Universal Life Church

The Universal Life Church Monastery

Saturday, 12 November 2022

Oblast Muscovite’s Stance at the Kremlin

Oblast Muscovite’s Stance at the Kremlin


The idea that the Russians had been working on a biological and biochemical weapon during the period of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) that eventually demonstrated its success in the invasion of the Ukraine on February 24th, 2022, with the deployment by puppet rule of of Buratino, the TOS 1 and 2, heavy flamethrower system, nicknamed ‘Pinocchio’ in English translation, the wooden, therefore flammable, stringed puppet of folktale, is met with some skepticism by East-West analysts. Used to the ‘Cold War’, which from 1947, until the reformation of the Soviet Union as the Russian Federation in 1991, after Russia’s and what became the basis of the North Atlantic Treaty organization (NATO) Western alliance of the United States and Britain’s victory over National Socialist (Nazi) Germany’s ambitions to enslave the Earth in World War Two (1939-45), Cold War (1947-91) expert analysis focused on the relinquishing of the satellite slave states that became part of the USSR (CCCP) throughout Eastern Europe, after its capture by the allies, and subsequent division of the German capital city, Berlin, into zones administered by the US, Britain, and Russia.

 However, with the influence of the Soviet Union across the globe, resulting in communist socialist republics controlled from Moscow, either directly as Soviet Socialist Republics part of the USSR, or indirectly influenced as communist republics, like Africa’s DR Congo, for example, or China, whose governments were derived from the German economic philosophy of Karl Marx, as outlined in Das Kapital (1868), and adopted as the basis for socialist communism for the first time by the Vladimir ‘Lenin’ Ilyich October 1917 Revolution against the oligarchy of Russia’s Tsar Nicholas II, mounted during the First World War (1914-18) to defeat the slave ambitions of the German Empire of Kaiser Wilhelm II, while China didn’t become a communist nation until 1946, the available research potential for Russia’s Committee for State Security (KGB), of which President of the Russian Federation since 1999, Vladimir ‘Geppetto’ Putin, was a lieutenant colonel, had been immense.

 In the light of the world’s SARS epidemic, that is, the virus causing severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), originating at a Wuhan city hospital, Hubei province, China, in December 2019, which killed upwards of 6, 000, 000 people throughout the Earth, few eyes turned to look at the Moscow Oblast, where the former Soviet government had held sway over a huge swathe of the planet since its adoption and dissemination of Marxist communism. However, observing the people being ordered to wear masks in public and workplaces by their governments it was evident that that’s how mask off fights, that is, the Kremlin’s Muscovites, who those who must cough fight, as the SARS virus, initially emerging from a cave of bats in 2000, Yunnan province, China, the nation that reveres the legendary dragon creature, a winged, fire-breathing, reptile, which ‘dragon breath’ proceeded to lay the Earth low biologically, and biochemically as Putin’s missile launched heavy flamethrower system proceeded to breath fire over the Ukrainians in the hands of the Russian ‘Red Army’ in 2022.

 Of course it’s no accident that the origins of the SARS virus was traced to bats, as that’s the form adopted by Irish writer Bram Stoker’s legendary vampire character from his 1897 novel, Dracula, based on the real life draco voivode, ‘dragon warlord’, Prince Vlad Dracul III of 15th century Wallachia (later modern Romania), who impaled his victims on stakes of wood, like the faggots discovered by Africa’s DR Congo in 1983, spreading the ‘incurable killer disease’, HIV/AIDS, by impaling each other’s anuses on their penises, resulting in the collapse of the organs of the body, as the human immune deficiency virus (HIV) resulted in acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), and brain death. That it’s no accident is evident from the fact that DR Congo was a communist republic until 1991, when the Soviet system collapsed due to pressure from the West to liberalize, and the USSR dissolved its Warsaw Pact military alliance, which several East European nations had been persuaded to join after WWII, that is, Albania (until the Sino-Albanian alliance of 1968), Czechoslovakia, Hungary, East Germany, Poland, and Bulgaria, while the Ukraine Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR), for example, was also given independence, before draco voivode Putin’s invasion to steal the farm’s produce, like actor Eli Wallach as Calvera, the Mexican bandit chief in the movie, The Magnificent Seven (1960), whose bandits descend on a farming village, defended by Yul Brynner in his role as Chris Adam, leader of the seven defenders, to rape the women and loot, ‘If God didn't want them sheared, He would not have made them sheep.’1

 That pillage  was Russia’s socio-economic plan is evident, replacing Comecon, the previous communist ‘confidence trick’, the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (1949-91), comprising 10 countries, spanning three continents, consisting of the USSR providing raw materials and the member states finished product; East Germany (GDR), Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, and Albania in Europe; Mongolia and Vietnam in Asia, and perhaps incongruously to some, Fidel Castro’s Cuba in North America, communist since the 1959 Revolution against the rule through coup d'état of Fulgencio Batista.

 Although the Ukraine was a Russian Republic, the region of Eastern Europe and  Central Eurasia was known for its draco voivode figures, that is, Bohemia (formerly part of the post-1945 Czech-Slovak Soviet Republics) , Bosnia (former post-1945 Soviet-style ‘superstate’ Yugoslavia), Bulgaria (post-1945 Soviet-style Republic), Croatia (former Soviet-style Yugoslavia), Greece (NATO and European Union member), Hungary (post-1945 Soviet ‘satellite’), Macedonia (former Soviet-style Yugoslavia), Moldavia (Soviet Republic of Moldova from 1917, and later a part of modern Romania, itself a former post-1945 Soviet Republic), Poland (post-1945 Soviet Republic), Rügen Island (post-1945 East German Democratic Republic - GDR, Baltic Sea, Soviet ‘satellite’), the Russian Empire, the Ukraine, Serbia (former Soviet-style Yugoslavia), Transylvania (later modern Romania; NATO since 2005 and EU since 2007), and Wallachia, while the USSR’s control of many of those countries, for example, the Ukraine, from 1920 a Russian Republic, afforded the possibility of research into vampirism.

