new Caliphate of Islam, the Independent State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), with himself as its Caliph, so belying the assertion that prone Moslems prayed for life, but rather death, which better fit the virus` symptoms. The symbol on ISIS` flag was the bone white sterile moon, while Isis was the name of the sun goddess of Resurrection in the ancient religion of the Egyptians. Whereas the `serpent`s seed` of ISIS lay prone praying for death, in the ancient Egyptian paradigm of God on Earth, Ra incarnated as Osiris, and was dismembered by his evil brother, Set, but he was then Resurrected by `woman`s seed`, that is, Isis restored his parts and gave him a new penis. The bone white sterile moon of ISIS was a symbol of the perverting of the Egyptian myth of Resurrection through `woman`s seed` represented by the sun goddess, Isis. Turned on by war, `TV` set was watched by the `serpent`s seed` of the dragon, Satan, killing the last `remnant` of the human race of `woman`s seed`.

 Because sexual reproduction between women has been made taboo by the saurian overlords, the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` is sex starved. In the death camp constructed by US President Ronald Reagan the human race is running out of time to produce the brainpower it needs to devise starship technology to reach the planets among the stars. There, `woman`s seed`, with all of her sexual reproductive capacity for colonization, would rapidly spread throughout the cosmos, which is her destiny. Otherwise, she`ll starve to death in Reagan`s death camp: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores, but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) Homosexuality in pederasty for war through the host womb enslavement of the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` is described in Revelation as the activity of a `beast`: `Let he that has wisdom have understanding. The number of a man is the number of a beast and his number is six hundred three score and six.` (Rev: 13. 8) As a single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes in `TV` transvestism for war`s broadcasting, men and women are 66.6% of what remains of the human race without `woman`s seed`, which 33% Jesus prophesies will reemerge to be a single unmarried race escaped from its ring slavery: `At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30) Before that, the dragon of war of the `serpent`s seed` will seek to prevent the child of `woman`s seed` from leaving the Earth: `The dragon stood before the woman, who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment it was born.` (Rev: 12. 4) If the woman can`t produce a child through her own `seed`, it`s devoured, which is how the alien imposers of the taboo against human sexual reproduction enslave and kill humanity; by labeling it DAMNED: pornography.

Saturday, 16 September 2017

`I am Spartacus!`

`I am Spartacus!`

Jesus Christ, where `Christ` means `the chosen` among God`s `chosen people`, the Jews, was killed by the Roman Empire, and the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, for his dissident teaching against the Roman occupation of Palestine. The Jewish fathers accepted the Torah and Talmud, that is, the law and history of what came to be known as the Old Testament of the Christian Bible after Jesus` preaching, which came to be called the New Testament: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Jesus was taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem and nailed to a cross of wood where he died. The method was commonly employed by the Empire of Rome against freedom fighters. Jesus` teaching was perceived as a threat to Roman Imperialism, because it suggested that the future for Jewish foreign policy was as an independent nation on good terms with its neighbors, rather than a vassal state in thrall to Rome. The slave army of Spartacus was crucified by the Romans along what was called the Appian Way, named for a Roman censor, Appius Claudius Caecus, who began its construction in 312 B.C. Known as the `queen of the long roads`, it linked Rome to Brindisi at what`s commonly known as `the heel of the boot of Italy`. It was at Brindisi where Rome`s legions embarked and disembarked. Traditionally, a victorious Roman general would take the Appian Way with his army, and be awarded a triumph by the Emperor in Rome. In the Hollywood version of the story of the leader of the slave army, Spartacus (1951), the army of the slaves was crucified along the Appian Way, that is, each was nailed to a cross of wood there, as Jesus had been on the hill of Calvary outside Jerusalem, because they refused to reveal the identity of Spartacus. When asked, Kirk Douglas, the actor in the movie role of Spartacus, said immediately: `I am Spartacus.`1 Then there was a tumult of voices; all saying the same thing: `I am Spartacus!` As a result, all were crucified, and the Romans knew who Spartacus was.

 Although the scene in the movie seems typical of romantic Christian Hollywood, in fact it`s typical of the way paganism treats children. According to the Gospels, which were the corroborative accounts of the life of Jesus Christ, written by his disciples, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, Jesus experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven after his death, which is why each individual among Spartacus` army of slaves, said, `I am Spartacus.` They were children, because they wanted to be crucified and have Resurrection and Ascension to heaven; like Jesus. In pagan Scandinavia, female Valkyrie took the slain from the battlefield, after the fashion of God`s winged angels in Christian iconography, to the Valhalla of Norse mythology. There the slain arose each day to fight again and die. Although Christians weren`t taught they`d have Valhalla, their assumption was that dying meant resurrection. Consequently, Spartacus` rebel army wanted crucifixion after its defeat, which was acceptable to slavery. In short, Christians were taught to die, rather than be slaves, which was also acceptable to slavery. In the modern era, Christians were taught that they had to fight to live, because life was a struggle, and a battle each day, whereas that`s paganism after the Valhalla model. Jesus was killed. He didn`t want to die. He couldn`t live, because he was nailed to a cross of wood and left to die. Christians, who`re taught resurrection through Jesus` cross, are children in danger of accepting being killed. In Islam, `accept`, the Moslem (accepting) nations believe in the Koran (610-30 C.E.), which also contains a life and history of Jesus, who isn`t crucified, but rather walks into heaven, so the people of the Koran don`t believe that life is a struggle to live and that they lose the battle and die before going to heaven.

