The Second Coming
After Jesus` crucifixion and Resurrection he had Ascension
to heaven. Tortured and murdered after being nailed to a wooden cross by the
Roman legions in Palestine, Jesus` `Second Coming` was prophesied in the last
book of the Bible, the Revelation of St. John the Divine in
which Christ is born to `a woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her
feet` to `rule the nations with an iron scepter` as the `New Redeemer`. Jesus`
teachings aren`t of reincarnation but of Resurrection, which belies the `Second
Coming` unless it`s understood that Christ remains in heaven though having a
second sojourn upon the Earth. In the holy book of the Koran, the Moslem peoples` faith of Islam, which means `accept`, Jesus
has Ascension to heaven without being tortured to death, but a living effigy of
the Messiah is murdered upon the cross, which suggests Jesus can be in heaven without
dying upon the Earth . That`s supported in Christianity by the belief that
Jesus` Advent and Ascension is a single instant captured in eternity, and
although Christ was born he is simultaneously in heaven:
`The ascension is one of these telling moments that links
infinite place (heaven and earth), infinite time (the past, present and
future), and infinite relationship (God and humankind and all creation), all
coming together in Jesus.`1
According to biblical
tradition, Satan was the angel cast down from heaven to the Earth by God
because he refused to accept man. Consequently, he can`t be simultaneously upon
Earth and in heaven. In Eden Satan had the form of the `serpent` tempting Eve
to eat of the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, `You shall
be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) The ascent
of humanity after expulsion from Eden was dependent on work and childbirth.
Jesus` teachings were that mankind must have Redemption before it would be
possible for humanity to enter into heaven. According to God, Eve`s `seed`
would have `perpetual enmity` between herself and the `serpent`s seed` and
women have their own penis` semen as `futanarian` humans, which Jesus` birth
from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen, emphasizes.
Eve was told she`d
have pains in childbirth and Adam, the Anthropos or `original man` created by
God, was told he`d have to work to live, and they`d die, whereas before their
expulsion Eve and Adam had the `fruit of the tree of life`, which was
immortality. Because `the wages of sin is death`, that is, enslavement of the
human race is dependent on its ephemerality, Jesus` teaching of heaven after
the Resurrection is that there is no marriage there because it represents
possession by the `serpent`s seed` of men of the host wombs of the `futanarian`
woman with penis` `seed` of her own for the sexual reproduction of the human
species` brainpower for liberating herself from ownership and slavery through
technological development:
`At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given
in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30)
Because the human
species of woman with her own penis` semen should be in heaven, like Jesus,
Resurrection and a `new heaven and Earth` promised to her by God while the
`serpent`s seed` receive the punishment of eternal unendurable pain, that is,
perdition, represents the reemergence of the `futanarian` woman upon the Earth
and her continued existence simultaneously in heaven where she belongs without
men unless they have Redemption, which is acceptance of `woman`s seed`, that
is, Islam amongst the Moslem peoples of the Koran
where women wear the one piece coverall of the burkha so that only their eyes
can be seen and their `futanarian` penis` `seed` is hidden:
`The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that
she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would
be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent's reach.`
(Rev: 12. 14)
After giving birth to
Jesus in his `Second Coming` as the `New Redeemer` the woman is hidden in the
desert amongst the Moslem peoples of the Koran
in Islamic acceptance of the will of God by those nations of the Earth
symbolized by the eagle; for example, the eagle upon the Great Seal of the
United States of America as the symbol of the authority of the President of the
United States, who was George W. Bush Jnr during the war to depose Saddam
Hussein of Iraq after he offered bases to Al Qaeda, `the base`, when that
terrorist group hijacked civil aircraft on September 11, 2001, and crashed them
into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre in New York to precipitate `another
round of economic talks`. The Gulf war effectively ended when Osama Ben Laden,
the Saudi Arabian leader of Al Qaeda, was killed by US Navy Seal Team Six,
because symbolically it represented the eagles` defense of the hymen of the
sealed woman of the Earth who was hidden in the desert, that is, at the heart
of Islam, Mecca, where the shrine of Abraham is the most holy place on Earth
for the Moslem peoples in Saudi Arabia.
In Revelation `war in heaven` between Satan`s
`serpent`s seed` and the `seed` of the woman who`re persecuted upon the Earth
by Satanists precedes God`s gift of a `new heaven and Earth` to humanity, as
Satan`s `seed` are those who would attack themselves in heaven, because of
envy. Jesus` Advent and Ascension depicts what humanity is for the `serpent`s
seed`, which is something to be prevented from escaping through development, so
being devilled by `devils`, who once were `angels of God`, is what the
`serpent`s seed`, preventing woman as the human species from sexually
reproducing her own brainpower for liberation through technological
development, represent.
Because mankind is
God`s developing child, whatever prevents the infant from growing and
progressing is the `serpent`s seed` of men, because `woman`s seed` can sexually
reproduce her own `futanarian` independent socio-economy without men.