 The Russians, who sent T-34 and T-54 tanks into Hungary’s capital city of Budapest in 1956, shortly after Hungary became a member of its ‘Warsaw Pact’ (1955-91) Eastern Bloc military alliance in 1955, as Imre Nagy’s government had withdrawn, while T-62 tanks, some driven by its allies, Bulgaria, Hungary, East Germany and Poland, into Czechoslovakia’s capital city of Prague in 1968, to crush democracy for communism’s Red Army, had been interested in vampires at least since the birth of Alexei Nikolaevich, Tsarevich, to the Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, haemophile wife of Romanov Tsar, Nicholas II, killed by the bloodthirsty revolutionaries, aged 13, possibly as a vampire suspect, and to eliminate the threat of a rival future draco voivode, renowned for their bloodthirstiness, perhaps because haemophiles bleed uncontrollably when cut, a euphemism in English speaking societies for being socially slighted, so need to replenish their self esteem by a bloodletting; described in Stoker’s novel Dracula as the draco vampire’s drinking human blood, after puncturing the artery at the neck of the victim with its preternaturally elongated and hollowly incisive fangs.

 Typical of Eastern politics is Christian Bulgaria. Ruled by the Moslems of Turkey’s Ottoman Empire, including Moslem Iraq, who lost it, after siding with the German Empire in WWI, Bulgaria’s Tsar (1918-43) Boris III  sided with the fascist Axis Powers, Germany, Italy, Moslem Iraq and Japan in 1941, before being invaded by Russia in 1944, after refusing to participate in the invasion of Russia in 1941, exterminate its Jews, as required by the Nazis, who exterminated upwards of 6, 000, 000 in ‘death camps’ throughout Europe, in an early instance of the ‘ethnic cleansing’ of  ‘the seed of Eve’ that would characterize relations between Judeo-Christianity and Islam in the latter part of the 20th century, but also refusing to  expel its German forces, then waged war against the Axis Powers, alongside Russia, Britain and her United States NATO ally. Observing that Eastern nations’ allegiances were easily reversible, Russia’s military political organization, the Warsaw Pact, could order the Bulgarians, Hungarians, Poles, and Germans to invade Czechoslovakia in 1968, although Poland had been invaded by Germany in 1939, with their ally Hungary, since before WWI, dividing Poland with Russia along the Bug river, and Russia had invaded Hungary in 1956, to make sure that the Hungarian military remained loyal to that WWII Russo-German agreement.

Accordingly, as any alliance can be perceived as being of aliens, that is, ethnic minority defense, those with the strongest axes always win, and is the reason for the democracy of the United States having the fasces symbol of ancient Rome, the axes and the rods of rulership in its House of Representatives, Capitol Hill, Washington D.C., the NATO alliance isn’t as strong as before the admittance of the former alliance of Eastern Bloc states, including Poland, invaded in 1939 by what was effectively the Russian and German Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1939, but invading Czechoslovakia with the Russians, Bulgarians, Germans, and Hungarians in 1968.

Putin’s invasion of the Ukraine, claiming that the Ukrainians are Russian bred, illustrates that the reds under the bred are the virus of the vampire; illuminating the new craniums of infancy with an unholy light; that of the aliens with the strongest axes, as Putin could see that’s what Eastern Europe was for, tribal war leadership, ‘The dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth so that it might devour her child the moment it was born.’ (Rev: 12. 4) That the Ukraine applied for membership of the European Union, with its blue flag of twelve stars, before invasion, is reminiscent of the apocalyptic vision of Jesus’ disciple, John, of ‘a woman … with a crown of twelve stars upon her head’ (Rev: 12. 1) facing a ‘red dragon’ (Rev: 12. 3) and a ‘blood plague’ (Rev: 11. 6), seeking to devour ‘he who will rule the nations with an iron scepter’, that is, Jesus, the Jewish Messiah, in his ‘Second Coming’ to the Earth, after being killed,, during the reign of the Emperor Tiberius Caesar Augustus (14-37 C.E.), for preaching, ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ (Mk: 12. 31) According to the Christians, Jesus’ teaching of the New Testament of the Bible superseded the Old Testament of the Jews, that is, their history and law, which is the Torah and Talmud, so his is the new rule.

 However, homosexuality used the birth of Jesus from his mother, the Virgin Mary, to suggest that Jesus was an anal birth, whereas he was the seed of a woman alluded to in the Old Testament of the Jews where Eve, the woman, is depicted accepting the ‘fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil’ from the angel, Satan, turned into a serpent by God for rejecting God’s plan that the human host be greater than the angelic, rather than ‘eat of the fruit of the tree of life’, which was immortality, because the serpent said, ‘You shall be as Gods.’(Gen: 3. 5) Expelling Eve, and the first man created by God, from the paradise of Eden, Adam, God told Eve her ‘seed’ would prevail, ‘You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.’ (Gen: 3. 15) In Christianity, Jesus’ mother is depicted crushing the head of the serpent beneath her foot, as Jesus is her foot, that is, women are the human futanarian species, which is hermaphroditic, although all of the human host wombs belong to it, so the serpent’s seed are the alien brain destined to be crushed by human brainpower.

 Although Jesus was arrested after having been with a woman and  taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem, during the period of the Roman Empire’s occupation of Palestine, where he was nailed to a cross of wood and died there, his subsequent Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of women’s seed illustrates the destiny of a race in denial of homosexuality, which is war, slavery and death waged upon the human species by an alien seed parasitically living from the human host womb, ‘The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to wage war on the remnant of her seed.’ (Rev: 12. 17) Putin’s invasion of the Ukraine manifested the threat to the birth of the Christian new craniums.