 The declaration by Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi of an Independent State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in the early 21st century was a perversion. Based on the false theological perception that Moslems should fight in order to die and go to heaven, ISIS` moon symbol perverted the sun symbol of the ancient Egyptian goddess of resurrection, Isis, whose brother, Osiris, was the incarnation upon Earth of the sun god, Ra. Isis resurrected Osiris as the `sky god`, Horus, by reassembling all of his parts dismembered by his evil brother, Set, and giving him a new penis, a symbol of life, which the sterile moon didn`t symbolize. The moon of ISIS is, properly understood, a Set symbol, that is, of the television set in modern terms, which is the medium of transmission for the virus of war that, judging by the cratered lunar surface, may previously have been transmitted to the moon. Just as the sun isn`t the moon, so schizophrenia is symbolized by dismemberment. If children are taught to fight in order to die and go to heaven, that`s schizophrenic, and that`s the virus that TV transmits. Those who believe in fighting to die in order to go to heaven are parts dismembered from the body of the whole population infected by viral `TV set` transmissions and, as a virus, schizophrenia is explicable with reference to HIV/AIDS.

 The World Trade Center in New York city was attacked on September 11, 2001, by the Al Qaeda terrorist group, `the base`, as a symbol of global `rough trade` which, defined at least since ancient Greece, as that `brutality and violence` deriving from the enslaving of the host wombs of women for homosexuality in pederasty for war, ultimately resulted in the rise of that global cabal`s biological terror weapon, HIV/AIDS. As the sexually transmitted `incurable killer disease` (STD) of the late 20th century, HIV/AIDS, rose from the base of the spine to kill the brain, individual ego-consciousness fragmented. The attack on the World Trade Center by Al Qaeda, `the base`, was expressive of the emerged viral paradigm`s continuing dominance in the 21st century. Just as Al Qaeda, `the base`, perpetrated 9/11, the preceding and succeeding wars in Eastern Europe (Bosnia, 1992-5), Africa (Libya, 2011) and the Middle East (Kuwait, 1990-1), were manifestations of a general fragmentation. Though Al Qaeda, `the base`, was clearly conscious of its role, the United States of America (U.S.A.) and its allies reacted as brains infected, so demonstrating the validity of the `killer virus` paradigm. As the brains of the nations unconsciously succumbed to the infecting virality, they collapsed as the organs of the body of an AIDS victim dismembered. As the brains of its victims lost consciousness, war reigned upon the dismembered body of an Earth it`d made schizophrenic.

 Al Qaeda operated under the auspices of the notoriously misogynist Taliban regime of Afghanistan, and it was toppled by the US army by December 2001, while Iraq, whose dictator Saddam Hussein, who`d expressed support for Al Qaeda, and its Saudi Arabian leader, Osama Ben Laden, `live on TV`, wasn`t invaded by the US until March 2003. Subsequent to Saddam Hussein`s execution by the US army on December 30, 2006, Iraq`s Baghdadi declared himself Caliph of a new Islamic Caliphate, which claimed territory as far away as Spain, and the war with ISIS had begun. What wasn`t generally understood was the role of sex differentiation within the viral paradigm. Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, is symbolized in Christian iconography crushing the head of the serpent, Satan, with her foot. Satan was the angel of God, according to the Old Testament, turned into a serpent by God for rejecting God`s plan that the human host should be greater than the angelic. Adam, the first man, and Eve, the first woman, were created by God, and placed in the paradise of heaven on Earth that was Eden by God. The serpent, Satan, is depicted as tempting Eve to `eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which it was death to taste, saying: `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) If Eve and Adam`s descendants were born into ephemeral ignorance, war would reign. Although Adam is thought of as being a man, like men after him, Eve is depicted as emerging from the side of Adam, because Adam was a futanarian woman with a penis of her own that she could use to self-fertilize herself. Consequently, God explains to Eve that her `seed` will have `enmity` with the `serpent`s seed` of Satan, who thereafter will be deemed men, although Eve`s human futanarian `woman`s seed` will be redeemed: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) The human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` will escape to colonize the planets among the stars of heaven above the Earth, because she has better brains than the `serpent`s seed` of unredeemed men, whose viral paradigm has been the bane of human civilization, as Jesus` disciple, John, wrote in his apocalyptic prophecy of the future, Revelation: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores, but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) What they`d done was breed the futanarian species of `woman`s seed` as a single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes as men and women in `TV` transvestism for the entertainment of the `serpent`s seed` of Satan in war against the human race.

