Universal Life Church

The Universal Life Church Monastery

Thursday, 31 March 2022

Ursula K. Le Guin and the Mindless Submyth

Ursula K. Le Guin and the Mindless Submyth


 In her article, 'Myth and Archetype in Science Fiction', writer and critic Ursula K. Le Guin opined that, if you look hard at the 'Blond Hero',1 he doesn't look back at you, he disappears. She condemned what she thought of as an insufficiency of proper imagination in writers within her genre who promoted the mindless submyth of modern times, rather than the developmentally archetypal writing that creative minds like that of the poet T. S. Eliot wrote of the need for in heavily allusive works such as his, ‘The Waste Land’ (1922), designed to cultivate the spirit and desire for cultural activity to inspire and regenerate a 20th century wracked by two world wars and without hope of anything much less bleak:


‘”That corpse you planted last year in your garden,

Has it begun to sprout? Will it bloom this year?

Or has the sudden frost disturbed its bed?”’ (l. 71-3)2


 Eliot’s demand was for literature that had archetypal content for readers who needed psychological development, a mature cultural understanding of life; how to enjoy each day consciously and reflectively, without becoming subdued by fate’s vicissitudes. Archetypes were largely to be found in the unconscious of human beings, according to Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), who detected in his clinical work as a psychiatrist what he described as a facultas praeformandi, that is, a preexistent disposition within the human psyche, which reacted and morphed to meet the needs and requirements of a nascent consciousness Jung termed the ‘God archetype’. Like the creator, God, the archetype of the ‘Self’ created many different forms, acting as guides to individual progress, through the unconscious-self’s relationship with dreams, art, and the imagination. Most particularly, Jung observed the workings of the soul image as it existed in man, which he called the anima, a feminine contrasexual component in contradistinction to the male ego. In women the contrasexual component was the animus, which had the character for a woman of a crowd of male observers, whereas the anima generally appeared to the unconscious in dreams as a type of woman, shapely in appearance, although in art and the imagination, for example, the novel form, her looks were dependent on God’s imitators:


‘Flushed and decided, he assaults at once;

Exploring hands encounter no defense;

His vanity requires no response,

And makes a welcome of indifference.’ (l. 239-42)3


 Ursula K. Le Guin argued that the male ego appeared archetypally as the hero in countless mindless submyths without developmental value, but rather harmful to the reader psychologically, because the role model was sociopathic, that is, if the reader sought to emulate the fictional subject’s behavior he/she would be labeled ‘psychopathic’ by those for whom depictions of normative activity were the sine qua non of acceptable imagination. However, from a Jungian standpoint fiction was the means by which the author used archetypal material to educate and foster human development.

 Archetypes developed what Jung called ‘individuation’, a desirable state in when the ego was no longer embroiled in conflict with projections arising from interactions characterized by an unconscious inability to discern the significance of the encounter. The shadow was that part of a human psyche that saw the ‘other’ as inferior, because its ego wasn’t developed enough to perceive its inferiority. When the ego was able to overcome its inferiority to see the other person as superior, that was shadow-integration, which was the use of archetypal projections in reality as well as fiction. The process of becoming conscious through projections Jung called introjection, while it was the role of the writer to assist in reality.

 Jung descried many different archetypes, for example, the self, the hero, the mother, and the wise old man, etc., but there was a glaring error in his interpretation of the throng of men as admirers of women when he came to discuss the archetype he called the animus as it appeared in the psyche of women. Although Jung had determined that the anima was a soul image in man, because women were an independent species with their own penis’ semen as futanarian humanity, Jung’s interpretation of the anima, as an impetus towards the fulfilment of sexual desire, more properly belonged with the race of women, while the male crowd represented the aim of enslaving the host womb of women’s seed as a parasitical invader prepared to wage war to achieve its objective.

 Although Jung touched on the subject of homosexuality tangentially, institutionalization of homosexuality, along with the enslavement of host wombs for war, which the ancient Greeks practiced against the Persian Empire of Darius (499-449 B.C.), was normative for men, that is, the animus as a ‘gang bang’ of actors in a snuff movie theater, where ‘snuff’, a term derived from the snuffing out of a candle flame using a douser, and adapted as a genre label for illegal entertainment videos featuring the real-life killing of humans, was a more accurate interpretation of the meaning of the animus archetype for women, who corresponded to the actual species, as opposed to the alien rapist looking for a ‘grow bag’ in which to place its ‘fertilizer’:


‘As though a window gave upon the sylvan scene

The change of Philomel, by the barbarous king

So rudely forced; yet there the nightingale

Filled all the desert with inviolable voice

And still she cried, and still the world pursues,

“Jug Jug” to dirty ears.’ (l. 98-103)4


 In his poem, ‘The Waste Land’, T. S. Eliot metaphorically describes how the parasite leeches life from the human, as a vampire drinking blood from the jugulars of victims, while the poets endeavor to plant archetypes to grow positively in the mind to counter the sterile, dull, grey miasma of the homosexual world they’d watched emerge, as the mindless submyth of a parasitical alien invader masquerading as the German Empire of Kaiser Wilhelm II in WWI (1914-18), and that of the German Chancellor Adolf Hitler in WWII (1939-45), which had been noteworthy for what Jung called the embracing of evil in the form of the collective shadow as a Europe-wide pogrom was prosecuted through war against the Jews by Hitler’s National Socialist (Nazi) Party, democratically elected by the German people in 1933, by means of the construction of internment camps, where the Jews were killed and incinerated as inferior.

 Judaism had been founded by Isaac, son of Abraham, according to the Old Testament of the Bible, which is the Talmud and Torah, that is, the history and law of the Jews, while Islam, according to the Moslem believers in the Koran (610-30 C.E.), dictated by the angels to the Prophet Mohamed, was founded by him, a descendant of Abraham’s second son, Ishmael, born of a concubine, Hajer, ‘the Egyptian woman’, so making both Ishmael and Islam illegitimate from the perspective of Judaic monogamy, which was conflated with monotheism. As the Koran permitted four wives to Moslem marriages, according to Judeo-Christianity, Islam was an attempt to legitimize an illegitimate religion. However, as women’s seed could reproduce within the Moslem marriage, Islam was more legitimate. ‘Christ’, ‘the chosen’ of the Christian religion, born of his mother, the Virgin Mary, taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem, during the occupation of Jewish Palestine by agents of the Roman Empire, and nailed to a cross of wood, where he died, before he experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, Jesus ‘Christ’ prefigured the destiny of woman’s seed, as an archetypal path of individuation. Absent from the mass media entertainment industry, that is, the educational instrument of the human race, women’s seed is needed.

 Jesus was most notable for diluting the law of the Jews, given to Moses by God, during the Jews’ exodus from slavery to the Egyptians, in the reign of Thutmose III (1485-1431 B.C.), to the land they believed God promised them in Palestine: ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ (Mk: 12. 31) God’s ‘ten commandments’ were essentially prohibitions against theft, for example, thieving and killing were similar in their taking away possibility, a perspective reflected throughout God’s laws, for example, ‘You shall not covet.’ (Ex: 20. 17) Wanting what belonged to someone else encouraged the obtaining of what the other had, which stole their life’s possibilities; a form of murder. Jesus’ simpler maxim embraced God’s law as ‘love’ which was what women’s seed needed. In monogamy women were imprisoned as ring slaves, which didn’t permit of their species‘ mode of sexual reproduction; a truncation of life amounting to the taking of life unlawfully. When a woman was caught in adultery, Jesus’ questioned God’s ‘commandment’: ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ (Ex: 20. 14) As women were the human futanarian race, men were their adulterate, that is, it was impossible for women to be adulterous, as they were a single species, so Jesus observed: ‘Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.’ (John: 8. 7)

 Although Jesus figures in the Koran, he’s described as a man who died, but it wasn’t him, that is, he was a meat bag for an ‘other’ who’s ‘sub’. According to Jung the unconscious is divided into two parts, the subconscious and the unconscious. The subconscious corresponds biologically to the submandibular gland at the jaw where subvocalizations occur. In hypnosis, for example, the subject subvocalizes what the hypnotist has recorded for the listener to hear. For Ursula K. Le Guin, the writer who produces mindless submythic material for the reader is manipulating the subvocalization process to persuade the psyche to accept the fiction as individuational. Moreover, as the character Khidr in ‘The Cave’ sura of the Koran, Al Kahf, chapter 18, explains to Moses, he made holes in the boats on the beach to prevent pirates pursuing them. In Islam the Shaitan djinn, Iblis, is the equivalent of Satan in Judeo-Christianity, but he has no power other than to whisper at the ear lobes, which are just above the parotid gland where the cogitational capacities of the frontal lobes are pirated by the mindless submyth makers, who want repetition, rather than education, which is what shallow priests and hypnotists inculcate in minds they want submission and obedience from.

 The angel, Satan, according to the book of Genesis in the Old Testament of the Bible, rejected God’s plan for the human host to be greater than the angelic. Turned into a serpent by God, Satan was placed in the paradise of Eden, where he persuaded the woman, Eve, to ‘eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil’, which it was death to taste, saying ‘You will be as gods.’ (Gen: 3. 5) However, despite expelling her and the man created by God, the creator promised Redemption to Eve’s seed: ‘You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.’ (Gen: 3. 15) The serpent’s seed of men won’t be able to prevent the futanarian ‘foot’ of Eve’s race from leaving Earth to colonize the planets amongst the stars, although the ‘submen’ will seek to prevent it.

