Universal Life Church

The Universal Life Church Monastery

Sunday, 30 July 2023

The Kievan Rus’ Is An Old Flame

The Kievan Rus’ Is An Old Flame


What commentators have missed about the invasion of the Ukraine on February 24th, 2022, by communist Russia’s ‘Red Army’, on the orders of its President, Vladimir Putin, is that’s where Russia was born. When Boris Yeltsin agreed to the independence of the Ukraine, along with the so-called ‘satellite’ slave states of Eastern Europe that had been a part of the Union of dictator Joseph Stalin’s Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), since the capture of the German capital city of Berlin by the Russian Red Army to close hostilities in World War Two (1939-45), after fascist Germany, led by Chancellor Adolf Hitler, elected with the National Socialist (Nazi) Party in 1933, had first divided Poland with the Russians along the Bug river on September 17th, 1939, and then invaded Russia on June 22nd, 1941, in ‘Operation Barbarossa’, resulting in the Eastern European nations, then under German occupation, being ‘liberated’ by Russia, before becoming vassal ‘soviet’ states after the war, it was felt by many in the newly conceived Russian Federation of 1991 that the USSR was lightly tossed aside.

 The Second World War was thought of as being ideological, whereas it was similar in character to the First World War (1914-18) in which German Kaiser Wilhelm II’s ambitions of slavery were thwarted. Although the deposing of Tsar Nicolas II in the October 1917 communist Revolution, led by Vladimir Ilyich ‘Lenin’, and the establishment of a ‘soviet’ system of collective decision making, based on the German economics’ philosophy of Karl Marx in Das Kapital (1868), the subsequent establishment of slave labor camps in Eurasia by Stalin, and the ‘concentration camps’ of the fascist Axis powers of WWII, that is, Germany, Italy, and Japan, was sufficient to indicate that ideology was secondary to slavery. The difference lay in communism’s pogroming of intellectuals. While the German Nazis, for example, pogromed ethnic minorities, that is, outsiders, Russia pogromed dissenters, that is, insiders, representing the gulf between a capitalism that brain slaved the remains of its intelligentsia, and a communism that slaved the remains of its brains as a collective.

 When President Boris Yeltsin’s USSR (CCCP) opted to streamline as the Russian Federation in 1991, it was the end of the soviet system for Eastern Europe, characterized by ethnic cleansing, as the remains of the brains of the collective adopted fascism, that is, the elimination of outsiders, as an apparently instinctive precursor to a more logical form of capitalism. Insiders were brain slaved, that is, businessed, with economic success as the sole criteria for all decision making processes made by all individuals, which meant the death of individuality, as businesses swallowed up all personal concerns with growth away from a boss. Marx’s theory that capitalism would collapse under the weight of its own inherent self-contradictions had borne fruit. New Communism was slaved collective obedience to a boss on the basis of economic dependence. When the former lieutenant colonel with the Committee for State Security (KGB), Vladimir Putin, was elected to succeed Yeltsin to the Presidency of the Russian Federation in 1999, New Communism was establishing itself throughout the world. However, like the Nazi concentration camp system hadn’t been fascism, which was a philosophy of fitness in the sense of apposite, the Russian gulag system hadn’t been communism, which was decision making at a local level by locals that was pertinent there, whereas dictatorship by bosses was the centralization perceived as the original problem by Marx. What was lacking were the tools whereby individuals could progress outside of a company purview, which would raise the collective profile. A New Centricism, which wasn’t obedient to an external slaving center.

 The United States of America is usually thought of as the antidote to capitalism, as it constitutionally values personal freedom, which encourages progress through individual development and growth, for example, dreams of self-sufficiency, that is, the self-production by an individual of what the individual themselves need. However, US’ ideological emphasis on ‘political correctness’ (pc) is an insistence on slavish obedience, which corrects imperiously on the understanding that anything contradictory is the sign of an unwanted individuality, which is un-American. In simple terms, the information superhighway, afforded by the internet, provided by the telecommunications’ companies to online devices, such as desktop PCs, laptops, and more mobile equipment, at a price, represents the opportunity to fulfil ‘the American Dream’ of self-sufficiency, that is, the New Centricism, but slavers don’t want it, whereas for Russia’s communism it corresponds to what Marx called ‘the dictatorship of the proletariat’, that is, decentralization through independence.

 That this was the character of the Ukraine, after the USSR, is apparent from Jesus’ disciple John’s apocalyptic vision of the future of the European Union (EU), with its blue flag of twelve stars, and to which the Ukraine had applied for membership before Russia’s invasion, ‘And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed in the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and crying out in the pain and agony of giving birth.’ (Rev: 12. 1-2) With the TOS 1 and 2 heavy flamethrower system as its main field weapon, the Red Army indicated the Ukraine was an old flame tossed away too lightly, ‘The dragon stood before the woman, who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment it was born.‘ (Rev: 12. 4) The exact nature of the child, according to John’s Revelation, is ‘he who will rule the nations with an iron scepter’, although that eponym was reserved for Jesus’ ‘Second Coming’, not the President of the Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, as it’s evident that the US’ pc program had moved to body fascism, that is, ‘physical correctness’, in pursuit of slavery,  where lesbian, gay, bisexual, domination (bondage), and transgender (LGBDT) definitions were the gender assignment surgery (GAS) by which all were measured, that is, lesbians and gays are bisexual, as they’re equipped for that sexually, whether they exercise their physical heterosexual capability, or otherwise, so it’s bondage with domination, LG(BD)T, rather than LGBT, which is just the TV guise for a ‘drag queen’, ‘The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to wage war on the remnant of her seed.’ (Rev: 12. 17) For the dragon to wage war on the remnant of the woman’s ‘seed’, which is the normal and normative human form of having both vagina and penis, she’d have to have some seed, which is what God told Eve, the woman who’s the archetype of the normal human in the paradise of Eden, expelled therefrom by the creator, God, for accepting ‘the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil’, which it was death to taste, from Satan, turned into a serpent by God for rejecting God’s plan that the human host be greater than the angelic, ‘You shall be as gods.’ (Gen: 3. 5) Expelling Eve, and the first man created by God, Adam, who according to Jewish mishnash was hermaphroditic, God told Eve, ‘You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.’ (Gen: 3. 15) Although Eve was created by God from the rib, or side, of Adam, it’s likely a euphemism for self-fertilization, which is a physical attribute of the futanarian human species of women’s seed, that is, LGBDT is the US’ GAS chamber, if Eve’s seed remain unable to achieve immortality, that is, the ‘fruit of the tree of life’, which God had offered, through the medical science and technology available to a well bred human intellect.

 While the human race is futanarian, men and women have been manufactured, as a single male brained transvestite creature, wearing each other’s clothes, that is, as a TV, for ages, which is what shopping for clothes means: chopping. What women don’t understand is that they’re normal if they like women, whereas lesbians are castrators, who don’t want women, as they don’t want futanarian women’s seed, which is women’s human race. In the United States, gender assignment surgery (GAS) was mandatory for hermaphrodites, as it’s a butcher’s chop, that is, the human species of women’s seed is slaughtered; until it accepts an alien at the end of its penis. Although Nazism’s Hitler was criticized for building concentration camps, for example, at Buchenwald, Thuringia state, Ettersberg hill, near the city of Weimar, and at Bagdanovka, Golta district, Transnistria, modern Ukraine’s Mykolajiw oblast, with ovens for incinerating the bodies of the 6, 000, 000 ethnic minorities that were worked to death in them, that is, mainly Jews, that’s what butchers do with their jobs, which is why the fasces symbol of ancient Roman authority, a bundle of sticks with an axe at the centre, was adopted by Nazism. As the Jews, and other ethnic minorities, were sent to the poison gas chambers, allegorically the hermaphroditic human species of women’s seed had already been gassed by its boy sons, that is, Satan’s men had already deployed their choppers to make men and women as their TV.