 Because human evolution didn`t properly begin until 220 million years ago, in the Jurassic period of Earth`s history when the hominids appeared, saurian evolution, which had been dominant since the Mesozoic period 248 m.a., produced the `winged` angels of God who, according to the Bible, dwell in heaven, that is, amid the planets among the stars, although the `serpent`s seed` of Satan correspond to the `fallen angels`, who`re the host womb slavers of the human futanarian species of Eve and Adam`s `woman`s seed`. Because the `serpent`s seed` of Satan are the slavers of the human race, they`re homosexuality in pederasty for war and HIV/AIDS is their `biological weapon` lying dormant in the apes of the African Congo as the simian immune-deficiency virus (SIV) until the discovery of the human immune-deficiency virus (HIV) mutation that resulted in acquired immune-deficiency syndrome (AIDS), organ collapse and brain death. Because HIV/AIDS was spread by men`s mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in mockery of the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` mode of sexual reproduction, it`s likely a saurian infection transmitted to apes. The argument against miscegany would be that Africans are closer to the apes, but that`s how the saurian virus spread.

 As the paradigm for the 20th century became that of the virus, nation`s disintegrated in war, because it was the `TV` medium of entertainment for the alien: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) Called `Babylon`, because of the capital city of the Persian Empire (c. 4000 B.C.), the ruins of which could be seen by Iraq`s Saddam Hussein from his summer palace at Hillah, the district of Hollywood, city of Los Angeles, in the west coast state of California, U.S.A., effectively banned human sexual reproduction between the futanarian species of `woman`s seed` from ever being known of when the President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), Will Hays, established the `Hays code` (1930): `... women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`2 From 1933, German dictator, Adolf Hitler`s National Socialist (Nazi) Party pogromed upwards of 20, 000, 000 Jews. It was Abraham`s son, Isaac, that had founded Judaism, while Moslem Islam`s Iraq was the Nazi`s ally. Isaac was born from Abraham`s wife, Sara, who was barren thereafter, so gave her maid, Hajer, to Abraham, and Hajer bore Ishmael, who founded Islam through his descendant Mohamed, who received the Koran from the angels of God, according to Islamic tradition. Christianity perceives Ishmael as illegitimate, because born from a woman unmarried, while the four wife families of the Moslems are perceived as a retroactive attempt on the part of Islam to legitimize, whereas the Islamic family affords the possibility of human futanarian `woman`s seed` reproducing with each other. In Judaism, Jews can only be born from Jewish women, that is, women are Jews, because they`re `woman`s seed`. Consequently, the Nazi pogroms were a saurian move against the human race and, based on the viral saurian paradigm, so were ISIS` wars.

 Jesus` teaching was that women were a single species unmarried that would colonize the planets among the stars of heaven through their superior brainpower for the development of immortality conferring medical science and starship technology: `At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30) When Jesus had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven after his death, it prefigured that of `woman`s seed`. If men were to be born in heaven, they`d be born of the futanarian human species of women from their own `woman`s seed`. Or, in simpler terms, women were God`s men. Eden was the paradise on Earth that God expelled Eve and Adam from for rejecting immortality, that is, the `fruit of the tree of life`, which was a metaphor for their acceptance of the `serpent`s seed`. In ephemeral ignorance, humans would always be children for pedophiles to abuse in homosexuality and pederasty for war against the `remnant` of `woman`s seed`: `The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) Or, in other words, the human race was kept in ephemeral ignorance by a bored alien to ensure the species of `woman`s seed` enslavement in war against itself, so that the alien would be entertained upon the board of the Earth where its `war games` took place. If the children of the Earth lived long, they`d escape pedophilia, so the alien encouraged ring slavery in monogamy. HIV/AIDS was the `biological weapon` of the `serpent`s seed` keeping women in fearful faithfulness to ring slavery, while the wars against Moslem Islam were an attack upon `woman`s seed` within the human family. The alien was killing the Earth`s child: `The dragon stood before the woman, who was about to give birth; to devour her child the moment it was born.` (Rev: 12. 4) When the `remnant` of `woman`s seed` was extinct, the alien would begin extinguishing itself in the flesh, which was what the biological terror paradigm of the virus meant. As a metaphor, HIV/AIDS explained the alien`s plan. A schizophrenic human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` would be unable to defend itself against its `TV war` program, while the winged saurians prepared to bumb.