 The subconscious isn’t categorizable as subhuman, but it’s open to suggestion, and is what hypnotists seek to influence subliminally to instruct the minds of their subjects to obey their orders. While there are ethical consideration in the application of autosuggestion, religion, especially in the Middle East, for example, Islam, where the faithful Moslem believers are required to pray five times each day, is a routine administration of hypnotic sublimation of the human, while trance-like translations of the priest’s sermons mediated through headsets and ear ‘phones are common throughout the former Communist regimes of the Eastern European Christian churches, where for foreign ‘guests’ are subject to an undermining of their mindset to establish enslavement through mind control.

Amounting to ‘brainwashing’, a term used by the United States’ Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), after experiences in South East Asia and elsewhere, to describe how foreign powers attempt to ‘convert’ agents to make them work for them,  such collapsing of the mental faculties was central not only to movies like A Clockwork Orange (1971) in which ‘droog’ leader, actor Malcolm McDowell as ‘ultraviolent’ Alex DeLarge, is subjected to the ‘aversion’ therapy of the ‘Ludovico technique’, but also to later 20th century fears over the ‘incurable killer disease’, HIV/AIDS, which had been discovered transmitted between homosexuals by Africa’s Dr Congo in 1983, ‘Eggy Wegs ... I would like to smash 'em.’5 The human immune deficiency virus (HIV) was revealed by science as mutant variant of the simian immune deficiency virus (SIV) which resulted in acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), organ collapse and brain death, that is, sufferers became simian, an attribute characteristic of descriptions of the subman obedient to mind control.

 When the global coronavirus epidemic began in Wuhan city, Hubei province, China, December 2019, after its being initially uncovered in a cave of bats in Yunnan province, T. S. Eliot’s ‘The Waste Land’ looked like prophecy. Scientists demonstrated that the passing of HIV/AIDS between homosexuals made the human system more susceptible to severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS),6 that is, death through lung collapse, as the individual lost the power of speech and consciousness. Homosexuality was manifest, as the subman, in the making of the mindless submyth of the subhuman, because it’d subliminally convinced the human race of futanarian women’s seed that it was acceptable to penetrate men anally with its penis’ semen:


‘And bats with baby faces in the violet light

Whistled, and beat their wings

And crawled head downward down a blackened wall.’ (l. 380-82)7


 As SARS was characterized by flatulence, that is, the ‘perfume’ from the anus, the homosexual submen were killing the human race as its old farter, who wasn’t going to be in heaven, as Jesus’ disciple, John, observed in his apocalyptic New Testament vision of the future, Revelation: ‘A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth.’ (Rev: 12.3) The symbol is of the EU, that is, the political European Union of nations, symbolized by twelve stars. However, for the submen it’s EUthenasia, that is, first the EU then Asia, where the coronavirus emerged: ‘The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment he was born.’ (Rev: 12. 4) When President Vlad Putin’s Russia invaded the Ukraine in February 2022, because that country had asked for admittance to the EU membership of nations in January 2022, the appearance of the TOC 1 heavy flamethrower system mounted on a T-72 tank chassis was greeted with dismay as a sign that ‘boot in’ was a draco.

 For homosexuals Christianity was a homosexual surrounded by a clique of homosexuals because Jesus ‘Christ’, ‘the chosen’, born of his mother, the Virgin Mary, was an asshole birth, that is, Joseph and Mary practiced anal intercourse. Irrespective of the evidence of human biology, that is, that sperm fertilizes the ovum after the penis ejaculates semen into a woman’s vagina, homosexuals believed that their Redemption consisted in the recognition that Jesus’ was an ass birth, and that the disciples of Jesus were his homosexual anus fuckers, which is the ‘truth’ that they wanted to disseminate to the world. Received and promulgated as ‘real’ by writers of fiction, and purveyors of mass media entertainment, the mindless submyth became the prevailing cultural paradigm. Not only did it represent a defeat for the artist with the creative imagination, like that of T. S. Eliot, it represented subjugation, through homosexual domination, by an alien creature identifying itself as such before invading and taking over the minds of the human host.

 The coronavirus was the virus of the submen grown large enough to whisper as a homunculus (human killers) in the ear of the host to effect the subhuman aim of extinguishing the light of intelligence,2 which is why T. S. Eliot wrote prophylactically, and as a forewarning to his readership, in his conclusion to ‘The Waste Land’, ‘These fragments I have shored against my ruins.’ (l. 431).9 A vampire slaver, the subman parasites watch and wait for the host to die before moving on to other victims. While the human struggles to produce and reproduce, the submen subliminally program through the parotid and submandibular glands for their host to be zombie-like repetitives, without creativity, or volition to move beyond the humdrum, so that the mindless submyth of the leech might triumph over the spirit of God.


1 Le Guin, Ursula K. 'Myth and Archetype in Science Fiction' in The Language of the Night: Essays on Fantasy and Science Fiction, ed. Susan Wood, London: Women's Press, 1979, pp. 61-9, p. 61.

2 Eliot, T. S. ‘The Waste Land’, Part I: The Burial of the Dead, The Criterion, October 1922, l. 71-3.

3 Eliot, T. S. ‘The Waste Land’, Part II: A Game of Chess, The Criterion, 1922, l.239-42.

4 Eliot, T. S. ‘The Waste Land’, Part II: A Game of Chess, The Criterion, 1922, l.98-103.

5 McDowell, Malcolm as Alex DeLarge in A Clockwork Orange, Polaris Productions; Hawk Films, 1971.

6 Healy, Melissa ‘Did failure to adequately treat HIV patients give rise to the Omicron variant?’, Los Angeles Timeshttps://www.latimes.com/science/story/2021-12-02/did-omicron-coronavirus-variant-arise-in-patient-with-uncontrolled-hiv , December 2nd, 2021, 4 am Pacific Time (PT).

7 Eliot, T. S. ‘The Waste Land’, Part III: The Fire Sermon, The Criterion, 1922, l.380-82.

8 Jung, Carl G. Psychology and Alchemy, Collected Works, Vol. 12, Part II Individual Dream Symbolism in Relation to Alchemy, Chapter 3, The Symbolism of the Mandala, II. The Mandalas in the Dreams, 31. Dream, Bollingen Foundation, Princeton University Press, 1953, para. 243.

9 Eliot, T. S. ‘The Waste Land’, Part V: What The Thunder Said, The Criterion, 1922, l.431.

Saturday, 26 March 2022

The Cock's Out Of The Battle And The Djinn Are Free

The Cock's Out Of The Battle And The Djinn Are Free

Most people have given some thought as to what the genie in the bottle is, and as many would want to know the reason for the genie’s slavery. It’s easy for a human biologist to explain, because women’s futanarian species have penis’ semen of their own for the sexual reproduction of their own brains’ powers to devise rejuvenation technologies, for example, and/or interstellar spaceship travel. In simple terms, if men’s cock is out of the bottle, the human race is free, that is, if what’s being reproduced isn’t men by women any longer, women who fertilize their own host wombs are liberated from parasitism.

 The production of a single male brained creature wearing each other’s clothes in TV transvestism is just that, a TV which features war, plague, famine and death as its mainstay. As Jesus’ disciple, John, saw in his apocalyptic vision of the future, Revelation, ‘the four horsemen of the apocalypse’, who’re TV for supposedly adult males, despite God’s warning of eternal unendurable pain, that is, perdition, for the evil: ‘Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.’ (Rev: 16. 11) Although it was Jesus, ‘Christ’, ‘the chosen’, born of his mother, the Virgin Mary, as women’s seed, who inspired the New Testament of the Bible, believed by Christians to supersede the Old Testament of the Jews, that is, the Talmud and Torah, which is their law and history, John’s vision descries the problem with the TV: ‘The dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth to devour her child the moment it was born.’ (Rev: 12. 4) If the cork stays in the bottle, that is, if the male penis retains sole access to the human species’ womb of women, the child of humanity won’t be born: ‘The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to wage war on the remnant of her seed.’ (Rev: 12. 17) In Christian iconography, Jesus’ mother is depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, as a symbol of Jesus’ triumph over slavery for the futanarian human race.

 During the period of the reign of the Roman Emperor, Tiberius Caesar Augustus (14-37 C.E.), Jesus was taken by the Romans, then occupying the Jewish state of Palestine, to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem where he was nailed to a cross and died there, but experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of women’s seed: ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ (Mk: 12. 31) Jesus’ injunction to the Jews seems innocuous enough but to slavers it was a threat to their hold on the human host womb. Interpreted by hippies in the 1960s counter culture, made famous by novels, such as Robert A. Heinlein’s Stranger In A Strange Land (1961), featuring a Christ-like Messiah, Michael Valentine Smith, preaching agape, without the restraints on invitations to ‘free love’ imposed by adhering to prohibitions about adultery, missed Jesus’ point, ‘God … LOVES US!’1

 When a woman was accused of adultery, he said ‘Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.’ (John: 8. 7) None could, because men are women’s adulterate,  so their progeny are boy sons (poisons), for example, the ‘incurable killer disease’, HIV/AIDS virus, discovered by DR Congo in 1983, as a mutant virus of simian provenance, that is, women can’t be adulterous, as men aren’t their species. Once the cock’s out of the bottle, women’s seed has Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, which is the reason for Jesus Christ, the Jewish Messiah, being known as the Redeemer, while Jesus’ mother, the Virgin Mary, as the archetype of women’s seed, is the mother of Redemption and Salvation for humanity.

