Ursula K. Le Guin and the Mindless Submyth
In her article, 'Myth and Archetype in Science Fiction', writer and critic Ursula K. Le Guin opined that, if you look hard at the 'Blond Hero',1 he doesn't look back at you, he disappears. She condemned what she thought of as an insufficiency of proper imagination in writers within her genre who promoted the mindless submyth of modern times, rather than the developmentally archetypal writing that creative minds like that of the poet T. S. Eliot wrote of the need for in heavily allusive works such as his, ‘The Waste Land’ (1922), designed to cultivate the spirit and desire for cultural activity to inspire and regenerate a 20th century wracked by two world wars and without hope of anything much less bleak:
‘”That corpse you planted last year in your garden,
Has it begun to sprout? Will it bloom this year?
Or has the sudden frost disturbed its bed?”’ (l. 71-3)2
Eliot’s demand was for literature that had archetypal content for readers who needed psychological development, a mature cultural understanding of life; how to enjoy each day consciously and reflectively, without becoming subdued by fate’s vicissitudes. Archetypes were largely to be found in the unconscious of human beings, according to Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), who detected in his clinical work as a psychiatrist what he described as a facultas praeformandi, that is, a preexistent disposition within the human psyche, which reacted and morphed to meet the needs and requirements of a nascent consciousness Jung termed the ‘God archetype’. Like the creator, God, the archetype of the ‘Self’ created many different forms, acting as guides to individual progress, through the unconscious-self’s relationship with dreams, art, and the imagination. Most particularly, Jung observed the workings of the soul image as it existed in man, which he called the anima, a feminine contrasexual component in contradistinction to the male ego. In women the contrasexual component was the animus, which had the character for a woman of a crowd of male observers, whereas the anima generally appeared to the unconscious in dreams as a type of woman, shapely in appearance, although in art and the imagination, for example, the novel form, her looks were dependent on God’s imitators:
‘Flushed and decided, he assaults at once;
Exploring hands encounter no defense;
His vanity requires no response,
And makes a welcome of indifference.’ (l. 239-42)3
Ursula K. Le Guin argued that the male ego appeared archetypally as the hero in countless mindless submyths without developmental value, but rather harmful to the reader psychologically, because the role model was sociopathic, that is, if the reader sought to emulate the fictional subject’s behavior he/she would be labeled ‘psychopathic’ by those for whom depictions of normative activity were the sine qua non of acceptable imagination. However, from a Jungian standpoint fiction was the means by which the author used archetypal material to educate and foster human development.
Archetypes developed what Jung called ‘individuation’, a desirable state in when the ego was no longer embroiled in conflict with projections arising from interactions characterized by an unconscious inability to discern the significance of the encounter. The shadow was that part of a human psyche that saw the ‘other’ as inferior, because its ego wasn’t developed enough to perceive its inferiority. When the ego was able to overcome its inferiority to see the other person as superior, that was shadow-integration, which was the use of archetypal projections in reality as well as fiction. The process of becoming conscious through projections Jung called introjection, while it was the role of the writer to assist in reality.
Jung descried many different archetypes, for example, the self, the hero, the mother, and the wise old man, etc., but there was a glaring error in his interpretation of the throng of men as admirers of women when he came to discuss the archetype he called the animus as it appeared in the psyche of women. Although Jung had determined that the anima was a soul image in man, because women were an independent species with their own penis’ semen as futanarian humanity, Jung’s interpretation of the anima, as an impetus towards the fulfilment of sexual desire, more properly belonged with the race of women, while the male crowd represented the aim of enslaving the host womb of women’s seed as a parasitical invader prepared to wage war to achieve its objective.