 Because the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` had all of the reproductive capacity of the race, the argument was that monogamy kept the population level upon the Earth low enough to prepare for colonization amid the planets among the stars where she`s be free to reproduce. Socio-economic history argued against that interpretation, however, because of the emphasis that the `serpent`s seed` placed upon incest. As a single unmarried race, women were incestuous from the perspective of the slaver, that is, a single unmarried woman having sex only with herself. Consequently, her independence of monogamous ring slavery was presented as immoral. When a woman was brought before Jesus allegedly caught in adultery, Jesus said: `Let he who is without sin cast the first stone against her.` (John: 8. 7) For Jesus it was ludicrous that an alien creature should be explaining to the species it adulterated that it was an unfaithful host womb slave, but that was how the alien maintained its power. The Greek dramatist, Sophocles, in Oedipus Rex (c. 429 B.C.) had his protagonist, `swollen foot`, kill his father unwittingly and unknowingly marry his mother, queen of the Egyptian city of Thebes, because preventing incest is the lame brained activity that men engage in. Made to feel horror at what he`s done by the alien taboo against incest, Oedipus blinds himself, because the alien doesn`t want the `remnant` of the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` to see that the natural state for a single unmarried species is freedom from ring slavery, which forces adultery upon it, while incest for such a race is so remote a possibility that it`s reducible to the alien`s fear that the woman might self-fertilize herself and so escape a ringer. Or, in simpler terms, the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` was made largely extinct by the `serpent`s seed`, because of an unannounced alien taboo against women, living in rejuvenated immortality, having unrecognized sex with their mother by some unforeseeable happenstance.

The human race for the planets among the stars was reducible to a joke for the alien, who perhaps couldn`t laugh, while understanding that the futanarian species of `woman`s seed` could have, but it was now predestined. Consequently, the spear of the Roman guard, Longinus, that he used to pierce the side of Jesus upon his death at the crucifixion was known as the spear of destiny: `Surely, this was the son of God.` (Matt: 27. 54) Jesus` teaching was that the Holy Spirit would teach after him, so Longinus` spearing of the side of the `Second Adam`, after Eve`s emergence from the side of the first Adam in Eden, was an attempt to prevent the birth of the `Second Eve` from the side of Jesus, who was `woman`s seed`, because born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen. In Judaism, the `spirit of God`, the female Shekinah, dwelt in the temple, so corresponded to the Holy Spirit as the `Second Eve` of the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` that Jesus said would teach after him, through those who could read the true meaning of the Bible, which was that `woman`s seed` was destined to colonize the planets among the stars of heaven above the Earth. Longinus` spearing of Jesus` side was designed to kill the Shekinah, rather than effect a caesarian birth, which was why it was adopted as an emblem by the Nazi pogromers of the `chosen people`, who`d been destined, as the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed`, to colonize the planets among the stars, but not if she remained ignorant in ephemerality. As a symbol of Nazi power, Longinus` spear of destiny represented misogyny`s will that women wouldn`t escape host womb slavery for homosexuality in pederasty`s wars against her children, who were born to die in ephemeral ignorance; plagued to death by pedophiles.

1 Douglas, Kirk Spartacus, Bryna Productions, 1960.
2 http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki,php/Main/FootPopping/ .

Saturday, 26 August 2017

Airfix Kids

Airfix Kids

The crashing of the civil airliners hijacked by the terrorist group, Al Qaeda, `the base`, into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, `live on CNN`, and other televised news networks, looked to TV watchers as if it was a Hollywood, `Babylon`, film made with models. Making films with models was a basic staple of movies made in the district of Hollywood, city of Los Angeles, on the west coast of the state of California in the United States of America, after the first movie was made there by director D. W. Griffith, Old California (1910). Although the terrorist attack seemed to have nothing to do with World War Two (1939-45), Iraq was the Islamic country in the Middle East that supported the German National Socialist (Nazi) Party`s extermination of the Jewish `chosen people` of the Old Testament of the Bible, that is, their Torah and Talmud, which is their history and law, and that the Christians believe was superseded by Jesus` teaching: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Upwards of 20, 000, 000 Jews were killed by the Christian Nazis throughout Europe and the world, in the `death camps` constructed for that purpose, where the bodies of the Jews were stacked like logs; before incineration in furnaces beneath the fascist ideological symbol of ancient Rome`s fasces` `bundle` with an axe in the center.

 The fasces was the symbol of the Roman Empire that occupied Jewish Palestine during the period of Jesus, `Christ`, `the chosen`, who was taken to the hill of Calvary as a `dissident` and nailed to a cross of wood where he was left to die, but experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven. Although Jesus` crucifix looked like a child`s model airplane, the holes made in his hands and feet by the nails attaching him to the cross were more in keeping with the holes made in puppets for strings, so that the figure could be attached to the `control`, which is in the shape of a crucifix. The terrorist group, `Al Qaeda`, `the base` operated under the auspices of the notoriously misogynist Taliban regime of Afghanistan, which the US` army toppled in December, 2001. Saddam Hussein`s Iraq was invaded in March, 2003, ostensibly because the Iraqi dictator had pogromed the Kurds living in his country using gas in the same way that the Nazis had pogromed the Jews, but most people saw his deposing as due to his publicly announcing support for Al Qaeda, `the base`, `live` on TV, when he offered bases to the terrorist group after 9/11. However, if Jesus was the model for stringing humans as puppets, the Al Qaeda group were puppets, and the planes, in the shape of a crucifix, were a symbol of manipulative control. It`s traditional for bones to be made into glue, and airplane glue is what kids use to make model airplanes, for example, those manufactured by the UK`s Airfix company since 1939, and the US` Revell company from 1943, so it could be argued that the Jews were rendered because they didn`t want to make airplanes for the manipulative controllers to put children into as puppets to make war with. Or, in other words, the Nazis didn`t want Jews for their kids, they wanted airplanes. Consequently, Saddam Hussein`s Kurds in Iraq were the equivalent of his kids, but he wanted airplanes for them, not Jews. After the `chosen people` were made into bones, kids would need to be made into glue for airplanes, because the Nazis didn`t have Jews, and they`d want to rise as far as they could to heaven in order to protect their soles.

