Christian Churches Are What Gay Lads Do
In the Bible
homosexuality is criticized by referring to the events occurring at the `cities
of the plains` (Gen: 19. 28), where `angels
of God`, who`re there to determine whether or not the cities of Sodom and
Gomorrah should be destroyed for their practicing of abominations, are
beseeched by men who want to `know` them, which isn`t merely metaphor, because
knowledge is something that boys don`t have, so it`s in the interests of
pederasty that there be more boys who`re educable. Consequently, Christian
churches which treat their congregations as children, who`re known by
churchmen, risk becoming `knowers` of men without imparting knowledge, that is,
by practicing what`s effectively infantilism, they maintain pederasty. In
short, news reports of pederasty within Christian churches is indicative of the
functioning of homosexual gangs, who keep people in ignorance so that pederasty
can continue.
In ancient Greece
enslavement of women`s host wombs for homosexuality in pederasty for war was
institutionalized, that is, war is pederasty, which means that the church is
the epicenter of destruction if it relies on the simplest of catechisms, and
teaches them to adults as if they were children; for example, `Jesus saves!` How
Jesus saves isn`t the issue for pederasty, whereas for the individual who wants
to know, rather than be known by homosexuals for war, how Jesus saves is important.
Born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, Jesus is uncontaminated by male semen,
and that`s important for the modern era, which was plagued by the human immune
deficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)
originally discovered by DR Congo in 1983 mutated from the simian immune
deficiency virus (SIV) transmitted by homosexuals who, mixing blood, shit and
semen in the anus, spread the `incurable killer disease` that collapsed the
organs of the body before the brain died in unendurable pain.
According to the Bible, such pain is what God promised
the evil if they didn`t convert from their sinful nature: `Men cursed the God
of heaven for their pains and their sores, but refused to repent of what they
had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) Jesus` birth
from his mother, uncontaminated by male semen, is celebrated in Christian
iconography by his mother`s foot crushing the head of a serpent, which is the
form given to the angel, Satan, who was then placed in the paradise of heaven
on Earth by the creator, God, for rejecting God`s plan in heaven that the human
host should be greater than the angelic. Eve, the first woman created by God,
is depicted as emerging from the rib or side of Adam, the first man, who is
described as hermaphroditic in Judaism, that is, Adam is a futanarian woman who
can sexually fertilize herself with her own penis` semen, which is how Eve was
born. The serpent, Satan, represents an earlier evolution upon the Earth, 248
m.a., in the Mesozoic era, before the first humanoids appeared 220 m.a., in the
Jurassic period of prehistory, that is, Satan`s tempting of Eve to `eat of the
fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, in exchange for power,
represents futanarian humanity`s host womb enslaving by saurians, who`re
depicted as being `angels in heaven with God` because they achieved
interplanetary travel in the 20 million years between their evolving and the
appearance of humanoids, `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 15)
War was the power Eve
and Adam`s enslaved futanarian species received from Satan, that is, `death`,
whereas God offered the `tree of life`, which was immortality, and Eve and Adam
were expelled by God from Eden as a punishment, although God told Eve her
`seed` would prevail: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot,
but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen:
3. 15) God`s promise is that Eve`s `seed` will produce better brainpower, that
is, the futanarian species of `woman`s seed` will colonize the planets among
the stars of heaven above the Earth through her technological development, and
immortality`s permanence of memory will be conferred upon her race there. Jesus
was called `the Second Adam`, because he was futanarian `woman`s seed`, that
is, he was born uncontaminated by male semen, so was humanity`s `foot` to the
When his disciple,
Judas, wanted to sell the expensive perfume a woman brought for Jesus, Jesus
said, `Leave her alone.` (Mk: 14. 16)
His teaching was that she was `woman`s seed`, and that women should: `Love your
neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk:
12. 31) Taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem by soldiers
of the Empire of Rome then occupying Jewish Palestine as a `dissident`, Jesus
was nailed to a cross of wood where he died, before experiencing Resurrection
and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of `woman`s seed`.
Consequently, that was God`s promise of Redemption for all those who accepted
`woman`s seed`, whereas Christianity maintains ignorance in pederasty for war`s
human sacrifice by presenting Jesus` redemptive role as self-sacrificial, whereas
Jesus isn`t a self-sacrificer, or a self-murderer, but someone who was
illegally killed. In short, the Christian preacher confuses human sacrifice
with Redemption, although the catechism is true, `Jesus saves!` What isn`t true
is that the congregation understand it as anything but human sacrifice, which
is what God specifically orders the Jewish `chosen people`, before Jesus
`Christ`, `the chosen`, to abjure. The history of Christianity is that of war,
because its peoples weren`t taught anything other than acceptance of host womb
slavery for homosexuality in pederasty for war against `woman`s seed`, `dulce et decorum est pro patria mori`,1
that is, `it is sweet and fitting to die for one`s country`, whereas it`s human
sacrifice and anathema to God.
1 Horace Odes,
III, 2. 13, 23 B.C.