Consequently, 9/11, 2001, was an attempt to reestablish the socio-economics of
war and death on the `Greek` model of institutionalized enslavement of the host
wombs of women in homosexual pederasty to spread their contagion of war
further. In the Bible the `blood
plague` (Rev: 11. 6) of Revelation is sent by God to convert men
from their sin through metanoia, (Mk: 1. 4) which is brain conversion. It corresponds
to the HIV/AIDS` `killer disease` virus spread, like biological warfare, by
homosexuals` mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses during
mockeries of human sexual reproduction:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores
but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
Homosexual pederasty
and war`s contagions aren`t a metaphor; that`s what men are for. Their
socio-history reveals it as truth. The enslavement of the host wombs of the
human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` and capacity for
liberation through her own socio-economic development and independent
technological advance, so men can breed armies of young boys to kill each other
is no longer mysterious:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the
abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
Because men don`t
have any host wombs of their own, save for the women`s they`ve enslaved, men
don`t have any brains of their own, whereas women who have their own
`futanarian` penis` `seed` to sexually reproduce brainpower do. Consequently,
men correspond to the `serpent`s seed` of Satan if they don`t accept `woman`s
seed` and Redemption: `When the demon left, the man who had been mute spoke.` (Luke: 11. 14) The man couldn`t speak,
because he was possessed, and Jesus cast out the demon as Satan was cast out of
heaven by God for refusing to accept God`s new development. The man wasn`t able
to develop, because the demon didn`t want him to. The crowd condemns Jesus for
casting out demons by the power of Satan, but a woman amongst them disagrees:
`Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you.` (Mk: 3. 27)
She encapsulates the
meaning for both Christ and the crowd. Jesus` critics are the `serpent`s seed`
and he`s the `woman`s seed` born uncontaminated by male semen, so Christ is
from God and the critics aren`t, because they can`t be. Jesus Christ is the
only man on the Earth, because he`s a woman`s man from the host womb of the
human species without contamination by male `seed`, which is the Christian
message kept from the congregation by pastors` sermons on the ineffability of
God`s divine wisdom, whereas God`s plan for humanity is in fact explicated in
the Bible as Eve`s `seed`, because
she will:
`… crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she
leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15)
Her foot is the
`futanarian` human species of woman with her own penis` semen for the sexual
reproduction of her own brains` powers. Because Jesus` Advent and Ascension to
heaven is a single moment in time and space, the Resurrection of `futanarian`
woman on Earth and God`s gift to her of a `new heaven and Earth` is equivalent
to her Advent and Ascension to heaven, which she didn`t leave. The `serpent`s
seed` of Satan are those men who don`t want her to have Resurrection and leave
for the planets and stars, because they want her to remain in slavery and
ephemerality, without advanced medical science to ensure her longevity and
dissemination of the stored and remembered knowledge of her `futanarian`
species to her daughters.
From the beginning of
the Bible in Genesis God tells Eve her `seed` will leave in spite of the
`serpent`s seed` and its attempts to prevent her from escaping. Usually the
`seed` of Eve is interpreted as mankind but `woman`s seed` is Jesus born
uncontaminated by male semen, which means God`s `seed` is `futanarian` woman
with her own penis` semen`s capacity for sexually reproducing independently of
men, which is made explicit in the final book of the Bible, Revelation, where
the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` corresponds to
`Liberty`, that is, the statue of Liberty in New York harbor as a symbol of
`futanarian` woman giving birth once again without male semen to Jesus in his `Second
Coming` as the `New Redeemer`.
The woman who gives
birth to the `New Redeemer` in his `Second Coming` as Jesus Christ is `clothed
with the sun` of her victory in World War II (1939-45) after the sneak attack
upon the US Pacific fleet at Pearl harbor, that is, the `pearl of great price`,
which is `heaven on Earth`, by the flag of the red sun of the Japanese Empire
on December 7, 1941, and her triumph over the yellow moon of the flag of Al
Qaeda after the terrorist attack upon the World Trade Centre on September 11,
2001, which is the `pearl of great price` reflected in her birth waters of New
York harbor after the removal of Osama Ben Laden on May 2, 2011, by US Navy
Seal Team Six.
The World Trade Centre attack was the
beginning of a further round of `rough trade` talks, where rough trade is the
term used for the `brutality and violence` associated with homosexuals who pay
each other, that is, the subject of the discussion was the new socio-economics
of woman with her own penis` semen and capacity for sexual reproduction. Hidden
in the deserts of the Middle East
beneath their burkhas, women were able to breed their own brainpower as
the human species. The extreme misogynist Moslem fundamentalism of the Afghan
Taliban, from which the terrorist group Al Qaeda emerged, had discovered her.
In Western
democracies female nudity is common, but women aren`t, that is, women with
their own `futanarian` penis` `seed`, and she poses a threat to male hegemony
and enslavement of the host womb of humanity by the `serpent`s seed` of men.
