Written in the Indo-Iranian language,
Sanskrit, the Vedas (c. 1500-500 B.C.), Roman Latin cognate video,
‘I see’, form the basis of the Hindu religion in the subcontinent of India,
revised by Gautama Buddha (c. 563-400 B.C.), as the Buddhist religion, enhancing
some attributes of Hinduism, while desensitizing important aspects. Most
disinterested Western observers are aware of the chakra ladder, which is
a series of nodes along the spine, called ‘energy points’, identified by the
Eastern religions as representing the ascent of consciousness from the base of
the spine, Muladhara chakra, to the crown at the top of the head,
Sahasrara chakra, with Svadhisthana
(reproductive organs), Manipura (digestion/gestation), Anahata (heart),
Vishuddhi (throat), and Ajna (frontal lobe), between Muladhara and Sahasrara,
signifying the path of the awakening ego.
The goal of meditation for Eastern religion is
loss of ego, resulting in the end of the world of illusion, samsara, as
the individual awakens into reality. What has puzzled many commentators is the
number of arms possessed by the Hindu gods and goddesses. Whereas some
researchers aver that it’s metaphorical in that people sexually reproduce as
tribes, that is, families, so they have multiple valences based on skills
learnt and innate aptitude, other researchers assert that it’s a depiction of
an insect farm, for example, those with six arms, but the normative bipedal
human arrangement, are spiders. However, that ignores the highly specialized
nature of the forms, which are depicted holding phials and tools, etc., with
which to combat demons, for example, whose many arms grasping weapons
correspond to the multi-valences of the virus of hell that disease humans and
result in their decease, that is, they become uncomfortable and stop.
In Greek mythology, the god Chronos castrates
his father, Uranus, before throwing the genitals into the sea, whence the
goddess Aphrodite then emerges. Although the perception is that Uranus was
male, Jewish Midrash assert that the first man, Adam, was hermaphroditic,
that is, Uranus was a hermaphrodite, which means Rhea, Chronos’ wife, was the
castrated Uranus, while her ruse to have Chronos swallow a stone, rather than
Zeus, his son, as it was Chronos’ usual practice to devour his children, is a
further indication of women’s refusal to accept extinction as a race; they
won’t be stopped by disease. Although it’s clear that the woman Eve, created
from the rib or side of Adam by the creator, God, according to the Old
Testament of the Christian Bible, which is the Torah and Talmud of
the Jews, that is, their law and history, is the birth mate of a hermaphrodite,
what isn’t clear is that Jesus’ mother, the Virgin Mary, is hermaphroditic. What
is clear is that Mary is a type of Uranus for homosexuality, that is, Jesus
‘Christ’, ‘the chosen’, whose teaching is the New Testament of the
Christian Bible, which they believe supersedes Judaic law, born
uncontaminated by male semen, was women’s seed, called futanarian, which is why
he was killed, for preaching, ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ (Mk:
12. 31) However, homosexual propaganda is that he was born from Mary’s anus, as
he was one of theirs.
Depicted in Christian iconography crushing the
head of a serpent with her foot, that is, as Jesus is futanarian women’s seed,
Jesus is her foot, Mary fulfils a promise from God that the ‘seed’ of Eve will
prevail, after the angel, Satan, turned into a serpent for rejecting God’s plan
that the human species be greater than the angelic, persuaded Eve and Adam to
accept slavery in ephemerality, rather than immortality, ‘You shall crush the
head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.’ (Gen:
3. 15) For homosexuality, Mary corresponds to the castrated Uranus from which
Jesus emerges, as Zeus from his mother, Rhea, and who Chronos, the god of time,
prepares to devour. However, despite being caught with a woman by the
homosexual slavers, that is, the Pharisees, notified by the disciple of Jesus,
Judas, who gave Jesus to the Romans, then occupying Jewish Palestine, in the
name of their Emperor, Tiberius Caesar Augustus (14-37 C.E.), who took Jesus to
the hill of Calvary, outside the city of Jerusalem, where he was nailed to a
cross of wood, and died there, Jesus experienced Resurrection and Ascension to
heaven in prefiguration of women’s seed, which is the meaning of Jesus’
teaching in the New Testament, as women are a neighborly species that
breeds, but doesn’t wed into the ephemerality of acceptance of ring slavery by
a parasite on their human futanarian race’s host womb, as Jesus perceived ‘Leave
her alone.’ (Mk: 14. 6)
Homosexuality presents Jesus as being their
sexy kill, thereby promoting human sacrifice as Christianity, whereas he was a
man killed, after being found with a woman, as the homosexual slavers were
frightened that women’s seed would breed. The idea of women reproducing
themselves is evidenced in popular music videos, for example, in Britney
Spears’ ‘Lucky’ (2000) from the album, Oops! … I Did It Again and Kylie
Minogue’s ‘Come Into My World’ (2001) from the album, Fever, the
songstresses are depicted as replicated several times over. Although the
imagery is presented as merely novelty, the actual issue isn’t that women are
futanarian, which means that individuals are able to sexually reproduce without
an external agent, but copyright, that is, the ego wants to insist on the
uniqueness of its identity, which is what the Eastern religions warn against,
as it’s a species impediment to insist on singularity of personality.
