The Emergence of a Biological Precedent:
Saddam Hussein
Although HIV/AIDS didn’t seem to have a
biological precedent when it was discovered by Africa’s DR Congo in 1983, in
fact it’s antecedent was SIV, that is, the simian immune-deficiency virus,
which spread from monkeys to men who were homosexual. The human
immune-deficiency virus (HIV) spread from apes to men through homosexuals’
mixing blood, shit and semen in each other’s anus, so resulting in acquired
immune-deficiency syndrome (AIDS). The virus rose from the base of the spine to
the brain where ’the incurable killer disease’ killed it. Consequently, the
biological precedent of AIDS was simian and homosexual, that is, homosexuals
are ape men, which is why Satan was described as ‘the ape of God’, because
Satan apes God as homosexuals ape men in order to feign human adeptness, while
in fact being destructive and sterile parasites.
Parasitism began, according to the
Judeo-Christian Bible, when Satan, who’d been the angel turned into
a serpent and placed in the paradise of Eden that was heaven on Earth by God
for rejecting God’s plan that the human host would be greater than the angelic,
gave the first woman created by God, Eve, ‘the fruit of the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil’, which it was death to taste, and she gave some to
the first man, Adam, while the serpent, Satan, said: ‘You shall be as gods.’ (Gen: 3. 5) Death in ephemerality meant
slavery for a human race without long term memory and permanence, while the
‘red dragon’ of the serpent, Satan, grown to war was a concomitant of the
‘serpent’s seed’ of men’s god-like slaving of the host wombs of humanity living
perforce in ephemeral ignorance: ‘The dragon stood before the woman who was
about to give birth so that it might devour her child the moment it was born.’
(Rev: 12. 4) Although Eve is
described as created by God from the rib or side of Adam, it’s obviously a
euphemism for birth, and Adam is depicted in the Jews’ Old Testament of the Bible,
that is, the Torah and Talmud, which is their law and history, as a
hermaphroditic anthropos, who’s
capable of self-fertilization. Consequently, Adam is ‘woman’s seed` and Eve is
her daughter, and this is made clear when God tells Eve that her ‘seed’ will
triumph over the serpent’s enmity towards it: `You shall crush the head of the
serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.’ (Gen: 3. 15) Women’s human species of ‘woman’s seed’ is termed
Jesus’ mother, the Virgin Mary, who bore Jesus
‘Christ’, the Jewish ‘Messiah’, according to the New Testament of the Bible,
which is believed in by the Christians, is depicted crushing the head of the
serpent in Christian iconography with her foot, because Jesus is futanarian ‘woman’s
seed`, whose peaceful teaching during the occupation of Jewish Palestine by the
Roman Empire was, ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ (Mk: 12. 31) However, Jesus’ disciple,
Judas, catching Jesus alone with a woman, suggested the ‘perfume’ be sold, and
his response to Jesus’ rebuke was to sell him to the Jewish religious police,
that is, the Pharisees, for ‘thirty pieces of silver’: ‘Leave her alone.’ (Mk: 14. 6) Judas’ perception was that
‘woman’s seed’ was a threat to host womb slaving in the Empire of the
‘serpent’s seed’ of men, so Jesus was accused of dissidency and taken to the
hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem where he was nailed to a cross of
wood and died. However, his subsequent Resurrection and Ascension to heaven
prefigured that of ‘woman’s seed` whereas, as Jesus’ disciple, John, in his
apocalyptic Revelation of the future
saw, men of the ‘serpent’s seed` were the apes of Satan: ‘The dragon was wroth
with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.’ (Rev: 12. 17) in ancient Greece, the host
womb slaving of women in homosexuality in pederasty for war was
institutionalized, that is, ephemerality, slavery, simians, and homosexuality
are what Satanism is for. Consequently, AIDS is a biological precedent of
Satanism, which is described in Revelation
as the ‘blood plague’ (11. 6), because it’s the ‘biological weapon’ of ‘the ape
of God’ conceived in Eden. Eve’s son Cain killed his brother, Abel, because he
could cook, and so represented the more able individual capable of escaping
drudgery through technology, that is, he was an escaped slave. In short, Cain
was Satan’s ‘conventional weapon’ born in a ‘conventional marriage’. For
Judeo-Christianity monogamy results from ‘engagement’, which is also the term
used by fighters engaged in combat, because ‘woman’s seed’ had to be subjugated
by Satan’s apes. Consequently, a term like ‘conventional engagement’ fits a
pre-marriage scenario as well as war.
However, in the Islam of the Moslem peoples, four wives are permitted,
which affords the possibility of sexual reproduction for ‘woman’s seed’ within
Judeo-Christianity was founded by Isaac, son
of Abraham, and his wife Sara, who was barren thereafter, and so gave her maid,
Hajer, to Abraham. Hajer bore Ishmael, who founded Islam through his
descendant, the Prophet Mohamed, who received the Koran (610-30 C.E.) from the angels of God, according to Islamic
tradition. Although Christianity views the four wives of the Moslems as a
retroactive attempt to legitimize Ishmael’s birth from a woman unmarried, that
is, Hajer, and so make Islam illegitimate, polygamy is closer to God’s plan for
humanity, because it doesn’t want Satan’s apes. Consequently, when the
notoriously misogynist Taliban regime of Afghanistan trained the Al Qaeda
terrorist group led by Saudi Arabia’s Osama Ben Laden to hijack civil airliners
at Boston, Logan airport, Massachusetts, and crash them into the Twin Towers of
the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, to precipitate war with the
Moslem nations of Islam in the Middle East, it was ‘rough trade’, that is,
homosexual ‘brutality and violence’ in pederasty for war. When Iraq’s dictator,
Saddam Hussein, offered Al Qaeda bases in Iraq, and the US army invaded and
deposed him in March 2003, he was the biological President.
threat of biological weapons was always high on the agenda of the US and its
allies during that war because Saddam Hussein had already used poison gas
against the Iraqi Kurds, who were the people of Saladin. He had been the Islamic
leader during the Christian Crusades to capture the city of Jerusalem from the
Moslems, and had defeated the crusaders at the battle of Hattin on July 4,
1187. It was in the province named for Saladin that Saddam Hussein was born in
the town of Al-Awja near the city of Tikrit. However, what was known as the Al-Anfal
(‘spoils of war’) genocide (1986-9) perpetrated against the Kurds of Northern
Iraq during Iraq’s war with Iran, and epitomized in the Halabja massacre of March
16, 1988, when Iraqi troops used poison gas to retake the town from the Iranian
army in the closing stages of a war with Iraq that would ultimately end in
stalemate, was a large factor in the Arabs’ deciding to ally with the US in
removing Saddam Hussein as anti-Islamic. However, although the US’ cited Saddam
Hussein’s genocide against the Kurds, the nation of Kurdistan, and its people
dispersed amongst five nations and a large region of the Earth, subsequently
endured severe attacks from Turkey, which were still ongoing as the third
decade of the 21st century approached. Residing largely within Iran,
Iraq, Syria and Turkey, the Kurds were the victims of not only the biological
President, Saddam Hussein, but several incumbents representing what the Germans
call ‘zeitgeist’, that is, ‘the
spirit of the age’, which was that of the ‘ape of God’; homosexuality.