 That HIV was originally a mutant simian immune deficiency virus (SIV) transmitted from apes by homosexuals gives a source for the defining of AIDS as a vampire disease, which Russian KGB researchers used to weaken the human system, as according to science it does,1 before the launch of its SARS ‘dragon breath’ virus, an aspect of its draco voivode activities in China, and its missile launched fire-breathing draco voivode fires against a Ukraine population, weakened further by the flying SARS of Russian sorcery, facilitated the emergence of the vampire from under the bred. That flatulence and brain damage were symptomatic of SARS is evident from the first stage of Putin’s heavy flamethrower, which first launches a flammable vapor. After a second stage ignition, the fires cause those in the immediate vicinity to expire, as the SARS virus do, launched from the mask off fighters (Musocvites), whose farting, and breathing virus onto their targets, caused brain damage, and death - yum - to those ‘nuked’ craniums.


1 Wallach, Eli as Calvera in The Magnificent Seven, The Mirisch Company, Alpha Productions 1960.

2 Healy, Melissa ‘Did failure to adequately treat HIV patients give rise to the Omicron variant?’, Los Angeles Timeshttps://www.latimes.com/science/story/2021-12-02/did-omicron-coronavirus-variant-arise-in-patient-with-uncontrolled-hiv , December 2nd, 2021, 4 am Pacific Time (PT).

Friday, 11 November 2022

Women are The Djinn Who'll Never Breed

Women are The Djinn Who'll Never Breed


Jesus’ story looks simple to misogyny. Jesus’ mother was the Virgin Mary, and Jesus was killed to make sure he wouldn’t breed either. For homosexuals Jesus is their savior because he was obviously born of his mother’s asshole, which is why she was the Virgin Mary, although married to Joseph. In order to understand, it’s necessary to look at the meaning of Jesus’ birth, which is that of someone born uncontaminated by male semen, and his death as the result of his being found with a woman, ‘Leave her alone.’ (Mk: 14. 6) Jesus ‘Christ’, ‘the chosen’, was the Messiah whose teaching Christianity believes superseded the Old Testament of the Bible, which is the Torah and Talmud, that is, the history and law of the Jews. Called the New Testament of the Bible, Jesus’ teaching is neatly distilled as, ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ (Mk: 12. 31) Betrayed by his disciple, Judas, Jesus was given over to the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, who arranged for him to be executed by the Romans then occupying Jewish Palestine in the name of the Emperor of Rome, Tiberius Caesar Augustus (14-37 C.E.), who took him to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem where he was nailed to a cross of wood and died there, but experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of his and the rest of his mother’s seed of Eve, which the creator, God, had promised to Eve, the woman, in the paradise of Eden.

 God had turned the angel, Satan, into a serpent for rejecting God’s plan that the human host be greater than the angelic, and Satan had given to Eve the ‘fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil’, which it was death to taste, while God had told Eve and the first man, Adam, created by God, to ‘eat only of the fruit of the tree of life’, that is, immortality, but Satan had said, ‘You shall be as gods.’ (Gen: 3. 5) Expelling Eve and Adam from Eden God had told Eve her ‘seed’ would prevail, ‘You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.’ (Gen: 3. 15) Depicted in Christian iconography crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, Jesus is the foot of Mary, as she represents the seed of Eve, who’re the distinctly separate human species of futanarian women’s seed with hermaphroditic women who have penis’ semen of their own for the reproduction of the human race from all of their host wombs. Consequently, Jesus and his mother, the Virgin Mary, represent the human brainpower that will defeat the serpent’s seed of death and slavery in ignorance.

 Judeo-Christianity isn’t the only religion based on the people of Abraham, whose son, Isaac, by wife Sara, was the founder of Judaism, as Ishmael, Abraham’s second son by the slave concubine, ‘the Egyptian woman’ (Gen: 16. 1), Hajer, was the founder of the religion of the Moslem people, Islam, through his descendant, Mohamed, whom the angels dictated the Koran (610-30 C.E.), according to Islamic tradition, which permits four wives to the Moslems. Although Judeo-Christinaity views the four wife marriages of the Moslems as a retroactive attempt to legitimize Ishmael’s birth and that of Islam, the Islamic marriage affords the possibility of sexual reproduction for women’s seed within the Moslem family, which makes it an advanced form of Judeo-Christianity’s ring slavery.

 In the Koran it is written that God created men, women, and djinn. While the birth of Jesus from the Virgin Mary is also revered, the Islamic teaching of the Koran is that there was a man called Jesus who was crucified and he died, but it wasn’t him, as the body is merely a shell. With the true occupant emerging from the tormented flesh in extremis. That’s because Jesus and his mother, the Virgin Mary, correspond to what the Koran describes as djinn. The Koran even has a passage similar to Eve’s encounter with Satan, where the Shaitan djinn Iblis, thought to correspond identically with Satan as Shaitan, is rejected by God for refusing to bow before Adam, thereby preparing Moslems for the rejection of the Virgin Mary, and Jesus, who is accorded the status of teacher in Islam, as he is in Judaism, but not the Messiah, which is the Christian belief, ‘Go before me Satan.’ (Matt: 4. 10) However, as with Judeo-Christianity, Iblis’ refusal is comprehensible as he doesn’t want to bow away from Adam, as that’s a homosexual invitation, whereas the implication is that Adam should bow first, which again is a homosexual allusion. That the seed of eve is futanarian is barely alluded to in the Koran, although there are references to it, which was the reason why Salman Rushdie, the novelist, had a fatwa, that is, a death sentence,1 irrevocably imposed upon him by Iran’s Moslem cleric, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, for The Satanic Verses (1988), in large part for drawing the world’s attention to the significance of sura An Najm, ‘The Star’:


‘So have you considered al-Lat and al-'Uzza?

And Manat, the third - the other one?

Is the male for you and for him the female?