Britney Spears, whose eponymous character in
the video, Lucky, is depicted being served by herself as ‘handmaidens’, and
Kylie, who in ‘Come Into My World’ presents herself as a type of the
indefatigable heroine in a video game, prepared to start again as avatars of
herself, in a way reminiscent of the movie Groundhog Day (1993), where
each relived day is the same as the day before, and actress Andie MacDowell, as
Rita Hanson, has to remember what happened the previous February 2nd
day to be successful in the course of her encountering the same people each subsequent
February 2nd day, is a recognition that success depends on losing ego,
as actor Billy Murray in the role of Phil Connors says, ‘Well, what if there is
no tomorrow? There wasn't one today.’1 That there are ‘others’ relates to the
fact that original humanity could reproduce itself, whereas castrated women’s
seed was taught an ego-centric philosophy that denied the possibility of sexual
replication, as time-travel is also pooh-poohed, whereas the idea that there
are earlier, as well as later selves, is in accordance with the fact of replication
as more than a metaphor for copyright obsessions.
Contrary to the perspective that imitators
pose a threat to copyright is the more realistic position that replicas
contribute to an oeuvre in which the career of the replicated grows in
stature, without any particular avatar being held to be the star of the show. From
a capitalist point of view that corresponds to Western ideas of communism as a
collective, insectoid mind, ‘from each according to his abilities; to each
according to his needs’, as German economics philosopher Karl Marx wrote in Das
Kapital (1867), which denies the unique person their special role as a
better worker for themselves and their own developmental progression to what
Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) called individuation,
that is, the self-actualization advocated by the Eastern religions.
In ‘Lucky’ Britney’s avatars are depicted as
inferior aspects who serve the star, which accords with Western capitalism’s
view of the collective as insects, for example, ants serve their queen, whereas
in ego-loss the selves of the star through time contribute to the whole, which
in becoming more successful poses a threat to the capitalist ethos of wage
slavery in that the self-replicating star, with many identities and
personalities, can work for themselves. Slavery is then the ambition of
companies, that is, those who run the ‘comps’, to prevent the individual star
from recognizing their true position in the firmament of heaven as travelers
through time and space. Making stars egocentric by raising copyright issues is
then a means whereby the slaver ensures a blinkered understanding of what a
star is, that is, a point in time that, extending neither forwards nor
backwards in space, constitutes an ephemeral directionless void, which perhaps
isn’t the truth in that, existing as past and future selves, a self-reproducing
star can utilize themselves to become much more magnified than theretofore,
which is the nature of women’s hermaphroditic seed.
The Covid epidemic, which began at a Wuhan
city hospital, Hubei province, communist China, traditionally the land of the
mythical dragon, in December 2019, killing upwards of 6, 000, 000 people
globally, before being declared endemic, that is, controllable by vaccine, such
as the Janssen one-shot, by the World Health Organization (WHO) on May 5th,
2023, was a company video, Co., vid, after the fashion of the Vedic scriptures,
written by apauruṣeya, ‘supermen’, presenting the multi-armed gods and
goddesses as embattled by multi-armed demons. Corresponding to Cov-SARS 2, after
Cov-SARS 1, emerging from a cave of bats in Yunnan province in 2002, was
controlled by 2004, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), the Covid 19 virus,
and named for the year of its advent, 2019, scientifically labeled as amongst
the type coronavirus, corresponded for Eastern religions to an attack by
demons on the Sahasrara crown chakra at the top of the head,
representing the zenith to meditating aspirants of what Carl Jung called individuation,
which recognition of the importance of loss of ego should result in the passing
of the world of illusion and awakening into ‘star’ reality, where the
individual, and their respective selves, existing in the past and future,
throughout time and space, develops as a multiple unity.