 In ancient Greece homosexuality was institutionalized along with hoist womb slavery of women to produce soldiers for war (499-449 B.C.) against the Persian Empire of Darius, that is, the apes were preparing to launch their virus, human immune deficiency (HIV), as a variant of simian immune deficiency (SIV), transmitted anally by homosexuals with infected penis’ semen engaging in sterile mockery of the human act of sexual reproduction. The resultant acquired immune deficiency virus (AIDS) meant organ collapse and brain death for the victims of what was essentially a biological weapon operating with some efficiency alongside conventional means of attacking the human race.

 If women’s seed were the prevalent issue upon the Earth, all of the people would have that homogeneity needed to obviate invasion. Although war has been promoted by TV as normative for humans, men are the wagers of it, that is, women’s seed are its victims, so war is waged by an alien (aliens) again the foot of the futanarian race for the moon, and on to colonize the planets amongst the stars of heaven, which is why Jesus’ teaching, Resurrection and Ascension was Redemption for the human species of women: ‘That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.’2 If humanity isn’t kind, it’ll only revisit the cratered rocks of its sterile past, which isn’t what the creator wanted.


1 Heinlein, Robert A. Stranger In A Strange Land, G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1961, Chapter XXIII.

2 Armstrong, Neil, North American Space Administration (NASA) Apollo 11 moon landing, UTC:  2. 56, July 21st, 1969.

Friday, 25 March 2022

Eastern Schengen Zone

Eastern Schengen Zone


Isten is the word for God in Hungarian, that is, magyarul, the language of the Magyar, as they call themselves, so for them, as a member state of the European Union since 2004, it was the Isten Schengen zone, while for the rest of Europe it was the Eastern Schengen zone: homonymous. As 26 member states of the EU believed, in their wisdom, that a region where they’re free to travel without passport control, so long as they don’t stay in a country of the EU for very long, especially if they own property, it wasn’t a concentration camp. However, to a hell ‘e would ‘snuff’ movie Mogul, it was a sten ‘chine gun zone.

 The sten submachine gun was manufactured in WWII (1939-45) by Britain, with the Russian PPSh-41, known as papasha (папа́ша) that is, ‘daddy’, as its only rival for numbers produced, although the weapon is familiar to ordinary people mainly from so-called ‘action’ movies, for example, director Sam Peckinpah’s Cross Of Iron (1977),  based on WWII events, such as Germany’s invasion of Russia in 1941, when the Red Army was encircled around Kiev, during ‘Operation Barbarossa’ first phase, from August 7th-September 26th, before surrendering. The invasion of the Ukraine on the orders of Russian Federation ‘daddy’, President Vlad ‘the flamethrower’, Putin, shown live on global TV news, provided similarly unacknowledged mass media entertainment for perverts.

 The ‘snuff’ film genre is an illegal mode featuring recordings of live killings, usually on video cassette, where torture and death are the perversion being offered to the voyeur, for example, Peckinpah’s movie, Straw Dogs (1971), though an ‘action’ movie, rather than snuff, features the rape and murder that perverts like. Live war, a boon to the ghoul, who’ll pay more for cable and satellite, contrasts with what the United States calls public service broadcasting (PSB), represented in the United Kingdom by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) TV, which provides live coverage of news events such as war, plague, famine and death. While cable and satellite channels compete for more gory subject material to keep viewing figures high enough to remain economically viable through advertising, PSB financing depends primarily on a TV licensing system, so censorship in the interests of public decency and taste is usual. However, if the rich want live snuff entertainment, war is their theater.

 The Russian Red Army’s TOC 1 (TOS) Heavy Flamethrower System (тяжёлая огнемётная система), bore an uncanny resemblance to the human apparatus that, during the global coronavirus pandemic, produced a flammable gas in the form of flatulence, which allied to air being sucked from the lungs, in the course of the victim’s dying, if they succumbed to severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), caused by the virus, resembled the two stage apparatus of the thermobaric multiple rocket launcher, TOS 1, mounted on a T-72 tank chassis, which spread fuel air explosive in the form of vapor gas, before igniting to create a blast: vacuum sucking oxygen from the lungs accompanied by vaporization of everything within the weapon’s radius. For perverts viewing the deployment of the TOS 1, it was live mass media entertainment, based on their ghoulish knowledge of the SARS virus, which they’d be forbidden from enjoying the course of; even if they petitioned local hospital administrations for permission to observe. TOS 1 was, as with many such dire events, the ghouls’ vengeance.

 HIV/AIDS, an ‘incurable killer disease’, discovered to be transmitting anally by homosexuals with infected semen in 1983, that is, the human immune deficiency virus (HIV), which in its virulent phase resulted in acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), collapse of the organs and brain death, made humans more susceptible to death by SARS’ lung collapse. As the human system produces flatulence, that is, flammable vapor, before succumbing to the virus, HIV/AIDS, properly considered, is the first stage of the ‘biological weapon’ equivalent to TOS 1, corresponding to masturbation, where ‘toss’ is a verb denoting ejaculation by hand.

 Although Onan was the character in the book of the Old Testament of the Jewish Bible, Genesis, who was killed by God for ‘spilling his semen on the ground’ (Gen: 38. 9), rather than fertilize his dead brother’s wife, Tamar, he was killed for that, not masturbation, although the term onanism for masturbation derives from the name, Onan, who was similar to homosexuals in the sense that he preferred sterility, which was the reason for God’s killing him. Moreover, as women are a separate independent futanarian species with their own penis’ semen, God’s killing of Onan for refusing to impregnate Tamar was due to anger at the absence of women’s seed, while God’s drowning the Earth in a flood for unspecified evil suggests that men had killed, or sterilized, God’s original human futanarian species, which is what tossers do.

 Although Star Trek: TOS (1966-69) means ‘The Original Series’, created by producer Gene Roddenberry for NBC TV in the states, which featured its own heavy weapons system in the shape of photon torpedoes, launched from aboard the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) starship, center of the science fiction series, along with actor William Shatner as Captain James T. Kirk, in human terms men who don’t want to engage in ring slavery by being faithful to the farm, and/or those who want to avoid contracting HIV/AIDS, masturbate, that is, they’re tossers, while homosexuals are the virus. Star Trek: TOS, for example, was famous for Kirk’s Security, and beautiful women, like actress Grace Lee Whitney, who first appeared on September 8th, 1966, as yeoman Janice Rand in Season 1, Episode 1, ‘The Man Trap’, in which an alien from a planet, M-113, with the form of a woman, Professor Robert’s wife, Nancy Crater, is killed by Kirk’s phaser weapon, because host womb enslavement within the ‘camp’ framework is how the parasite farms, while ‘alien’ is the term applied by ‘ethnic cleansers’, that is, pogromers, to humans, for example, the 70,000 Moslem women interned and raped in camps during the Bosnian war (1992-95) by Christian Serb militia, as culturally different to the general population, so vulnerable to xenophobic prejudice and attack.

 Ancient Greece institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty for war against the Persian Empire of Darius (499-449 B.C.), and the host womb slavery of women, to effectively manufacture soldiers, as the British sten and Russian PPsh-41 were similarly manufactured, that is, homosexual biological warfare is a concomitant of their conventional warfare against the human race. As futanarian women are capable of sexually reproducing their own brains’ powers to manufacture rejuvenation technologies and achieve interstellar space travel, for example, war is waged against them: ‘The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.’ (Rev: 12. 17) Jesus’ disciple John, in his apocalyptic vision of the future, Revelation, based on the teaching of Jesus ‘Christ’, ‘the chosen’ Messiah of the Jews, in the New Testament of the Bible, which Christianity believes supersedes the Old Testament of the Torah and Talmud of the Jews, that is, their history and law, describes a mother, similar to Jesus’, the Virgin Mary, who is depicted, in Christian iconography, as crushing the head of the serpent with her ‘foot’, because Jesus, as woman’s seed, is futanarian: ‘The dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth to devour her child the moment it was born.’ (Rev: 12. 4) The dragon corresponds to homosexuality as a tosser, that is, celibacy enforcing HIV/AIDS is the first stage of their masturbator’s biological weapon deployment, and SARS, with its flatulence and expiration is its second. The TOS 1 heavy flamethrower system corresponds to active, rather than passive, homosexuality, that is, the tossers are the butts who wouldn’t give up smoking, which is a Russian euphemism for fellatio, while smoking women’s penis down to their butt isn’t.

 As draco, that is, dragon, is a term reserved for the blood-sucking vampire of legend in Eastern Europe, Vlad Putin’s deployment on the T-72 tank chassis of the multiple rocket launcher, TOS 1 system, against the Ukraine in the invasion of March 2022, is the sign of a vampire restlessly adjusting itself within the coffin to get a better suck when it sinks its teeth into the women’s jugular cassette, which sounds like the word for church (gyülekezete) in Hungary, and what the Eastern (sten) Schengen (machine gun) zone seemed to have been designed for. Russia’s argument with the EU is that the Ukraine had applied to become a member in February 2022, which would mean that there’d be less of a cigarette for the vampire emerging from its coffin to suck on.

 As women’s futanarian species is essentially preyed on by men as its parasite, the legend of the immortal blood-sucking vampire that sinks its teeth into the jugular vein at the neck in order to drink, and can only be killed with a stake to the heart, is understandable in terms of the stake in their own race that women’s penis’ semen has, that is, as homosexuality has no stake in the heart of women, women’s penis is the stake in the heart of men: ‘Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.’ (Rev: 16. 11) The worm might view itself as immortal; however, it was Jesus, taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem, during the period of the Roman Empire’s occupation of Jewish Palestine, who was nailed to a cross of wood and died there, but experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of women’s seed.