That, then, is an unjust division.’  (19-22)


 The pre-Islam goddesses of the region were worshipped at the Ka’ Ba in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, which was later associated with Abraham, dedicated as his shrine by Ishmael and Hajer, whose Egyptian origins help to explain, as ‘Ka’ means ‘spirit’ in the ancient Egyptian religion of the Pharaohs, and ‘Ba’ means ‘soul’, that is, women’s seed and wombs. That Jesus’ body was a shell containing a man, and that the speaker and teacher was a shell, who wasn’t the man that emerged after the torture and death of the flesh, is an insult to women’s seed. Just as perceptions of Jesus’ mother as a virgin, and her son killed, so that they’d both remain virgins, was conceived as an insult to women’s seed.

 Islam was the slave Empire where castration and eunuchs were common in the family harem culture, which means that women’s seed endured a fate there amongst the breeders of humans as livestock. That genius is the term deriving from genie or djinn supports the argument that women’s seed with their superior brainpower are what Jesus’ birth uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, represent. That both Iblis and Adam are depicted as homosexual isn’t as unusual as it appears. As lesbians like it smooth, so dominant homosexuals like passivity, which means castration and eunuchs not only as a socio-economic tool, for example, people think better without their sexual libido, and those who can’t reproduce aren’t any threat to the producer, which manufactures men and women as a single male brained creature wearing each other’s clothes as a transvestite TV for the transmission of its sterilized picture of the human race. That Iblis was the djinn that refused to bow before Adam suggests that Jesus and the Virgin Mary, who similarly represent refusal to bow before man, were djinn, that is, the Bible has been looked at from the wrong end of the telescope, as virgin women are djinn because humanity’s castrated to prevent it thinking of a means of escape from the host womb slaver of its race.


1 Jones, Sam ‘Salman Rushdie has lost sight in one eye and use of one hand, says agent’, The Guardian, Sunday 23rd October, 2022, 11.53 BST, https://www.theguardian.com/books/2022/oct/23/salman-rushdie-has-lost-sight-in-one-eye-and-use-of-one-hand-says-agent .

Thursday, 10 November 2022

Fit To Wake the Dead

Fit To Wake the Dead


In several parts of the Earth veneration of the ancestors is the religious principle applied by the living to the dead, for example, the Shinto (c. 300 B.C.) religion of the Japanese reveres the ghosts of the ancient as people who still have a decisive role in the activity of society. The practice devolves from the shrines of Shinto worship devoted to kami, that is, supernatural entities believed to habit all things, which correspond to the daemon of Western thought, that is, ‘spirit of place’, which is probably the reason for the belief that, as there’s no metaphysical difference between kami and human, it’s possible for a human to become kami, as the dead ancestor who was known to dwell in that place.

 Although the pop song, ‘If U Seek Amy’ (2009), for example, by US’ singer Britney Spears, was interpreted as a sexual reference, that is, F*U*C*K me, it’s more likely to refer to the pull of a kami, ‘I can't get her off of my brain.’1 The song’s writers were attempting to make Britney more popular in Japan, where to seek kami is a religiously sanctioned objective beneficial to the worshiper, ‘… all of the boys and all of the girls are begging to if you seek Amy.’1 Necrophilia is the lyric content, that is, sex with the dead, which suggests that’s the object of kami worship.

 If it’s possible to have sex with the kami spirit of the deceased, then it’s possible to travel through time and space to where the kami lived, for example, and live there as a new kami spirit, ‘Oh, but can't you see what I see?’ With the onus on transition, that is, when it’s convenient for the living to die, for the tenant, whose place’s the owner’s as their possessing demon’s, the slaving necrophile has a place to kill them, and enslave their kami spirit for sex, or other laborious futility for the worker. Moreover, as younger bodies are more nubile it’s likely that the more transient appearance of the human on life’s stage, the better it is for the demon landlord, who needs killers of youth in order to increase its grip on the living from its position of relative easefulness in the past where the kami are kept in thrall.

 From the perspective of the slaver it’s essential for the West’s Noise Abatement Society (NAS) to exist so that the living are kept quiet about the dead. Not because the dead are sleeping, but as the activities of the kami needs must be kept hidden from human knowledge lest the spirit slaver be exposed as a necrophile evil.  The Nasnas is a demon in Middle Eastern mythology, according to the 8th century collection of folktales, A Thousand Nights and One Night, in which the creature is described in ‘The Story of the Sage and the Scholar’, being prepared for marriage with the Sultan’s daughter, who thinks he’s Satan, as he’s symbolically a necrophiliac, obsessed with stroking her shoulders and neck.

 The Nasnas is ‘a human being; having half a head, half a body, one arm, one leg’,2 because it represents possession, that is, abated, it’s half alive, so half dead, already in the power of the kami slaver, represented in Western society by the Noise Abatement Society (NASnas), which wants the living to be the slaves of their ‘dad’, as the demon landlord of the place doesn’t want to be disturbed in its necrophiliac activities. Not because the dead are disturbed by the noise of the alive, but rather that the alive who’re awake might be of some liberating use to the dead, who’re enslaved by the necrophiles, through dissemination of their awareness to anti-slavers amongst the Shinto worshipers, for example, who revere the kami, as their ancestors. Rather than fuck kami as necrophilia’s prostitutes, that is, made dead as quickly as the demon slaver can arrange, so contributing to the collective brain damage of the human race, which grows more stupid the younger it dies, and is the aim of the demon. Pretending that the Earth is a tomb, and requesting silence, is just an excuse for the enslaving necrophile to fondle the shoulders of the lambs.