Although the pantheistic multi-person
solipsism of science fiction writer, Robert A. Heinlein (1907-88), in his 1980 space-car
alternate-reality time-travel novel, The Number of the Beast, rehashed
as The Pursuit of the Pankera (2020), from Deety Burroughs’ command to
the car equipped with her father Jake’s ‘continua device’ that is, from chapter
XVIII, ‘Zebadiah’, <> p. 173, “Gay Deceiver … Bug Out!”, is often
cited as the necessary corrective, in that the existence of people in the
universe is as a collective that agreed to be split off into components, and
what subsequently transpired is the efforts of the unity to remember
themselves, that’s communism, and/or wage slavery, whereas the idea that stars
can look up and down to help themselves is a form of capitalist
entrepreneurialism that slaving through companies would seek to suppress, which
is what Covid, as a video made by the ‘death comps’, signaled.
That people don’t visit their past or their
future is because they’re damned by the Masons, which is their secret
organization, as the slave labor comps need human damnation to continue
profiting from the misery they create, for example, the simian immune
deficiency virus (SIV), found by DR Congo in 1983, as an ‘incurable disease’
mutant variant transmitted, as the human immune deficiency virus (HIV), by
homosexuals mixing infected blood in each other’s anuses, during sterile
mockery of the act of human sexual reproduction, weakened the human system to
the point at which it was vulnerable to SARS, that is, AIDS/SARS was a
biological weapon conceived homosexually by sadistic devotees of the French
libertine writer, Marquis de Sade, whose 120 Days of Sodom (1875), was
instrumental in popularizing the homosexuality that inexorably produced de
Sade’s SARS, as an aspect of the vampire that doesn’t have sex for you, because
it interferes with its slaving of the blood bags of the remains of women’s seed.
Without any interest in sexual reproduction,
homosexuality is the basis of human slavery, for example, as a human sacrifice,
Jesus preceded all those sent to the front to fight wars urged on by the
homosexuals in their rears. Historically, the ancient Greeks institutionalized
pederasty, and the host womb enslavement of women, to produce soldiery for war,
for example, against the Persian Empire of Darius (499-49 B.C.), that is, as a
biological weapon, AIDS/SARS was homosexually prefigured. That AIDS was
discovered to have emerged by Africa’s DR Congo, all but a ‘satellite’ slave
state of the Soviet Union, that is, communist Russia, while SARS emerged in
China, as a phlegm throwing virus prequel to Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine, suggests
research into the deployment of such biological weapons. The disease of the
Tsars of Russia, before the October 1917 communist revolution, led by Vladimir
Ilyich ‘Lenin’, was hemophilia, where victims bleed profusely, without the
blood clotting, and perhaps die of what, for normal people, is a slight cut. Consequently,
Russia’s interest in blood disease, morbidly fixed at an early stage in that
country’s medical research, naturally developed into studies of East European
vampirism when opportunity afforded.
Although the slave ambitions of the German
Empire of Wilhelm II were defeated in World War One (1914-18), defeat of German
slavery again in the Second World War (1939-45) resulted in Russia’s refusal to
withdraw from those countries liberated in the course of its capturing the
German capital city, Berlin, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)
continued to exist as a system of satellite ‘soviet’ slave nations in thrall to
the USSR, until revolution in 1989, against the Soviet Empire, led to those
countries regaining independence, that is, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East
Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Romania, and the soviet system of decentralized
central control reconstituted as the Russian Federation in 1991.