 While it didn’t make any difference to the bundlers of the sticks into the oven, whether it was the sabbath or not, God did mind when someone collected fuel on Saturday, which is the Jewish day of rest set aside to remember that God created the Earth in six days and rested on the seventh, ‘Give the man the death penalty. Yes, kill him, the whole community hurling stones at him outside the camp.’ (Num: 15. 35) Presumably the Jews of Germany and elsewhere were killed for working on Sunday, which is the day of rest in Christianity. Jesus, its founder, was killed for trying to explain men were just a chop. Although the Jews accused him of working on the sabbath, that is, teaching and healing the sick, born uncontaminated by male semen, from his mother, the Virgin Mary, depicted in Christian iconography as crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, it was the disciple of Jesus ‘Christ’, ‘the chosen’, Judas, who finding Jesus with a woman, notified the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, who gave Jesus over to the Romans, despite Jesus’ mild remonstrance, ‘Leave her alone.’ (Mk: 14. 6) The Romans, then occupying Jewish Palestine in the name of the Emperor, Tiberius Caesar Augustus (14-37 C.E.), took Jesus to the hill of Calvary, outside the city of Jerusalem, and nailed him there to a cross of wood, where he died, but experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of futanarian women’s seed, that is, the foot of God, expected to achieve immortality through medical science and colonization of the planets amongst the stars by means of advanced technology devised by superior brainpower.

 Elsewise, it’s a butcher’s chop, which is what Jesus knew, ‘Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.’ (John: 8. 7) The punishment for a woman caught in adultery was stoning. However, as women aren’t men’s species, they can only be adulterated, that is, they can’t be guilty of adultery, which is an economic prohibition, based on the notion that an animal husbander could be financially ruined by the livestock’s ‘insider information’, which is the fiction hidden in marital faithfulness. Women aren’t economically faithful to what isn’t in their interest as host womb slaves in husbandry, which means that Russia’d rather incinerate the chop than accept the Ukraine’s openness.

 Although Yeltsin’s plan had been to dissolve the USSR, and even Russia seceded from the Union, his vision of a reformed Russian Federation of the freed states of the USSR wasn’t fulfilled, as Georgia, traditional birthplace of Russian Presidents was lost to independence, alongside Armenia in the Caucasus, that is, between the Black Sea and the inland lake known as the Caspian Sea, bordered by Azerbaijan, another Caucasian state preferring separateness to Russia’s Federation, and Turkmenistan. The then ninth largest nation on Earth, Kazakhstan, left, joining the other ‘stans’ of Northern Asia; Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan, while the Baltic Sea states, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, became members of the EU, losing Russia bases along the coastline for its Baltic Sea fleet, while Kaliningrad, the fleet’s base, remained isolated, between the EU states of Lithuania and Poland, opposite Sweden across the Baltic Sea, where historian, F. Donald Logan, argued the Kievan Rus’ originated, ‘In 839 [C.E.], the Rus were Swedes; in 1043 [C.E.] the Rus were Slavs.’1

 Belarus, that is, ‘White Russia’, named for the White Sea, as well as the Tsarist allies of the Russian White Army, opposed to the Red, after October 1917, which like the neighboring Ukraine, takes its heritage from the Kievan Rus’, who Logan believes were a Viking people, organizing a Nordic union of Eastern Slavs, for example, the social grouping known as the Cossacks, that is, Zaparozyhe, of later modern Ukraine’s Zaporizhzia oblast, lower Dneiper river, as descendants of Viking sailors and horse traders, preferred independence, along with neighbor Moldova.

 While the Sea of Azov, connected to the Black Sea, through the 4 km narrow (2. 5 m) Strait of Kirch, with Russian coastline to the East, and the Ukraine to the southwest and northwest, Russia’s loss to an independent Ukraine of the port of Odessa on the Black Sea, where Russia’s Black Sea fleet traditionally held sway, meant its recapturing of the Crimea region from the Ukraine, as well as the Black Sea port of Sevastopol in 2014, and the Ukraine’s Azov base at Berdiansk on February 27th, 2022, reestablished the preeminence of the former USSR’s Black Sea fleet in the region.

 However, as the warships that would have to go through the Bosporus Straits, where EU nation Turkey’s capital city Istanbul is, would have only a maximum width of 3. 7 km (2.3 m), and a minimum of 750 m (2, 450 ft) to afford them passage, and there are draft considerations too, with a depth of only 15 m (49 ft 2 in) at some stretches, making maneuverability a priority in the aftermath of the sinking of the Slava (Glory) -class, Moskva (1983-22) guided missile cruiser, on April 14th, 2022, by two R-360 Neptune anti-ship missiles, during the invasion of the Ukraine. Despite the Admiral Grigorovich-class frigate, Admiral Makarov, commissioned 2017, replacing the Moskva as the flagship of the Black Sea fleet, with its 15. 2 m (50 ft) beam and 4. 2 m (14 ft) draft, the logistic difficulty in the necessarily smaller and weaker Black Sea fleet’s maneuverings, and link-ups with Russia’s more powerful warships of the Baltic, Northern, or Pacific fleet, naturally prohibits their going out into the Marmara Sea, through the Dardanelles Straits, and into the Aegean Sea, with the possibility of then going on into the Mediterranean Sea, and further into the Atlantic Ocean. Confined to TOS off around there somewhere, it terrorizes the locals; including, apart from the Ukraine and Turkey, Georgia, and the EU member states of Bulgaria and Romania.

 The capital city of the Ukraine, Kiev, was chosen as his seat by the Swedish Varangian Viking, Rurik (862-879/82 C.E.), a Rus’, and the people, who were previously ruled as an Eastern Slav khaganate by the Rus’, were the Kievan Rus’, which giving its name to the well known culinary preparation, ‘chicken Kiev’, for those unfamiliar with the recipe, that is, baked or fried, his TOS of breasts sautéed, with SARS, was an unnecessary embellishment on Putin’s part to Volodymyr Zelensky’s separatist program.

 Invented at the Preslav Literary School, in the First Bulgarian Empire (681-1018 C.E.), during the reign of Tsar Simeon I, and at the time of the Eastern Byzantine Empire (330/395-1453 C.E.) of Rome, characterized by the predominance of Greek, instead of Roman Latin, which characterized the Western Empire (395-476/80 C.E.) of Rome, the Cyrillic script (c. 893 C.E.), adopted by the Russians, and from January 1st, 2007, by the EU, after Latin and Greek, wasn’t Rus’, whose spoken origins were Old Norse, which has a runic script.

 That the Greeks institutionalized the host womb slavery of women for homosexuality in pederasty to manufacture soldiery in their war (499-49 B.C.) against the Persian Empire of Darius, suggests Cyrillic as a Greek word virus, developed by the slavers of the Slavs, as the script was created by Byzantine ‘missionaries’, that is, Cyrillic was, like Mandarin Chinese, implemented after the rich cultural flowering of the Zhou period (1046-256 B.C.) gave way to that of the ‘Warring States’, and the rule of the Qin state (221 B.C.) through war, a slaving alphabet used by draco voivode, as Greek fire’s administration.