1 Kotecha, Savan, Alexander Kronlund, Max Martin, Shellback, ‘If You Seek Amy’, Britney Spears, Circus, Jive, 2009.

2 Burton, Sir Richard (transl.) A Thousand Nights and One Night, Section 3, # 48, 1957.

Monday, 7 November 2022

The Sahasrara's Apprentice

The Sahasrara's Apprentice


‘The Sorcerer’s Apprentice’ by Frenchman Paul Dukas, 1897, subtitled Scherzo after a ballad by Goethe, after German Goethe’s 1797 poem, originally conceived as a Silly Symphony (1938) cartoon, became the centerpiece short animation sequence in the United States’ Walt Disney animated feature, Fantasia (1940), a series of pieces set to the music of classical compositions by composers, wherein Disney’s Mickey Mouse character used the magic of his master, the sorcerer, to make brooms come alive so that they would carry buckets of water and scrub the floor for him, which had been his task and that had been too laborious for him. Although the source of the concept of the sorcerers is relatively obscure, the chakra system of the Hindu religion, based on the Indo-Iranian Sanskrit Vedas (1500-900 B.C.), and which was further developed in 5th century India by Gautama Buddha, affords a clue. The Sahasrara chakra is the topmost ‘crown’ of the human system, which for Hindus began at the Muladhara chakra, passing through five other chakras located at points along the spine corresponding to the sacral region, the solar plexus, heart, throat, and brow, before reaching the crown of the head, where self-actualization of consciousness was achieved through raising the energy levels of the human system by means of meditation approximating to what the Christians call ‘prayer’.

 The sorcerer’s skill corresponds to the Sahasrara’s magic, which became important in December 2019 at a Wuhan city hospital in Hubei, ‘north of the lake’ (Dongting), province, communist central China, where the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) emerged to kill upwards of six million people globally, while the survivors had to wear muzzles for several years to prevent the virus from engulfing others. There were black magic elements in the emergence of the flying SARS virus, for example, it seemed to have made an initial appearance in a cave of bats, while the mythical dragon of Chinese tradition is associated with the draco of East European folklore, the vampire, made famous by Irish writer Bram Stoker’s novel, Dracula (1897), but having its real life antecedent in the historical figure, draco voivode of the 15th century state of Wallachia (now modern Romania), Prince Vlad Dracul III, ‘war dragon’, whose bloodthirsty practice it was to impale his victims on stakes of wood. Although Stoker’s Dracula figure is able to transform himself into a bat, it seemed a mere plot device of a horror writer, before the emergence of flying SARS virus in a cave of bats in Yunnan province, southwestern China, in 2002, made animal transformation a part of the equation. However, that there’s a connection between bats, dragons, and draco warlords is significant, especially when the success of the flying SARS virus, according to scientists,1 was at least partly dependant on the HIV/AIDS ‘incurable killer disease’ virus, discovered by Africa’s then communist DR Congo in 1983, as a mutant variant of the simian immune deficiency (SIV) virus, being spread by homosexuals impaling each other’s anuses on their penises.

 That homosexuals are commonly called faggots, and that faggots are wood used for fires suggests that the release of flatulence as a flammable gas, a symptom of the flying SARS virus, along with brain damage, rather than the total collapse of the organs of the body, followed by excruciatingly painful brain death, as was the case with the AIDS virus, were the fires of the fire-breathing Chinese dragon, released by the human Sahasrara’s chakra system being impaled by the faggots as evil sorcerer’s. That fags is an abbreviation of faggots is a reference to the fact that the penis is phallic, which means that cigarette smoking, and indeed smoking per se, is a reference to penis extinguishment, as women’s species, called futanarian, have penis’ semen of their own, for the fertilization of all of the human race’s host wombs, which is why lesbian women are described as homosexuals, because they like their women smooth, as the homosexual irons, like it smoothed too, that is, castrated, because humanity’s only an asshole, so far as their sterilizing monkey-fucker’s disease is concerned. What faggots and lesbians do is, men, like them, they’re castration, which means that the sorcerers are complimented by the sorceress, although the target of the vampire remains the same; the Sahasrara’s ‘crown’ chakra, which is why the flying SARS virus was called ‘the crown virus’.

 That the human race was Covid, that is, coffeed, was another aspect of the vampire, as caffeine is an ingredient of both tea and coffee, therefore the flying SARS virus, called Covid-19, after the December 2019 epidemic, after the medical name for the crown virus, coronavirus, and the year of the plague, was the human species being coffined, that is, the vampire’s straining tea throat drinking equation, and the cough fee relate to the cost of the caffeine, which precedes the coffin, that is, death, as the cheapest form of intravenous feed (IV), that is, coven feed, where witches covens led by male warlocks practice various sorceries. In Freudian psychology, developed by ‘the father of psychoanalysis’, Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) the unconscious is deemed repressed as what is called the ‘id’, that is, Covid is the imagination fed by the coven, a parody of the Jews’ covenant with God, that is, the land promised by God, after the Jews’ slavery to the Pharaoh of Egypt, Thutmose III (1479-25 B.C.), resulting in their exodus.

 The cheapest coven feed is a drink with caffeine in it, although the output, likely related to the bank account and the account holder’s being in the red or black, according to their ability to pay, is financially determined, that is, you get the feed you pay Count Alucard for, a nom de guerre of actor Lon Chaney Jnr’s Count Dracula’s from the movie, Son of Dracula (1943), but the analogy of counting all her card relates to the castration of the species of women’s seed, that is,  after it’s spayed the numbers of the beast increase, as John, the disciple of Jesus ‘Christ’, ‘the chosen’, saw in his apocalyptic vision of the future, ‘Let he that has understanding have wisdom; the number of the beast is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six.’ (Rev: 13. 8) As homosexuals and lesbians castrate the human race of women, there’s a third missing, that is, 33% in every thousand, which means that 666 is the target of the beast, as it wants to manufacture men and women as a single male brained creature wearing each other’s clothes as a transvestite TV to watch kill itself in wars of women’s seed, ‘The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.’ (Rev: 12. 17) The way it wages war is IV, that is, TV feed, where caffeine is input and TV pictures are output by the damaged human brain’s imagination in the form of pictures that aren’t for human consumption, other than that of the devouring aliens, who’re the homosexuals and the lesbians that castrate her, ‘You mean, that's all that's left of Count Alucard?’ Patrick Moriarty’s actor’s observation, in his role as Sheriff Dawes from Son of Dracula, is ironic. If all that’s left of Alucard is a card, after the blood of the human race has been drunk by the vampire;  its account hinges on that.