Despite optimism, the election of Vladimir
Putin as President in 1999, ominously a former lieutenant colonel with the
intelligence agency, the Committee for State Security (KGB), revealed the
Russian plan to be a farmer of former slave states in that it invaded the
Ukraine on February 24th, 2022, as a field left fallow in its
independence from Russia since 1991, with the TOS 1 and 2 heavy flamethrower
system, as the main field weapon of the ‘Red Army’, corresponding to the ‘red
dragon’ (Rev: 12. 4) of Jesus’ disciple John’s apocalyptic vision of the
future, Revelation, as the Ukraine had but recently then applied to
become a member of the European Union (EU) of states, with its blue flag of
twelve stars, ‘And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed in the sun,
with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was
pregnant and crying out in the pain and agony of giving birth.’ (Rev:
12. 1-2) The child is the ‘Second Coming’ of Jesus, according to John, ‘he who
will rule the nations with an iron scepter’, although the appearance of
AIDS/SARS in the land of the mythical dragon, Red, that is, communist, China,
and the invasion of the Ukraine by the communist Red Army of Russia, suggests
Putin isn’t he, ‘The dragon stood before the woman, who was about to give birth,
so that it might devour her child the moment it was born.’ (Rev: 12. 4) In
Hindu terms, while Veda means what’s seen, invader is what’s seen by invasion,
for example, in English science fiction writer George Orwell’s 1984
(1948), the television watches you, which is where Hinduism has similarities
with Judaism, in that Eve and Adam are invasively monitored by the creator,
God, before the serpent physically invades their space which, as Adam, the
first man, is portrayed as hermaphroditic by Jewish Midrash, is a
metaphor for how the human futanarian species of women’s seed was enslaved as an
alien’s farm.
The serpent, who gives Eve ‘the fruit of the
tree of the knowledge of good and evil’, which it’s death to taste, worms its
way into the living core of the human brain, as the fruit of its disease, which
is why it equates with the slave virus suite, AIDS/SARS. Eve and Adam’s acceptance
of themselves, and their descendants, as the serpent’s coffin, directed by the coughin’
of the worm, through the cigarette virus, for example, smoking the penis of the
species of women’s seed down to its butt, is the ‘original sin’ of inviting the
corer, with its coffin, to pursue the human race to its grave, while looking to
profit from its efforts, and be immortal therefrom, as the human disappears in a
puff o’ smoke, its seed sterilized by the alienating homosexual alien, castrator
of the species of women’s seed, sundered thereby from its own human mode of
sexual reproduction, doomed to fight a sex war in ignorance of its being driven
by an alien to exterminate what’s left of itself, ‘You shall be as gods.’ (Gen:
3. 5)
In John’s apocalyptic vision, the serpent’s become
a dragon, while the term draco voivode, that is, ‘war dragon’, is a term
common throughout Eurasia for rulers like 15th century Prince Vlad
Dracul III of Wallachia, later modern Romania, the model for Irish writer Bram
Stoker’s vampire novel, Dracula (1897), whose impaling of his victims’
anuses upon sharp faggots is reminiscent of homosexuality, while Stoker’s
Dracula, situated in a castle in the Romanian province of Transylvania, is
depicted as immortal by drinking the blood of humans, draining from the jugular
through hollow incisor teeth, collapsing the organs of the body, before brain
death, which Russia with its history of hemophiles, in control of Eastern
Europe after WWII, examined credulously during the emergence of the ‘blood
plague’ (Rev: 11. 6), AIDS/SARS, associable as it is with being taken
from behind by a ‘beast’.