The Cyrillic script was ‘Greek’ fireballs, metaphorically, delivered by early ship-to-ship naval artillery, in the form of slingshot catapults aboard dromon oared galleys, called onager by its inventor, the Byzantine Roman Empire, from 672 C.E. It constituted a ship borne flame thrower, which manufacture and operation, though remaining unknown, was said to be a combination of naphtha and quicklime, igniting on contact with water, while the concept developed in the 20th century as warhead delivering ballistic missile systems. Moreover, as the lyrics to US’ rock music singing star Jerry Lee Lewis’ song, ‘Great Balls of Fire’ (1957), suggest, Greek fireballs, often projected as a liquid from pressurized nozzles, were an allegory of homosexuality’s ‘biological weapon’, AIDS, while Putin’s ‘chicken Kiev’ sautée TOS (TOC) was improved with SARS:


‘You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain

Too much love drives a man insane

You broke my will, but what a thrill

Goodness gracious, great balls of fire.’2


 The term draco voivode, that is, ‘dragon administrator’, is common in Eurasia, while Irish writer Bram Stoker’s vampire creature, from his 1897 novel, Dracula, set in neighboring Romania’s Transylvania, emerging from its coffin to drink human blood, modeled on 15th century, Prince Vlad Dracul III of Wallachia, later a part of modern Romania, who impaled his victims anally on stakes, as if he were preparing to spread the AIDS virus, suggests Putin’s burning of the Kievan Rus’, as a rival voivode, was a concomitant to the SARS epidemic, that is, the phlegm of the virus of hell, logically associable with draco activity; a creature woken by SARS to emerge from the coughin’ to drink human blood, and be immortal thereby. Such can only be killed by a stake through its heart, or decapitation, according to legend, so vampirism would die, if women’s seed bred, as homosexuality’s host womb slaving of the human futanarian species has no stake in women, whereas women’s seed are the stake in the heart of its vampire, and with all of the brainpower of women’s human race, its decapitator too. Although Putin’s cigarette was the Kievan Rus’ burning, as a vampire’s coffin, there was little evidence that the Russian Federation had any stake in his heart.


1 Logan, F. Donald The Vikings In History, New York: Routledge (Taylor & Francis), p. 205.

2 Blackwell, Otis, and Jack Hammer, ‘Great Balls of Fire’ Jerry Lee Lewis, Sun Records, Sun Studio, Memphis, Tennessee, 1957.

Tuesday, 25 July 2023

Boy Song Gays

Boy Song Gays


Masks were first worn to deal with gas attacks in WWI (1914-18), initially at Ypres, Belgium, in April, 2015, and President Saddam Hussein used gas, during the Iraq-Iran war (1980-88), before the United States of America’s President, George W. Bush Jnr., ordered the invasion of Iraq, a nation of the Moslems of Islam, in March 2003 to depose the dictator there, Saddam Hussein, for using gas on the ethnic minority Kurd population. For example, during the Al-Anfal (ٱلْأَنْفَال) campaign against Iranian Kurds, named for the Koran (610-30 C.E.) sura, ‘The Spoils of War’, at Halabja on March 16th, 1988, in that part of Kurdistan within Iraq’s borders, during the Kurdish town’s occupation by Iranian forces. However, few people believed the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) virus, ostensibly emerging naturally from a cave of horseshoe bats in Yunnan province, communist China, was a biological weapon, as horseshoes are a traditional luck symbol.

 At the height of cattle droving in the US in the 1880s, before the rail links were built to move the cattle to markets and slaughterhouses, throwing horseshoes to wrap around a metal rod was a game of chance for ranch hands, who could amass a fortune by means of a horseshoe toss. That Russia’s missile launched heavy flamethrower system, deployed in the invasion of the Ukraine on February 24th, 2022, was TOS 1 and TOS 2, suggested that there was a correlation between the initially contained (2002-4) outbreak of the SARS 1 virus, and the throwing of horseshoes, in the mind of Russia’s communist leader, Vladimir Putin, if not in the mind of the then Chinese President, Yang Shangkun, although the subsequent communist invasion of Eastern Europe clearly implies China’s involvement in the development of a biological component to the conventional warfare.

 It was the Second Sino-Japanese war (1937-41) that preceded the Second World War (1939-45) in which Japanese Unit 731, based at Anda city, Heilongjiang province, on the Chinese mainland, was responsible for experimenting on large segments of the Chinese population in the pursuit of the development of biological weapons that points to fascist Japan, an ally of what were then known as the Axis powers; Germany, Italy, and Iraq, before the commencement of WWII, and the Axis attempt at world enslaving. Although Russia initially allied itself with Germany, as dictator Joseph Stalin agreed to divide Poland with Germany along the Bug river in September 17th, 1939, Germany’s 1933 elected National Socialist (Nazi) Party leader, Chancellor Adolf Hitler, made the distinction between fascism and communism irrevocable when ordering the invasion of Russia on June 22nd, 1941. Called ‘Operation Barbarossa’ it led to the Russian Red Army’s eventual capture of the German capital, Berlin, and the refusal of Russia to withdraw from the nations ‘liberated’ in Eastern Europe. Although the United States effectively ended Japan’s participation in WWII’s Pacific theater with the dropping of the atomic bombs, ‘Little Boy’ and ‘Fat Man’ from the B-29 superfortress aircraft, Enola Gay and Bockscar on 6th and 9th August, 1945, on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, terrorist organizations, such as the Japanese Red Army (JRA), arose to replace the principle of a government that would coerce.

 As coerce is a form of curse, which is geas, that SARS is a part of a gas attack on the European Union seems incontrovertible. Moreover, Japan’s experience of terrorist gas attacks is widespread, for example, the release of the nerve agent, sarin, categorized ‘weapon of mass destruction’, on the Tokyo metro on March 20th, 1995, by Aum Shrinyiko, ‘Religious Truth’, which suggests the influence of Unit 731, while arguments over whether the use of gas is legitimate for crowd control, or merits a total ban on the grounds of rules agreed by the member states of the world’s United Nations (UN) organization, is a basis for further suggesting that the deployment of SARS was conceived as a means of controlling a crowd forced to wear masks in recognition of the superiority of the crowd controller.

 The finger of suspicion points to the bleeds, that is, vampires, whose objective is to drain the population to ensure their docility. As Japan, by Article 9 of its post-1945 constitution, disavowed the use of armed forces to achieve political aims, its bleeds are much more actively engaged in crowd control methods than nations with more militarized ambitions, that is, they subvert communist, deist, and capitalist nations, rather than deploy overt force, which is a strategy employed by smaller countries generally, although it masks a desire to implement crowd control on a vast scale requiring a similarly proportionate emphasis on a bleeds draining program. That Japan’s Unit 731 was active in China from 1937, before hostilities began, between the Axis powers and the rest of the world, suggests that Japan was deploying its bleeds to emerge as a vampire from the cave of horseshoe bats in Yunnan province, China, and later as the more virulent mutant strain, SARS 2, from a Wuhan city hospital, Hubei province, December 2019, to kill millions of people globally, as an exercise in crowd control, preliminary to the invasion by the Red Army of the Ukraine, which from the point of view of the Japanese is bleeds’ action.