 As the TV feed is for pictures that aren’t human, it’s logical to suppose that the human system is spay TV, that is, humans can only see the output from the feed if they pay more for the input. In other words, caffeine is the basic input for TV fed humans, whereas the richer and more affluent have better and more expensive feed. In the United States, a group of northeast coast colleges came to be known as ‘the Ivy League’, which suggests that the development of IV as the system of human TV feed began there somehow; members are Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Harvard University, Princeton University, the University of Pennsylvania, and Yale University. As the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is close by Harvard, Cambridge, it’s logical to suppose that the ‘IV League’ are an MIT ‘control’ experiment. That it’s a modern day vampire myth, in which the poorer of both rich and less wealthy are drained for life that they’ll always be precluded from seeing, because they’re blinded by the murderer, who wants to drink their blood and put them in a coffin, is evident.

 In the Christian tradition of Jesus, the Holy Spirit, called the Shekinah in Judaism, is the feminine spirit of God, who dwelt in the tent of the tabernacle en route to the land promised by God, Palestine, where Jesus was executed for being with a woman, ‘Leave her alone.’ (Mk: 14. 6) Taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem, Jesus was nailed to a cross of wood, where he died but experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of women’s seed, who’re the bred of heaven, so far as the feminine spirit of God, the Shekinah, is concerned. When Jesus offered the bread and the blood to his disciples, as symbols of his Resurrection and Ascension, he was able to do so, as he was born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin  Mary, while Jesus’ state as the seed of a woman, offered by the priest in the Christian Communion service as bread and wine, corresponds to life in the invisible realm after death, which is the virtual reality (VR) offered by IV TV, that is, women aren’t quite yet extinct in the imagination of the brain attached to her penis, although the signs and symptoms associated with ‘ethnic cleansing’, for example, the corpses of the Jewish ‘intellectuals’ being rendered into soap in the German National Socialist (Nazi) ‘death camps’, during their second attempt to enslave the Earth for what they saw as their pure Aryan master race in World War Two (1939-45), indicate that the homosexuals and the lesbians are castrating the human brain as well as its, like as not ejaculate encrusted, unwashed vagina and testes.

 The Ukraine, independent since 1991, after the East European satellite slave states, held in thrall by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), subsequent to WWII’s defeat of Nazism, were released by the Soviet withdrawal, was invaded by the Red Army on February 24th, 2022, ordered by former lieutenant colonel with the Committee for State Security (KGB), Vladimir Putin, elected in 1999 as the President of the supposedly reformed Russian Federation, and it wasn’t only symptomatic of ethnic cleansing, although Putin’s view that he was empowered to invade any nation where there were communist Russians was ethnic saber rattling at its worst. That Jesus’ disciple, John, in his apocalyptic vision of the future, which is included in the New Testament of the Judeo-Christian Bible, based on Jesus’ teaching, and which Christians believe supersedes the Old Testament of the Jews, which is their history and law, that is, their Talmud and Torah,  describes ‘blood plague’ (Rev: 11. 6), associated with the ‘red dragon’ (Rev: 12. 3), suggests biological and biochemical warfare is Russian soap for the future of its ethnic minorities.

 As flying SARS virus is a consequence of HIV/AIDS, the Red Army, deployed with the heavy flamethrower system, TOS 1 and 2, as its main field weapon, is the dragon, and the Ukraine is the woman with a crown of twelve stars, as foretold by John, because the blue flag of the European Union, with its twelve stars, was considering admitting the Ukraine as a member before Russia’s invasion, ‘The dragon stood before the woman, who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment it was born.’ (Rev: 12. 4) The first stage of the missile based weapon’s system was to lay a flammable vapor equivalent to flying SARS virus  flatulence, which fierily ignited corresponded to the virus virally spreading, and the expiration of the victims representing the extinguishment of the remains of the humans cremated there, as unclean brains still attached to the women’s penis, rather than clean homosexuals and lesbians that prefer things smoothed and smooth, so that all issues are finally soluted by the sauce graduated from the KGB experimental biological and biochemical weapons laboratories in Africa, China, and Eurasia.


1 Healy, Melissa ‘Did failure to adequately treat HIV patients give rise to the Omicron variant?’, Los Angeles Timeshttps://www.latimes.com/science/story/2021-12-02/did-omicron-coronavirus-variant-arise-in-patient-with-uncontrolled-hiv , December 2nd, 2021, 4 am Pacific Time (PT).

2 Moriarty, Patrick as Sheriff Dawes Son of Dracula, Universal, 1943.

Sunday, 6 November 2022

Food Encryption

Food Encryption


As the world’s religions seem obsessively obsessed with the preparation of food and the rituals associated with being clean enough to eat it, and of it being clean enough to eat, it’s logical to suppose that the food is being taught to be clean in order for it to be eaten hygienically. Abel to cook, for example, seems the watchword with Judeo-Christianity, which describes in an early narrative from its holy text, the Old Testament of the Jews, which is their Torah and Talmud, that is, their law and history, how the son of Eve and Adam, Cain, killed his brother, Abel, as he’d offered sacrificed animals in fire upon God’s altar. As Cain’s offering of fruit wasn’t pleasing to God, Cain killed Abel for being able to cook, although it wasn’t made explicit that Abel was an animal.