What’s interesting about the vampire legend is
the ability of the creature to confer immortality upon the victims whose necks
it bites, which is similar to Jesus’ promise of resurrection to his believers,
‘They were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it
and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is my body.” Then he
took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, “Drink
from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for
many for the forgiveness of sins.’ (Matt: 26. 26-8) Encouraging
disciples to drink human blood and be immortal is the teaching of a vampire, such
preying being symptomatic of the draco voivode, for example, the disease
featured in the draco video, Covid, with its symptoms of flatulence and
brain damage, evidenced in the Russian farters of Putin’s invasion of the Ukraine,
where the first stage TOS missile launch was a flammable vapor, followed by a
second stage fierily causing lung collapse, replicating the effects of SARS as
a complementary conventional weapon, designed to facilitate the dragon of war’s
invasiveness, as the property thieves of unscrupulous business chased the
living with their coffin, ‘The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to wage
war on the remnant of her seed.’ (Rev: 12. 17)
With blacked out images of women’s seed, racism against
women is what’s booted on ‘phone screens, as polished shoe bait tins for
parasites, and it can’t have escaped
anyone’s notice that ‘phone companies, like Demo’ Bile, and Serbia’s Yeh Till,
replacing Tell ‘n oar, seeming to have learned a lot from ‘ethnic cleansing’, stood
to gain if an individual died before using the balance on their account, while
the same is true of banking to a greater or lesser extent, that is, if the bank
is cashless, the legs of the breathless heart attack victim needs must stagger
further, urged on by the vampire of the brain worm there in it coffin, whereas
the hype over instantaneous computer transmission of data, over the internet
information superhighway, provided at a price by the telecommunications
companies, promising less stress, rather than more, in the daily lives of
people, turned out to be an additional form of brain slavery, demanding
constant brain engagement with passwords, and pin (personal identification
number) code keys, as the posthumously published anti-bank Robert Heinlein
novel, The Pursuit of the Pankera, recognized, ‘In our initial trouble with Panki we were always handicapped. Only
good luck and fast footwork kept us alive. Something was trying to kill us; we
didn’t know what or why. All we could do was run, abandoning everything we
could not carry - bank accounts, homes, machine tools, libraries, established
status, incomes, identities, even our home planet; all this was jettisoned to
save our necks. We were homeless orphans … with an inflexible deadline and no
way to meet it. We didn’t have time to fight Panki.’2 If the
objective is to keep the depositor off their balance, no one is able to.
66.6% (666) is the number of men and women
after the castration of the human futanarian species of women’s seed, who
although constituting that missing 33.3%, as they possess all of the host wombs,
are actually 100% human, ‘Let he that has wisdom have understanding. The number
of a man is the number of the beast and his number is six hundred three score
and six.’ (Rev: 13. 8) Men and women, as a single male brained creature,
wearing each other’s clothes as a transvestite TV, are a ‘number’ sexual, that
is, ‘the beast’, ‘The second beast was given power to give breath to the image
of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to
worship the image to be killed.’ (Rev: 13. 15) The TV, programed to kill
women’s seed, as an invading ‘war dragon’, adopts the same approach throughout the
socio-economic life of the ‘remnant’ of the human species, rather than allow stars
to take control of their own destiny, as English writer, Rudyard Kipling,
advocated in his 1896 poem, ‘L’Envoi’:
‘And no one
shall work for money, and no one shall work for fame,
But each for
the joy of the working, and each, in his separate star,
Shall draw the
Thing as he sees It for the God of Things as They Are!’3
Although self-sufficiency, comedically ridiculed
publicly, as in BBC TV’s preemptive strike against self-reliance, The Good
Life (1975-78), starring actor, Richard Briers, and actress, Felicity
Kendall, in their roles as Tom and Barbara Good, attempting to be
self-sufficient in suburbia, instantaneous telecommunications, as a form of time
travel, without being damned by the Masons in ephemeral slavery, would allow
each star to take control of their own destiny to raise themselves to the
heavens by virtue of perseverance in the pursuit of their own good, throughout
the space and time they’re inhabiting, past and future. Instead, what humanity
has is ethnic ‘L’Envoi’:
‘And only the
Master shall praise us,
And only the
Master shall blame’
In ethnic cleansing, which is the
extermination of those who’re different, for example, during World War Two the
German National Socialist (Nazi) leader, Adolf Hitler, elected Reichsführer
democratically in 1933, ordered the construction of ‘death camps’, where 6,
000, 000 Jews were systematically killed, after being directed to take a
shower, where poison gas was released instead of water, and the ashes of the
incinerated Jews were made into bars of soap for the guards to use, in lieu of additional
ribbon honors for their medals, also called ‘bars’, the ‘Master’ is a Mason,
rather than the creator, God, and the ambition, as with the Christian Serb
militia, during the Bosnian war (1992-5) for independence from the East
European proto-communist Balkans’ ‘superstate’ of Yugoslavia, is for the
‘master race’ of übermensch, ‘supermen’, to construct ‘rape camps’, in
that case for Moslem women of the nations of the religion of Islam, believers
in the Koran (610-30 C.E.), dictated by the angels of God to their
Prophet, Mohamed, according to Islamic tradition, and corresponding to the
Ukraine for the Red Army, where rape seed, having borne fruit, and become a
peaceful civilization, was ripe for farming by yet another ‘previous’ invader whored.