 When the English rock group, Led Zeppelin, put a picture of the hydrogen gas filled LZ 129 Hindenberg airship, exploding on May 6th, 1937, while trying to dock with a mooring mast on the East coast of the United States at Naval Air Station (NAS) Lakehurst, Manchester Township, New Jersey state, on their first album, Led Zeppelin I (1969), WWII hadn’t yet then commenced, although from that later perspective the Germans had attacked the US with a hydrogen weapon in a suicide strike reminiscent of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, when the US’ Pacific fleet was decimated by an unannounced assault from Japanese carriers with kamikaze Mitsubishi Zero pilots prepared to crash their fighter planes into their decks and sink US aircraft carriers and other warships on December 7th, 1941. Although Japan invaded China after the Hindenberg disaster on July 7th, 1937, not only did that resurrect in people’s minds France’s 16th century Michel Nostradamus’ prophecy, ‘terror from the skies’,1 as German zeppelins, unloading bombs over London, for example, during WWI, which led to the founding of the Royal Air Force on April 1st, 1918, its samurai tradition of the kamikaze suggested Japan’s will to persevere would prove problematic.

 Japan had defeated the Russia of Tsar Nicholas II in the Russo-Japanese war (1904-5), before WWI, and the subsequent October 1917 communist Revolution led by Vladimir Ilyich ‘Lenin’ to depose the failing oligarchy of Russia’s hereditary autarchy, and impose the principles of ‘from each according to his ability to each according to his needs’ of German economics philosopher, Karl Marx, as outlined in his Das Kapital (1868), which suggested to Japan, as a later Axis power, that Russia could be steered as its German ‘satellite’. Although fascism, which was the ideology of the Axis powers, was ‘from each according to his ability’, to borrow from Marx, ‘to each according to his needs’ was socialism, that is, fascism was communism, apart from that simple but powerful distinction, which meant a ‘soviet’ system of ‘workers control of the means of production’, as Marx argued for, where workers ‘collectives’ determined what was fitting, whereas fascism determined what was fit, that is, where a fascist would determine fitness, communists would use what they called ‘dialectical materialism’ to decide whether it was beneficial collectively.

 Fascism placed more emphasis on individuality, while egos collectively represented a danger that the developmental psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), called the collective shadow, which he identified as ‘pure evil’. For the Japanese, experts in bunraku, that is, the moving of dolls about a theater stage by figures clad entirely in black to hide their presence, the burka women of the Moslem nations of Islam, traditionally clad in their black one-piece coveralls to conceal themselves from public view, represented bunraku, as it was better to manipulate, rather than be possessed by the collective shadow, which resulted in the invasion of Iraq by the US, for example, when Saddam Hussein offered bases in Iraq to Al Qaeda, ‘the base’, after  the events of September 11, 2001. That the white flag of Islam is the Al Uqab, is often thought confusing, as the black flag is also the Al Uqab, which is why the Japanese flag is white with a red spot, while the yellow spot on the black flag is the Al Uqab of Islam, as it represents Japanese bunraku, that is, the people of the red spot unintrusively seek to influence the people of the yellow spot, which necessarily implicates Japan in ‘the events of 9/11’, as it was the red spot on the wings of the white planes of the Mitsubishi kamikaze suicide pilots, crashing into the decks of the US’ carriers at Pearl Harbor, that came readily to the mind of US’ citizens, when Al Qaeda, ‘the base’, was discovered to have a yellow spot on a black flag as its symbol of international terror, ‘Two steel birds will fall from the sky on the Metropolis.’2 Nostradamus’ prophecy was fulfilled when Al Qaeda terrorists hijacked civil airliners at Boston, Logan airport, Massachusetts state; American Airlines Flight 11, a Boeing 767, and United Airlines Flight 175, another Boeing 767, and crashed them into the North Tower of the World Trade Center 1 building at 8.46 am, and the South Tower of WTC 2 at 9.03 am respectively.

 Although Led Zeppelin weren’t especially known for prophecy, lead guitarist Jimmy Page was known to be an occult follower of Aleister Crowley, who was the instigator of a religion he called Thelema, after a supposedly angelic voice he understood to be called Aiwass taught him about ‘the Khabs and the Khu’, that is, star inspiring spirit,3 while in the sleeve notes to How The West Was Won (2003), a ‘live’ recording of Los Angeles concerts at the L.A. Forum on June 25th, and Long Beach Arena on June 27th, 1972, and at The Old Refectory, Student Union Building, Southampton University on January 22nd, 1973, the band are described as self-avowed Satanists. When their sixth studio album, Physical Graffiti, was released in 1975, there was a supposedly innocuous interlude, in which someone is heard to say, ‘Gotta get this airplane off; naw, leave it, yeah.’ The sound of a plane is heard, while the track, ‘Black Country Woman’, was being recorded, and there’s the sound of a cough, on ‘In My Time of Dying’, before lead vocalist Robert Plant (presumably) sings, ‘Cou-ugh.’ Then the voice of drummer John Bonham is heard, ‘That’s gotta be the one, hasn’t it?’ John later died on September 26th, 1980, at a home of Page’s, the Old Mill House, Clewer Village, Windsor borough, Berkshire, after choking on his own vomit, that is, he expired, as inspiration was reversed, subsequent to his drinking 10 quadruple vodkas with orange, while the group were rehearsing at Bray Studios, Water Oakley, near Bray, Berkshire, for their first North American tour since 1977, scheduled to begin on October 17th in Montreal, Canada.

 Although construction of the WTC proper began on August 6th, 1968, at WTC 1, which coincided with Led Zeppelin’s initial US’ tour, beginning at Denver Auditorium Arena, Colorado state, on December 26th, the seven buildings of the WTC weren’t open until 1973, when Led Zeppelin’s fifth album, Houses of the Holy, was released. The old man with sticks was associated with the Bible figure of the Old Testament, that is, the Torah and Talmud of the Jews, which is their history and law, who is killed by God for laboring on the sabbath, that is, the day of rest set aside by the Jews, as that upon which God rested after creating the heavens and the Earth in six days, but on Led Zeppelin IV the track ‘Four Sticks’ is generally believed to be about John Bonham’s idiosyncratic drum rhythm, which is reputed to have been developed after the drummer studied the step patterns of tarantula spiders behind their prey, while Dror Ben Ami’s explanation in a 2015 issue of The Jerusalem Post puts a different slant on Bonham’s demise, ‘… the blood sacrifice of Jesus was a more effective way to remove sins, because it was only needed once, whereas Jewish blood sacrifices needed to be repeated year after year.’4 John was Led Zeppelin’s ‘stick man’, that is, his death was a Satanical human sacrifice designed to reverse something that’d been inspired, which in occult terms could refer to an attempt to get that airplane off the recording of Physical Graffiti, which in general terms would be a useful description of the events of 9/11, 2001, with the cover of the album being in the borough of Manhattan, 96-8 8th Street, New York city, featuring twin five storey brownstone apartment buildings with their traditional verandas, fire escape, basement, and stoop, ‘Oh baby I got to fly.’5 Led Zeppelin’s 1977 tour to promote their seventh studio album, Presence, was amongst the cognoscenti called ‘the Destroyer tour’, because of a bootleg ‘live’ recording of a concert performance at Richfield Coliseum, city of Cleveland, Ohio state, on April 27th, which was titled Destroyer and, popularly circulated illegally, unfortunately concluded the correspondence between Led Zeppelin and the seven buildings of the WTC. The last and eighth studio recorded album, In Through The Out Door (1979), before Bonham’s death, preceded the destruction of the WTC, ‘Co-ugh.’ While the building complex around the One Tower, construction beginning on April 27th, 2006, replaced it, with its opening on November 3rd, 2014, it’s doubtful his coffin with the drac’, ‘That’s got to be the one, hasn’t it?’