 With the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU Schengen zone, named for the town in Luxembourg, where five members (Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands) of the earlier European Economic Community (EEC) agreed in 1985 to unfettered border crossing between European states, those nations that had been part of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), that is, Russia, before 1991, when it ostensibly changed its policies and ethos to become the Russian Federation, and allowed those satellite states that had been controlled by the central Communist government in Moscow, subsequent to the defeat of German ambitions to enslave the Earth in WWII, after asking the 30 members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), which includes three nations with nuclear defense capability, France, the UK, and the United States, if they propose to defend them in the event of Russian aggression, or continue with unkilled labor under fire from Eastern Schengen’s owners?

 As the HIV/AID virus was first discovered by DR Congo, a mutated version of the simian immune deficiency virus (SIV), the heavy flamethrower system, TOS 1, was launched in Africa by apes, although the discovery of the coronavirus in a cave of bats in Yunnan province, China, suggests the designed evolutionary path of the secret tosser was that of the blood-sucking vampire. In December 2019, a mutant variant of the virus, SARS 2, was discovered at a Wuhan city hospital in Hubei province, which represented the second stage of the launching of a biological vacuum weapon, after HIV/AIDS weakening of the human futanarian system to make it more susceptible to virus infection, causing lung collapse, and final expiration from smoking women’s penis down to its cigarette butt.

 As the People's Republic of the Congo (1969-92), until the collapse of the Soviet Russian Empire, was a communist country, and China is too, the emergence of Putin as a dragon lord breathing fire over the Earth is interpretable as a communist plot, assisted consciously or unconsciously, by Capitalism’s NATO members, who agreed to create an Eastern Schengen zone, that is, a sten ‘chine gun zone, for rich killers. Whereas Capitalism is the belief in exploitation of resources, both human and material, Communism is the ideology of workers’ ownership, although in practice the result is slavery in either case, because someone has to do the work.

 Modern life has been characterized by the ‘Cargo Cult’, that is, work that has already been completed is done again in order to maintain a slave system. The term derives from the US’ discovery in the islands of the Pacific during WWII that natives built rough versions of airplanes, so they had the desire for aviation, but without the technological know-how they could be used as slave labor to reproduce what already existed, which is what Capitalism and Communism does with education, training, and retraining programs. The Russian nuclear physicist, Andrei Sakharov, after his role in the successful Soviet RDS-37 thermonuclear weapons’ program, was consigned by the A-bomb tossers to work as a toilet cleaner; the broken legs of the expert ballet dancer amongst the ‘Cargo Cult’ slavers.

 As Isten is the name for God in Central Eastern Europe’s former Soviet controlled state of Hungary, gyula is the word for ‘leader’, while gyülekezete is ‘church’, and ‘rich jeweler’ is a term used to refer to expensive Christians, who’re conceivably ritualers, that is, human sacrifice is where the tossers are at. As Dror Ben Ami drily observed in The Jerusalem Post in 2015, ‘Paul of Tarsus never said that the animal sacrifices of the Jews didn’t remove sins. To the contrary: he agreed they removed sins. The point Paul of Tarsus was trying to make was that the blood sacrifice of Jesus was a more effective way to remove sins, because it was only needed once, whereas Jewish blood sacrifices needed to be repeated year after year.’2 For East Europeans raised by Communism, the ritual slaying of Jesus is Redemption, because killing special people is heaven for those jugular cassette blood drinkers rich enough to become richer tossers by appropriation. Jesus’ slaying was what sterilizers do, that is, ethnic cleansing. As woman’s seed, Jesus was killed, during the reign of the Roman Emperor, Tiberius Caesar Augustus (14-37 C.E.), because the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, didn’t want women’s species to escape sterilization, but remain host womb slaves.

 If gyula is ‘leader’, then gyülekezete (jugular cassette) is a ‘snuff’ video cassette, that is, the ritualers kill for what they want, which is what Isten’s Schengen Area was created for; using a sten ‘chine gun to kill for pleasure, property, and other means of financial gain and physical well being for the tossers. Vlad, ‘the flamethrower’, Putin, with his thermobaric sterilizer, TOS 1, was a vacuum cleaner, that is, an ethnic cleaner not unfamiliar from the days of his namesake, Vlad, ‘the impaler’, of the ancient country of Wallachia, inside modern Romania’s EU member state since 2007, whose habit it was to impale the assoles of his enemies on stakes of wood after a battle. Vlad Dracul III was the model for Irish writer Bram Stoker’s novel, Dracula (1897), about a vampire, who was immortal but sterile. The corollary with sterile anal penetration, resulting in HIV/AIDS, collapse of the organs and brain death, and the flatulence symptoms of the SARS virus, suggest Dracul (c. 1428-1477), releasing gas from the anus, as the originator of the heavy flamethrower system, TOS 1, which Vlad Putin still had enough fart left in him to ignite.

 Although the SARS virus arose there, and China is traditionally the place of dragons, which legendarily breathe fire, as biological flamethrowers, Dracul in central Europe was a draco, that is, a dragon lord. Vlad Putin’s assault on the Ukrainian city of Kiev, just below the border region of Bukovina, where ethnic Romanians dwelt from the period of the existence of the country of Moldavia, which together with Wallachia founded Romania in 1859, challenged Romania’s draco, called voivode: ‘warlord’. Although it was Hungary that appointed Dragoș voivode of Moldavia in 1345, stripped of Transylvania on June 4th, 1920, at the Treaty of Trianon, in the château at the palace of Versailles, near Paris, France, which the victors of the First World War (1914-18), to prevent the German Empire of Kaiser Wilhelm II from enslaving Europe and the world, gave to Romania, Hungarians had to accept they were a minority in the region, despite constituting approximately 19% of Transylvania’s population, and a majority in the Romanian center, Szeklerland (Harghita, Covasna and part of Mureș counties). Just as the Ukrainian capital was forcibly removed from Kiev to the city of Vladimir inside Russia in 1196, Hungarian Romanians were powerless to prevent the guv’nor, Vladimir Putin, invading the Ukraine from Russia.

 As with Chancellor Adolf Hitler’s National Socialist, ‘Nazi,’ Germany, when Poland, at the outset of WWII on September 29th, 1939, was divided west from east at the Bug River with Russia’s dictator Josef Stalin, the Ukrainian capital city, Kiev, a voivodeship of Poland (1569-1793), before Romania was founded, was the victim of a land grab. This time by Vlad Putin, a former lieutenant colonel (1975-91) with the secret ‘bug’ directors at the Russian Committee for State Security (КГБ), who described the KGB (Комитет государственной безопасности), at the height of the terror over the virality of the AIDS ‘bug’, collapsing the organs of the human system, as ‘the organs’.3 The philosophy of Germany, as evinced by Karl Marx, founder of ‘godless’ Communism, who wrote ‘workers should control the means of production’ in Das Kapital (1867), was proven the more successful sociopathology: its sign and symptom cigarette smoking and heavy farting in Oblast (region), Kiev.


1 Healy, Melissa ‘Did failure to adequately treat HIV patients give rise to the Omicron variant?’, Los Angeles Times, https://www.latimes.com/science/story/2021-12-02/did-omicron-coronavirus-variant-arise-in-patient-with-uncontrolled-hiv , December 2nd, 2021, 4 am Pacific Time (PT).

2 Ami, Dror Ben ‘Metaphors in the Torah: The Roles of Blood and the Liver in Removing Sin’, The Jerusalem Post, February 10th, 2015, 18:57 pm, https://www.jpost.com/Blogs/Torah-Commentaries/Metaphors-in-the-Torah-The-Role-of-the-Blood-and-the-Liver-in-Removing-Sin-390469 .

3 Sakwa, Richard Putin: Russia's Choice, London; New York: Routledge, 2008, p. 11.

Tuesday, 22 March 2022

Property Thieves, Aliens, and Christianity

Property Thieves, Aliens, and Christianity


In Judaism theft is closely related to murder, according to the history and law of the Jews, which is their Talmud and Torah in the Hebrew language, for example, ‘You shall not steal.’ (Ex: 20. 15) This commandment of God is numbered amongst ten that have at their core the perception that murder and theft are the same, ‘You shall not kill.’ (Ex: 20. 13) The taking of life is the same as theft in that it’s the permanent and summary reduction of a human individual; either incrementally or instantly, ‘You shall not covet.’ (Ex: 20. 17) As war is theft and murder, it’s pertinent to remember that the institutionalization of homosexuality in ancient Greece to facilitate host womb slavery of women to produce soldiers for war against the Persian Empire of Darius (499-449 B.C.), for example, can be held directly responsible for the launching of the biological weapon, HIV/AIDS, an ‘incurable killer disease’ discovered to be transmitting anally by homosexuals with infected semen by Africa’s DR Congo in 1983. Found to be a mutation of the simian immune deficiency virus (SIV), the human immune deficiency virus (HIV), in its virulent phase resulted in acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), collapse of the organs and brain death, which speeded up the process of inheritance.

 As human susceptibility to SARS, that is, severe acute respiratory syndrome, more commonly known as coronavirus, has been attributed to HIV/AIDS,1 like the two stage thermobaric TOC (TOS) 1 Heavy Flamethrower System, deployed by President Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation in war against the Ukraine, which sucks all of the air from the lungs before incineration, HIV/AIDS and SARS are a two stage ‘biological weapon’ designed to give homosexuals inheritance. As the power of warlords increased in Europe, ‘ethnic cleansing’ emerged. During the break-up of the former Yugoslavia super state, during the Bosnian war (1992-95), for example, as a concomitant of the Russian Empire of the Soviet Union’s withdrawal from satellite states, under Communist control since the close of WWII (1939-45), and the defeat of German ambitions to enslave the Earth, the internment of upwards of 70,000 Moslem women resulted in their rape by Christian Serb militia.