The Nazi ideology was that they were Aryan
descendants of the Indo-Iranian apauruṣeya, ‘supermen’, associated with video,
as an aspect of Hinduism’s Vedic scriptures, where invaders disrupt the picture
as ideally painted by apauruṣeya in the Sanskrit Vedas, for example, the
Mongol ‘golden horde’ of Genghis Khan killed 75% of the population of Iran between
1219 and 1221, as ‘farmers’, which is why the Nazis saw themselves as Aryan übermensch,
while the invaders of the Ukraine, backed by biblical imagery, viewed
themselves in the same way, as God’s ‘war dragon’ foreordained in Jesus’
disciple John’s vision of the apocalypse. Even Christians, taught that
homosexuals killed Jesus in a sexy way to promote greater human sacrifice,
believe Putin to be the predestined ‘Messiah’, sent to rule against the EU as Jesus
in his ‘Second Coming’ to the Earth, despite the facts belying the assertion,
that is, the ‘red dragon’ of Revelation is Satan, and Jesus isn’t identifiable
with the heavy flamethrower system of a fire-breathing dragon.
That ‘toss’ is a term for ejaculation, through
masturbation, further defines Putin’s TOS 1 and TOS 2 system. A disease
affecting the stem of mushrooms is stipe, which then rot, resulting in the head
falling off, as with the homosexually spread, ‘incurable killer disease’, AIDS,
where the mushrooming head of the penis itself is the source of the virus,
which then effectively beheads the victim in what’s analogous to the beheading
of the human futanarian species of women’s seed, by castrating it, and
preventing it from developing the science from brainpower it’d need to become
immortal and escape its enslavement to the draco parasite. Causing brain
damage, Covid 19’s AIDS related coronavirus is mushroom SARS, enabling draco
consciousness, identified by science as the more instinctual ‘reptilian brain’,
characterized by the four Fs; feeding, fighting, fleeing, and reproduction (fucking),
and existing at a lower level of human consciousness, where defense of
property, which of course requires an attempt to dispossess, is the main aspect
of warfare.
As the ‘Primal Brain’, the reptile corresponds
to the period before mammals in terms of human evolution, that is, the Kasimovian
age of the late Carboniferous period, 303.7-307 M.a., in the fifth interval of
the Paleozoic era, documented in the Old Testament of the Bible
in the shape and form of the serpent, Satan, who’d been an angel, but was
turned into a serpent by the creator, God, which reflects on the number of
cataclysmic historical events called ‘extinctions’ affecting the reptiles, who
once dominated the Earth, for example, ‘the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction
event’ 66 M.a., which saw the demise of non-avian (birds) dinosaurs,
contributed to the ascendancy of the mammals, with the neo-mammalian, or
rational brain, as opposed to the mammalian brain subject to direction from the
emotions, constituting the third part of a triunity normatively unaware of the
reptile brain unless activated by damage, causing a lashing out in violence of
an atavistic tail in a way that no longer corresponds to physical saurian attributes,
but is detectable in the symptomatic deployment by the Russian Red Army of its
TOS 1 and 2 heavy flame thrower against the Ukraine in war: ‘Their breastplates
were fiery red, dark blue, and yellow as sulfur. The heads of the horses
resembled the heads of lions, and out of their mouths came fire, smoke and
sulfur. A third of mankind was killed by the three plagues of fire, smoke and
sulfur that came out of their mouths. The power of the horses was in their
mouths and in their tails; for their tails were like snakes, having heads with
which they inflict injury.’ (Rev: 9. 17-19)
John’s endeavoring to explain how it is that
SARS virally produced flatulence, which was translated by the designers of
Putin’s Red Army’s TOS 1 and 2 flamethrower weapon into flammable sulfurous vapor,
by means of a first and second stage missile strike, fierily corresponding to
what was in the mouths of people, that is, the phlegm throwing virus, and in
their tails, that is, their anuses by their coccyx (sick cocks). As an
AIDS/SARS related bio-conventional ‘crown virus’ weapons’ system, TOS 1 and 2 are
dragon’s pit fires, ‘On their heads they wore something like crowns of gold,
and their faces resembled human faces.’ (Rev: 9. 7-8) As taunting, in
circles of hell, is what masturbation means for the baiting, rather than the
love of oneself, it’s human bacon for cannibals, preying on ‘long pig’, wheeling
around on the spit of pagan tires, which the car straight there of delayed
women’s seed baits, ‘They had tails with stingers, like scorpions, and in their
tails they had power to torment people for five months. They had as king over
them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon and in Greek is
Apollyon (that is, Destroyer).’ (Rev: 9. 7-11) For homosexuals, the zippered
fly is only the place trousering the maggot penis, as bait for the butchers of
homosexuality, who want meat and the ‘horn of plenty’,4 that is, the cornucopia
of productive flesh. Jesus’ nailing to a crucifix in the shape of an airplane
is a metaphor for the preempted journey of the human race of futanarian women’s
seed to the planets amongst the stars, but likely that flesh would only be a farmed
product anyway, as to paraphrase the song, ‘Achilles Last Stand’, sung by
Robert Plant of English rock group, Led Zeppelin, on their 1976 album, Presence,
‘The devil’s in his hole.’5 It’s a long way for women’s seed, from the airplane
to interstellar space travel, and colonization of the planets amongst the stars
of heaven.