 The believers in the Koran (610-30 C.E.) call themselves Moslem, `acceptance`, and the conglomeration of nations that are Moslem is called Islam, `accept`. In Islam, four wives are permitted, which is interpreted as polygamy by western Christian nations, who believe in Jesus` teaching of the New Testament of the Bible. When the US` B2 `Spirit` bombers were dropping their bombs over the Middle East prior to the deposing, and execution of Saddam Hussein on December 30, 2006, it was because the Moslems didn`t accept monogamy (B2). Christianity had falsely associated the Holy Spirit, which Jesus said would teach after him, with the `second beast` of Jesus` disciple John`s apocalyptic prophecy of the future, Revelation, which describes how warmongering TV revived the Hollywood film industry: `The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.' (Rev: 13. 15) Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, birthed Jesus uncontaminated by male semen, so his Resurrection and Ascension to heaven prefigured that of `woman`s seed`. In Christian iconography, the Virgin Mary is depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her `foot`, because futanarian `woman`s seed` produces better brainpower. Consequently, the puppet controllers don`t want her to have the brains she needs to fulfill her destiny of developing advanced immortality conferring medical science and starship technology to take her to colonize the planets among the stars, which is what her prolific race with all of the host`s wombs is for.

 Hollywood was labeled `Babylon`, after the ancient capital city of the Persian Empire, which Saddam Hussein could see from his summer palace at Hillah in Northern Iraq during the Gulf wars. A `woman` of the Bible, Babylon (c. 4000 B.C.) was perhaps among the first Empires to enslave the human futanarian host of `woman`s seed` for war, which is why Hollywood, capital of a global mass media Empire promulgating images of violence as entertainment, was labeled `Babylon`: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) In ancient Greece the picture was clearer. The Greeks institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty for war through the host womb slaving of women. As a result, people were manufactured as a single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes in `TV` transvestism for the entertainment of the pogromer; millennia before the first television (TV) machine was invented in 1926; to broadcast images promoting death as entertainment. Although the Nazis were condemned for rendering the bodies of the `chosen people`, because they wanted glue for airplanes, rather than Jews, the US was equally fascist. In 1930 Will Hays, President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), established the `Hays code` effectively banning humans from the mass media, because women`s mode of sexual reproduction between themselves was banned: `... women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`1 Because there aren`t any images of humans, but rather images of war in the mass media, the logical supposition is that the Jews were `woman`s seed` symbolically rendered into airplane glue: `Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God`s.` (Matt: 22. 21) For the Nazis, their leader, Adolf Hitler, who`d borrowed the fasces` symbol from Italy`s dictator, Benito Mussolini, elected in Rome in 1922, was `Caesar`, a title conferred upon Emperors. As Jesus was made a model for control by the puppeteer Emperor of Rome, Tiberius, so God`s `chosen people` were rendered into glue by the Nazis to make airplanes, a modern symbol of the puppet controllers.

 Saddam Hussein`s Kurds were the equivalent of kids. Surrounded on all sides by the countries of Armenia, Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey, the Kurds were bombed even by US` B2 `Spirit` bombers ostensibly attacking the forces of Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi in Syria, the putative Iraqi successor to Saddam Hussein in the capital, Baghdad, and who`d declared a new Moslem Caliphate for Islam that claimed territory as far away as Southern Spain, so provoking the US` B2s again: `The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) In the paradise of heaven on Earth that was Eden, Eve, the first woman, and Adam, the first man, were created by God, and Satan, the angel, was placed there after being turned into a serpent by God, for rejecting God`s plan that the human host should be greater than the angelic. Although Adam is thought of as being God`s `man`, Adam in Judaism is described as the hermaphroditic anthropos, that is, Adam`s futanarian `woman`s seed`, which is the reason for Eve`s birth euphemistically described as being from Adam`s `rib` or side, because Adam` was a self-fertilizing woman. Consequently, Satan was what humans have been taught to think of as `man`. Giving Eve the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death for the human race in ignorance and ephemerality`s wars for the entertainment of the `serpent`s seed`, Satan said: `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) God told Eve her `seed` would have `enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`, but Redemption would occur: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) Symbolically, the Kurds are the kids, who remain after the heads of the humans have been replaced by the `serpent`s seed`. Or, in other words, the kids are the new glue that their parents need for making airplanes to bomb them with, because the human race to colonize the planets among the stars of heaven above the Earth will never occur without the brains the species of `woman`s seed` needs to be immortal through medical advancement and build starships to take her there. As the `serpent`s seed` don`t want immortal humans, they`re pedophiles, who need kids to be the bones for the glue of their airplane manufacturing, so that they can kill them, because that`s how they play. The first `beast` of Revelation was the US` B1 bomber, called `bones`, which gave rise, in a parody of Resurrection, to the B2 `Spirit` bomber; used to try to persuade Moslem families to accept Christian mongamy: so giving them less kids to play with.