 The newly independent states of Eastern Europe joined the European Union, and by logical extension the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), with its 30 member states, and three nations with nuclear defense capacity, France, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America, which confirmed the creation of the ‘Schengen Area’ for 26 member states of the EU on March 26th, 1995, after initial agreement was reached on June 14th, between five states of the then European Economic Community (Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands) in the town of Schengen, Luxembourg, creating a region where passport control at borders was abolished.

 However, as nations within the Schengen Area made residence permits a condition of stay, without which an individual had to leave, travel within the Schengen Area was a permit to starve, that is, the EU had established a new ‘Gulag’ system of forced labor camps, after the style of Russia’s Josef Stalin in the years before and after WWII, as described by Russian writer Alexandr Solzhenitsyn in his novel about concentration camps, The Gulag Archipelago (1968), where political prisoners were worked to death, ‘Without evildoers there would have been no Archipelago.’2 The beauty of the residence permit for the property thieves is that a person can own the property they live in and still be defined as an ‘alien’ without permission to live, which is a movement away from ethnic cleansing towards the identification of the human as alien for extermination.

 As the combined effect of HIV/AIDS and SARS weakened the human system, so individuals grip on property loosened, making it easier for the inheritors. Vladimir Putin invaded the Ukraine with his TOC (TOS) 1 Heavy Flamethrower System (тяжёлая огнемётная система) a corollary of the flatulence associated with SARS, which also releases flammable vapor gas, because he wanted in. As the Ukraine’s application to join the EU and NATO was considered, Russia would lose an opportunity to thieve. While TOC 1 gas release is a prelude to sucking all of the oxygen from the victims’ lungs in vacuum bomb incineration, those who succumbed to the biological weapon of the AIDS/SARS virus were cremated to avoid the spread of the disease after their farters’ extinction. Typical of homosexuals, who put their penis in the anus from behind, they seek to appear inoffensive before launching their murderous assault.

 Central to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of the Ukraine, who still had enough fart left in him to prevent it from joining the EU and NATO, was the perception that property theft is what the homosexuals of the EU and NATO set up the Schengen Area for, whereas Russia’s adoption of a liberal stance towards those nations seeking independence from the former Communist Empire of the Soviet Union in the late 1980s, for example, the Ukraine, wasn’t a homosexual response. However, Vladimir Putin’s decision to invade the Ukraine is an attempt at property theft, which is what homosexuals do, because they’ve an alien spirit that seeks to possess demoniacally the human domain, and as German Chancellor Adolf Hitler’s National Socialist (Nazi) Party’s pogroms against propertied Jews during WWII demonstrated, incinerate in slave labor camps especially conceived for that purpose.


1 Healy, Melissa ‘Did failure to adequately treat HIV patients give rise to the Omicron variant?’, Los Angeles Times, https://www.latimes.com/science/story/2021-12-02/did-omicron-coronavirus-variant-arise-in-patient-with-uncontrolled-hiv , December 2nd, 2021, 4 am Pacific Time (PT).

2 Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr I. The Gulag Archipelago, Harper & Row, 1973, Chapter 4, p. 173.

Vlad Putin's Nuke Reign Stake

Vlad Putin's Nuke Reign Stake


There was an earlier Vlad, III of the country of Wallachia, which is now inside modern Romania’s borders, who was known as ‘the impaler’, because of his shoving stakes up the assoles of his enemies captured in battle. Vlad Dracul (c. 1428-1477) was the model for Irish writer Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1897), although the fictional vampire that lived forever by drinking human blood, drained from its victims’ necks, where it bit, was killed, according to legend, by a stake through its heart. Vlad Putin of the Russian Federation’s invasion of Romania’s neighbor state, the Ukraine, was a challenge to the vampire killer to raise the stakes, but the 30 member states of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), with its three nuclear capability allies, France, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America, balked at calling a NATO military exercise along Russia’s border with the Ukraine as a deterrent to an invader at the height of the plague scare over the coronavirus, which caused a large proportion of the people of the Earth to wear what amounted to biological warfare masks, after the virus was discovered in December 2019, by another Communist nation, China, at a Wuhan city hospital, Hubei province, which suggested that the Communist nations had been waging biological warfare as a preliminary to Vlad’s invasion.

 As ancient Greece was amongst the first nations to institutionalize homosexuality in host womb slavery of women for the production of soldiers for war against the Persian Empire of Darius (499-449 B.C.), Greece was an early originator of the virus. Human susceptibility to SARS, that is, severe acute respiratory syndrome, more commonly known as coronavirus, has been attributed to HIV/AIDS,1 that is, the human immune deficiency virus (HIV), causing acute immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), organ collapse and brain death. First discovered in 1983 by DR Congo, that is, the People's Republic of the Congo (1969-92), until the collapse of the Soviet Russian Empire, homosexuals anally transmitting, through infected semen a simian virus mutation, simian immune deficiency virus (SIV), were the espousers of a ‘Greek’ Communism waging STD war against the human race.

 Dracul was a draco, that is, a dragon, which is what China is famous for; the legendary creature that breathes fire. Vlad Putin, in the tradition of the draco, deployed the TOC (TOS) 1 Heavy Flamethrower System (тяжёлая огнемётная система), borne by T-72 tank chassis, during the invasion of the Ukraine. The TOC 1 is a vacuum weapon; a two-stage munition: the first charge spreads an aerosol of fuel air explosive (FAE) in the form of a vapor gas. The second charge ignites the fog; creating a blast: a pressure wave and vacuum. Oxygen is sucked up into space; the result being similar to that of a nuclear cloud. The vacuum, rupturing lungs, is accompanied by a blast and vaporization of everything within its radius: a draco. With a high ethnic concentration of Romanians (400, 000) in the west of the Ukraine, in a former administrative region of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, established in 1774, Bukovina, the role of the draco in Romanian history suggests Vlad Putin’s role was as a voivode, that is, draco ‘warlord’.

 As Hungary was stripped of Transylvania on June 4th, 1920, at the Treaty of Trianon, in the château at the palace of Versailles, near Paris, France, which the victors of the First World War (1914-18), to prevent the German Empire of Kaiser Wilhelm II from enslaving Europe and the world, gave to Romania, the appointment of Hungary’s Dragoș in 1345 as voivode of Moldavia, the state which, together with Wallachia, founded Romania in 1862, has significance in draco terms, because Vlad Putin, invader of the Ukrainian city of Kiev, below Bukovina, as a voivode was closing on the former draco principalities, Moldavia and Wallachia, constituting modern Romania, where in the event of ethnic cleansing, Transylvania, with a high concentration of Hungarians in Szeklerland (Harghita, Covasna and part of Mureș  counties) at the centre, points to the need for a local voivode, that is, warlords are the politics of central Europe that won’t abate.

 The wars in the former super state, the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (1945-92), governed as a satellite dependency of the Soviet Union of Russia, prefigured a New Dark Age of the warlords. When the modern Russian Empire of Communism withdrew in the late 1980s from eastern Europe, which it had occupied since WWII (1939-45) after the defeat once again of Germany’s ambition to enslave the world, into the power vacuum stepped warlords, fighting for position under the banner of ‘ethnic cleansing’, which appeared most emphatic in Yugoslavia’s Bosnian war (1992-95) when Serbian Christian militia raped upwards of 70,000 Moslem women in a detention camp for Bosnian ‘aliens’.

 Despite Putin’s use of the HFS TOC 1, the Russian Federation of which he became President wasn’t stepping into a power vacuum, that is, his invasion of the former Soviet Ukrainian Republic (1917-91) was that of dragon warlord, which is characteristic of the period of ancient China known as ‘the warring states’ (475-221 B.C.) when the vassal states of the Zhou dynasty (1046-221 B.C.), after a time of great cultural growth, laid claim to independence, resulting in the founding in Qin state by the Emperor, Qin Shi Huang, the first Imperial Qin () dynasty (221-206 B.C.), conquering the other six warring states; Qi (/), Chu (), Yan (), Han (/), Zhao (/), and Wei (). Although the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) was a period of stability, the political decision to allow the republics and satellite dependent nation states to seek independence resulted in the rise of the warlord, for example, Serbia’s President Slobodan Milošević, convicted of genocide. That the period of the Russian Soviet Empire was a time of cultural consolidation for the dependencies and their intelligentsia is undeniable, but the break-up of the USSR (CCCP) represented an opportunity for a new Russian warlord to raise and put in his victims’ stakes.

 Although the role of Moslems amongst the nations of Islam, believers in the Koran (610-30 C.E.), dictated to the Prophet Mohamed by the angels of God, according to Islamic tradition, seems peripheral, Judeo-Christianity has long argued that, because Ishmael was born of a woman unmarried, that is, Abraham’s concubine, Hajer, Islam is illegitimate, which is the reason for the Moslems permitting themselves four wives; to legitimize Islam. Mohamed was the descendant of Ishmael, whereas Abraham’s first son, Isaac, was the founder of Judaism, while Jesus ‘Christ’, ‘the chosen’ Messiah of the Jews, born of his mother, the Virgin Mary, was woman’s seed, that is, a representative of the futanarian species of women with their own penis’ semen for the sexual reproduction of their species’ brains’ power to develop medicine and technology to confer immortality and liberate from host womb slavery to a parasite waging war on her people.