 In Through The Out Door is an EXIT euphemism for the group, who practise euthanasia, that is, helping people to die, which is murder. The track ‘In The Evening’ is about the ancient Greek dramatist Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex (c. 429 B.C.), in which the Sphinx asks the riddle, ‘What goes on four legs in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three in the evening?’6 The answer is, ‘Man.’ As a child it crawls, and as an adult it walks; then it’s at the end of its dick. Oedipus blinds himself, for unknowingly marrying his mother, which breaks the incest taboo. However, the taboo is there to prevent the species’ family of women from reproducing, while the plague devastating Egypt’s Thebes, where Oedipus is king, is a metaphor for the way the race is run, with homosexuality’s AIDS, as the instrument of its enslaving. Thebes, for example, was known for lesbianism, which is a metaphor for castration, that is, the castration of women’s seed, which makes the human species the slave of its homosexual slaver, as to labor as a eunuch is what slavery is:


‘I hear you crying in the darkness

No, don’t ask nobody’s help

Oh, ain’t got no pockets full of mercy baby,

‘Cause you can only blame yourself.’7


 Misogyny is associated with the Moslems of the nations of Islam in what’s called the New Testament of the Bible by the Christians, as they believe Jesus’ teaching supersedes that of the Judaic Old Testament, ‘Then I saw another beast coming out of the Earth. He had two horns like a lamb and he spoke like a dragon.’ (Rev: 13. 11) The two horns refer to the crescent moon, as a symbol of the nations of Islam, as many of the countries are to be found in what’s called the fertile crescent of the Middle East, in the region of the Levant, historical Mesopotamia, and ancient Egypt, ‘Then I saw three evil spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.’ (Rev: 16. 13) Like a frock? The men of the nations of Islam traditionally wear the white thob, as pullover shirts, while the women of Islam wear the masked burka, traditionally to keep off the sun, although culturally taught that men shouldn’t be aroused by seeing them, which maintains the fiction that women aren’t capable of sexually reproducing with each other.

 A close reading of the Old Testament story of Eve, the woman, and Adam, the first man created by God, shows that the angel, Satan, turned into a serpent by God for rejecting God’s plan that the human host be greater than the angelic, gives Eve ‘the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil’, which it is death to taste, as women are the human species, ‘You shall be as gods.’ (Gen: 3. 5) Eve is depicted as being created from the rib, or side of Adam, by God, which as the Midrash of Judaism says that Adam was a hermaphrodite, is a euphemism for self-fertilization by a futanarian member of the species of women’s seed. Expelling Eve and Adam from Eden for rejecting the ‘fruit of the tree of life’, which is immortality, in preference for ephemerality in slavery and death, God tells Eve her ‘seed’ will prevail, ‘You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.’ (Gen: 3. 15) The bruising is a metaphor for brain damage insofar as women’s seed isn’t men’s, but men’s breeding with women will reduce women’s brainpower.

 God’s promise to Eve is fulfilled in Jesus ‘Christ’, ‘the chosen’, born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, although his disciple, Judas, finding Jesus with a woman, reported him to the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, who gave Jesus over to the Romans, then occupying Jewish Palestine in the name of the Emperor, Tiberius Caesar Augustus (14-37 C.E.), despite Jesus’ mild protest, ‘Leave her alone.’ (Mk: 14. 6) Taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem, Jesus was nailed to a cross of wood, where he died, but experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of women’s seed.

 It’s unlikely that the false prophet of John’s Revelation is Mohamed, the descendant of Abraham’s second son, Ishmael, who is thereby credited as having been the founder of Islam, as Abraham’s first son, Isaac, by wife Sara, was the founder of Judaism. Mohamed received the Koran (610-30 C.E.) from the angels of God by dictation, according to Islamic tradition, which permitted four wives to Moslem marriages. However, Christianity views this as a retroactive attempt to legitimize Ishmael, as his mother, Hajer, was a slave concubine of Abraham’s, although the truth is that four wives affords the possibility of sexual reproduction between women’s seed within the Moslem family. Mohamed could be accused of being the false prophet on the grounds that women in Islam are host womb slaves, with the frock being the issue, that is, as women’s seed aren’t seen, there’s no escape from misogyny, for example, the burkas at McDonald’s fasting food restaurant joke makes its reification a plausibility. Although the Ka’ Ba, for example, the shrine dedicated by Ishmael and Hajer to Abraham, is known as ‘the burger box’, it’s the center of the annual Haj pilgrimage by millions to the city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia, as Hajer is ‘the Egyptian woman’ (Gen: 16. 1) of the Bible, where ‘Ka’ and ‘Ba’ in the ancient religion of Egypt, are spirit and soul, in the sense that they refer to women’s seed, that is, those women with penis’ semen, and those without, which is why they’re meet there.

 The Moslem burka is a sign that women’s seed are constantly under biological attack, but the sight of women in the Western hemisphere, for example, unconscious of the danger their species faced, alarms. It was the use of fire ships to prevent the Spanish Armada from invading England, during the reign of queen Elizabeth I, that the plague virus was most reminiscent of. Throughout late July and early August, 1588, the English set fire to some of their ships, and the Spanish fleet was consumed in flame. Those with the SARS virus after December 2019 in England, or the United States, for example, where vaccination wasn’t mandatory, were the equivalent of fire ships, supporting the war effort, as phlegm throwers releasing flatulence virally. That the women of Islam were being used as poison gas bags by Saddam Hussein’s Iraqi Intelligence Service (IIS), headed by Ali Hassan al-Majid, known as ‘Chemical Ali’, gains greater credibility from observing that burkas, as chemical warfare suits, can be made as offensive, as they are defensive, by deploying them as perfume-like dispensers, for example, Jesus’ disciple, Judas’ spy canard, when a woman was anointing Jesus’ feet with the expensive perfume, spikenard, was that the perfume should be sold to raise money for the disciples, but Jesus demurred, ‘Leave her alone.’ (Mk: 14. 6) If the woman could be used as a gas shell, ransom demands would meet with greater success than the collection plate, which Judas was used to stealing from.

 Judas’ role is to separate Jesus from the gays, that is, the curse of homosexuality, which geas, for example, is that Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary, as his birth was anal, because Mary and Joseph practised sodomy, which is homosexuality’s gays, as before an exegesis based on an explication of the role of women’s seed in human nature, for slavery, through homosexuality’s indifference to women, birth from the anus was laughably more understandable to the marks, ‘It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.’ (Rev: 13. 16-17) Homosexuals are boy son geas, that is, poison gas, where GAS is gender assignment surgery, and women are bred as a single male brained creature wearing each other’s clothes, as a transvestite TV, for the homosexuals to watch die, as host womb slaves in their GAS chambers.

 It’s a tradition that the devil can’t enter through the door of a house with a horseshoe, which regularly has seven nails holding it in place, corresponding to the WTC, for example, with its seven buildings, and although largely rebuilt as part of the new One World Trade Center, WTC building 6, New York Customs house, is notable by its absence, while WTC 1 was built on its footprint, which suggests the advent of God’s ‘foot’ had resulted in some change in US’ customs. While the WTC was being attacked on 9/11, the Pentagon, a traditional means of imprisoning the devil, and the name of the building, based on the form of the structure, housing the US’ Defense Department, city of Arlington, Virginia state, had its west side breached by a further civil airliner, American Airlines Flight 77, a Boeing 757, hijacked at Washington Dulles International airport, and crashed by Al Qaeda’s terrorists, 34 minutes after the South Tower of the WTC was hit, at 9.37 am. A further civil airliner, United Airlines Flight 93, a Boeing 757 hijacked at New Jersey’s Newark Liberty International airport was reputedly on its way to crash into the White House residence of then President George W. Bush Jnr., in Washington, D.C., but passengers rebelled and attempted to take over the plane, which crashed at Stonycreek Township, near Shanksville, Somerset County, Pennsylvania state, at 10.03 am, wasn’t as symbolic as the hijackers intended. As the white flag of Islam is known as the Al Uqab, the White House represented that for the terrorists.