Free of socio-economic enslavement to war and pederasty, women`s host wombs
reproducing human brains from her own penis` semen represents the new
socio-economics, which the destruction of the Twin towers of New York`s World
Trade Centre by Al Qaeda delayed. Reestablishing global `rough trade`, that is,
`brutality and violence` in homosexual pederasty, Al Qaeda destroyed the twin
pillars of Western civilization culture and art, that is, the World Trade
Centre, as the symbol of `futanarian` woman with and without her own penis`
semen, was seen to correspond to the five pillars of Islam in the Moslem faith
by the terrorists.
The five pillars are
pilgrimage to Mecca and the shrine of Abraham, the Kaaba, and the Al Qaeda
terrorists were visitors to the United States who betrayed their host at the
Twin Towers. Prayer and fasting are practiced to become closer to God, while
`witnessing` is, `There is no God but God`, that is, belief in the oneness of
God. The fifth pillar of Islam is `zakat` or charity, which the Al Qaeda
terrorists could have felt justified their attacking the Twin Towers, that is,
the West lacked charity. If God`s hand is to be seen in the events of 9/11,
2001, that is, the `cities of the plains`, which were Sodom and Gomorrah
destroyed by God for sodomy (Gen: 16,
19), New York and Arlington, Virginia, where a terrorist hijacked plane crashed
into the US Defense Department, the Pentagon, were the `cities of the planes`
and God was warning men against prosecuting each other in acts of `brutality and
violence` associated with homosexual pederasty and war.
A lack of
understanding for the position of Moslem women within Islamic culture as
`futanarian` humanity would be perceived by God, if not by Al Qaeda, the
Taliban, and other fundamentalist groups, as uncharitable, because women in the
West are depicted as extinct. Hollywood, Babylon, made a movie, World Trade Centre (2005), from the
events of 9/11, 2001, and the movie production code (1937-68) forbade women to
raise their foot from the floor in bedroom scenes with men until the
possibility of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen being seen in films
was inconceivable. The ancient seat of Saddam Hussein`s Iraq was Babylon who
was a woman enslaved, according to the Bible,
for the production of abominations from her host womb, that is, war and
pederasty, which is why Saddam`s Babylon is Hollywood`s. The woman of the Earth
can`t raise her `futanarian` species of humanity from the cutting room floor if
she`d edited out of the movie by Hollywood, Babylon, which prefers war in
homosexual pederasty and death to `Liberty`, symbolized by the statue of the
woman in New York harbor bearing the torch of freedom, `Liberty enlightening
the world`.
Earth is the planet
that explains that it`s not gay because it is. Women are taught they`re 50% of
the humans, but a woman with penis` semen of her own is 100%, while men can`t
sexually reproduce without her and so constitute 0% and a virus, which in the
21st century is endemic in computers as `bad machine code` created
by men who don`t want the system to function and `killer diseases` like
HIV/AIDS` `blood plague`, which tells the white cells of the body`s immune
system that it`s friendly before killing the body; like an unwitting host
invites a terrorist to visit.
At the `Last Supper`
Jesus was the host betrayed by Judas Iscariot to the Romans, and the ancient
Greeks deployed a huge wooden horse as a `friendship gift` before the walls of
Troy that the Trojans took into the city where the Greeks emerged to enslave
the host wombs of the Trojan women to spread pederasty and war further. The
Roman writer Virgil observes that the Trojans were warned, `Beware Greeks
bearing gifts.`2 Amongst those who write `bad machine code` their viruses are
`Trojan horses`, because of the `Trojan horse`, whereas `Greek` is a global
euphemism for homosexual pederasty, which would explain the Twin Towers as a
`system crash` for upstate New Yorkers living in Troy where `work like a
Trojan` is proverbially laudable, that is, US `political correctness` allowed
computer `geeks` to disguise `Greek` as `Trojan`, which meant that the system
was programed not to reject homosexual pederasty and war.
In the USA `Trojan` is
a condom brand name so the analogy of Troy and protection from homosexuality is
widespread, but `geek` writers of `bad machine code` in labelling viruses as
`Trojan` destabilized the body`s immune system if New York and the World Trade
Centre is perceived as having been `crashed` on 9/11, 2001, by `bad machines`
without the good `code` of the honored guest. The good code was programed out
of the system by `geeks`, who wrote the `bad code` as `Trojan horse` instead of
`Greek horse`, which would have helped to explain how it is that the word
`geek` derives from `circus geek`, where humans eat the heads of chickens as an
entertainment for spectators.
The World Trade
Centre disaster was filmed as an entertainment by the Hollywood Babylon media
and entertainment circus, because that`s what `geeks` do. If the correlation
between `geek` and `Greek` were made, `geeks` would be perceived as `bad
machine code` terrorists working `like Trojans` for homosexuality. The `Greek
horses` ridden by Al Qaeda at the Twin Towers of New York and Arlington`s
Pentagon, that is, the planes hijacked by the group on 9/11, 2001, to crash
into the twin pillars of Western democracy, that is, socio-economics, to
precipitate global `rough trade`, couldn`t be viewed as having been programed
by devouring `geeks` in homosexual pederasty and warmongering.
1 7 - 5 June sermon.pdf
2 Virgil The Aeneid,
Bk II, 19 B.C.