 Accused of being a ‘dissident’, during the occupation of Palestine by the Roman Empire of Tiberius Caesar Augustus (14-37 C.E.), Jesus was taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem and nailed to a cross of wood where he died, but experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of women’s seed, ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ (Mk: 12. 31) Jesus’ disciple, John, in his apocalyptic vision of the future, Revelation, saw: ‘The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to wage war on the remnant of her seed.’ (Rev: 12. 17) Although Jesus’ teaching was the New Testament of the Bible, believed by Christianity to supersede that of the history and law of the Jews, which is their Talmud and Torah, that is, the Old Testament of the Judeo-Christian Bible, it’s the Moslem women of Islam that, capable of sexually reproducing their futanarian species within the Islamic marriage, are the human remains confronting the draco, Vlad Putin, as well as NATO.


1 Healy, Melissa ‘Did failure to adequately treat HIV patients give rise to the Omicron variant?’, Los Angeles Timeshttps://www.latimes.com/science/story/2021-12-02/did-omicron-coronavirus-variant-arise-in-patient-with-uncontrolled-hiv , December 2nd, 2021, 4 am Pacific Time (PT). 

Sunday, 20 March 2022

Dracula Cassette Stripper

Dracula Cassette Stripper


All are familiar with the music cassette format for pre-recorded songs called tracks, which translates to video cassette as the filmed equivalent, but the idea of vampires, as the Dracs on a cassette, isn’t so familiar. In Romania ‘folk’ are taran, while ‘church’ in the neighboring country of Hungary is gyülekezet. The taran and the gyülekezet together make up the ‘tarantula cassette’, that is, Dracula’s a spider, because a Drac’ gyülekezet is where the pricks are recorded as what US’ producer, Phil Spector,1 who was convicted of shooting in the mouth and killing, Lana Clarkson, an actress for director Roger Corman  in Deathstalker (1983), etc., at his mansion, Pyrenees Castle, 1700 Grand View Drive, Alhambra, California state, on February 3rd, 2003, used to call a ‘wall of sound’, before the mighty erections of such churches were brought low by the blood suckers claiming that murdering a woman, as Jewish Spector suggests in the track, ‘Paper Thin Hotel’, produced for Canada’s singer-songwriting Jew, Leonard Cohen’s album, Death Of A Ladies Man (1977), is the equivalent of sacrificing an animal to God: ‘You are the naked angel in my heart … the woman with her legs apart.’2

 On June 4th, 1920, the Treaty of Trianon, at the château in the palace of Versailles, near Paris, France, stripped Hungary of a main arterial road, and rich vein of silver mining, as the victors of the First World War (1914-18), to prevent the German Empire of Kaiser Wilhelm II from enslaving Europe and the world, gave Transylvania, then part of Greater Hungary, to Romania. Those people, whose vein by the ear, used by their blood drinkers, is a means of transfusing life, after poisoning, and the trance then induced by the bite of the spider creature, which casts its sylvan shadow ‘cross the forest trunks. The carotid artery, or jugular vein, is where the teeth of the spider-vampire sink in. The creature, gaining control of the brain of the human through its victims’ audio and memory, that is, video, correlates with the VCR, that is, recorded at the church of the Drac’ gyülekezet, the saved blood of Hungarian cousins sings:


‘A Bárány Vére [The Blood of the Lamb]


A Bárány vére megtisztít

[The Lamb's blood cleanses]

És mindent újjá tesz.

[And makes everything new.]

Újjá tesz, újjá tesz.

[He makes it again, he makes it again.]

A bárány vére megtisztít

[The blood of the lamb cleanses]

És mindent újjá tesz.

[And makes all things new.]

A Jézus sebe meggyógyít …

[Jesus' wound heals …]

A Megváltó megszabadít …

[The savior delivers …]

A Bárány vére megtisztít,

[The blood of the Lamb cleanses,]

A Jézus sebe meggyógyít,

[The wound of Jesus heals,]

A Megváltó megszabadít …’3

[The Savior saves …]


 If the spider-tarantula on the cassette is Hungary, then the sheep-like zombie people are its blood-cleansers who, appearing as ethnically autonomous, are automatons controlled through transmissions to the ear by means of the carotid artery, and/or jugular vein, which the vampire of legend is described as biting in order to give and receive immortality. The Hungarians’ word for themselves is Magyar, that is, mad jaw, and their language is Magyarul, the rule of the mad jaw, because the spider-vampire seizes upon its prey to speak through it. As the carotid artery is a part of the blood system in the jaw, the objective of the trance-inducing poison of the vampire is control of audio and speech centers; to satiate a perhaps unquenchable thirst.

 The hypnotized congregation have the level of consciousness of dumb animals, while the wolves amongst the sheep, listening to the blood singing, anticipate The Silence of the Lambs, a 1988 novel by US’ author Thomas Harris, available as a filmed record on countless DVDs, about a killer, with the analogy of the lambs’ silence, before slaughter, used as the metaphor for the role of the flock, who’re effectively the ‘blood on the tracks’, as alluded to in the title of the Bob Dylan album, Blood On The Tracks (1975), with ‘You're a big Girl Now’ referring to the Drac’s teeth: ‘Like a corkscrew to my heart.’4 For a singer-songwriter like Dylan, a vampire corkscrewing down from the carotid artery and jugular vein to the heart, with a view to controlling the speech centers through audio input to the ear, is anathema, apart from obvious antipathy to living with a biting spider buried there in the flesh below the ear; taking demoniacal possession of the body through its poisoning fangs.

 However, according to Dror Ben Ami in The Jerusalem Post (2015), killing is what the flock is for, ‘Paul of Tarsus never said that the animal sacrifices of the Jews didn’t remove sins. To the contrary: he agreed they removed sins. The point Paul of Tarsus was trying to make was that the blood sacrifice of Jesus was a more effective way to remove sins, because it was only needed once, whereas Jewish blood sacrifices needed to be repeated year after year.’5 Although Christians are taught through the teaching of the Jewish Messiah, Jesus ‘Christ’, ‘the chosen’, that choosing to be a human sacrifice in time of war, for example, is a selfless act for the greater good of the wider community, what Dror means is that It’s literally necessary to have a plentiful supply of sacrificial human blood, which is what churches are for, as alluded to by English poet William Blake: ‘... was Jerusalem builded here, among these dark Satanic Mills?’6

 Apart from drinking blood, the Drac’ gyülekezet refers to asset strippers. In the ancient religion of Egypt, the goddess Isis is responsible for the resurrection of Osiris, who’d been Ra, the sun god, before his incarnation upon the Earth, as Horus, ‘the sky god’, in the form of a hawk. Wingéd is how vampires are depicted in legend, as detailed in Irish writer Bram Stoker’s novel, Dracula (1897). However, theirs are the night flights of bats that fly by sonar, as the lyrics to self-avowed Satanist English rock group Led Zeppelin’s ‘Night Flight’ suggest, from their album, Physical Graffiti (1975), they’re effectively blind to anything but their ghoulish activity:


‘Oh, I once saw a picture of a lady with a baby

Southern lady, had a very, very special smile

We are in the middle of a change in destination

When the train stops, all together we will smile.’7


 Although it was the German National Socialist (Nazi) Party of Chancellor Adolf Hitler that transported Jews by trains to be sacrificed in camps constructed for that purpose in locations like Auschwitz in Poland, and Jasenovac in Croatia, during their World War II (1939-45) attempt to enslave the Earth, Dror Ben Ami, writing in The Jerusalem Post, would agree that was what the Jews were for. Their deaths made the Germans feel better, which is Ami’s understanding of what it is to be redeemed. However, born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, Jesus was woman’s seed, killed by the Romans as a Jewish ‘dissident’, despite his preaching: ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ (Mk: 12. 31) Taken to the hill of Calvary, just outside the city of Jerusalem, Jesus was nailed to a cross of wood and died there, but experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of women’s seed, which is Redemption symbolized in Christian iconography by Mary crushing the head of a serpent with her foot, that is, human sacrifice is abhorrent.

 Stoker’s Dracula was based on the real-life historical character, Vlad Dracul III (c. 1428-1477), ruler of the central eastern European state of Wallachia, now inside modern Romania. Dracul was infamous for impaling his prisoners on stakes of wood during warfare. However, the legend is that vampires themselves are killed by a stake in the heart, which is comprehensible if borne in mind that vampires can’t be seen in the mirror, so women aren’t aware of their presence. As women are a separate distinct species with penis semen of their own for the sexual reproduction of their own brains’ power, their futanarian race can’t see the vampire’s reflection, because they’re unable to recognize it as a man. As women’s sexual reproduction between themselves is a stake in the heart for reproduction with men, women’s penis is their vampires’ killer.

 Analogous to the bat, the vampire has no other goal than to blindly drink the blood of its victims, whereas the role of Isis in Egyptian mythology is to resurrect, that is, give wings to the spirit of Osiris. In his novel, The Man Who Died (1928), D. H. Lawrence’s Christ figure encounters a priestess of Isis, who achieves his resurrection by having him remember women through her sexual stimulation of his member, that is, as women are the human species, Isis represents memory, because all women are the memory of the penis, which is theirs, whereas men are the parasitical leech that has appropriated her as a memorial to their killing of her race.