Although Jung touched on the subject of homosexuality tangentially, institutionalization of homosexuality, along with the enslavement of host wombs for war, which the ancient Greeks practiced against the Persian Empire of Darius (499-449 B.C.), was normative for men, that is, the animus as a ‘gang bang’ of actors in a snuff movie theater, where ‘snuff’, a term derived from the snuffing out of a candle flame using a douser, and adapted as a genre label for illegal entertainment videos featuring the real-life killing of humans, was a more accurate interpretation of the meaning of the animus archetype for women, who corresponded to the actual species, as opposed to the alien rapist looking for a ‘grow bag’ in which to place its ‘fertilizer’:
‘As though a window gave upon the sylvan scene
The change of Philomel, by the barbarous king
So rudely forced; yet there the nightingale
Filled all the desert with inviolable voice
And still she cried, and still the world pursues,
“Jug Jug” to dirty ears.’ (l. 98-103)4
In his poem, ‘The Waste Land’, T. S. Eliot metaphorically describes how the parasite leeches life from the human, as a vampire drinking blood from the jugulars of victims, while the poets endeavor to plant archetypes to grow positively in the mind to counter the sterile, dull, grey miasma of the homosexual world they’d watched emerge, as the mindless submyth of a parasitical alien invader masquerading as the German Empire of Kaiser Wilhelm II in WWI (1914-18), and that of the German Chancellor Adolf Hitler in WWII (1939-45), which had been noteworthy for what Jung called the embracing of evil in the form of the collective shadow as a Europe-wide pogrom was prosecuted through war against the Jews by Hitler’s National Socialist (Nazi) Party, democratically elected by the German people in 1933, by means of the construction of internment camps, where the Jews were killed and incinerated as inferior.
Judaism had been founded by Isaac, son of Abraham, according to the Old Testament of the Bible, which is the Talmud and Torah, that is, the history and law of the Jews, while Islam, according to the Moslem believers in the Koran (610-30 C.E.), dictated by the angels to the Prophet Mohamed, was founded by him, a descendant of Abraham’s second son, Ishmael, born of a concubine, Hajer, ‘the Egyptian woman’, so making both Ishmael and Islam illegitimate from the perspective of Judaic monogamy, which was conflated with monotheism. As the Koran permitted four wives to Moslem marriages, according to Judeo-Christianity, Islam was an attempt to legitimize an illegitimate religion. However, as women’s seed could reproduce within the Moslem marriage, Islam was more legitimate. ‘Christ’, ‘the chosen’ of the Christian religion, born of his mother, the Virgin Mary, taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem, during the occupation of Jewish Palestine by agents of the Roman Empire, and nailed to a cross of wood, where he died, before he experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, Jesus ‘Christ’ prefigured the destiny of woman’s seed, as an archetypal path of individuation. Absent from the mass media entertainment industry, that is, the educational instrument of the human race, women’s seed is needed.
Jesus was most notable for diluting the law of the Jews, given to Moses by God, during the Jews’ exodus from slavery to the Egyptians, in the reign of Thutmose III (1485-1431 B.C.), to the land they believed God promised them in Palestine: ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ (Mk: 12. 31) God’s ‘ten commandments’ were essentially prohibitions against theft, for example, thieving and killing were similar in their taking away possibility, a perspective reflected throughout God’s laws, for example, ‘You shall not covet.’ (Ex: 20. 17) Wanting what belonged to someone else encouraged the obtaining of what the other had, which stole their life’s possibilities; a form of murder. Jesus’ simpler maxim embraced God’s law as ‘love’ which was what women’s seed needed. In monogamy women were imprisoned as ring slaves, which didn’t permit of their species‘ mode of sexual reproduction; a truncation of life amounting to the taking of life unlawfully. When a woman was caught in adultery, Jesus’ questioned God’s ‘commandment’: ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ (Ex: 20. 14) As women were the human futanarian race, men were their adulterate, that is, it was impossible for women to be adulterous, as they were a single species, so Jesus observed: ‘Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.’ (John: 8. 7)
Although Jesus figures in the Koran, he’s described as a man who died, but it wasn’t him, that is, he was a meat bag for an ‘other’ who’s ‘sub’. According to Jung the unconscious is divided into two parts, the subconscious and the unconscious. The subconscious corresponds biologically to the submandibular gland at the jaw where subvocalizations occur. In hypnosis, for example, the subject subvocalizes what the hypnotist has recorded for the listener to hear. For Ursula K. Le Guin, the writer who produces mindless submythic material for the reader is manipulating the subvocalization process to persuade the psyche to accept the fiction as individuational. Moreover, as the character Khidr in ‘The Cave’ sura of the Koran, Al Kahf, chapter 18, explains to Moses, he made holes in the boats on the beach to prevent pirates pursuing them. In Islam the Shaitan djinn, Iblis, is the equivalent of Satan in Judeo-Christianity, but he has no power other than to whisper at the ear lobes, which are just above the parotid gland where the cogitational capacities of the frontal lobes are pirated by the mindless submyth makers, who want repetition, rather than education, which is what shallow priests and hypnotists inculcate in minds they want submission and obedience from.