However, as it’s common for snipers using telescopic sights to use infrared to pinpoint the head of their victim, the red spot on the white flag of Japan is indicated. Called Hinomaru, ‘The Ball of The Sun’, the red spot is a symbol of the descent of the Japanese Emperor from the sun goddess, Amaterasu, in the Shinto religion, whereas the yellow spot on the black flag of the Moslem Al Uqab, though appearing to be a sun symbol, is the moon, which is male in Islam. Moreover, the Japanese practise the ‘foot binding’ of women, which is more than a metaphor for the enslaving of the host womb of women’s seed, as ‘id’ is also the term used by ‘the father of psychoanalysis’, Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), for repression, as the subjection of women’s seed, that is, the binding of the human foot, seems to have been the aim of the 9/11 attacks, as it was the aim when pipe bombers attacked the city of Boston’s Marathon, Massachusetts state, on April 15th, 2013, because the theme was Logan’s Run, a novel by William F. Nolan about ‘Sandmen’ who pursue ‘Runners’, made into a 1976 movie, Logan’s Run, starring actor Michael York, as Logan 5, and actress Jenny Agutter, as Jessica Six, who represent a race to be killed.

 As the planes that struck the WTC were hijacked at Boston, Logan airport, 4/15, 2013, resumed the theme, while the shortness of breath, experienced during the SARS epidemic, indicated that the race of women’s seed was being discontinued, upon reaching a predetermined date of expiration, especially when former Russian Committee for State Security (KGB) head, lieutenant colonel Putin, added his TOS to the phlegm throwers, when ordering the communist Red Army to invade the Ukraine on February 24th, 2022, after it applied to join the European Union, with its blue flag of twelve stars, ‘And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed in the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and crying out in the pain and agony of giving birth.’ (Rev: 12. 1-2) Putin’s TOS was the ‘red dragon’, ‘The dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth so that it might devour her child the moment it was born.’ (Rev: 12. 4) Jesus’ disciple John explains, ‘The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to wage war on the remnant of her seed.’ (Rev: 12. 17) So far as Logan’s Run is concerned, the woman is Jessica Six, as WTC 6 isn’t there, although ‘Freedom Tower’, as WTC 1 is also known, suggests the only penis is men’s, while TOS is what they do with the women’s heads, that is, it’s how they’re thrown, after the towers have collapsed in phlegm.

 The original Twin Towers of the World Trade Center resembled legs, while the nickname for New Yorkers is ‘Knickerbockers’, which are short trousers, although for the Japanese the reference is to Bockscar, the B-29 superfortress aircraft that dropped the atomic bomb,‘Fat Man’, on Nagasaki’s urban conurbation, on 9th August, 1945, to end the role of Japan as a belligerent Axis power in WWII’s Pacific theater. Moreover, as flammable flatulence is a symptom of the SARS virus, the length of the pants are relevant, particularly if misogyny doesn’t want women to have any length of their own. As SARS was associated with horseshoe bats, whores are shoed, that is, for slavers women’s seed is a whores’ race, rather than the futanarian ‘foot’ race of the human species. As British American Tobacco (BAT) is associated with cigarettes as coffin nails, SARS represents BAT’s whores shoed, where the vampire, BAT, is a breaths’ slaver. When ‘secret’ Putin invaded the Ukraine, it was to TOS the heads of women’s seed, as butts. Although most legal categorizations of sodomy identify it with penetration of the anus with the penis, in the US’ states of Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Texas, fellatio is also categorized as sodomy, which in Louisiana and North Carolina is illegal per se, although in Oklahoma and Kansas only between homosexuals, while ‘smoking’, a euphemism for killing, as after a gun’s fires, held by the butt, there’s smoke, and cigarettes induce death from cancer, is associated also with fellatio in Russia.

 As penile penetration of the anus and fellatio are sodomy, the ‘incurable killer disease’ originating in apes with simian immune deficiency virus (SIV), and discovered by Africa’s DR Congo in 1983, being transmitted between homosexuals, as a mutated variant, human immune deficiency virus (HIV), resulting in acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), collapse of the organs of the body and brain death, was viewed by scientists as weakening the human system enough to make it vulnerable to severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), that is, sodomy, as defined as penile penetration of the anus, and fellatio, was responsible for the symptoms of SARS; brain damage, flatulence and the spread of the virus orally.

 When Putin’s Red Army invaded the Ukraine with the TOS 1 and TOS 2 heavy flamethrower system, as a conventional complement to the biological phlegm thrower, SARS, it was as a flammable flatulence launcher, virally brain damaged by Chinese ‘baseball’ bats, like as not left by Japan’s Unit 731, after its horrific vivisection and syphilis experiments, in which China’s women were conceived by the guards, administrators, and laboratory personnel, as whores, shoed as ‘jam buns’, to develop a biological weapon, during the Second Sino-Japanese war, while Al Qaeda, ‘the base’, was doubtless Japanese bunraku, as the Knicks struck out against Hinomaru, ‘The Ball of The Sun’. The Russian Steppes couldn’t stay its coughin’, that is, what’s called the stirrups (stapes), between the hammers and the anvils, of the human sound system, located  at the bones of the ears, couldn’t escape the activation of its ‘death centers’, which are not only a part of the body’s early warning system, activated by the sounds of coughin’, but tell the victim to die. The brain, belabored by the bats, a little more than metaphorically, shooing the rider of the horse out of the stirrups, that is, the unseating of the ego from control of mind and consciousness, if it isn’t bolstered by ego-strengthening’s tapes, or MP3s, created by a professional therapist, for example, as the individual doesn’t want their death center activated by the coughin’, but protects the ears by listening to music on a personal stereo, with headphones and earbuds, or else the brain gives in to the coffin.

 Nostradamus’ prophecy was about ‘the last king of the Moguls’, a term also used to describe the US’ mass media production Empire, situated in the Los Angeles city district of Hollywood, ‘Babylon’, west coast California state. The Mogul horde were a dynastic khaganate that, enslaving, swept across the Steppes of Eurasia, which in the modern era is recognizable as seeing how many whores a rod can shoot, which is a perversion of the description of the child born to the ‘woman clothed with the sun’ in Jesus’ disciple John’s Revelation, as ‘he who will rule the nations with an iron rod’, as he’s understood in Christianity to be Jesus, in his ‘Second Coming’ to the Earth, whereas humans, for slavers, are just someone else’s whored, which is what the planes sweeping across those tapes of 9/11 represent. The movie, World Trade Center (2006), though presented as a memorial, and a celebration of the US’ deposing of Saddam Hussein, with its attendant filmed memorabilia, for example, Jarhead (2005), about a US’ soldier, during the first Gulf war (1990-91) to remove Saddam’s Iraqi army from Kuwait, were the whored, ‘Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.’ (Rev: 17. 5) Saddam Hussein could see the remains of ancient Babylon (c. 4000 B.C.) from his palace at Hillah, on the river Euphrates, in central Iraq, 100km south of capital city, Baghdad. Babylon was the capital of the Persian Empire, whose Darius, for example, went to war with the ancient Greeks (499-449 B.C.), who institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty for host womb slavery of women’s seed to manufacture soldiery, which is what the horde of the whored of Greece were, and what the Hollywood Moguls were for. President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), Will Hays, in 1930 established the ‘Hays code’, `... women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`8 In other words, the Mogul horde wanted the whored, rather than that humans should know they were women’s seed by showing films of humans in their GAS (gender assignment surgery) chambers, that is, their movie theaters and TV, which is why the last Mogul king was planes wept her cross.