In the aftermath of AIDS/SARS, as the
equivalent of mushroom stipe, it’s the type that people can still read, which
influences their understanding as propaganda, and East Europeans aren’t the same
type as that of the United States of America, for example, if they’ve been
taught that Jesus’ appearance is dependent on that of the fire-breathing
dragon, Putin’s their Messiah, as it’s what they’ll believe, and ‘Armageddon’,
which is described in the Old Testament of the Bible (Zec:
12. 10-12), and in John’s Revelation in the New Testament, as the
final battle between good and evil (Rev: 16. 17), is what they’ll
declare, on behalf of Putin, and Christianity converted by communist atheism.
In simple terms, the Eurasian brain, damaged by the KGB’s AIDS/SARS, as a stipe
type of virus, could believe Satan’s Jesus, resulting in mushroom clouds over
Western Europe, as a biblical sign of global holocaust, delivered by
intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMS), armed with nuclear warheads.
Hungary, neighbor of the Ukraine, is a member
of the EU, with its Schengen zone admitting of unhindered travel for citizens
of nation states within the borders of the ‘superstate’. However, in Hungary
the word for God is ‘Isten’, which means that there are worshipers of Isten
in the Schengen zone. For soldiers in WWII, a ‘sten’ was a machine gun zone,
that is, for former communists the Schengen zone of the EU is a gulag
approximating to the slave labor camps of Josef Stalin, the Russian leader, who
divided Poland with Germany, along the Bug river on September 17th, 1939,
for that reason, before Nazis invaded Russia in ‘Operation Barbarossa’ on June
22nd, 1941, for the same reason. For Hungary’s communists, in the
process of converting Christians to prey, Eastern Europe, that is, Isten,
corresponds to the ‘chine gun zone, where Hungary is its sten, although given
the role of the wage slavery comps in capitalism, his sten’s comprehensible as the
Western Schengen zone for a warrior of the ‘Cold War’ (1947-91), which although
it was the term used to describe the period of political resistance towards the
Soviet Empire by the occupied satellite slave nations, that the sten machine
gun was English, in the light of Britain’s withdrawal from the EU, from January
31st, 2020, accurately identifies the distinction between Europe and
the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, that is, NATO, whose allied nations
comprise those capable of delivering a nuclear ICBM deterrent to Russian
aggression, that is, the US, France and Britain, with France alone inside the
Schengen zone, representing the interests of those supermen’s comps.
1 Murray, Bill
as Phil Connors in Groundhog Day, Trevor Albert, Harold Ramis, 1993.
2 Heinlein,
Robert A. The Pursuit of the Pankera, XLVII, Zebadiah, Caezik SF &
Fantasy, Arc Manor, Rockville: MD, 2020.
3 Kipling,
Rudyard ‘L’Envoi’, The Seven Seas, Methuen and Co., 36 Essex Street, W.
C., London, 1896, p. 229.
4 Ovid, Metamorphoses, Bk IX, l.
87-88, 8 C.E.
5 Page, Jimmy, and Robert Plant ‘Achilles
Last Stand’, Presence, Swan Song, 1976.