The angel, Satan, according to the book of Genesis in the Old Testament of the Bible, rejected God’s plan for the human host to be greater than the angelic. Turned into a serpent by God, Satan was placed in the paradise of Eden, where he persuaded the woman, Eve, to ‘eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil’, which it was death to taste, saying ‘You will be as gods.’ (Gen: 3. 5) However, despite expelling her and the man created by God, the creator promised Redemption to Eve’s seed: ‘You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.’ (Gen: 3. 15) The serpent’s seed of men won’t be able to prevent the futanarian ‘foot’ of Eve’s race from leaving Earth to colonize the planets amongst the stars, although the ‘submen’ will seek to prevent it.
The subconscious isn’t categorizable as subhuman, but it’s open to suggestion, and is what hypnotists seek to influence subliminally to instruct the minds of their subjects to obey their orders. While there are ethical consideration in the application of autosuggestion, religion, especially in the Middle East, for example, Islam, where the faithful Moslem believers are required to pray five times each day, is a routine administration of hypnotic sublimation of the human, while trance-like translations of the priest’s sermons mediated through headsets and ear ‘phones are common throughout the former Communist regimes of the Eastern European Christian churches, where for foreign ‘guests’ are subject to an undermining of their mindset to establish enslavement through mind control.
Amounting to ‘brainwashing’, a term used by the United States’ Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), after experiences in South East Asia and elsewhere, to describe how foreign powers attempt to ‘convert’ agents to make them work for them, such collapsing of the mental faculties was central not only to movies like A Clockwork Orange (1971) in which ‘droog’ leader, actor Malcolm McDowell as ‘ultraviolent’ Alex DeLarge, is subjected to the ‘aversion’ therapy of the ‘Ludovico technique’, but also to later 20th century fears over the ‘incurable killer disease’, HIV/AIDS, which had been discovered transmitted between homosexuals by Africa’s Dr Congo in 1983, ‘Eggy Wegs ... I would like to smash 'em.’5 The human immune deficiency virus (HIV) was revealed by science as mutant variant of the simian immune deficiency virus (SIV) which resulted in acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), organ collapse and brain death, that is, sufferers became simian, an attribute characteristic of descriptions of the subman obedient to mind control.
When the global coronavirus epidemic began in Wuhan city, Hubei province, China, December 2019, after its being initially uncovered in a cave of bats in Yunnan province, T. S. Eliot’s ‘The Waste Land’ looked like prophecy. Scientists demonstrated that the passing of HIV/AIDS between homosexuals made the human system more susceptible to severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS),6 that is, death through lung collapse, as the individual lost the power of speech and consciousness. Homosexuality was manifest, as the subman, in the making of the mindless submyth of the subhuman, because it’d subliminally convinced the human race of futanarian women’s seed that it was acceptable to penetrate men anally with its penis’ semen:
‘And bats with baby faces in the violet light
Whistled, and beat their wings
And crawled head downward down a blackened wall.’ (l. 380-82)7
As SARS was characterized by flatulence, that is, the ‘perfume’ from the anus, the homosexual submen were killing the human race as its old farter, who wasn’t going to be in heaven, as Jesus’ disciple, John, observed in his apocalyptic New Testament vision of the future, Revelation: ‘A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth.’ (Rev: 12.3) The symbol is of the EU, that is, the political European Union of nations, symbolized by twelve stars. However, for the submen it’s EUthenasia, that is, first the EU then Asia, where the coronavirus emerged: ‘The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment he was born.’ (Rev: 12. 4) When President Vlad Putin’s Russia invaded the Ukraine in February 2022, because that country had asked for admittance to the EU membership of nations in January 2022, the appearance of the TOC 1 heavy flamethrower system mounted on a T-72 tank chassis was greeted with dismay as a sign that ‘boot in’ was a draco.