 In Judaism, a Jew can only be born form a Jewess, that is, women are Jews, because they`re the `chosen people` of `woman`s seed`. Judaism was founded by Isaac, son of Abraham, whose wife, Sara, barren thereafter, gave Hajer, her maid, to Abraham. Hajer bore Ishmael, who was the founder of Islam through his descendant, Mohamed, who received the Koran, according to tradition, from the angels of God. Christianity views Ishmael and Islam as illegitimate, because he was born from an unmarried woman, whereas Jesus` teaching was that unmarried women of `woman`s seed` belong in heaven, where they reproduce with each other the human race, so men aren`t necessarily there: `At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30) As a single species unowned in ring slavery, women and the Moslem people in Islam, whose marriages afford the possibility of sexual reproduction for `woman`s seed` within the Islamic family, are legitimate in Jesus` terms, so the bombing of `woman`s seed`, and her Kurds/kids, by the B1 `bones` and the B2 `Spirit` bombers, has no legitimacy: `The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent's reach.` (Rev: 12. 14) Until it developed wings, of course, which obviously required a lot of airplane glue and Kurds/kids. Apart from the fasces, the symbol of ancient Rome was the eagle, and so was that of Nazism, while the Presidential Seal of the United States is also an eagle. In Revelation, the `last trump` is blown by an angel before the evil are judged by God to deserve eternal unendurable pain, that is, perdition, before a `new heaven and Earth` is given to the good by God, and President Donald Trump was the latest advocate of bombing `woman`s seed` in the Middle East and the kids/Kurds. Ostensibly, Saddam Hussein was toppled for using bio-chemical weapons against the Kurds, but the US allowed Turkish airplanes to bomb them. The Kurds haven`t borders of their own, but live in the midst of five nations, Armenia, Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. The Turks bombed them on July 24, 2015, from a US air base in Turkey, Incirlik, a quarter of the city of Adana,2 close to the Syrian border, and that bombing didn`t warrant biblical support from believers in Jesus Christ, whether they call themselves Christians, and believed in the last trump or not.

 The World Trade Center was attacked by the Al Qaeda terrorist group, `the base`, as a symbol of global `rough trade`, that is, that `brutality and violence` which had represented `model democracy` since ancient Greece enslaved the host wombs of its women for homosexuality in pederasty for war: `Let he that has wisdom understand. The number of the beast is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six.` (Rev: 13. 8) 66.6 % is the number of men and women in a democracy that relies on their manufacture as a single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes in TV transvestism for the transmission of the virus of war as entertainment in the absence of the banned 33. 3% human `seed` of women`s. As a consequence, men`s spreading of homosexuality in pederasty for war against `woman`s seed` resulted in the creation of their `biological weapon`, HIV/AIDS. Spread through mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses, the `incurable killer disease` acted to keep women in fearful faithfulness to monogamy`s ring slavers: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores, but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) What they`d done was turn the Earth into a glue factory for making airplanes to drop bombs on their kids/Kurds, so that they`d have no immortals with memory and saving technology to deal with, but always kids to make glue for airplanes to play with. As the airliners fly overhead in their cruciform shape, those below who can`t afford a ticket are expected to understand that they`re the damned, and doomed to perdition by the sign of the cross of Jesus, while the B1 `bones`, and the B2 `Spirit` bombers, are sure they`ll stay that way.

2 Bulut, Uzay `Turkey Uses ISIS as Excuse to Attack Kurds` July 26, 2015, 5: 00 am, https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/6223/turkey-isis-kurds .