 For an explanation as to how Abel could conceivably be an animal, it’s necessary to look at an earlier part of the narrative in which the creator, God, having turned the angel, Satan, into a serpent for rejecting God’s plan that the human host be greater than the angelic, placed Eve, the woman, and Adam, the first man created by God, in the paradise of Eden, where the serpent gave Eve ‘the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil’, which it was death to taste, and although God had told them to ‘eat only of the fruit of the tree of life’, that is, immortality, but Satan said, ‘You shall be as gods.’(Gen: 3. 5) Expelling Eve and Adam from Eden, God told Eve her seed would prevail, ‘You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.’ (Gen: 3. 15) As Eve was poisoned, Cain was too, which was why he killed his brother, Abel, who was an animal to Satan. Moreover, as the serpent’s seed are the descendants of Cain, those who’re eaten by them are animals from the Satanical perspective, and as the religions of the world are discernibly concerned with the same parasitical theme, it’s evident that the consumption of the credulous by the pragmatic is encoded within the holy texts as decipherable information about how humans are to be eaten by elite ‘supermen’.

 The ruler of the Maurya Empire (322-185B.C.), containing both India’s subcontinent  and Iran, whose written ‘Aryan’ language was Sanskrit, and whose sacred texts were the  Vedas, was Ashoka (r. 272-32), whose embracing of Buddhism reunited Indo-Iran, after the Hinduism of the Vedic period, which described the activation by meditation of a human system of energy centers along the spine that began at Muladhara, and culminated at the ‘crown’ chakra, Sahasrara, resulting in awoken consciousness. However, the path to becoming true human was beset by danger, for example, at the base of the spine awaited a monster to devour the consciousness of the individual who weakened for whatever reason, and the many armed gods and goddesses of the Hindus were ‘spiderly’, while the chakras also contained devouring demons that were to be overcome. Although the means to control the chakras was represented as transcendental meditation (TM), it’s fairly clear that the human task was either to eat or be eaten. According to tradition, the Vedas were written by apauruṣeya, ‘superhuman’ creatures, which suggests that they’re food encryptions.

 The ‘culinary triangle’ of the structural anthropologist, Claude Lévi-Strauss, depicted three types of food preparation; the raw,1 for example, Japanese sea food, sushi, the cooked, and the rotten, that is, yoghurt, etc., which suggests that the dead in their boxes are rotten food. That the system is devoted to it is evident from the beverages available to humans, both of which are caffeine based, that is, tea and coffee, which translates as the teeth and the coffin of the vampire, which is drinking the blood of the human from birth to boxed rottenness, where the human has survived the raw naked sex on the end of the pornographer’s penis in preparation for the barbecue. It was the discovery in 1983 by Africa’s Dr Congo of the ‘incurable killer disease’, HIV/AIDS, a mutant variant of the simian immune deficiency virus (SIV), spread by homosexuals impaling each other’s anuses on their penises, which led people to the conclusion that the brain was being eaten raw by a parasite enslaving the human host womb.

 That there were demons actively assassinating the human brain by devouring it to prevent people from finding a solution to being slaved to death when they had the brainpower and scientific knowledge to be immortal was pooh-poohed by empiricists favoring the ‘vapors of the brain’ answer of the behavioral psychologist. However, it’s more logical to suppose from historical evidence that aliens don’t want humans to think, which is the reason for the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), collapsing the organs of the body, before the victim dies an excruciatingly painful brain death, when they should be preserving the meat, as in popular Welsh novelist, Leslie Thomas’ The Virgin Soldiers (1966), for the butcher.

 That Jesus ‘Christ’, ‘the chosen’ born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, represented anything other than uncontaminated meat for the butcher’s hook requires further explanation. Mary is depicted in Christian iconography as crushing the head of the serpent, Satan, with her foot, that is, Jesus is her foot, as women are a separate species, called futanarian, which is made up of women with penis’ semen of their own, who are women’s seed, as well as all of the human ‘foot’ race’s host wombs. Jesus’ execution for being with a woman is explicable as the serpent’s seed not wanting the seed of Eve to breed. However, experiencing Resurrection and Ascension to heaven after his death, Jesus prefigured that of women’s seed, although from the absence of humans from women’s seed on the planet Earth it’s evident that those who soldier aren’t the Virgin’s.

 Before his execution, Jesus gave bread and wine to his disciples, ‘While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is my body.” Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood …”’ (Matt: 26. 26-8) In the Christian places of worship the congregation were given bread and wine, after Jesus’ Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, because Jesus had demonstrated that parasitical vampirism was overcome in this way.

 However, if religions are food encryptions Christian Communion, which is what the wine and the bread are called, is an eating and drinking instruction, that is, if the petitioner in the ceremony wants to be immortal, drinking blood from the body is prescribed, which means that for the believer amongst the cognoscenti Jesus is a blood-drinking vampire. Although that’s contrary to Christian dogma all of the ingredients for the recipe are there. Moreover, the proscribed acts of uncleanliness and the obsession with cleanliness in Judeo-Christianity, Islam, etc., far from being strictures to prevent the spread of disease, are more understandably rules for ensuring that the food is edible, that is, humans are nutrients for vampires. Anyone woman who’s been a body bag for a vampire of the armies of the night sleeping in their beds inside their flesh so that the alien can rejuvenate by drinking their life source knows what beaver whacking (bivouacking2) is for an army of occupation.