The masked mouths of the sodomites, matched by those of the Moslem women of the mosques of the nations of Islam, where they’re taught the bondage of the immortal slavery of the vampire bleeds, as mosquitoes drinking their blood, which they too can do with others, who are their slaves that don’t accept Islam, bore a strong resemblance to the peat bog human sacrifices of the Mesolithic period, that is, the ‘Middle Stone Age’, like those found at the Windover site, Brevard County, near Titusville city, Florida state, for example, wrapped in bags (c. 8000-5000 C.E.), prepared for their rediscovering, where the peat bricks (beat pricks), unearthed, represent a more fierily consummation, butt well preserved. The men in thobs, publicly throw phlegm, as expelled cigarette smoke contains around 70 cancer causing agents, apart from the SARS virus in carriers, for example, N-nitrosodimethylamine, and acrylonitrile, they’re surrogate penis’ virus sticks. As the feed bags of the remnant of enslaved muzzled ‘em women’s seed, dumb yet earful, await a GAS refill of the boy son’s of Islam, the strains in the relationships amongst the members of the assholed of the Emperor of Japan grew ever more noisome.


1 Nostradamus, Michel , Les Prophéties, Century X, Quatrain 72, 1555.

2 Ibid.

3 Crowley, Aleister Liber al vel Legis, The Book of the Law, 1909, I:8.

4 Ami, Dror Ben ‘Metaphors in the Torah: The Roles of Blood and the Liver in Removing Sin’, The Jerusalem Post, February 10th, 2015, 18:57 pm, https://www.jpost.com/Blogs/Torah-Commentaries/Metaphors-in-the-Torah-The-Role-of-the-Blood-and-the-Liver-in-Removing-Sin-390469 .

5 Page, Jimmy, and Robert Plant, ‘Four Sticks’, Led Zeppelin, Led Zeppelin IV, Atlantic, 1971.

6 Apollodorus, Library of Apollod, 3. 5. 8.

7 Jones, John Paul, Jimmy Page, and Robert Plant ‘In The Evening’, Led Zeppelin, In Through The Out Door, Swan Song, 1979.

TV Tropeshttp://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FootPopping/ .

Wednesday, 19 July 2023

The Geas Chambers Butt Eye M'Man

The Geas Chambers Butt Eye M'Man


Since Eden women have been said to endure a curse, which is associated with pain, during birth, that is, labor, and menstruation, which is that process occurring in their bodies post-ovulation, where non-fertilized ovum are flushed out of the system, characterized by the flow of blood, requiring staunching,1 normatively with a tube of cotton wool inserted into the vagina called a tampon. The woman, Eve, received the curse from the creator, God, while the first man created by God, Adam, was told that he’d have to endure physical labor in order to live, while both would die, as they’d accepted the ‘fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil’, which it was death to taste, from the angel, Satan, who’d been turned into a serpent and placed by God in the paradise of Eden for rejecting God’s plan that the human host be greater than the angelic. While God had told them to ‘eat only of the fruit of the tree of life’, which was immortality, Eve and Adam were expelled from Eden by God for preferring slavery in ephemerality, ‘You shall be as gods.’ (Gen: 3. 5) That God applied what’s known as a geas to human nature is evident from Eve being told by God that her ‘seed’ will prevail, ‘You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.’ (Gen: 3. 15) A geas is a condition, which loosely translates as the first conditional in English language, that is, as Eve’s brainpower is stronger, women will escape God’s geas if they sexually reproduce. As Jewish Midrash describe Adam as a hermaphrodite, the description of Eve’s birth from the side, or rib of Adam, is a euphemism for self-fertilization, that is, Adam was futanarian, which is God’s ‘foot’; or, in other words, Eve’s seed are women’s, whereas men’s more closely approximates to Satan’s in that they’re for slavery, war, plague, and death in ephemerality for women’s seed, who’re loosely definable as evidently inferior, as they’re disabled as host womb slaves, with limited capacity for escape through movement off.

 A geas can be used to force anyone to do anything if sufficiently strong. Most commonly it’s used in parenting, with the possibility of the children’s watching television being withdrawn, if homework isn’t completed, for example, which is how slavery is introduced. Although the Old Testament of the Bible is the Torah and Talmud of the Jews, that is, their history and law, a further geas is found in the New Testament of Christianity, Revelation, which is the apocalyptic future, as envisioned by John, the disciple of Jesus ‘Christ’, ‘the chosen’, founder of the Christian belief system, ‘And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed in the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and crying out in the pain and agony of giving birth.’ (Rev: 12. 1-2) The sign is a response to the internecine conflicts of Eastern Europe and the rest of the world, that is, there is a sign.

 The flag of the European Union has twelve stars and the Ukraine was invaded on February 24th, 2022, to prevent it from becoming a member state by the Russian Federation’s communist ‘Red Army’ ordered by its President Vladimir Putin, ‘The dragon stood before the woman, who was about to give birth, so that it might be devoured the moment it was born.’ (Rev: 12. 4) Internecine conflicts are characterized by ‘ethnic cleansing’, which is the extermination of minority groups within a larger society, for example, in the Ukraine, Russians are a minority, but a significant part of the population for historical reasons, not limited to the refusal of the Russians to withdraw from the state of Eastern Europe, ‘liberated’ by the Red Army, after the capture of Germany’s capital city of Berlin, at the close of the Second World War (1939-45) to end that nation’s slaving ambitions towards Europe and the rest of the world, are ethnically Russian, which despite Russia’s agreeing to independence for its so-called ‘satellite’ slave states in Eastern Europe after 1991, was used as an excuse to invade the Ukraine and reestablish its vassal state status.

 That Russia is the ‘red dragon’ of Revelation largely depends on an understanding of the adoption of the German economic philosopher Karl Marx’s communism, as outlined in Das Kapital (1868), meant for Russia, after the deposing of Tsar Nicholas II’s oligarchy, during the First World War (1914-18) to defeat Germany’s Kaiser Wilhelm II’s slaving ambitions, with Vladimir Ilyich ‘Lenin’ leading the October 1917 communist Revolution, which established ‘workers control of the means of production’, as the basis of a societal system of what the Russians called ‘soviets’. The resultant Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), which included many of the East European states ‘liberated’ after WWII, but given independence, after the reformulating of the USSR (CCCP) as the Russian Federation in 1991, before and after WWII, operated a gulag system. Labor camps, presided over by dictator Joseph Stalin, and having such a similarity with the ‘concentration camp’ system employed by the Axis powers of Germany, Italy, Japan, and Iraq, distinctions between the fascist and communist systems seemed of a superficial nature only. It was only Germany’s invasion of Russia in June 22nd, 1941’s ‘Operation Barbarossa’ that served to separate the two systems in the universal mind, as Russia had divided Poland with Germany, along a border made up of the Bug river, at the outset of WWII, thereby indicating the natural affinity existing between slaving systems, as devised by Germans.