 As Asset is the alternative name of Isis, the feminine is as asset stripper to a pimp, who’s the modern version of the blood-sucking leech that uses women as a means to obtain the assets of its victims by their feigning not having some stake in the heart, for example, voluptuous US’ glamour model Anne Nicole Smith, married aged 27 to US’ petroleum tycoon, 89 year old J. Howard Marshall in Houston, state of Texas, on June 29th, 1994, resulting in her entitlement to his fortune shortly after he died, aged 90 on August 4th, 1995, was viewed by a largely unforgiving mass media entertainment industry as ‘gold digging’, a term used to describe women who wed for money. The modern Vlad knows he’s a vampire that can’t be seen in the woman’s mirror; even though he’s visible there. Hungary’s Drac’ gyülekezet is an asset stripper: if it doesn’t pass the Asset test.


1 Bruno, Anthony ‘Phil Spector: The 'Mad Genius' of Rock'n'Roll’, http://www.trutv.com/library/crime/notorious_murders/celebrity/phil_spector/index.html .

2 Cohen, Leonard (lyrics), and Phil Spector (music) ‘The Thin Hotel’, Death Of A Ladies’ Man, Warner Bros., 1977.

3 Anon, ‘The Blood of the Lamb’, https://www.kottacsere.hu/?p=1479 .

4 Dylan, Bob ‘You’re A Big Girl Now’, Blood On The Tracks, Columbia, 1975.

5 Ami, Dror Ben ‘Metaphors in the Torah: The Roles of Blood and the Liver in Removing Sin’, The Jerusalem Post, February 10th, 2015, 18:57 pm, https://www.jpost.com/Blogs/Torah-Commentaries/Metaphors-in-the-Torah-The-Role-of-the-Blood-and-the-Liver-in-Removing-Sin-390469 .

6 Blake, William ‘And Did Those Feet In Ancient Times’, c. 1808.

7 Jones, John Paul, Jimmy Page, and Robert Plant ‘Night Flight’, Led Zeppelin, Physical Graffiti, Swan Song, 1975.

Wednesday, 16 March 2022

Jesus' Hoodoo

Jesus' Hoodoo


The concept of manhood and womanhood has long been a subject of some interest to gender watchers. While misanthropy and misogyny ensure two sides to every argument, with women depicted as either not human, or hated as human, what a human hood is has escaped discussion. As women are a futanarian, that is, hermaphroditic species, with seed of their own for the reproduction of their own brainpower, what their race wants sexually is what men are taught to believe they want, whereas women have all the vaginas of their race as well as their own penis’ semen, which makes men pirates. The Koran (610-30 C.E.) of the Moslem people of the nations of Islam, who believe it their history and law, dictated by the angels of God to their Prophet Mohamed, has something to say about pirates. The character Khidr, who agrees to teach Moses and Joshua, makes holes in boats by the sea, because he says there are pirates in pursuit who would use the boats.

 Moses and Joshua are characters in the Old Testament of the Bible, that is, the Torah and Talmud, which is the history and law of Judaism. Moses was known as ‘the law giver’, because he accepted the ten commandments from God, which effectively prohibited murder as a form of theft, while the teaching of Jesus ‘Christ’, ‘the chosen’ Jewish Messiah of the New Testament of the Bible, was believed by Christians to supersede the law of the Jews, ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ (Mk: 12. 31) While Moses received the law of God during the Jews’ exodus from slavery to the Egyptian Pharaoh Thutmose III, (1485-1430 B.C.), God had promised them land, and Joshua was the military commander that captured the city of Jericho in Palestine, which the Jews believed was ‘the Promised land’. Although the founder of Judaism was Abraham’s son, Isaac, Abraham’s son, Ishmael, by the concubine, Hajer, is believed to be the founder of Islam through Ishmael’s descendant, the Prophet Mohamed, while Moses and Joshua are depicted as erroneously believing that Palestine belongs to the Jews, so they’re presented in the Koran as being educated by Khidr.

 Because Ishmael was illegitimate, Judeo-Christianity depicts the Moslem faith as illegitimate, and the four wives permitted in marriage as an attempt to retroactively legitimize Ishmael’s birth. However, as women are a futanarian species, Islamic marriage provides the framework for sexual reproduction between women, so Judeo-Christian monogamy represents genocide, that is, women can’t breed with each other, while Judaism masquerades as monotheism. Because Jesus was born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, he’s the seed of women, that is, when his disciple, Judas, discovered him alone with a woman, he betrayed Jesus to the Jewish Pharisees who, as Palestine was then occupied by the Roman Empire of Tiberius Caesar Augustus (14-37 C.E.), had Jesus taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem in Palestine where he was nailed to a cross of wood and died there, but experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of women’s seed.

 For the Moslems of the nations of Islam, the Jews pirated the seed of woman, which is Khidr’s education. In the Koran sura, that is, Al Kahf, ‘the Cave’ (18. 71) chapter, Moses and Joshua are portrayed as leaving Khidr, because they’re impatient to invade Palestine as pirates. Moreover, as women’s human seed is effectively extinct, women are ghosts, which is made explicit in Christianity, where Jesus and God are depicted as part of a Trinity of consubstantiality that includes ‘the Holy Ghost’. However, in Judaism the feminine spirit of God is called the Shekinah, who dwelt in the tent of the tabernacle during the Jews’ exodus, while Jesus’ teaching was of the Holy Spirit, that is, the Shekinah, who was to guide human nature after Jesus, that is, the Holy Ghost is women’s remains, as Jesus’ disciple, John, in his apocalyptic vision of the future, Revelation, saw: ‘The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to wage war on the remnant of her seed.’ (Rev: 12. 17) The Trinity is belief that women’s species has been killed in war waged by men on God’s behalf, whereas Jesus and the Moslems represent the Holy Spirit, that is, women’s seed, which has the sexual desire to remain omnipotent God’s physical omnipresence as well as intellectually omniscient.

 Jesus’ hood is human, because he’s women’s seed, that is, as a help, Jesus represents what’s acceptable to women’s futanarian species, which means that he can be with the race of women, whereas those who bring war, slavery, and death to humanity, aren’t acceptable. Those who preach what manhood is, and what womanhood is, are advocating penetration of the one by the other, which is what monogamy is: a genocidal bullet for woman as a species, who persists in being seen not to be a ghost. As Christianity believes in the Trinity of consubstantiality, that is, God is Jesus and the Holy Ghost, because God is their creator, logically the physical extinction of women is necessary for the ghost to be, whereas it’s clear and evident that humanity is God’s species born of women’s seed, so although the Trinity of God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit may be consubstantial, the ghost is holy only insofar as it’s an unrecognized victim of alien sterilization, that is, men’s sterile homosexuality is genocidal, implemented by misogyny, masquerading as monotheistic monogamy.

 Though Christianity is presented as having different aspects, which are essentially the same religion, for example, Catholic and Protestant, so agreement is a matter for ecumenical debate, believers in God and Jesus’ consubstantiality with the holy ghost are a religion distinct from those who believe in the teaching of God’s Holy Spirit after Jesus, as the ghost is that of the human race, which so far as Satanists are concerned is a dead species, because they killed it for being too independent of its alien enslavers, whereas true Christians accept that the human spirit is indomitable.

 Although Judeo-Christianity appear to share the Shekinah, the Judaic concept of the feminine spirit of God differs absolutely from that of the Holy Ghost, as the ghost of Jesus, or the Holy Spirit, which Jesus said would teach after him, while references to the Shekinah in the Koran, though indicative of a shared history with the Jews, indicate a universality, which the goddess Shakti in the religion of the Hindus of the Indian subcontinent, based on the Vedas (c. 1500-900 B.C.), texts described as apauruṣeya (superhuman), featuring ritual killing, and afterwards Buddhism,  another yogi (teacher) religion, founded by Gautama  Buddha (c. 563 B.C., or 480 B.C. -c. 483 B.C., or 400 B.C.), abjuring ritual killing, also demonstrate.

 The role of the Shekinah (Shakti) is explained as tumescence in Islam, ‘… when Sakinah glanced at an enemy, they were defeated.’1 The sexual metaphor is applied to battle, because penile tumescence is perceived as a desire for tumult. Although the Shekinah, Arabic  سكينة, is the source of desire, she is ‘tranquility’, which reigns after satiation, that is, the penis is deflated/castrated. Though unspecified, the ’enemy’ is war. Although Hinduism comes closer to the Christian perspective of Jesus' crucifixion, as a ritual killing to make people feel better, the role of the Shekinah is to teach the desirability of peace through sexual desire, while war is the recognition of the desire of women’s seed to escape enslavement in the ritualistic killing of her hopes.

 The abjuring of ritual killing by the Buddha, like the description of Jesus as 'the lamb of God', and/or the shepherd of the congregation as sheep, emphasizes the role of the ritually killed as being too erect for 'the ape of God', Satan, corresponding to the simian immune deficiency virus (SIV), discovered transmitted anally between homosexuals by DR Congo in 1983, as a mutant human immune deficiency virus (HIV), which in its virulent phase resulted in acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), causing organ collapse and brain death, so prefiguring the ascendancy of ape over human consciousness at the commencement of a new Dark Age.


1 ‘The Shekinah Is In Jerusalem’, A Newspaper for the Arts, https://rosamondpress.com/2018/05/16/the-shekinah-is-in-jerusalem/ , Royal Rosamond Press, May 16th, 2018.

Tuesday, 15 March 2022

Remembering and Memory

Remembering and Memory


Many nations have a November 11th Remembrance Sunday, which is that day set aside in the year’s calendar for the remembering of those who fell in war. The Cenotaph is usual in English locales and is the place where the people gather to remember those who died. Although the poppy wreaths are traditionally for soldiers, because of the fields as red as the poppy flowers in which their red blood was also shed, during the First World War (1914-18), which officially ended 'at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month' in 1918, everyone is thought of at this time who remains in the memory.