For homosexuals Christianity was a homosexual surrounded by a clique of homosexuals because Jesus ‘Christ’, ‘the chosen’, born of his mother, the Virgin Mary, was an asshole birth, that is, Joseph and Mary practiced anal intercourse. Irrespective of the evidence of human biology, that is, that sperm fertilizes the ovum after the penis ejaculates semen into a woman’s vagina, homosexuals believed that their Redemption consisted in the recognition that Jesus’ was an ass birth, and that the disciples of Jesus were his homosexual anus fuckers, which is the ‘truth’ that they wanted to disseminate to the world. Received and promulgated as ‘real’ by writers of fiction, and purveyors of mass media entertainment, the mindless submyth became the prevailing cultural paradigm. Not only did it represent a defeat for the artist with the creative imagination, like that of T. S. Eliot, it represented subjugation, through homosexual domination, by an alien creature identifying itself as such before invading and taking over the minds of the human host.
The coronavirus was the virus of the submen grown large enough to whisper as a homunculus (human killers) in the ear of the host to effect the subhuman aim of extinguishing the light of intelligence,2 which is why T. S. Eliot wrote prophylactically, and as a forewarning to his readership, in his conclusion to ‘The Waste Land’, ‘These fragments I have shored against my ruins.’ (l. 431).9 A vampire slaver, the subman parasites watch and wait for the host to die before moving on to other victims. While the human struggles to produce and reproduce, the submen subliminally program through the parotid and submandibular glands for their host to be zombie-like repetitives, without creativity, or volition to move beyond the humdrum, so that the mindless submyth of the leech might triumph over the spirit of God.
1 Le Guin, Ursula K. 'Myth and Archetype in Science Fiction' in The Language of the Night: Essays on Fantasy and Science Fiction, ed. Susan Wood, London: Women's Press, 1979, pp. 61-9, p. 61.
2 Eliot, T. S. ‘The Waste Land’, Part I: The Burial of the Dead, The Criterion, October 1922, l. 71-3.
3 Eliot, T. S. ‘The Waste Land’, Part II: A Game of Chess, The Criterion, 1922, l.239-42.
4 Eliot, T. S. ‘The Waste Land’, Part II: A Game of Chess, The Criterion, 1922, l.98-103.
5 McDowell, Malcolm as Alex DeLarge in A Clockwork Orange, Polaris Productions; Hawk Films, 1971.
6 Healy, Melissa ‘Did failure to adequately treat HIV patients give rise to the Omicron variant?’, Los Angeles Times, https://www.latimes.com/science/story/2021-12-02/did-omicron-coronavirus-variant-arise-in-patient-with-uncontrolled-hiv , December 2nd, 2021, 4 am Pacific Time (PT).
7 Eliot, T. S. ‘The Waste Land’, Part III: The Fire Sermon, The Criterion, 1922, l.380-82.
8 Jung, Carl G. Psychology and Alchemy, Collected Works, Vol. 12, Part II Individual Dream Symbolism in Relation to Alchemy, Chapter 3, The Symbolism of the Mandala, II. The Mandalas in the Dreams, 31. Dream, Bollingen Foundation, Princeton University Press, 1953, para. 243.
9 Eliot, T. S. ‘The Waste Land’, Part V: What The Thunder Said, The Criterion, 1922, l.431.