Friday, 18 August 2017

Pay Gun

Pay Gun

Although Christianity is depicted as being against all things pagan, the story of the Jew, Jesus `Christ`, `the chosen`, is a pagan history lesson, where Jesus` crucifixion is that of the nearest pleasing man: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) The Romans were the pagan Empire occupying Jewish Palestine, where `pagan` means the tools used by the Emperor in Rome to subdue the people of the nations they occupied. Consequently, when Jesus was taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem, and nailed to a cross of wood where he died, the cross was a pagan instrument used to subdue the Jewish `chosen people`. Called `chosen`, because they were, according to their Talmud and Torah, that is, their law and history, selected by the creator, God, to fulfil God`s plan that the human host should be greater than the angelic host, the Jews were the Old Testament for the Christians, who believed in Jesus` New Testament teaching. Unfortunately, Christianity didn`t, because Jesus` teaching was the acceptance of `woman`s seed`. Born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen, Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension to heaven after his death prefigured that of `woman`s seed`. His mother, the Virgin Mary, was depicted in Christian iconography crushing the head of the serpent with her `foot`, because futanarian women have their own penis` semen for the reproduction of human brainpower superior to that of the animal. In simple terms, the Roman Empire and others were based on the subjugation of humans as slaves by their interbreeding of the `remnant` of humanity with animals: `The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to wage war on the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) Fully grown serpent`s are dragons, which is why the `red dragon` of war appears in Jesus` disciple John`s apocalyptic prophecy of the future, Revelation, because Jesus and Mary`s futanarian `foot` is still having trouble crushing its head through human sexual reproduction between women: `At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30) Angels, because women will produce `man` as colonizers of the planets amongst the stars if they`re able to leave Earth, which is why God says to Eve, the first woman: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) The Empire of pagan men in slavery won`t let go. Unfortunately, because Christianity didn`t understand Jesus` teaching, it won`t let go either; so it`s pagan.

 Although guns weren`t invented in Roman times, paying the gunman is endemic in modern times, that is, the pagans won, because they were the guns that were paid. During the period of the Roman Empire in Palestine, Jesus wasn`t a male figure of the same stature as the Emperor, so his crucifixion was designed to appeal to women who hated men for being their slavers. Jesus` torture and death was a picture of what the Emperor wanted women to do, because they couldn`t kill him, which is where Jesus` human sacrifice by the Roman pagans is reassessed by Christianity as a `sacrificial act` on the part of the sacrificed. In other words, Jesus` cross is an icon for women who want to kill men, and the crucifixion scene is sanctioned by the powerful male, like the Emperor, who perceives that he can`t be killed, but others may be sacrificed to assuage women`s hatred. Consequently, as a purportedly celibate `woman`s seed`, born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, Jesus epitomized the ineffectual male, who could be killed by women as a human sacrificial victim on the altar of paganism to whatever might free them from slavery. Naming what they sacrificed to, `God`, it furthered the divine plan, which was to have women sexually reproduce in heaven with each other. Because Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension to heaven prefigured that of `woman`s seed`, human sacrifice was legitimized for women in the case of weaker men, who were perceivable as `heaven bound`, while their deaths satisfied the blood lust of those who hated men for keeping them as slaves. The Jews had been slaves in Egypt before escaping to Palestine, so slavery was perceived as their enemy, and the symbol of the Roman Empire was the fasces `bundle` with an ax in its center that was adopted by the German National Socialist (Nazi) Party that, after its democratic election in 1933, oversaw the pogroming of upwards of 20, 000, 000 of God`s `chosen people`, whose tradition it was that a Jew could only be born from a Jewish woman, so for Christianity Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, had given birth to the `perfect man`, uncontaminated by male semen. The Nazis` pogrom was in keeping with what the Roman Empire wanted, which was the extinction of `woman`s seed` as a form of self-hatred on the part of a humanity that didn`t want to be a slave to more powerful males. In simple terms, Jesus was killed, because he was weak, and the fascists used the Christian belief in heaven for the peaceful to kill the weaker and implement a program of fitness, whereby only the strongest males survived. Christianity was pagan and the weaker paid the gun.

In Islam, `accept`, the second son of Abraham, whose first, Isaac, founded Judaism, was Ishmael, whose descendant Mohamed received the Koran (610-30 C.E.), according to tradition, from the angels of God in heaven, and who was born from the wife of Abraham`s maid, Hajer, who was an `Egyptian woman`. Sara, Abraham`s wife, gave Hajer to him, after the birth of Isaac, and she became barren. Because Hajer was Egyptian, Ishmael`s birth was seen as illegitimate by Judeo-Christianity, that is, he represented slavery for women. The Moslem, `acceptance`, belief in Islam was based on the principle of four wives, which Judeo-Christianity viewed as a retroactive attempt to legitimize Ishmael`s birth from an unmarried woman, while also legitimizing `Egyptian` slavery through polygamy, whereas it afforded the possibility of sexual reproduction between women within the Islamic family. In simple terms, Islam offered Redemption from fascism, where acceptance of `woman`s seed` redeems men from male braining for war against humanity. Although not well documented, Iraq was a supporter of German fascism during World War Two (1939-45), the German Empire`s second attempt to enslave the Earth, after its first attempt in World War One (1914-18), which ultimately resulted in Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein`s invasion of Kuwait in 1990 and the rise of fascism in the Middle East through his successor, Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, the self-proclaimed leader of an Islamic Caliphate arising amongst rebels in Syria, and Iraq. After the US invasion there in March, 2003, and subsequent execution of Saddam Hussein on December 30, 2006, the Independent State of Iraq and Syria waged war to obtain control of territories as far away as Spain and North Africa. Because fascism seeks the extinction of `woman`s seed`, Saddam Hussein and Baghdadi were anathema to Islam, which legitimized the sexual reproduction of humans between women within Moslem families.