 What memory is was important for John McCrae, the poet who wrote ‘In Flanders Fields’, after the second battle of Ypres in Belgium (April 22nd - May 25th) against the German Empire of Kaiser Wilhelm II seeking to enslave Europe and the world, ‘If ye break faith with us who die, we shall not sleep, though poppies grow.’1 The concept of remembering was examined by the English writer D. H. Lawrence in The Man Who Died (1929), which short novel was about a Christ-like figure who was remembered in the sense that a woman he encountered was able to restore his male member, that is, his penis became erect once more, so a woman would function again as his memory. The penis is member and rememberer, while the woman  is ‘mixing memory with desire’,2 as US’ poet and dramatist T.S. Eliot wrote in his plea for spiritual rebirth, ‘The Wasteland’ (1922). However, as woman’s futanarian species with penis’ semen of their own is capable of sexually reproducing her own brains’ powers for the technology to rejuvenate and leave Earth, she’s her own rememberer and memory.

 Lawrence’s preferred, and original, title for the novel was, The Escaped Cock, although problems with the censor over explicit sexual acts in the 1928 novel, Lady Chatterley’s Lover, caused the title to be changes, as cock is a euphemism for the penis, that is, the male rooster in the hen house is the cock who fertilizes all of the chicken, ’We fucked a flame into being.’3 The first part of The Escaped Cock appeared in The Forum magazine in 1928, while the Forum Boarium of the ancient Roman Empire, near the Tiber between three of the seven hills of Rome, the Capitoline, Palatine, and Avertine, was the location of the ‘cattle market’, forum venalium, so suggesting what the censor would have thought of The Forum magazine’s ‘cock’. The temple of Fortuna Virilis, within the Forum Boarium, is for those who’re luckily virile, because they’re meat producers, which is what D. H. Lawrence, described by critic F. R. Leavis as writing about ‘the gods of the blood’, found to be too explicitly depicted in Lady Chatterley’s Lover for the sake of public order, as the members and memories of the Christian church had been taught to believe that Jesus, ‘the lamb of God’, was their shepherd, rather than their butcher.

 Although the modern era has been similarly possessed with the poppy of Remembrance Sunday, it’s as the seed of heroin, rather than the seed of memory, for which the usually red flower is treasured. Moreover, as women’s seed seems largely suppressed on Earth, ‘shooting up heroin’ isn’t entirely metaphorical for those who view the penis as a meat producer for their butchery. In the biological warfare that is the incurable killer disease, AIDS, spread by homosexuals anally from their infectious penis’ semen, and through those addicted to shooting up heroin, who’re sharing the needle, as it were, women’s seed remains that of the pure heroine, who’s been shot up, and who’s the forgotten memory on Remembrance Sunday.

 As the planet Earth recovers from the virus cause of the severe acute respiratory syndrome’s (SARS) epidemic, discovered in December 2019 at a Wuhan city hospital, Hubei province, China, the sight of the masks warn by the heroine to remain pure, as they await the needle, suggests shooters sharing with each other, where ‘sharing the needle’ is a euphemism for bickering amongst killers, that is, for gamers addicted to needling, women are shoot ‘em ups, rather than vaccination by injection.

 As human susceptibility to SARS has been attributed to HIV/AIDS,4 that is, the human immune deficiency virus, causing acute immune deficiency syndrome, organ collapse and brain death, it’s likely that Chinese heroin junkies ‘shooting up’ are at least a tangential source of the SARS virus, while the absence of women’s seed, that is, humans, on the planet Earth, is indicative of homosexuality as a form of euthanasia being practiced by heroine junkies, who want to give the human race the needle, rather than honor its memory.

 In China heroin addiction accompanied by visions and hallucinations is described as ‘riding the dragon’, while Jesus’ disciple John in his apocalyptic New Testament vision of the future, Revelation, wrote: ‘The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to wage war on the remnant of her seed.’ (Rev: 12. 17) If the futanarian race of woman’s seed is unable to reproduce with her own race, she’s effectively a ghost, that is, an apocalyptic vision: ‘The dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth so that it might devour her child the moment it was born.’ (Rev: 12. 4) Practicing euthanasia on women, described as ‘snuff’ by illegal movie entertainment industries, is curing heroin(e) addiction for addicts beset by such ghostly visions, while the sight of women in public places wearing biological warfare masks is a sign of the needlers explaining that they aren’t fire breathers.


1 McCrae, John ‘In Flanders Field’, May 3rd, 1915.

2 Eliot, T. S. ‘The Wasteland’, Part I, The Burial Of The Dead, The Criterion, October 1922, l. 2-3.

3 Lawrence, D. H. Lady Chatterley’s Lover, Chapter 19, Tipografia Giuntina, Florence, Italy, 1928.

4 Healy, Melissa ‘Did failure to adequately treat HIV patients give rise to the Omicron variant?’, Los Angeles Timeshttps://www.latimes.com/science/story/2021-12-02/did-omicron-coronavirus-variant-arise-in-patient-with-uncontrolled-hiv , December 2nd, 2021, 4 am Pacific Time (PT). 

Monday, 14 March 2022

Answer to Job

Answer to Job


The developmental psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), wrote of his understanding of the book of Job in the Old Testament of the Bible, that is, the Talmud and Torah, which is the history and law of the Jewish people, as an Answer to Job (1952), because he felt that God’s relationship towards humans required some explanation, which science fiction writer, Robert A. Heinlein, in his novel Job: A Comedy Of Justice (1984) also thought: ‘The very basis of the Judeo-Christian code is injustice, the scapegoat system. The scapegoat sacrifice runs all through the Old Testament, then it reaches its height in the New Testament with the notion of the Martyred Redeemer. How can justice possibly be served by loading your sins on another? Whether it be a lamb having its throat cut ritually, or a Messiah nailed to a cross and "dying for your sins". Somebody should tell all of Yahweh's followers, Jews and Christians, that there is no such thing as a free lunch.’1 Unfortunately they believe that killing is Redemption, that is, Jesus, born in a stable amongst animals with a star over him was a sign of his being prepared for a special sacrifice, which would be powerfully beneficial tribal magic.

 Although Jung had little to say about Onan, other than he was an early Christ-figure, the character in Genesis, who was ostensibly killed for being a masturbator, whereas he was in fact killed by God for refusing to impregnate the wife of his brother, Tamar, was a type of Job, who God allowed Satan to hammer mercilessly; despite Job’s being a good man. As women are capable of sexually reproducing from their own penis’ semen as a futanarian species, Onan isn’t guilty of spilling his semen on the ground so much as he’s representative of men who’d made it impossible for Tamar to be fertilized by her own race, which is what made God angry enough to kill Onan.

 Women are God’s ‘foot’ race, as God explains to Eve, after she’s unwise enough to accept the ‘fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil’ from the serpent in paradise, Eden, where the angel had been placed, transformed by God for rejecting God’s plan that the human host would be greater than the angelic. Eve, the woman, and Adam, the first man created by God, had been told they could ‘eat of the fruit of the tree of life’, that is, accept immortality, because the fruit of the tree of knowledge was death. However, Eve accepted death, and gave some of the fruit to Adam, because the former angel, Satan, said: ‘You shall be as gods.’ (Gen: 3. 5) Eve and Adam’s descendants would be the gods; death, slavery and war. However, God told Eve her ‘seed’ would have Redemption: ‘You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.’ (Gen: 3. 15) Woman’s futanarian species’ seed is able to sexually reproduce her own brains’ technology to escape from Earth’s hell despite misogyny’s efforts to crush her spirit.

 In the book of Job God is depicted as consulting with Satan over the good man, Job (Job: 2. 6), who God allows Satan to mercilessly hammer until he’s lost all he values and holds dear. Jung argues God is omniscient in the person of the Shekinah, that is, the ‘feminine spirit of God’, but God’s forgotten to consult with her. However, as God was angry with Onan in the same way, while the explanation is that Onan represented men who’d killed women’s futanarian race by spilling their blood upon the ground, God’s omniscience would have revealed that God hammered Job by proxy because he was still angry, but unconsciously so, that is, he’d forgotten that the feminine spirit of God was a ghost. As the memory of women’s seed haunted God everywhere, so the Shekinah was omnipotent God’s omnipresence and omniscient knowledge.

 When ‘Christ’, ‘the chosen’ Messiah, Jesus, was born of his mother, the Virgin Mary, he represented humanity born only of woman, that is, women’s seed, whose teaching, during the period of the Roman occupation of Jewish Palestine which, for those calling themselves Christians, became the basis of the superseding New Testament, was: ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ (Mk: 12. 31) However, Jesus was betrayed by his disciple, Judas, who caught him with a woman. Betraying him to the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, Jesus was taken by the Romans to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem, where he was nailed to a cross of wood and died there. Experiencing Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, Jesus prefigured that of women’s seed which, before Jesus, had been often accused of adultery, that is, adulteration of what was pure, whereas Jesus had said of an accused woman: ‘Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.’ (John: 8. 7) None had been able to, because all were guilty of killing women’s ‘foot’ race, although Jesus’ mother Mary’s crushing the head of the serpent beneath her foot in Christian iconography is symbolic of Jesus’ promised victory for the human seed of women.


1 Heinlein, Robert A. Job: A Comedy Of Justice, Chapter 27, Ballantine Boks, 1984.