 Jesus knew, when he met the man on the road to Gadarene possessed by demons in the period of the occupation of Jewish Palestine by the legions of Rome, ‘My name is Legion.’ (John: 8. 7) Jesus cast the demons out of the man, and ‘Legion’ asked to go into a herd of pigs, which promptly ran off a cliff and droned, as even the pigs would rather die than be possessed by the vampires of the armies  of Rome, whose slave system of being parasites upon the host wombs of the human species of women’s futanarian  seed was a vampiristic means of the alien’s never having to leave the womb of the human race and/or body of the host, but to live upon it as its ‘food of the gods’,3 where the gods are the serpent’s seed, corresponding to the guards in the labor camps, concentration camps, death camps, prisons, schools, skulls, Darth Mall’s ghouls,3 and/or supermarkets, where immortality depends on being told what to eat, and when, ‘It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.’ (Rev: 13. 16-17)

 An everlasting source of replenishment, so long as it was bred and whined, as a squalling infant, as Jesus’ disciple, John, saw in his apocalyptic vision of the future, ‘The dragon stood before the woman, who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment it was born.’ (Rev: 12. 4) Possessed by the draco vampire from birth, the human child can’t hope to escape host womb slavery in parasitism, ‘The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to wage war on the remnant of her seed.’ (Rev: 12. 17) The Ukraine, for example, was independent from 1991, before the Russians invaded on the orders of former lieutenant colonel of the Committee for State Security (KGB), President Vladimir Putin, elected in 1999, with their main field weapon, the heavy flamethrower system, TOS 1 and 2, mounted on T-72 tank chassis, to incinerate the fruit of the seed of a generation on February 24th, 2022, in fulfillment of Jesus’ disciple John’s prophecy of a woman with a ‘crown of twelve stars’, that is, the European Union, with its blue flag of twelve stars, whose child was threatened by a fire-breathing ‘red dragon’ (Rev: 12. 3, that is, the Red Army, whose ethos of communism doesn’t accept belief in God, therefore Jesus’ teaching isn’t believed in whereas it’s what Christianity believed superseded the ‘eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth’ laws of Judaism, ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ (Mk: 12. 31)

 Instead communism accepts the marks of ‘the beast’, that is, the socio-economic philosophy of German Karl Marx in Das Kapital (1968), ‘from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs’, which allowed Joseph Stalin, for example, the Russian Second World War (1939-45) leader, to establish a network of slave labor gulag camps throughout the Soviet Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, including the Ukraine as being amongst those countries occupied after the defeat of Nazism in Eastern Europe, as those without abilities weren’t needed for anything other than manual labor, and even though a basic tenet of Marxism was ‘workers control the means of production’, whereas in practice the means of production controlled the laborer in the Stalinist work camps.

 Although the beast is a biblical figure, it’s possible to deduce its meaning from what’s written about it by John, who describes men and women as a single male brained creature manufactured as a transvestite TV wearing each other’s clothes to wage war on women’s seed so that the alien can watch it on television news and entertainment based on that perceivable reality for humans, ‘The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.’ (Rev: 13. 15) Without women’s seed, there isn’t sufficient human brainpower to escape from the beast’s slavery and death. That the human is the beast because it’s bred to be so illustrates what the evil do with animal nature, that is, the human is their prey, which is farmed to be consumed as a source of life by the vampire, which is Satanism, that is, the male animal preys on the seed of women as its predatory beast and lives as a parasitical worm from the host womb of a human species not its own, but its comfort, helper, console, and food supply.

 From the perspective of the evil it isn’t important that women’s seed are women as well as the human race, which is the futanarian foot that is hunted by their animals, as the beast is male, which is an invitation for the bestial to indulge in sex with animals on the farm, so constructing a society of feminized sheep living amongst wolves; or, in simple terms, the human Christian women are the prey, who pray in the ‘dark Satanic mills’ of the workhouses and the churches where, as English poet William Blake recognized in his poem, ‘Jerusalem’ (1804), they ostensibly pray to God to escape men, as the animal that slays them in slavery so that they can slave them again as flocks of their congregations patrolled by a shepherd in a dog collar representative of that of the slave collar about the neck of the animal obligated to bury human bones and not eat them, as that’s for elite rush on commandos whose objective is another hill:


‘Oh, the grand old Duke of York,

He had ten thousand men;

He marched them up to the top of the hill,

And he marched them down again.


When they were up, they were up,

And when they were down, they were down,

And when they were only halfway up,

They were neither up nor down.’4


 An army marches on its stomach, according to received wisdom, although Jesus’ experience of the demon Legion suggests that it walks on the stomachs of those who don’t want a bellyful of its bayonets. The English children’s nursery rhyme is about the futility of the many armed demon which has nothing to do apart from feed its belly while the people support its existence in times of peace, while war is all it looks forward to, and elitism is what tummies are for. A common ruse amongst the Axis powers during WWII was to cry, ‘Tommy! Tommy! The British soldiers were known as Tommies, as they were ‘pork belly futures’ that’s come to maturity on the farm, so the enemy could pretend to be in need of assistance by crying out for Tommy, and then kill them in an elitist tummy feast. However, this isn’t unusual amongst the military, for example, there’s a Hungarian trifle that can be bought at the local cake shop, cukrászda, called a somlói galuska, which is a euphemism for any dissenter being that trifle outgunned, that is, it’s what the many armed demon is for, and that’s why it’s dessert warfare. Jesus was called ‘the lamb of God’, and presented as an exemplary self-sacrifice to encourage soldiering, that is, once the human is dead, the slaver can move in on the ring slave, which is why Jesus said, ‘At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.’ (Matt: 22. 30) Recognition on the part of ‘the lamb’ that the human doesn’t want to be a slave to food.


1 Lévi-Strauss, Claude ‘The Culinary Triangle’, The Partisan Review (Brooks, Peter, transl.), Autumn 1966 (33), pp. 586-96.

2 In the United States of America, ‘beaver’ is a euphemism for a woman’s genital hair, for example, Larry Flint Publications (LP), Inc., Beaver Hunt (1979-) magazine, which illustrates the bivouacked act, as can be applied by the invaded prey.

3 See Ovid Metamorphoses, ‘The Story of Leucothoe and the Sun’, Bk IV, 8th century.

4 Opie, I., and P. Opie, The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes (1951), Oxford University Press, 2nd edn., 1997, pp. 442–443.