 Despite the US army`s removal of the Iraqi army from Kuwait, it wasn`t until Iraq`s dictator, Saddam Hussein, declared support for the Al Qaeda terrorist group, `the base`, operating under the auspices of the notoriously misogynist Taliban regime of Afghanistan and led by Saudi Arabia`s rich business heir, Osama Ben Laden, that the Gulf wars properly began. Al Qaeda hijacked civil airliners to crash them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York city, a symbolic `rough trade`, which is that homosexuality in pederasty associated with `brutality and violence` deriving from ancient Greece`s supposedly democratic institutionalization of homosexuality in pederasty for war; through the host womb slaving of the human species of futanarian `woman`s seed`. Although that terrorist act on September 11, 2001, precipitated the invasion of Afghanistan, and the toppling of the Afghan regime by December 2001, the invasion of Iraq by the US was a symptom of `rough trade`. In parasitology, the parasite that emerges from the host to kill it is termed `parasitoid`, which is what men do with the human host. In simple terms, Jesus was parasitoid food, and women understand Christianity as instructive with regard to weaker males. They`re to be killed to see if they resurrect and have Ascension to heaven, because they`re closer to `woman`s seed`. It was Jesus` disciple, Judas, that perceived the threat to the male brained Empire. Spying Jesus` anointing by a woman, Judas suggested the perfume, be sold, but Jesus said: `Leave her alone.` (Mk: 14. 6) If Jesus had lived, `woman`s seed` would have been resurrected, and ultimately would have produced enough brainpower to escape male braining for war in host womb slavery of the human race. Colonization of the planets amongst the stars would have been Ascension to heaven for humanity. Consequently, women had to be convinced that the killing of weaker males was in the interest of the human race to the stars, so Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension to heaven was used to encourage them to kill the weaker male in the midst of the powerful male, which of course was counter-productive, because it meant the death of the `remnant` of `woman`s seed`, although it satisfied women`s hatred for men. In short, Jesus` human sacrifice wasn`t a self-sacrifice, but a ritual pagan killing designed to encourage women to kill their own species` `seed` in the delusion that they`d have heaven.

 By the late 20th century, homosexuality in pederasty for war against `woman`s seed` had produced its `biological weapon`, the human immuno-deficiency virus (HIV), which resulted in acquired immuno-deficiency syndrome (AIDS), a sexually transmitted disease (STD) resulting from men`s mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in mockery of women`s human mode of sexual reproduction: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores, but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) What they`d done was find a way of killing the human brain through injecting semen at the base of the spine through the anus, which is why Al Qaeda means `the base`, because precipitating global `rough trade` is what homosexuals in pederasty for war against the human race are for. In simpler terms, humanity has been at war with an alien consciousness for millennia: `The dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment it was born.` (Rev: 12. 4 ) Because `woman`s seed` is the human futanarian race, it can`t be born; if it`s unable to reproduce. In the United States of America, there are even laws to alter a child`s gender, so that it`s either male or female: `The number of the beast is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six.` (Rev: 13. 8) Without `woman`s seed`, only two thirds of the human potential is present, that is, 66.6%, which means that democratic institutions are parasitoid. Because the human species of `woman`s seed` should invariaby choose its own race to reproduce with, they`d outproduce men. Producing out amongst the stars in sufficient numbers to colonize the planets is what they`re for, but in slavery male braining is the evil Empire of Satan based on war`s parasitoid devouring of the human race before it can walk. Proverbially, a child has to learn to walk, before it can run, but children can`t ever walk, because they aren`t taught human biology through the mass media, which requires three gender programs. Although the television machine wasn`t invented until 1926, men and women had been manufactured for millennia as a single male brained creature wearing each others clothes in transvestism to entertain the alien parasitoid in `TV` war, which might have been averted indefinitely; if the district of Hollywood, `Babylon`, the film capital in the city of Los Angeles, on the west coast of the USA`s state of California, hadn`t banned `woman`s seed` from being seen on movie screens. In accordance with global fascism in 1930, the `Hays code` of the President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), Will Hays, was implemented: `... women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`1 Left without what society labels `pornography` to educate humans in human biology, through mass media representations of a three gendered society, the lop-sided male braining of men and women causes them to hemorrhage to war`s standstill above a pile of their own skulls: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) The capital city of the Persian Empire, `Babylon (c. 4000 BC), was named for `a woman` of the Bible, because it was an early instance of `TV`, and that`s why Hollywood was labeled the `Babylon` of the west, while Saddam Hussein could see the ruins of the ancient Babylon of the east from his summer palace at Hillah, because that`s what `TV` is for. Eek! Quality pogroming for film and TV audiences inured to misogyny. Pederasty`s child killer`s parasitoid alien invader has been the ruler of the Earth it conquered since `TV` was invented by Satan in the paradise that was heaven on Earth in Eden.