 It was the German National Socialist (Nazi) Party that, elected in 1933, with Adolf Hitler as Chancellor, employed gas chambers in concentration camps to exterminate ethnic minorities, most noticeably Jews, which suggested that these were geas chambers, that is, ethnic cleansing was an international slaving curse. Although fascist ideology is largely conceived in the public mind as ‘fitness’, appropriate and apposite are more accurate terms to describe fascism’s preoccupations, for example, it’s fit for a carpenter to know how to fashion a joist, whereas it’s fit for a glazier to know how to cut glass, that is, those who profess to be carpenters and glaziers, but aren’t, are ‘unfit’, which from the perspective of ethnic cleansing means ‘unclean’. Or, in other words, Jews aren’t Christians. While thinking unilaterally in the Soviet Union of communist Russia was definable as opposing what’d been determined as fitting, intellectuals were sent to the gulag to be exterminated as unfit and unclean, because they were a threat to the proletariat’s enslaving of intelligence, which was presented as thought correction. What was felt to be a threat to national purity was unclean, a principle assisted by the Moslem peoples of the nations of Islam having the belief that those who weren’t believers in the Koran (610-30 C.E.), dictated to Mohamed by the angels of God, according to tradition, were unclean.

Although Christianity doesn’t have a prohibition against eating ham, as it’s unclean, according to Judaism and Islam, the perception that Christians are unclean meat on the strength of that isn’t ridiculous as a matter of course. Abiding by rules of cleanliness is what’s necessary for animals who’re to be eaten as food, for example, Moslems will only eat meat that’s halal, that is, without blood, which means the animal has to be cleaned, before it’s fit to be consumed. In short, ethnic cleansing is food preparation, that is, the slavers want to be served by clean food. With that ideological perspective, it’s hardly surprising that the Serbian Christian militia, during the Bosnian war (1992-5), set up ‘rape camps’ for upwards of 70,000 Moslem women to ensure that their progeny were ethnically impure. Bosnia was an Eastern European country that formed part of the communist Yugoslavian ‘superstate’ that collapsed, after the withdrawal of Russia from Eastern Europe in 1991, as the states comprising Yugoslavia were ethnically incompatible, from the perspective of slavers, and hadn’t a Soviet presence any longer in the region to ensure their national integrity.

 As Jesus ‘Christ’, ‘the chosen’, born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, was the ‘seed’ of Eve, Mary’s depicted in Christian iconography as crushing the head of the serpent with her foot. Jesus is a symbol against gender assignment surgery (GAS), that is, the curse or geas, which says that women can’t sexually reproduce with each other as the human futanarian race to colonize the planets amongst the stars of heaven by means of their brainpower. Found with a woman, by his disciple, Judas reported Jesus to the Jewish Pharisees, the religious police, who gave Jesus over to the Romans, then occupying Palestine, in the name of the Emperor, Tiberius Caesar Augustus (14-37 C.E.), despite Jesus’ mild protestation, ‘Leave her alone.’ (Mk: 14. 6) Taken to the hill of Calvary, outside the city of Jerusalem, Jesus was nailed to a cross of wood, where he died, but experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of women’s seed, which was the breaking of the geas upon women.

 Putin’s invasion of the Ukraine was characterized by the Red Army’s deployment of the TOS missile launched heavy flamethrower system at the height of the SARS heavy phlegm thrower pandemic which launched a virus, after its emergence from a Wuhan city hospital, in Hubei province, land of the dragon, communist China, in December 2019, that killed millions globally before the World Health Organization (WHO) effectively declared the emergency over in June 2023, after successful vaccines began to be deployed in 2020. Similarities between TOS and SARS, with its symptoms of flatulence (gas) and lung collapse, were evident. The first stage TOS missile launched a flammable gas, ignited fierily by a second stage missile, sucking air from the lungs, as SARS virally collapsed them. That the homosexually transmitted virus, AIDS, was responsible for weakening the human system,2 was identified by scientists.

 However, it was the presence of the Ukraine’s former Soviet neighbor, Romania, where Vlad Dracul III of 15th century Wallachia, model for Irish writer Bram Stoker’s novel, Dracula (1897), impaled his victims on stakes of wood, which afforded a clue to the homosexual psyche. AIDS was discovered by Africa’s former communist DR Congo in 1983 transmitted as a mutant variant of the simian immune deficiency syndrome (SIV) by homosexuals injecting infected semen into each other’s anuses in sterile mockery of the act of human sexual reproduction. The human immune deficiency virus (HIV) resulted in acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), collapse of the organs of the body, and excruciatingly painful brain death, as if of the very fires of hell. In short, in the case of SARS such anal penetration had released virus into the human system, which former lieutenant colonel of the Russian Committee for State Security (KGB), Vlad, ‘the secret flame thrower’, Putin, developed as TOS, a conventional weapon to complement his biological weapon.

 Conceived as a form of atheism, communism’s invasion of the Ukraine was a Satanical sign of the draco voivode, ‘dragon adminstrator’, which was the regional title of slavers in Eastern Europe and Eurasia, for example, in China the term ‘dragon lord’ was common, after the period of the Zhou (1046-256 B.C.) dynasty’s progress in literature, art and science, gave way to the ‘Warring States’ period, in which the state of Qin prevailed (221 B.C.), and that led to the developing of Mandarin Chinese as the equivalent of a draco voivode, ‘dragon administrator’, language of instruction and obedience, but a concomitant decline in arts and letters, which continued to serve China in its dealings with the rural and urban poor well into the 21st century.

Although SARS 1 (2002-4) was contained, after its emergence from a cave of bats in Yunnan province, China, that Bram Stoker made a correlation between his Transylvanian draco, Dracula, and his capacity to transform himself into a bat, suggests a connection between the fires of a dragon and the virus of a ‘vampire bat’, that is, AIDS/SARS is a vampire slaver. That BAT is British American Tobacco, which is a phlegm thrower itself, in that it induces respiratory problems associated with cigarette smoking, etc., that is, fire-breathing, suggests that the vampire is slavery. Or, if it’s permitted to reify, there’s an entity that’s a vampire and a slaver, which corresponds to biblical notions of Satan. Putin’s cigarette identity is that of the smoker of the penis of women’s seed, ‘The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to wage war on the remnant of her seed.’ (Rev: 12. 17) As a host womb enslaver of the human species, that is, Satan is worshiped, and signs of the draco are indications of that; for example, although Stoker’s Dracula is immortal, it’s killed by a stake through the heart, or decapitation, which is perfectly true if women’s seed breed, as it has no stake in their hearts, and no head if they don’t breed with it.

The human species has been bread since ancient times, as a single male brained transvestite, wearing each other’s clothes, that is, as a manufactured TV, which Jesus’ offer of his body and blood, as bread and wine at the ‘Last Supper’, before his execution, emphasizes. The geas of going without television, that is, TV, if the children don’t do their homework, is a denial of the gas chamber, as gender assignment surgery (GAS), is what wars televised are, which means that the structure of edutainment has to undergo a transformation to promulgate the role of women’s seed. Elsewise, it’s what Jesus’ disciple John foresaw; the TV watching makes the TV watched, `The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.` (Rev: 13. 15) Instead of improving the edutainment system, that is, doing their homework, the children are sent to the gas chamber, which is the slavers’ joke.


1 Helfrich-Förster, C., T. Hovestadt, G. Mitesser, S. Monecke, I. Spiousas, and T.A. Wehr ‘Women Temporarily Synchronize their Menstrual Cycles with the Luminance and Gravimetric Cycles of the Moon’, Science Advances, January 27th, Vol. 7, # 5, 2021, https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.abe1358 .

2 Chung, Frank ‘Chinese Doctors say coronavirus “like a combination of SARS and AIDS”, can cause irreversible lung damage’, March 5th, 2020, 5: 07 PM, https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/health/health-problems/chinese-doctors-say-coronavirus-like-a-combination-of-sars-and-aids-can-cause-irreversible-lung-damage/news-story/f58f19c5eeae99b845c54e2d2b9305ca?amp .